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Social Deviance
Test02A 10/16/01
Part01:Text(Thio)Items: Old
Chapter 4: Physical Violence
1. Which of the following is NOT a way poverty causes homicide? A. The poor are more likely to have
financial, marital, and other stressful problems. B. Genetic factors cause both poverty and homicidal tendencies.
C. Poverty causes more interpersonal conflict. D. The poor tend more to resort to physical violence to deal with
interpersonal conflict. (p. 57)
2. One reason why we are more likely to be killed by those we know than by strangers is that murder most often
A. requires a great deal of planning to scheme against persons we know. B. requires a great deal of emotion,
which is more likely to be generated by intimate relations. C. occurs in large cities and the rural South. D.
takes place in an arbitrary way, and therefore people we know have a greater chance to be a victim. (p. 63)
3. Evidence shows that after a state abolished capital punishment, its homicide rate A. increased tremendously.
B. increased significantly. C. did not increase significantly. D. decreased significantly. (p. 69)
4. According to Thio, men may indirectly commit suicide by instigating a victim-precipitated homicide in order
to elicit _____. A. sympathy B. understanding C. pity D. fear E. respect (p. 65)
5. The terms, “disgruntled employee” and “pseudocommandos,” are indicative of _____. A. serial killing B.
murder-suicide C. mass murder D. victim-precipitated homicide E. population dispersion (p. 68)
6. “External attribution of blame” is a part of _____ theory. A. psychological B. sociogenic C.
psychoanalytic D. biogenic E. social exchange (p. 78)
7. The violence perpetrated by antigovernment terrorists and religious extremists is in pursuit of a(n) _____
goal. A. instrumental B. expressive C. psychological D. external E. internal (p. 80)
Chapter 5: Forcible Rape
8. Which of the following behavioral characteristics would a rapist NOT consider a sign of vulnerability? A.
walking slowly and tentatively B. appearing passive or submissive C. moving arms and legs in short, jerky
motions D. projecting confidence wit appearing aggressive (Pp. 86-87)
9. According to the author of the text, the idea of victim-precipitated rape A. accurately describes how a
majority of rapes begin. B. is a male’s biased view. C. is a way the feminist movement has challenged
indifference to rape. D. no longer describes how rapes occur. (Pp. 90-91)
10. One reason why many rapists felt they would never go to prison for rape is that they believed that A. they
were too clever to get caught. B. the police would never really respond to the claim of rape. C. women were
sexual objects for men to use for pleasure. D. their lawyers would be able to get a not-guilty conviction. (p. 98)
11. Prior to the 198os, rape was mainly _____ due to _____. A. interracial, racial segregation B. intraracial,
the white female as the ideal of sexual attractiveness C. interracial, the white female as the ideal of sexual
attractiveness D. intraracial, racial segregation E. none of the above. (p. 85)
12. According to Kleck (1990) and Amir (1971) a majority of rapes involve A. verbal coercion B. drugging the
victim C. a weapon D. multiple offenders E. none of the above. (p. 87)
13. According to Schwartz and DeKeseredy (1997) and O’Sullivan (1991) men that are in fraternities and
college athletics are more likely to commit gang rape due to A. involvement of alcohol B. peer pressure C.
latent homosexuality D. initiation into the group E. none of the above. (p. 87)
Chapter 6: Family Violence
14. Which of the following estimates of incidences of family violence is most likely wrong? A) 10% of women
experience marital rape since they were married. B) 3% of women are battered every year. C) 6% of children
are abused every year. D) 13% of the elderly are abused every year. (Pp. 113-114)
15. Outside of the police and the military, American society’s most violent institution is probably A) sports. B)
schools. C) the family. D) the economy. (p. 115)
16. Men who have lost control of their lives due to poverty, unemployment, drug abuse or alcoholism are A)
more likely to become abusive husbands. B) less likely to become abusive husbands. C) just as abusive as men
who have control over their lives. D) usually too depressed about life to act in a violent way. (p. 117)
17. According to Thio, which is most likely a characteristic exclusive to elder abuse? A. severe physical abuse
B. financial exploitation C. sexual abuse D. offenders are most likely male E. victims are most likely female.
(p. 121)
18. Which of the following statements is NOT included in Thio’s profile of family abusers? A. Family
violence cuts across all income levels B. Family violence is more prevalent in Hispanic households C.
