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Thursday August 25, 2016
Outcome: SWBAT to explain the origins of the three
monotheistic religions; Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
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Origins of Judaism
and Christianity
The three major religions that
originated in Southwest Asia are
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
All are based on monotheism, a
belief in one god.
Each religion has a sacred text,
or book, which is at the core of
its faith.
Each book is a collection of
writings compiled over time.
None was written by the central
figure of the faith.
Origins of Judaism
Judaism is the oldest of the three monotheistic religions.
It began as a set of beliefs and laws practiced by ancient
Hebrews (people in Southwest Asia)
Its book is the Hebrew Bible
 Torah
 Written by Jewish scholars with the intent of unifying
the Jewish community
 Jews believe that one day a human leader will come as
a messenger of God and bring about a golden age.
 They call this leader the messiah.
Origins of Judaism
The Bible names Abraham as the father of the Jews.
According to Jewish belief, God called to Abraham and made him an offer.
If he left his home and his family, God would make him the founder of a great nation and
bless him.
He and his family moved to Canaan (the promised land), in present-day Israel.
Abraham believed that everything was created by a single God, and he began to teach this
belief to others.
Core Beliefs:
Observance of the Law
 New covenant—God’s agreement with Abraham (pg. 41)
1) God declared that He would have a special relationship with Abraham and his descendants.
2) God declared that Canaan would one day belong to the Israelites. As a result, the Israelites viewed Canaan
as their “promised land.”
Mosaic Law
 10 Commandments (pg. 43)
 Set of laws that Jews believe God gave to them through Moses
 Prayers and worship
 Ethics and ritual
 Diet and food preparation
Divided and Conquered
Beginning with the Babylonians, followed by the attack of the Romans, the
Kingdom of Israel was eventually split into two Kingdoms (Judea and Israel)
The Jews were then sent out of Canaan and Jerusalem. This conquest
and collapse resulted in the Diaspora (When a group of people leave
their homeland and move to many different locations separately).
All of the world’s Jewish communities today that do not live in presentday Israel are part of the Jewish Diaspora.
When Romans attacked Jerusalem again in 70 CE, Jews moved away
from the land again, until the modern state of Israel was formed in 1947.
Origins of
Origins of Christianity
In 30 CE, a Jew named Jesus began preaching new ideas about
Judaism in Roman-controlled Judea.
According to the Christian New Testament, Jesus preached only to
his fellow Jews.
Jesus’ teachings were firmly rooted in Jewish tradition,
however he believed the old laws of Judaism should be replaced
by a simpler system based on love of one’s fellow human beings.
He began to grow popular, especially among the poor and women.
Jewish leaders did not want Jesus and the disciples to threaten
their power and asked the Romans to arrest him.
Origins of Christianity
Jesus was arrested, tried, and crucified by the Romans
The Romans found him guilty of speaking against Jewish
laws and sentenced him to death by crucifixion, or by
being hung on a cross.
He died in 33 CE, after preaching for only three years.
Origins of Christianity
Jesus had 12 close followers, or disciples.
Paul of Tarsus , a man who had never met Jesus spread his
message around the world. (In fact he has been among
those who persecuted Jesus’ followers)
Paul had a vision of Jesus after the crucifixion that told him
to teach Jesus’ ideas to non-Jews. He immediately converted
to the new faith.
Paul traveled to build churches throughout the ancient world in Corinth, Rome,
and other cities.
The New Testament records Paul’s journeys through a series of letters that he
Paul taught them how to live their lives in these letters which would become part
of the new testament.
Origins of Christianity
By 100 CE, the growth of Christianity was left to a new
generation of people who had never known Jesus and who
did not know Jewish laws.
Roman authorities fought the growth of Christianity.
Roman officials suspected Christians of disloyalty to Rome because
they refused to honor the emperor with sacrifices or honor the Roman
Christians were often arrested and killed.
Most Christians practiced their religion in hiding, but their
numbers continued to grow and the religion spread.
Origins of Christianity
By the early 4th century,
Christianity reached members
of the Roman emperor’s
In 313 CE The Roman
Emperor Constantine legalized
Christianity throughout the
Roman Empire.
He was not a Christian himself
However, his mother was a Christian
A new type of Christian church was
formed, the Catholic Church which
means universal
Origins of Islam
Origins of Islam
The Prophet Muhammad was an Arab born in 570 CE, in Mecca,
which is in present-day Saudi Arabia.
He was a merchant known as “al-Amin,” the trustworthy one.
According to Islamic tradition, in 610 CE, while he was praying in a
cave, he had a vision of the angel Gabriel, a figure in the Hebrew
The angel gave him messages from God (Allah), calling him to be
the messenger of God.
Muhammad devoted his life to spreading Islam. He urged Arabs to
give up their worship of pagan gods and to instead worship God.
Origins of Islam
Muhammad was forced to flee Mecca for Medina in 622 CE. This flight
is known as the Hijrah.
 He rejected traditional Arab gods which angered Mecca’s
merchants, who feared that neglect of their gods would disrupt
 Facing persecution Muhammad and some of his followers left
Mecca for Medina “the city of the prophet”
 The Islamic calendar begins at this date.
Muhammad created rules that governed and united Muslims and
brought peace among many of the clans of Medina.
As his reputation grew, thousands of Arabs adopted Islam.
By the time he died in 632 CE, Islamic control of central Arabia was
well underway.
Origins of Islam
When Muhammad died, Muslims disagreed
about who should be chosen to be His successor.
The split between Sunni and Shiite
The Shi’a comprise 10%—15% of Islamic
followers today and the Sunni comprise close to
Origins of Islam
The Five Pillars of Islam is the term for the
religion’s five main beliefs.
They are accepted by all Sunnis and
Shi’as, but the Shi’as have added several
other practices to form the Branches of
The Five Pillars
The Five Pillars are:
Believe in only one God and Muhammad is
his messenger.
Pray in the direction of Mecca five times a
Donate money to the poor.
Fast during the month of Ramadan.
Make a journey, or häjj, to Mecca at least
Origins of Islam
Islam has other rules, including what Muslims are allowed
to eat and drink.
Also, the Qur’an, their sacred book, explains a concept
called jihad (Jihad requires believers to meet the enemies
of Islam in combat).
Unlike the Torah and the Bible, Muslims believe the Qur’an
are the sacred words of God.