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AP Economics Semester 1: Microeconomics
Homework Check: 150 Total Points (30 pts per unit) (9%)
Unit Assessment: 250 Total Points (50 pts per unit) (14%)
Quizzes: 10 (20 pts each) = 200 Total Points (11%)
Tests: 7 (100 pts each) = 700 Total Points (40%)
Firm Market Structure Analysis Paper: 50 Total Points (3%)
Christmas Break Reading Project: 100 Total Points (6%)
Final Exam: 300 Points (17%)
Dress for Success EC Points: (16)
Total: 1750 Total Points
Unit 1: Introduction to Economics (2 weeks)
Mankiw 6th Ed.: Chapters 1, 2, and 3
Terms: Scarcity, Economics, Efficiency, Equality, Opportunity Cost, Rational
People, Marginal, Incentive, Market Economy, Command Economy, Property
Rights, Circular Flow Diagram, Land, Labor, Capital, Entrepreneurship, Productions
Possibility Curve(Frontier), Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Positive,
Normative, Economic Model, Ceteris Paribus, Absolute Advantage, Comparative
Advantage, Specialization, Imports, Exports
Graphs to Know: Circular Flow, PPC
- 1 Quiz (9/5/14)
- Unit 1 Packet (9/9/14)
Unit 1 Test (9/10/14, 9/11/14)
Unit 2: Supply/Demand, Elasticity (4 weeks)
Mankiw 6th Ed.: Chapters 4, 21(p.439-453), 6(p.111-125), 5, 6(125-128), and 8
Terms: Market, Competitive Market, Demand Schedule, Quantity Demanded, Law
of Demand, Demand Schedule, Demand Curve, Substitution Effect, Income Effect,
Shift in Demand, Substitutes, Complements, Normal goods, Inferior goods, Supply
Schedule, Quantity Supplied, Law of Supply, Supply Schedule, Supply Curve, Shift in
Supply, Inputs, Equilibrium, Market Clearing Price(equilibrium price),Equilibrium
Quantity, Surplus, Shortage, Budget Constraint, Indifference Curve, Perfect
Substitutes, Perfect Compliments, Price Ceiling, Price Floor, Utility, Elasticity, Price
Elasticity of Demand, Total Revenue, Perfectly Elastic, Perfectly Inelastic, Unit
Elastic, Income Elasticity of Demand, Cross Price Elasticity of Demand, Price
Elasticity of Supply, Tax Incidence, Lump Sum Tax, Excise Tax, Consumer Surplus,
Producer Surplus, Deadweight Loss, Black Market
Graphs to Know: Supply and Demand
- Quiz (9/19/14, 10/3/14)
- Unit 2 Packet (10/14/14)
- Unit 2 Halfway Test (10/1/14 – 10/2/14)
- Unit 2 Test (10/16/14-10/17/14)
Unit 3: Theory of the Firm (6 Weeks)
Mankiw 6th Ed: Chapters 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17
Terms: Total Revenue, Total Cost, Profit, Explicit Costs, Implicit Costs, Economic
Profit, Accounting Profit, Production Function, Marginal Product, Diminishing
Marginal Product, Fixed Costs, Variable Cost, Average Total Cost, Average Fixed
Cost, Average Variable Cost, Marginal Cost, Economies of Scale, Diseconomies of
Scale, Constant Returns to Scale, Market Structure, Perfect Competition,
Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly, Monopoly, Perfectly Competitive Market,
Average Revenue, Marginal Revenue, Profit Maximization, Shut Down Point, Sunk
Costs, Short Run, Long Run, MR. DARP , Natural Monopoly, Price Discrimination,
Anti-Trust Regulation, Patent, Copyright, Advertising, Collusion, Cartel, Nash
Equilibrium, Prisoners’ Dilemma, Dominant Strategy
Graphs to Know: Production Function, Cost Curves, Perfect Competition vs.
Market, Monopoly, Monopolistic Competition, Payoff Matrix
- Quizzes (10/17/14, 10/24/14, 10/31/14, 11/4/14)
- Firm Market Structure Paper (11/7/14)
- Unit 3 Packet (11/11/14)
- Unit 3 Test (11/12/14-11/13/14)
Unit 4: Factor Markets (2 weeks)
Mankiw 6th Ed: Chapters 18, 19
Terms: Factors of Production, Production Function, Marginal Product of Labor,
Diminishing Marginal Product, Value of the Marginal Product, Monopsony,
Capital, Human Capital, Union, Strike, Discrimination
Graphs to Know: Labor Market, Land Market
- Quiz (11/21/14)
- Unit 4 Packet (12/2/14)
- Unit 4 Test (12/3/14-12/4/14)
Unit 5: The Role of Government (2 weeks)
Mankiw 6th Ed.: Chapters 10, 11, and 20
Terms: Externality, Negative Externalities, Positive Externalities, Marginal Social
Costs, Marginal Social Benefits, Corrective Tax, Tradable Permits, Coarse Theorem,
Transaction Costs, Excludability, Rivalry in Consumption, Private Goods, Public
Goods, Common Resources, Club Goods, Free Rider, Tragedy of the Commons,
Poverty Rate, Poverty Line, Welfare, Lorenz Curve
Graphs to Know: Private/Social Costs vs. Private Social Benefits Market, Lorenz
- Quizzes (12/12/14, 12/18/14)
- Christmas Break Reading Project (Freakonomics) (1/5/14)
- Unit 5 Packet (1/6/14)
- Unit 5 Test (1/7/14-1/8/14)