Women are as likely as, or more likely than, men to abuse the spouse without seriously harming the victim D.
Those who are likely to be involved in family violence tend to be socially isolated E. Men under the age of 30
are more likely than older men to assault their wives and children. (pp. 123-124)
19. According to Thio, which of the following is most helpful to battered women? A. a civil order of
protection B. a speedy trial C. marital rape laws D. temporary welfare and food stamps E. occupational
counseling. (p. 124)
Part02:Lecture Items and Video: Old Items
Lecture V: Control Theory
20. Which of these important theories share the assumption that deviance is caused by the lack of social control
rather than the result of the lack of social control? A. personality maladjustment theory, B. subculture theory, C.
differential association theory, D. A, B, and C, E. only B and C.
21. Which theory does Nye suggest as a substitute for causal theories of deviance? . A. containment theory, B.
functional theory, C. goal-means theory, D. abandonment theory, E. social exchange theory.
According to Nye which of the following are clusters of attitudes and behavior patterns embraced by social
control? A. direct control imposed from without by means of reward and reinforcement, B. internalized
control exercised by the internalization of religious values, C. indirect control related power relationships with
parents another non- criminal persons, D. internalized control exercised by the internalization of religious values
availability of alternative means and goals, E. all of the above.
23. According to Hirschi, “ambition” &/or “aspiration” play an important role in producing A. deviance B.
stress C. attachment D. criminals E. conformity.
24. According to Gelles, a central goal in the treatment of family violence is to _____. A. take abusive adults to
jail. B. seek medical/psychological treatment for victims. C. cancel the hitting license. D. make the public aware
about the seriousness of family abuse. E. study why abused children frequently become abusive adults.
Lecture VI: Labeling Theory
25. Labeling theory is based in A. symbolic interactionism B. Lewin’s field theory C. social behaviorism D.
Gestalt theory E. learning theory.
26. Tannenbaum: The harder the agencies of social control work to reform the evil, A. the less the effect
produced B. the greater the evil grows under their hands C. the more irrational becomes the response of the
delinquent D. the less convincing their arguments become E. the less the community becomes willing to
support them.
Lemert outlines an _____ stage model of becoming a deviant in which the last state is _____. A. 5,
“professionalization” B. 6, segregation C. 7, stigmatization D. 8, acceptance of deviant status E. 9, “self
28. According to Becker, the type of deviance we as a society are most interested in is A. causal B. residual C.
sustained D. intermittent E. sporadic.
29. According to Szaz, the mentally ill A. impersonate sick people as a way of dealing with live B. can
attribute their illness soleley to various chemical imbalances C. should be removed from society as a way of restructuring their deviance D. have been socialized differently than non-mentally ill E. are freaky.
V05: Innocent Lost: The Plea
30. What did the jury do at the end of the trial of Dawn Wilson (cook for Little Rascal’s)? The jury _____. A.
asked the judge to clarify the instructions to the jury, B. delivered a unanimous verdict of guilty. C. delivered a
unanimous verdict of not guilty, D. the defense moved for and was granted a mistrial, E. the jury reported they
were deadlocked. (p. 23/59)
31. An unexpected and pivotal event in this case happened when Betsy Kelly went to trial. It was _____. A. one
of the day care employees testified against her, B. in a pretrial motion Betsy accepted a plea of no contest, C.
Bob Kelly filed for divorce, D. a doctor testified her daughter had been abused, E. her father had a severe stroke.
(pp. 29/59-30/59)
32. According to Frontline who was the only person, who knew Betsy Kelly was going to take a plea? A. her
father, B. her sister, C. her husband, D. her daughter, E. none of the above. (p. 31/59)
33. Who pleaded “no contest?” A. Betsy Kelly B. Bob Kelly C. Dawn Wilson D. Scott Privott E. more than
one of the above.
