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Dr. Mohammad Aslam Chaudhary
Professor & Chairman
Department of Economics
University of the Punjab (New Campus), Lahore, Pakistan.
International (Journal) Papers = 30
National (Journals) Papers = 25
Books = 3
Research / Advisory Reports = 12
Others: (Consultancy Projects) = 10
Supervision of M. Phil Thesis = 25
Supervision of M. Sc. Thesis = 8
Experience = 25 Years
1. Agricultural Development and Public Policies, with Special Reference to Balochistan, Izhar
Sons/American Book Co., Islamabad, GOP Awarded Role of Honor.
2. Human Resource Development and Management In Pakistan (1999) (With A. Hamid), Ferozsons,
3. Globalization: Trade and Economic Liberalization in Pakistan (Editor), (2004), Ferozsons, Lahore.
DISSERTATION Ph.D: "Regional Productivity Inequalities, International Migration, Patterns and
Sources of Agricultural Growth in Pakistan, (1986 87)," Temple University, Philadelphia, USA.
Country Research Reports:
1. Trade Cooperation and Economic Reforms in South Asia (WTO), Country Study
conducted for EC. Presented in Conference on SAARC at Bangladesh Institute of
Development Studies, Dhaka, March, 2003.
Agriculture and Rural Development in Pakistan, (A country Research Report), 150 Pages,
(with M. A. Chaudhary) Islamic International Bank, (1994).
Deregulation of Drug Prices, Planning and Development Division, GOP (Consultancy
Project, pp-150, (2001-2).
Forestry in Pakistan, Contribution towards National Income, FBS, Consultancy Project,
GOP (2002), Pp-100.
Contribution of Small Industries towards National Income, FBS, Consultancy Project,
GOP (2002).
Socio-economic Background, Financial And Economic Analysis of Education Sector, NFE
for Rural Women, Country Report”, (1996), Pp-120. (Constancy Project of
ADB/Management and Productivity Center, Philippine, Manila, Worked as Local Team
“Employment and Income Generation In Sahiwal, Pakistan, Research Study”, (1996), Pp100, (with M.A. Chaudhary), (for Asia Foundation, of USA).
8. “Small Businesses, its Contribution and Public Policies in Pakistan”, Research Report,
(1995), Department of Economics, Quaid-I-Azam University, pp-70.
WTO: Trade and Economic Liberalization Reforms and their Impacts. Country Study,
EU/SAARC, (2003), 110 pages.
"Magnitude of Unemployment, Rural Unemployment and Employment Policies in
Selected Muslim Countries", (1996), presented to IDB/IIU, IBD.
Debt Laffer Curves for Pakistan and India, will there be Liquidation? The Pakistan
Development Review, 2002.
”Small Industrial Growth and Their Constraints in AJK, (1998-2000), Pakistan Journal of
Social Sciences, 1998-2000, Pp.107-122, Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad.
Economic Development and Emerging Economic Issues in Pakistan, report prepared for
1. Export Earnings, Capital Instability and Economic Growth In South Asia, The Lahore
Journal Of Economics, 2003, pp-65-90 (with Naveed A.).
2. Trade Instability, investment and Economic Growth in Pakistan, Pakistan Economic
and Social Review, Summer, 2002.
“Comparative Advantage, Complementarity, Market Diversification and Trade Instability:
A Case Study of Pakistan,” 2001, December, Journal of Economic Integration. (With M.
4. Return Migrants and Transfer of Technology in AJK, (June, 2002) publication,
Journal of Economic Integration, (pp. 339-362), (with N.A. Hamdani).
5. Pakistan’s Economy: Past Trends, Current Situation and Future Prospects,” Economic
Journal of The Chiba University, Chiba, Japan,1999, (With K. Abe).
6. The Changing Pattern of Trade and Economic Relations in Pakistan, Japan and ASEAN
(A Comparative Analysis), Economic Journal of The Chiba University, Japan, June,
2001, (With K. Abe).
7. Unemployment, Under-employment and employment Generation Prospects in Pakistan,
see in Pakistan: The Political Economy of Human Resource Development, by Karmat Ali,
Vanguard Publishers, Lahore, 2001, (with A. Hamid).
8. Pakistan: WTO and Economic Reforms, (2003-4), in Globalization: Trade and
Economic Liberalization in Pakistan, edited by M. ASLAM. Chaudhary and E. Ahmed,
Ferozsons , Lahore.
Globalization, Competition and Market Diversification (A Case Study of Pakistan),
(2003-4) in Globalization: Trade and Economic Liberalization in Pakistan, edited by M.
ASLAM. Chaudhary and E. Ahmed, Ferozsons , Lahore. (Also Published in JEI, see srl. #3)
The Changing Pattern of Pakistan, Japan and ASEAN Trade and Their Economic
Relations, in Globalization: Trade and Economic Liberalization in Pakistan, edited by M. A.
