Download Probability - Schenectady City School District

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Enhancing Your Curriculum using unitedstreaming™
Schenectady City Schools
Grade 3
Pam Brumbaugh
[email protected]
Hamilton Elementary School/Schenectady City School District
Lesson Description
Students will learn about probability/chance through the use of unitedstreaming,
spinners, dice, and other random generators. Students will learn about sample
space and the likelihood of events.
Student Objectives
The students will:
create tally charts and tree diagrams
list sample spaces for events
determine if an event is likely, unlikely, certain, impossible
Probability unitedstreaming video found at:
unitedstreaming word prompt- certain, likely, unlikely, impossible events.
blank paper and an empty coffee can
6-sided dice
NYS Learning Standards Skills and Processes
Math- Statistics and Probability Strand
Collection of Data
3.S.2 Collect data using observation and surveys, and record appropriately
Organization and Display of Data
3.S.3 Construct a frequency table to represent a collection of data
National Educational Technology Standards for Students
Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity.
Students develop positive attitudes toward technology uses that support lifelong learning, collaboration,
personal pursuits, and productivity.
Focus on Vocabulary
Tally chart
Sample space
Tree diagram
Go to Type in the code T13FE-DEEB. Watch the video. Students may
watch the video again at any time throughout the unit.
Use a coffee can to trace 2 circles on a blank sheet of paper. Use one circle to create a spinner with ¼
chance of spinning blue. Use the second circle to create a spinner that has 3 different colors and has a
½ chance of spinning red.
Get a paperclip and a pencil to spin on your new spinners. While your partner spins 100 times per
spinner, tally the data on your tally charts. When finished, count the tallies for each result and write it
as a fraction of 100. Reduce the fractions if possible. Compare the results to the fraction in the
List the sample space for one 6-sided die. Make a tally chart with the possible outcomes. With your
partner, roll the die 60 times and tally the results. Compare the results to the possibilities in the
sample space.
Create a tree diagram that lists the sample space for rolling two 6-sided dice. With your partner, make
a tally chart and record the outcomes of 100 rolls. Count the results and write them as fractions.
Extending the Lesson
For extra credit, students can create a tree diagram that shows the sample space of the following: a coin, a 6sided die, and a fair spinner with red, green, blue, and yellow spaces. Students can perform the experiment,
recording the results in a tally chart.
Observe students as they complete activities and evaluate activities completed throughout the unit.
Students will create original games that use fair spinners, dice, or other random generators.
Credits and References
Discovering Math: Probability (Grades 3-5). Discovery Channel School. 2005.
unitedstreaming. 5 March 2007