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The Money Masters
Available at YouTube
Money master is a thought provoking non fiction and historical documentary that traces
the origins of political power structure which rules our world today. The modern political
power structure has its rots in the hidden accumulation and manipulation of gold and
other forms of money. Some questions must be raised before going further.
Why are we under so much of debt and why can we control it?
Who issues the money and why is it so important?
Why is it so that despite of booming economies the purchasing powering of
middle class is going down rapidly?
It’s all about the history of money lenders, which in modern world are called bankers.
Facts are shown that right from the start they tried to control the wealth so that they can
drive the world economic system for the benefit of few rather than all. Consider money as
a commodity which everyone wants. If you have the monopoly over the commodity
which everyone wants but nobody has enough of money then there will be thousands of
ways to earn profit and exert tremendous political influence.
One of the founding father of America Sir Thomas Jefferson said: “If the American
people ever allowed private banks to control the issue of their currency, than first by
inflation and than by deflation, the banks and the corporations which grow up around
them will deprive the people from all their property until their children wake up homeless
on the continent their fathers conquered”.
Basically focus is on American system of Federal Reserve and further that FED is a
private organization which solely works for its profit. In 1913, American gave an
independent central bank but the idea was not new:
Goldsmiths and Fractional Reserve Banking
In the medieval England, money lenders were controlling entire British economy. These
were not bankers, money changers were goldsmiths. They were the first bankers because
they started to keep others gold for safe keeping in their vaults. The first paper money
was merely a receipt for gold left to the goldsmith. Paper money was convenient to carry.
Eventually goldsmiths noticed that only a small fraction of borrowers ever came and
demanded for the gold at single time. They started cheating on the system. They printed
more money than what they had gold in their reserves and than collected interests on it.
This was the birth of fractional reserve banking. Fractional reserve banking is loaning out
many times more money than what you have in your assets. For example: If you $1000 of
gold deposited to you than you can loan out $10000 of paper money and draw interest on
it. Today every bank is allowed to practice fractional reserve banking. So if they are
charging 8% on it, its not 8%, its 80%. That’s why the banks buildings are the largest in
the town.
Goldsmiths realized that profits can also be made by rowing the economy between easy
money and tight money. When they made loans easier to borrow, money was plentiful,
amount of money in circulation expanded, people took out more loans to expand their
businesses but than they tightened the money supply. They made loans difficult to get.
What would happen?
Like today certain percentage of people will not be able to pay back their loans and could
not take out new loans to pay the old ones. Therefore they went bankrupt and had to sell
their assets to goldsmiths for pennies on the dollars.
Same thing is still going on today and we call this rowing of economy as business cycle.
Jesus and Money changers
In the Bible, 2000 years ago, Jesus (PBUH) drove the money changers from the temple. It
was the only time Hazrat Esa (PBUH) used force during his ministry.
What were the money changers doing in the temple?
When Jews came to Jerusalem to pay their temple tax, they get only paid with a special
coin. This was only pure silver coin at that time and had assured weight. They thought
that it’s the only coin acceptable to God but these coins were not plentiful. The money
changers had cornered the market on them. Than they raised the price just like any other
commodity. In other words money changers were earning huge profits because they have
great monopoly over money. They Jews has to pay whatever they demanded, to Jesus
(PBUH) this totally violated the sanctity of God’s house.
Roman Empire
200 years ago before Christ, Rome was facing problems regarding money changers. In 48
B.C King Seezer issued plentiful money and took power back to him to mint coins rather
than money changers, for the benefit of all. Money changers hated him. With the
assassination of Seezer, plentiful money vanished and taxes increased so as the
corruption. Just as in the case of America and world today, usury and debased coin
became the rule. Eventually Roman money supply was reduced to 90%. As a result,
common people lost their land and homes just as its about to happen in America. With
the demise of plentiful money, people lost confidence on government and Rome went in
to the era of dark ages.
American Revolution
In 1700s British had fought wars after the creation of Bank of England and these wars
were financed by the bank. Debt increased so British tried to increase taxation from their
American colonies to repay this. American colonies began to issue their own paper
money. It provided medium of exchange before that America was poor and lacked
Precious coins. It helped to provide medium of unity between the colonies. Colonial
script was just paper money. Debt free money printed in the public interest and not
backed by gold or silver coins. In other words it was a totally fiat currency.
One day officials of Bank of England asked how prosperity of colonies should be counted
and the reply was “That is simple. Money is issued in a proper proportion to the demands
of trade and industry to make the products pass easily from the producers to the
consumers. In this manner, creating for ourselves our own paper money, controlling its
purchasing power and no interest to pay to anyone”.
England found it displeasing and passed an act of 1764 which prohibited colonies to issue
their own money and order them to pay taxes in form of gold and silver coins. In other
words it forced colonies on gold and silver standards. In one year, the conditions were so
reversed that the era of prosperity ended and depression set in to such extent that streets
of the colonies were filled with unemployed. It was the basic cause of American
Rothschild’s and War of Waterloo
Towards the end of revolution in 1781, congress allowed to open up a privately owned
central bank. The new bank was closely modeled after the bank of England and was
allowed to practice FRB. Bank was given the monopoly over national currency. Soon the
American currency was devalued heavily. The rich strived to establish there domination
and enslave the rest. There was huge criticism over the central bank but they were not to
give up. Money changers did not allow America to print its own money again. It’s said
that the Rothschild was the main power behind the bank of United States. Rothschild
were said to be the wealthiest in the world. They had a coin shop and soon they found out
that giving loans to king and government is more profitable than individual people
because not only the loans were biggest but they were focused by the national taxes.