Chaudhary and E. Ahmed, Ferozsons , Lahore, ( Also published in EJCU, see srl. # 6 above).
11. Small Industrial Development in AJK: A Case Study of Muz’abad District, (1998-2000),
Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences, QAU, Islamabad, Pp-107-22, (With .. Hamdani).
12. “Volatility of Money and Monetary Policy in Pakistan”, (1997), Pakistan Economic &
Social Review, (With A. Khan).
13. Foreign Debt, Dependency and Economic Growth in South Asia, (2002), J. of the
Institute of Bankers in Pakistan, Pp-23-48.
Resource Mobilization and Tax Elasticities in Pakistan, Pakistan Economic and Social
Review, 2001, (With A. Ahmed).
15. “Money Supply, Deficit and Inflation In Pakistan”, (1995), The Pakistan Development
Review, (with Naveed, A).
"Sources and Impact of Inflation In Pakistan”, Pakistan Economic and Social Review,
1996 (with Naveed A.).
"Macroeconomic Policies And Management of Debt, Deficit and Inflation In
The Pakistan Development Review, 1996, (With S. Waseem).
"Instability of Foreign Sector And Economic Growth in Pakistan", Pakistan Economic
and Political Review, (1996), (with A.H. Qaisrani).
19. "Extensive And Intensive Growth Pattern of Major Crops in Pakistan", Economic
Journal, Lahore, (1996), PP.27-42.
20. "Regional Agricultural Underdevelopment, Green Revolution and Future Prospects in
Pakistan", (1994), The Pakistan Development Review.
21. "Pakistan's Foreign Dependence, Its Capacity for Debt Repayment
& Future
Prospects", Pakistan Economic and Social Review, (1993) (With S.S. Ali, pp.39-62).
22. "Impact of Foreign Aid on Savings and Economic Growth in Pakistan", Economic
Journal, (1993), Lahore.
23. The Bomb of Foreign Debt: A Case study of Pakistan, Pakistan Journal of
Economics, 1996.
24. “Green Revolution, The Engine of Agricultural Growth: Is It Out of Steam?” (1995),
Journal of Economics, Peshawar.
25. “Unemployment
in Pakistan, Pakistan Economic and Social Review, ” (1998), (With A.
26. "Economic Growth and Regional Disparity in Production Activities in Pakistan), Pakistan
Economic & Social Review, " (1990).
27. "Modeling Industrial Growth and Agglomeration Economies in the Manufacturing Sector
of Pakistan. The Pakistan Development Review,"(1989).
28. ”International Debt or Self-reliance: Trends and Options for Pakistan”, (1988), The
Pakistan Development Review.
29. "Resource Gap in Economic Growth: Dependence on External Resources",(1989), J. of
The Institute of Bankers in Pakistan. (With Dr. G. Mustafa).
30. "Farm Size Structure and Agricultural Productivity, A Case Study of Balochistan,
(Pakistan)”, (1988), Economic Journal, Lahore.
31. "The Sixth Plan - Basic Needs as a Goal of Economic Planning, Success and Failure",
(1988), J. of the I. of Bankers in Pakistan.
32. "Dynamic Impact of Population Growth on Agricultural Transformation in
(1986-87), The Journal of Development Studies, (Pakistan).
33. "Technical Change and Regional Agricultural Growth in Pakistan", (1986-87), The
Kashmir Development Review.
34. "Food Self-sufficiency, Agricultural Adequacy and Impacts of Green Revolution in
Pakistan", (1985), Pakistan Economic and Social Review.
35. "Choice Between Foreign Aid and Self- Reliance", Cover Story, Pakistan and Gulf
Economist, Feb., 1989.
36. "New Dimensions of International Economic Order", J. of the I. of Bankers in
Pakistan, Dec., 1990.
37. Comments on "Determinants of Income Tax Base in Pakistan" By A. Khan,
The Pakistan Development Review, 1992.
38. "Human Resource Planning and Imbalances in Pakistan", Conference Proceedings
of the Seminar on Human Resources 1994, Pak-AIM, Lahore.
39. Comments on "National Roads Requirements," The Pakistan Development Review,
40. Comments on "The Impact of GOP's Wheat Pricing Policy on Flour Prices by Joseph S.
R. Jr. & S. R. Khan, The Pakistan Development Review, 1993.
41. Inter-Household Transfers And The Poor: Pakistan’s Experience, Pakistan Journal of
Applied Economics, 1998, Vol. XIII No. 2, (245-255).With N. S. Sherizi and M. Naeem).
42. "Technical Progress and Factors Substitution in Pakistan's Agriculture," Economic
Journal, 1998.
43. Social Institutions, Peer Groups and Economic Deprivation in South Asian, Economic
Journal, (2000), Lahore.
