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Sedimentary Rx
pages 135-140
For thousands, even millions of years, little pieces of our earth have been eroded-broken down and worn away by wind and water. These little bits of our earth are
washed downstream where they settle to the bottom of the rivers, lakes, and oceans.
Layer after layer of eroded earth is deposited on top of each. These layers are pressed
down more and more through time, until the bottom layers slowly turn into rock.
• Most common rock at Earth's surface
• Thin blanket over ____________ of the surface covering igneous and
metamorphic rocks
_________________are often found in sedimentary rock.
• Volcanism builds new rocks-----_____________________breaks them
down into sediments
WED: Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition
Two types of weathering: ________________and ____________________
I. Mechanical weathering breaks
rock into smaller pieces
Three ways
1. Mechanical weathering increases
the ______________ _____________ of the rock exposed to chemical
2. Chemical Weathering
Chemical Reactions with water ______________ rock
Write the equation for chemical weathering
Water and carbon dioxide yields carbonic acid
This is what dissolves limestone and makes __________________
• Erosion--___________________________ of seds
• What can move it? Or, what are the ______________ of _______________?
The ______________________ the sediment the _____________ it is to move
Deposition—seds are _____________________________
•When deposited sediment accumulates, it begins to transform into
sedimentary rock
Two types of sedimentary rocks
1. ___________________________
– Made of bits and pieces of _________________ rock
Transformation of Clastic rocks occurs in two ways:
• ____________________________
– seds are pressed together
– grains ________________________________
• ____________________
Seds are _______________________ together like glue
The most common cements are
– 1.
– 2.
– 3.
Clastic sediments bits and ________________of old
• Clastic sedimentary rocks are classified by their sediment
_____________________ and
– Most common is _______________--very fine
– Sandstone—___________ sized particles
– Siltstone—____________sized particles
And by shape of seds
_________________ means longer
– ______________________--rounded seds
______________________—angular seds
2. Chemical Sediments
• Chemical sediments precipitate from water
– Two types
Made of mostly calcite CaCO3 or CaMgCO3
• Limestone is _____________________
– Very common here
• Dolomite is _______________________________
– Some of the carbonate is replaced by magnesium
• Evaporites ____________________ from
water when a basin dries up
___________________ Ca SO4. H2O
________________ (Rock Salt) NaCl
Sedimentary Rock Lab
Name the rocks you find in your sample bag.
Rock salt
Oolitic limestone
Sedimentary environments
• Sedimentary rocks provide information about events that occurred on
Earth's surface
• Their color, grain size, and composition give us information about what
was happening when they formed
Crossbedding and Ripple Marks
• Crossbedding gives us an
indication of wind or water
– Symmetrical-oscillating
– Asymmetrical- current ripple marks
• Ripple marks may be
Caves form in sedimentary rock
Depositional Environments
Delta-a fan-shaped body formed when water flows from a stream into a
standing body of water
• Example: the Mississippi River Delta ,The Nile River Delta
River—Fluvial-- Unconsolidated gravels, sand, and clay
Desert—aeolian—sand Sandstone would indicate a beach or desert
• Shoreline
Alluvial Fan
• Forms when sediment flows from a steep
incline onto a flat floored valley and looses
velocity rapidly
• Seds are laid down the largest first, followed
by progressively smaller and smaller as the
velocity slows
Oxbow lake formation—
occurs when a mature river is cut off at flood state
• An oxbow lake occurs between here and Oxford