34. When Scott Privott was asked why he was offered a plea, he responded A. he shouldn’t be back on the
streets if I did this stuff, their case is outrageous B. with Megan’s law, the listing of pedophiles, the children
will be safe C. the prosecution had what they wanted when Betsy took her plea D. he had already spent over 3
years in jail with a very high bail E. the prosecution did not have funds to continue the prosecution.
VO6 RLC: The Confessions of Rosa Lee
35. What federal program was the U.S. House of Representatives preparing to vote on when Frontline aired The
Confessions of Rosa Lee? A. dismantling the welfare program, B. state based funding to overcome illiteracy, C.
provision of needles to drug addicts, D. medical insurance for families below the poverty line, E. crime bill
aimed at gun control. (p. 1)
36. What was Eleanor Norton Holmes, Representative to Congress from the District of Columbia most
concerned about when the RosaLee story appeared in The Washington Post? A. Its effect on voting rights for
the representative from Washington D. C., B. reinforcing the stereotypes of disadvantaged people, C. inciting
social protests in black low income neighborhoods, D. shifting public opinion on an upcoming vote on prison
reform, E. losing her congressional seat in the next election. (p. 2)
37. How many of Rosa Lee’s brothers and sisters survived? A.9, B.16, C.6, D.22, E.11. (p. 2) [or if order is
important C is the correct answer] A.6, B.9 C.11, D.15, E.22. (p. 2)
38. After June Cross suggests that Rosa Lee had plenty of opportunities to learn to read in the 1960’s, Leon
Dash responded A. she was kept from school B. the impact of poverty prevented her from fully engaging in
school C. the Civil Rights movement of the 1960’s helped the middle class D. she purposely hid her illiteracy
E. there were no real “head start” program available.
39. The story of Rosa Lee Cunningham which won the _____ was controversial among the Washington _____.
A. Peabody Award; political elite B. Nobel Award; black middle class C. Courageous Civilian Award; white
middle class D. Freedom Foundation Prize; government elite E. Pulitzer Prize; African American middle class.
40. Leon Dash gave what explanation for Rosa Lee’s use of the money she stole when she was just 8 years old?
A. to help her mother B. to buy friends C. to buy drugs D. to buy make up E. to buy clothes.
Part 03: New Text (Thio) Items
Chapter 4: Physical Violence
41. The extremely high rate of homicide in Columbia and other parts of South America is a striking example of
_____ according to Clinard and Abbott (pg. 62). A. drug cartel power B. intraracial conflicts C. a
widespread culture of violence D. widespread cultural support of all forms of deviance.
42. According to your text, many heated arguments would result in _____
if guns were less available. A. more murders rather than aggravated
assaults B. more fatal injuries than murders C. the use of weapons
more deadly than guns D. aggravated assaults rather than murders
43. According to your text, sociologists believe that the homicidesuicide murder is _____ because, after the killing, the murderer is able
to feel remorse. A. cultural B. normal C. abnormal D. not
academically considered deviant
44. On the whole, evidence abut the impact of capital punishment on murder rates supports the conclusion that
capital punishment: A. has a strong deterrent effect. B. is not an effective deterrent to murder. C. has a
deterrent effect in northern states in the US, but not in western states. D. has a deterrent effect in western states
in the US, but not in northern states.
45. According to psychoanalytical theory, if our parents had deprived
us of love or subjected us to brutal attacks during our childhood, our
aggressive drive might: A. result in an extremely violent and bizarre
murder B. be completely suppressed C. lead us to achieve success in
sports, politics, or business D. have been subdued by our superego and
sublimated by our ego
46. According to _____ theory, “a frustrating event increases the
probability that the thwarted organism will act aggressively soon
afterward.” A. classic psychoanalytical B. social learning C.
sociogenic D. frustration-aggression D. behaviorist
47. The definition of _____ is unlawful use of physical force against another person with the intent to kill or the
use of a deadly weapon:
A. aggravated assault B. terrorism C. simple assault D.
misdemeanor assault
Chapter 5: Forcible Rape
48. According to Gorth and Birnbaum, participation in a gang rape A. is an expression of latent homosexuality
B. is an erotic act for the participants C. fulfills a social need more than a sexual desire D. is evidence of
surfacing criminal psychosis (p. 93)
49. According to your text, survivors responses to rape include all but which of the following: A. marrying
their rapist B. suicide C. deep and lasting depression D. become rapists themselves (p.99)
50. According to Giger and Riger, 75-80% of the marriages in which the wife has been raped: A. end in
divorce within 2 years after the assault B. are eventually strengthened by the increased gender role sensitization
of the husband C. initially are strained, but recover, in accordance with frustration-agression theory D.
initially have a period of separation, followed by reconciliation, especially if there are children involved. (p.
