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Medication Management
There are numerous best practice strategies in the area of Medication Management that
have shown positive correlation with reductions in hospital readmissions. Answer the
following questions in an effort to review your current organizational practices while
considering opportunities for improvement.
1. Do you currently obtain a home medication list on admission and reconcile it with the
organizations medication list?
2. Do you have a defined and consistent process for dealing with discrepancies in the
medication lists?
3. Do you verify, prior to transfer, that the patient or caregiver understands the medication
plan and is able and willing to follow it?
4. Do you verify the accuracy of the medication plan prior to transfer?
5. Do you provide pharmacy review and teaching for patients with complex medications?
6. Do you offer Medication Therapy Management for patients with complex medication
7. Do you communicate medication plans to the next care provider?
8. Do you have a mechanism for the receiving care provider to clarify changes in the
medication regime with the transferring provider?
9. Do you provide the patient with a medication list that is easy to understand and includes
why the patient is taking the medication, how to take it, when to take it and any special
10. Do you provide post transfer follow-up with the patient to assure medications have been
obtained and are being taken?