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Lab Station 1
1. Describe how the universe was formed:
2. Define Nebular theory:
i. Where is most of the mass found in the solar system?
ii. Explain how the solar system developed.
iii. Which formed first, the planets or the sun?
Lab Station 2
1.List the four main categories of stars. Describe which are hottest, coolest, brightest, dullest, biggest and
smallest. Which type is our sun?
2.Nuclear Fusion:
i. What elements are involved?
ii. What happens in each step?
iii. Where does it occur?
iv. At what temperature does it occur?
Lab Station 3
1.The Sun:
v. Draw and List the 6 layers
vi. Write 3 characteristics of each layer.
vii. What is the innermost layer?
viii. Which layers compose the atmosphere?
2.Explain how convection and radiation work? Which layers use these two methods of heat transfer.
Lab Station 4
1.Describe the following (from 28.2)
ix. Sun Spot
x. Magnetic Storm
xi. Solar Flair
xii. Prominence
xiii. Aurora
Draw the ocean floor on (ICB p.374-375) and label and define the following fetures: Continental Crust,
Continental shelf, Oceanic crust, Subduction Zone, Deep ocean trench, Mid ocean ridge, Island chain,
Lab Station 5
In sentences how they are formed.
1. For Trench,
2. Mid Ocean Ridge
Island chain explain
4. In 5 sentences explain why the ocean crust is younger then the continental crust and how this is
evidence for the sea floor spreading.
Lab station 6
11. Draw and label the following Plate Boundary types:
12. In the diagram above, which of the following has formed at A?
13. According to the diagram above, what is occurring at point B?
Lab station 7
H-R Diagram
Use the diagram on the bottom to
answer the following:
1. Most stars belong to this category________ _______________.
2. Which star is the brightest white dwarf?
3. Which star is hottest supergiant?
4. What color is Deneb?
5. What temperature is Sirius B?
6. This star is a red Giant.
7. What temperature is Bernard’s Star?
8. Which star is the dimmest (least bright) on the chart?
9. What category is the hottest star on the chart?
10. What color are the coolest stars?
11. What category of stars is hot but not very luminous?
12. If you know a stars color, you can determine it’s _____.
13. The H-R Diagram is based on what two criteria?
Lab Station 8
Galaxy Mystery Sheet
Directions: Next to each number write the correct type of galaxy and its relative age
(spiral, elliptical, or irregular and young, old, oldest).