51. According to your text, pornography encourages rape by: A. stimulating men’s erotic desires B. making
sex seem impersonal and scientific C. produces sexual callousness towards women D encourages latent apelike tendencies suppressed through socialization.
52. Sociologists see rapists as ___ . A. suffering from some sort of
personality defect B. suffering from some sort of emotional
disturbance C. having some sort of sexual addiction D.
psychologically no different from the average population
53. According to your text, male rapists in a prison setting differ
from rapists outside prison in that prison rapists: A. are acting on
latent homosexual tendencies B. rape to relieve sexual deprivation C.
tend to commit interracial rapes D. rape from a predominantly erotic
Chapter 6: Family Violence
54. American society’s most violent institution is probably (outside of
the police and military): A. sports B. schools C. the family D.
55. Reports concerning the icidence and nature of family violence vary
because researchers: A. are unskilled in research methods B. use
incorrect research methods C. are have personal involvement which
affects their objectivity D. utilize different definitions of family
56. According to your text, all but which of the following is a cause
of rape? A. the husband’s use of rape to control his wife B. the
husband’s belief that he is entitled to any kind of sex with his wife
C. the existence of patriarchy D. improper behavior on the part of
the victim
57. Most abusive husbands ____ after committing the violence. A. do
not admit guilt B. freely admit guilt C. undergo counseling D. go
to jail
58.According to feminist theorists, a major cause of life beating is
_____ which treats women as if they were ____. A. the sexist,
patriarchal nature of society, highly valued as mothers and wives B.
poor economic and social conditions, ignorant drudges C. the sexist,
patriarchal nature of society, their husband’s property D. poor
economic and social conditions, competing with men as breadwinners
59.”Children have to be taught respect for authority and be taught
obedience. I would rather have my children grow up afraid of me and
respecting me than loving me and spoiled.” According to your text on
page 129, these words were said by a father who: A. was a convicted
felon B. was a respected Sunday school teacher C. had severely
beaten his five year old boy and eighteen month old son, who were
hospitalized with fractures and lacerations D. was a child educator
who had raised loving and responsible children who was being criticized
for using spanking as part of his child rearing methods
60. Older people are more likely to be abused if they live A. in group homes B. alone C. with relatives D. in
nursing homes
Part04: New Lecture/Video Items
61. Four behavior patterns characteristic of Nye’s concept of social control include all BUT which of the
following? A. internal control. B. indirect control. C. need satisfaction. D. symbolic control. E. direct
62. F. Ivan Nye believed that the _____ approach might well be combined with that of _____, because high
delinquency in certain marginal groups is related to loss of social control. A. delinquency sub- culture,
cultural conflict, B. cultural conflict, social control, C. means- ends, delinquency subculture D. culture
conflict, social disorganization E. differential learning, social control
63. Reckless’ Containment theory provided a practical approach for making society better by doing all BUT
which of the following? A. using techniques to assess problems. B. using youth camps to keep them
isolated C. developing alternative ways of meeting needs. D. having group role models that people can
identify with E. developing cohesive groups.
64. “Ambition” and/or “aspiration” play an important role in producing
_____ according to Hirschi. A. deviance B. stress C. attachment D. criminals E. conformity.
65. A central goal in the treatment of family violence is to _____ , according toGelles. A. cancel the hitting
license B. take abusive adults to jail. C. seek medical/psychological treatment for victims. D. study why
abused children frequently become abusive adults. E. make the public aware about the seriousness of family
66. A shift in the community’s reaction from treating the act as being evil to actually treating the individual as
being evil leads to a redefinition whereby the individual now sees himself as being ____ , according to
Tannenbaum. A. a victim. B. a normal person. C. a true delinquent D. misunderstood. E. a scapegoat.