Rothschild have 5 sons, he trained them all and in the skills of money creation and sent
them out to the major capitals of Europe to open branch offices and in just 17 years, he
increases his original stake to 2500 times.
Similar was the case in France, but Napoleon decided to get rid France of debt and he
never trusted band of France. When napoleon was marching towards Europe the bank of
England loaned out every country that was fighting against him. All went heavily into
debt. The privately owned banks handled by wealthiest individuals financed both sides in
the wars, simply because war is the biggest debt creator. So the war of 1817 and war of
waterloo where napoleon was defeated, bankers gained much control over economies.
During the course of time the charter of bank of America was cancelled and than
renowned. But money changers were never out of the system. The famous American
president Andrew Jackson opposed legalization of central bank and brought this matter
irst time in the public. His slogan was Jackson and no bank. The bank threatened many
times to cause depression by reducing money supply if its charter is not renowned.
Practically Jackson did kill the bank and it took Money changers 73 years to come up
Civil war and Greenbacks
Now the central bank powers from money changers were taken. Finally, they reverted to
old central banks formula that is war to create debt and dependency. In 1861, Civil war
was started and Abraham Lincoln was president. Lincoln wanted money to win the war
and save the union but he needed money for it. Money changers offered money at 24% to
36% interest rate. As a result he printed his own notes to pay the soldiers called
greenbacks and no interest to federal government. The system worked very well but
unfortunately Lincoln was assassinated. There were allegations that International bankers
were behind its assassination. Bankers wanted to get control of America’s currency and
also wanted to base American currency on gold, the gold which they can control. In
contrast to the greenbacks which were issued purely on the good faith and credit of
government. So after few years of assassination the gold standard was set up in the US.
Why silver bad for the bankers and Gold was was good?
Because silver was plentiful and very had to control but gold was scarce and easy to
manipulate. Greenbacks were so popular that they remained in circulation even after 100
years. So the concept of printing debt free money was really hurting banking elites.
Greenbacks were retired and money supply was reduced unbelievably. This lead to post
civil war depression and per capita income fell from $50 to $6. Money was so scarce
because loans were called in and new loans were not issued. Silver coins were melted
down. To sum up, money changers used all means to put the American system back on
gold and devise a central banking system on their hands. They used this depression to
convince people that central bank is very necessary for financial stability.
So after the banking act of 1873, unemployment and prices rose dramatically.
Government formed a commission which clearly blamed the contraction of money by
bankers. Now the depression can be scientifically controlled because the money was on
gold standard and it can be easily manipulated. The issue of ‘free silver’ became the
central issue of 1896 elections. A democratic presidential candidate addressed the public
and said “We will answer heir demand of gold by saying to them: you shall not press
down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon
the cross of gold”. His speech is known as the most famous oration ever given in
American presidential campaign. One financial panic would have been enough to realize
people that central bank is necessary to stabilize economy. In 1907, bankers used their
full financial muscle to crash the stock market and thousands of banks defaulted.
Federal Reserve and New world order
In 1913, FED was formed and in 191 there was First World War. In the war, German
Rothschild’s loaned money to Germans, British Rothschild’s loaned money to British and
French to French. War created huge debt over nations. After the war money was made
plentiful but than again in the late 1920’s money supply was reduced. It’s on record that
first money supply was increased by 64% and the economies was flourishing but than
loans were stopped at once. Markets tumbled, and the day is known as black Thursday. It
was the beginning of great depression and government kept reducing the money supply
by additional 33% in the next four years. Similarly in World War II average debt per
nation exceeded over 500%.
After that, the central banking was established on world level in the form of IMF and
World Bank and we all know what they are doing. They regulate banks by imposing
limits on fractional reserve banking and that’s how money supply is controlled now.
More and more countries borrow to them and gets in trap, just like Pakistan.
As the depression worsens, this gives central banks powers of economic life and death of
people. So despite all the talk of development there is a steady transfer of wealth from
debtor nations to central banks.
Now we are in a position to answer the question which we raised at first.
 Why are we so much of debt and why can we control it?
The answer is simple because we are working under a debt money system, controlled and
designed by central bankers. All of our money is created out of debt so we can’t get rid of
Can’t we do anything?
Yes, we can. The solution to the problem is not that complex. Its really absurd to say that
the government can print a $100 bond but not a $100 note. The element which makes the
bond good will make the note good also. The notes shall be issued by full faith and credit
of government. Both are promises to pay but one promise fattens the usurers by interest
and the other helps the people. All debt should be paid by paying bonds with notes. It will
not cause inflation in a way that reserve requirement of our commercial banks should be
raised proportionally so the money supply will be stable.
Once all the bonds are replaced with notes, banks will be at 100% reserve banking, not
fractional reserve banking. There will be no further contraction or creation of money by
central bankers. It can be done without any inflation, deflation or financial collapse. Once
debt free money is generated, taxes will began to go down and prices of the commodities
will keep constant for longer periods of time. Issuing of currency should be on the basis
of population and demands and needs of the economy.
But if you want to become slave of banks and want to pay for your slavery than let
private banks control money and credit.