44. Fiscal Policy, Optimal Debt, Deficit, Inflation and Economic Growth In Pakistan",
Pakistan Development Review, (with S. Waseem), 1996.
45. Foreign Debt, Dependency and Economic Growth in South Asia, The Pakistan
Development Review, 2001.
46. Employment Prospects and its Contribution in Agricultural Sector, 1999, Economic
Journal, (With N. H Hamdani).
The Sixth Plan: Welfare of the Common Man”.
Pakistan's Dependence on Foreign Loans by 21st Century", The Pakistan Times, Feb., 27,
1989 (with Dr. G. Mustafa).
"Rapid Rise in Foreign Debt", The Dawn, Feb., 27,1989,(with Mustafa).
Published abstract views of the research paper on Unemployment and Employment Prospects
in Pakistan, The DAWN, July 25, 1996. Paper presented in IBA Conference, July 20-24, Karachi.
Submitted for Publication
1. Impact of Monetary Variables on Pakistan’s’ Balance of Payment.
2. Macroeconomic Impacts of Budget Deficit on Pakistan’s Foreign Sector.
3. Budget deficit and credit creation’s impact on foreign sector of Pakistan.
1. "Socio-economic Study and Transport Demand Forecast, National Transport Plan Study", (Three
Volumes), Counterpart, JICA Study, Pakistan Planning Commission, Government of Pakistan,
1987-88, Islamabad, Pakistan.
2. “Economic Space Standards for Housing and Government Offices, Counterpart/Member, 91-92.
Health Count Facilities in Pakistan, Counterpart/Member, 1991-92.
4. Preparation of the Seventh and Eight Five Year Plans/Evaluation, (1988-93), Pakistan Planning
Commission, Government of Pakistan.
Economic Development and Current Issues in Pakistan, (manuscript).
Planning Horizon, Liquidity Constraints and Ricardian Equilivance.
Government Indebtedness and Debt Neutrality.
Debt Rescheduling, its Impacts and Future Fears.
1. Debt Management. Dependency And Policy Alternatives For Pakistan, (1993), (SA).
2. Technical Progress, “Factor’s Substitution in Pakistan’s Agriculture (RP), 1994
3. Dependent Growth, Foreign Borrowing And Its Future Prospects; A Comparative
Analysis of Pakistan and India (JI), 1994).
Monetary And Structural Sources of Inflation In Pakistan (NA), 1994.
5. Human Resource Management, and Unemployment in Pakistan (AH), 1995.
6. Determinants of Public Revenue, Expenditures and Resources Mobilization in Pakistan
(SW), 1996.
7. Foreign Trade, Export Instability And Economic Growth in Pakistan (AQ), 1996.
8. Money Growth and Credit Creation In Pakistan (AK), 1996.
9. Structural Adjustment and Poverty: A Sectotral Analysis for Pakistan, (18996), (MN).
10. Balance of Payment Disequilibria and Economic Growth: A Case Study in Pakistan
(AK), 1996.
11. Regional Income Disparity and Underdevelopment In Pakistan (SR),1996.
12. Dynamic Behavior of Investment, Savings And Economic Growth in Pakistan, (TM),
13. Foreign Remittances and Poverty: A Case Study of Pakistan, (NA), 1996.
14. Public Sector Deficit, Its Determinants, Measurement and Macroeconomic Linkages: A
Case Study of Pakistan, (SWA), 1996.
15. Technology Transfer And Re-Employment Pattern of Return Migrants, A Case Study of
AJK (SNH), 1997.
16. Dependency and Economic Growth in South Asia (SP), (1997).
17. Socio-Economic Change and Pattern of Household's Consumption and Saving in
Sahiwal (Punjab) (SR), M. Phil, (1997).
18. Industrial Growth and Constraints in the Sahiwal District, Punjab M. Phil., (1997).
19. Socio-economic Change and Pattern of Household Consumption and Savings in
Sahiwal (Punjab), 1998.
20. Small Industrial Growth and Constraints in Sahiwal District (Punjab), 1998 (SR).
21. Pakistan’s Foreign Trade: Its Instability and Future Prospects, (MS), 2001.
22. Liberalization and Integration of Asian Markets in Selected South Asian Countries, 2001
23. Budget Deficit and Its Impacts on Macroeconomic Variables in Pakistan, 2002. (SA).
24. Government Expenditures, Budget Deficit and Ricardian Equiliance. A case study of
South Asia, 2002, (MM).
25. Dynamics of International Debt and Economic Dependency: A Case Study of selected
South Asian Countries. 2003. (NR).
1. Evaluation 8th Plan and Planning Failure in Pakistan, (1995).
2. Employment Pattern and Employment Prospects in Manufacturing Sector of
Pakistan, (1995).