67. Tannenbaum, in his 1938 work, Crime and the Community, describes how
_____. A. the community institutionalizes the person’s role as a delinquent. B. delinquents rationalize their
behavior using neutralization techniques. C. communities provide the opportunities for more delinquent
behavior to occur. D. delinquent behavior is learned through association with criminal elements. E. the best
way to deal with delinquency is to dramatize the evil.
68. Edwin Lemert states that deviant behavior behavior becomes significant only when it results in (according
to a sociological perspective) A. subjective reorganization B. transformation of active roles. C.
Reassignment of social status D. all of the above. E. none of the above.
69. Howard S. Becker in Outsiders, theorizes that one of the most crucial steps in the process of building a
stable pattern of deviant behavior is ____. A. being naturally disposed to deviant behavior. B. being
accepted by a deviant peer group. C. successfully committing deviant acts without getting caught. D. being
caught and acknowledging the problem. E. being caught and publicly labeled
70. Question(s) which should be asked when diagnosing mental illness should include: (according to Thomas
Scheff in The Role of the Mentally Ill and the Dynamics of Mental Disorder): A. What are the conditions in
a culture under which diverse kinds of deviance become stable and uniform?, B. To what extent, in different
phases of careers of mental patients, are symptoms of mental illness the result of conforming behavior? C.
Is there a general set of contingencies which lead to the definition of deviant behavior as a manifestation of
mental illness? D. all of the above. E. none of the above.
Video 5: Innocence Lost
71. Bob Kelly, one of the owners, was eventually convicted on _____ counts of _____. A. 30, child mental
abuse B. 15, child abuse C. 65, child neglect D. 5, child pornography E. 99, child sexual abuse
72. Edenton Police, who had recently _____ regarding child abuse. A. written a book B. taught a seminar C.
conducted similar investigations D. attended a seminar written an investigation manual
73. According to the video, there were _____ at Bob Kelly’s trial, and in the end there was _____ to support
allegations of abuse. A. over 100 witnesses, no conclusive evidence B. 42 witnesses, conclusive evidence
C. 25 witnesses, only circumstantial evidence, D. 5 expert witnesses, only expert testimony, E. over 20
witnesses, eyewitness testimony
74. Defendant Dawn Wilson, decided to _____, with the support of her attorney, Bo Simmons. A. accept a
plea bargain of 3 years B. go to trial C. accept a plea bargain of 1 year in jail D. go to trial E. accept a
plea bargain of 10 years (parole 3)
75. Scott Privitt spent 3 ½ years in jail while waiting for trial. He was charged with _____ against children he
_____. A. 15 counts child abuse, saw intermittently, B. 30 counts sexual abuse, supposedly never saw C.
25 counts child pornography, saw intermittently, D. 61 counts of rape, supposedly never saw E. 45 counts
sexual abuse, saw intermittently
Video 6: Confessions of Rosa Lee
76. A bag of dope is a A. “Billy” B. “bag o drug” C. “slime bag”
D. “mo bettah” E. “Angeline”
77. When Rosa Lee snuck into Miss Whitehead’s, she A. liked being able to answer questions B. sassed the
teacher and wouldn’t stay in her seat C. stole one of the students book bags D. was returned to Miss Jeters
class immediate E. was promoted for her good work in Miss Whitehead’s class
78. At the time of Rosa’s childhood, It was customary for girls in her neighborhood to _____. A. train as
factory workers. B. become field workers. C. train as domestic workers. D. attend technical schools E.
apprentice as clerical workers.
79.By the time she was twenty Rosa Lee continued to have kids because she knew that she could count on
welfare to give her a regular income for her children. As such, she had _____ children for which she
received a monthly welfare payment of _____ per child. A. 3, $100, B. 6, $27, C.
4, $37, D. 5, $75, E. 4, $30
80. Rosa Lee, at 29, was jailed for the first time for _____. A. shoplifting B. drug dealing C. welfare fraud
D. prostitution E. child abuse