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Study Guide: WWI- Cold War
World War I
What started World War I? (Causes)
Militarism –Buildup of the military and arms in preparation for war.
Alliances – Agreement between nations to ally with them in event of war.
Imperialism – Empire building in Africa and Asia led to rivalries and competition
between European Nations over colonies and territories.
Nationalism – Intense pride and love for your nation. Believing your country is
and should be the best.
Russian Revolution
Why was there a revolution in Russia? (Causes) Differences in social and economic classes in Russia
What happen in the February & October Revolution?
February Revolution – Czar Nicholas II was overthrown
October Revolution – Bolsheviks came to power and brought Communism to Russia.
What effect did the Russia Revolution have on Russia in WWI? It ended Russia’s participation in World
War I
Treaty of Versailles
Who did the Treaty blame for WWI? Germany
What did Germany have to agree to in the treaty?
1. Blamed Germany for World War I
4. Took land and colonies away from Germany
2. Made Germany pay 33 Billion in War reparation to Allied Powers
3. Decreased Germany military
How did the Treaty of Versailles help Hitler come to power? Germans were angry over the harsh
terms of the Treaty of Versailles and Hitler promised to restore Germany to a world power and defy The
Treaty Of Versailles.
The Great Depression
How did the USA stock market crash affect Europe? Europeans lost money they invested in the U.S.
Stock Market
What happen throughout the world during the Great Depression? Widespread poverty,
unemployment, bank failures and homelessness
What European country was most severely affected by the Depression? Germany because they were
still recovering from World War I and paying war reparations
How did the Great Depression help Hitler come to power? Adolf Hitler promised to end
unemployment and poverty and bring back Germany to a state of power
Hitler & the Holocaust
What was the Holocaust? The mass murder by the Nazis of over 6 million Jews during World War II
What was the name of the name of the German Fascist Party that controlled Germany before and
during WWII? Nazi Party
Who was Adolf Hitler? Leader of the Nazi Party in Germany
Why were Jews targeted? (What were they blamed for?) The Jews were targeted by the Nazis in
Germany and were blamed for Germany’s hardships including losing World War I and the Great
Who was sent to concentration camps? Jews and other “undesirables”
Cold War & German Reunification
What was the Cold War? A 40 year struggle that erupted between the Soviet Union and its former
allies over ideas about freedom, government, and economics from 1945-1991. It is called this as
there was no shooting.
What type of government did the U.S. believe in? What type of government did the Soviet Union
believe in?
Soviet Union
Believed in Capitalism. This includes a democratic
government with a market economy where
citizens have right s to elect leaders and own
Believed in Communism. This includes an
autocracy and a command economy. In
communist countries they are ruled by dictators
and have no economic participation.
What was the “Iron Curtain?” The imaginary line that divided the democratic countries of Western
Europe from the Communist countries of Eastern Europe
Why was the Berlin Wall built? The Berlin Wall was built to keep people from coming into and leaving
communist East Berlin.
Marshall Plan
Truman Doctrine
The U.S. gave 13 billion to European countries to
help them rebuild after World War I. The U.S.
hoped that countries that took the money would
be less likely to become communist countries.
(we wanted to help them instead of letting the
communist countries help them into communism)
Remember Hitler!
A promise by President Truman and the United
States to supply military and economic aid to any
European countries that were struggling to
create and maintain a democracy.
(We were trying to stop the spread of
What led to the reunification for Germany? The West German government took control and tore down
the Berlin Wall.
What effect has the collapse of communism had on religion in Europe? People are allowed to practice
religions more freely.