3. Rural Poverty In Pakistan: Recent Findings, (1996).
4. Deprivation and Urban Poverty in Pakistan, (1996).
5. Agricultural Pricing Policies and Output Responses in Pakistan, (1996).
6. Foreign Capital Inflows, Their Impacts on Savings and Investment, (1996).
7. Private and Public Investment and Economic Growth, (1997).
8. Dynamic Private Expenditure Function for Pakistan Economy, (1997).
1. Member, Task Force For Renewable Funds Policy Reforms, GOP, (1996).
2. Member Pakistan Society of Development Economist, Islamabad, (Attended annual
conferences 1987-todate).
Mackay Lecture, Lecture by Phyllis M. Deane, of Cambridge, University of
Pittsburgh, USA, 1981.
4. Prof. Kenneth E. Boulding's Lecture at Temple University, Philadelphia, USA, 1982.
5. Lecture by James Tobin, at Temple University, USA, 1984.
6. Attended AEA Meeting at New York, USA, 1984 & 1985.
7. South Asian Economic Crises, Lecture by L. Klein, 1998, Japan.
UNDP Conference on International Debt (Legal Aspects), Colombo, Sri-Lanka,
9. Distinguished Lecture Series, Department of Economics, Quaid-I-Azam
University, Islamabad.
10. Uruguay Round, WTO and Their Implications for Developing Countries, (1996).
11. Workshop on "Unemployment in Muslim Countries, IBA Conference on Business
and Economics, 1996, Karachi. (Presented research paper).
12. Workshop on "Promotion of Small Scale Enterprises In Pakistan", Islamabad,
PIDE/FES, 1995.
13. International Islamic Bank/IIU, (1994), Islamabad.Banking, Industry and
Employment in AJK, July, 1997, Muzaffarabad (Conference Co-sponsored by
14. ASEAN Crisis and Its Implications for Pakistan, Holiday Inn, Islamabad, (1998).
15. Attended Mid West Economic Association's Meeting at Philadelphia, USA, 1986.
16. Attended PSDE Meetings, 1988-95 at Islamabad.
17. Conference on "Human Resource In Pakistan, Pak-Aims, Lahore, 1994.
18. International Conference on Ethics and Moral Values, Chiba University,
Chiba, Japan, 1999.
19. International Conference on: Globalization: Pakistan-Japan Trade and Economic
Relations, QAU, Islamabad, 2000.
20. Pakistan Society of Development Economists, PIDE, Conference, Islamabad, 2001,
21. EU Conference on: Regional Cooperation and Economic Policy Reforms in South
Asia, Dhaka, March 2003.
 WTO: Trade Cooperation and Economic Reform in South Asia, A
Pakistan,150-pages. Country study for EU-TRACE project, 2003.
Case Study of
 Pakistan: WTO and Economic Reforms in Pakistan, 2003-4,In Globalization: Trade
and Economic Liberalization in Pakistan, Ferozsons, Lahore.
 WTO: Economic Reforms in Pakistan in India, 2003.
 Pakistan’s Trade Instability and Trade Prospects with ASEAN and Japan, 1998-99,
Japan Foundation, Tokyo, 100 Pages.
 International Debt or Self-reliance? Trend and Options for Pakistan, (1989), The
Pakistan Development Review, PIDE, Islamabad.
 New Dimensions of International economic Order, (1992), J. of The I. of Bankers in
Pakistan, Karachi.
 Instability of Foreign Sector And Economic Growth In Pakistan, (1996), Pakistan
Economic And Political Review, Pakistan, (with A.A. Qaisrani).
 Export Instability , Investment And economic Growth In Pakistan, Accepted in J. of
Economics and Statistics, Islamabad (With A.A. Qaisrani).
 Impact of Foreign Aid on Savings and Economic Growth in Pakistan, Economic
Journal, Lahore.
 The Bomb of Foreign Debt: Is There Any Way to Escape? (1996) , Pakistan J. of
Applied Economics, Karachi, (With S. Ali).
 Choice between Foreign Aid and Self-reliance, (1989), Cover story, Pakistan And
Gulf Economists, Islamabad.
 Comparative Advantage of Pakistan’s Exports, Their Instability and complimentarity,
Journal of Economic Integration.
 The Changing Pattern of Pakistan’s Trade and Its Future Prospects, Chiba
University Economic Journal, Chiba, Japan, 2002.
 Debt Laffer Curves, under submission.
 Dependent Growth and Foreign debt of South Asia, presented in PIDE conference,
 Foreign Debt and Dependent Growth in South Asia, (2002), J. O. The Institute of
Bankers in Pakistan.
Agriculture: WTO And Market Access
WTO And Import Licensing
WTO And Net Food Importers
WTO And Competition
WTO And Domestic Support Trade Growth and Balance of Payment in Pakistan.
WTO and Import Licensing.
WTO And Net Food Importers.
WTO And Competition
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