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Unit 6: Study Guide
I. World War I
The world in 1900
The Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871)
Why is Bismarck considered to be a brilliant leader?
What impact on Europe did the Franco-Prussian War have?
How was the Franco-Prussian War a long-term cause of WWI?
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guide you to prepare for Test #6. It is
not very detailed you should go
over every page in your Unit 6 packet
to best prepare for the test.
Causes of WWI: MAIN or NAMI
The Road to war
The July Crisis
Schlieffen Plan
“Miracle of the Marne”
New weapons
Battles the Somme
WWI ends: USA enters war: Why?
1. Lusitania 2. Zimmerman Telegram
Failed Peace: The Treaty of Versailles Ignoring of Wilson’s “Peace With Honor (14
“War Guilt”
Anger in the Middle East 1. Mandate System 2. Balfour Declaration
II. The Russian Revolutions of 1917
Why was Czar Nicolas II and his wife so unpopular in Russia?
February Revolution
International Women’s Day Riot
October Revolution
Lenin’s April Thesis
III. The Mexican Revolution
1910 Revolution: Villa and Zapata
USA’s invasion of Mexico
Success/Failures of Mexican Revolution
IV. The Age of Anxiety (1918-1939)
Freud, Einstein and Orwell
Disaster in Germany: hyperinflation, Dawes Plan, Fall of the Weimer Republic
Totalitarianism in the Soviet Union
The Rise of Hitler
V. Rise of Dictators in Europe and World War II
Operation Barbarossa
Battle of Berlin
War in the Pacific
Pearl Harbor Attack (why?)
Genocide and the Holocaust
VI. AP China (Modern China)
Revolution of 1911: (Sun Yat-Sen and Pu Yi)
Chiang Kai-shek: KMT’s war against the communists
Rise of Mao Zedong (peasant leader)
Mao’s “Long March”
War with Japan and World War II
Mao’s Revolution of 1949 (“Red China”) Establishment of the PRC
Two Chinas: PRC and Taiwan
The Korean War (1950-53)
The Great Leap Forward (1958-1966)
The Cultural Revolution (1966-1976)
The Deng Xiaoping Era (1978-1997)
Modernization Capitalism
“It doesn’t matter if a cat is black or white, so long as it catches mice”
VII. Decolonization (The end of imperialism in Asia and Africa)
India’s Independence
Peaceful resistance
Independence: 1947
Partition of India
Ho Chi Minh Gandhi vs Ho Chi Minh (peaceful resistance versus war)
Battle of Dien Bien Phu
American involvement in Vietnam (1965-1973)
VIII. Modern Problems in the Middle East
Birth of Israel
Zionism, Dreyfus Affair, Balfour Declaration
1979 Iranian Revolution
The Shah
Operation Ajax 1979 Iranian Revolution
IX. The Cold War
Fall of the Soviet Union (1991)
1991 Revolution
KGB failed to take back the USSR, Yeltsin, Rise of Putin (2000)
X. The World Today
China’s economic power
Global Terrorism
Russia today