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Some examples of questions
1) Define the following : viscosity, surface tension,
molarity, equilibrium constant
2) What is density and what is bulk density
3) Precision and accuracy what is the difference- bring
some examples
4) What are the main differences between solid and liquid
5) The density of osmium is 22.57 g/cm2. If a 1.00 kg
rectangular block of osmium has two dimensions 4.00X
4.00 cm, calculate the third dimension of the block.
6) How was the electron first detected. Design an
7) What is Avogadro number?
8) Give the systematic name of CaCl2, Ca(OH)2,
Ca3(PO4)2, Ca(ClO3)2, CoBr2, etc
9) Write cuprous chloride and cupric chloride. Similarly
do it with iron.
10) Write cobalt chloride, mercury nitrate, hypochloride
ion, Chlorate ion, Perchlorate ion
11) What are the oxidation numbers of Cl2O, Cl2O3, Cl3O5,
KClO4, MnClO
12) Write: sulfite, sulfate of sodium , calcium, magnesium,
13) Peroxide and oxide of water?
14) Use Dalton atomic theory to account for each of the
following: law of conversion; law of definite proportions,
multiple proportions.
15) What is the distinction between atomic number and
mass number.
16) Carbon atomic number is 12.01 and not 12.00 nor
13.003355- why?
17) How many grams in 2 moles of HCl and how many
atoms of chlorine are they?
18) How many molecules are in 0.65 moles of sulfur
dioxide, SO2?
19) Calculate the MPC of nitrogen in ammonium nitrate
20) What is the MW of C14H10N2
21) C4H10 (g) + 13 O2 (g) ---
8 CO2 (g) + H2O (l) what
are the coefficients?
22) If 400g of SO2, 175g of O2, and 125g of H2O are mixed
in the reaction, identify the limiting reagent and calculate
the mass of H2SO4 formed.
23) Zinc is obtained from ores that contain zinc sulfides by
roasting (heating in air) to give ZnO and then heating the
ZnO with carbon monoxide. Suppose that 5.32kg of ZnS is
treated in this way and that 3.30kg of pure zinc is obtained.
Calculate the percentage yield of zinc.
24) Describe the dissolution process of CaCl2
25) What is weak electrolyte and how can we prove it?
26) Is ethanol electrolyte? Why is it soluble in water?
27) Who is more soluble NaCl, CaCl2, NaBr, Li F? why?
28) Calculate the number of moles of Cl- in 1.75 liter of 1
10-3 M ZnCl2?
29) Provide an example of precipitation reaction.
30) Give an example of how Cl2 can be oxidized?
31) Can we oxidize MnO2?
32) Can we reduce Perchlorate ? whith what?
33) What is the difference between the two types of
definitions of base?
34) CaCl2 + Na2SO4 ---->
CaSO4 + 2NaCl is it
possible?How? Suggest an experiment.
35) How many grs of CaSO4 will be obtained from 10 grs
36) How do you cause CaCl2 to precipitate?
37) How do you cause sugar to precipitate?
38) Most nitrate salts are soluble. Is it true? Why?
39) Most hydroxides are slightly soluble, NaOH and KOH
are soluble, Ba(OH)2 and Sr(OH)2 are marginal soluble.
40) SF6 Sulfur is +6/-6/+3 ? Explain.
41) Chlorine is the oxidizing agent- electron acceptor?
42) Na is the reducing agent- electron donor?
43) A sample of nitrogen gas has a volume of 1.75 L at
STP. How many moles of N2 are present?
46) A balloon (1 L) is released at sea level at T=25 ˚C.
What is the volume when it rises to a height where P = 0.5
atm and T = 19 ˚C?
47) What is the volume of CO2 gas evolved from 152 gr
Carbonate ?
48) Calculate the gas density of CF4 at 1 at and 50C?
49) What is kinetic energy?
50) What is enthalpy of a hydrogen bond? Define and
51) What is manometer. Draw and explain?
52) Assign oxidation states for all atoms: KMnO4, Fe3O4,
SF6, Na2C2O4, P4O6, Mg2P2O7, Hg2Cl2, HAsO2, HBrO4,
Li3N, N2H4, NO3-, CuCl, N2O, HOBr, XeOF4, K2Cr2O7
53) What is mean root velocity?
54) What is the difference between Effusively and
55) What is Hess's law
56) Organize the electrons in orbitals of Cl, F, Cl2, Ne, Al,
Si and SiO2
57) What between Ionization Energy and Electron
58) Arrange the following atoms in order of increasing
size: 1) Be, Mg, Ca; 2) Te, I, Xe ; 3) Ga, Ge, In
59) Give the maximum number of electrons in an atom
that can have the quantum numbers of : n=5, ml= +1
60) What is the Bohr model?
61) What are: quantum number, ground state, excited
62) What is the lattice free energy?
63) Arrange ions based on their sizes: 113, 99, 62: K+, Ca+,
64) Which ion is larger? Te-2 or Be+2? Al+3 vs Na+1 Why?
65) Arrange Se-2> Br-1> Rb+1> Sr+2 Why?
66) What is a Lewis Structure?
67) What is the Octet Rule?
68) What is manometer, Osmometer,
pH meter,
69) What is the VSEPR model?
70) Write the structure of molecular and electronic
structure of water; ammonia, ammonium ion?
71) Which of the following ions has noble gas electron
configuration? Fe+2, Fe+3, Sc+3, Co+3; Tl+; Ce+4, Mn+2?
72) Write it in an increasing electronegativity:1) C, N, O :
2) Tl, S, Ge?
73) What is a sigma bond? Pi bond? Bring example.
74) Give three major WdV bonds in a gas molecules.
75) Which one will have higher MP C12H26 or C4H10?
76) What is the anomaly of the gases boiling points?
Provide example.
77) What is vapor pressure and how is it reflecting
chemical bond in a liquid
78) What are the freezing points of N2, NH3, N2H4? Guess
and explain?
79) What is a rate law?
80) Write Sulfur dioxide, trioxide, sulfur oxychloride.
Provide the valances of each sulfur
81) Arrange in order of density: chloroform, diethylether,
sodium chloride, calcium sulfate.
82) Arrange in order of density: oxygen, hydrogen, water,
carbon dioxide, nitrogen. Explain.
83) What is heterogeneous mixture and what is a
homogeneous one. Give example of each to illustrate you
84) Explain the principle of alcohol distillation from
mixture of two liquids. Explain and draw a schematic
85) What is the meaning of this value: -1.76X108 ? what
are the units? How was this value obtained?
86) What is the mass and charge of a neutron?
87) Write the hydrides of lithium, calcium and potassium.
Explain the valance of each element.
88) What is the difference between nitric acid and nitrous
acid. Which one is stronger base? Why?
89) Write": Dioxygen difluoride; Rubidium peroxide,
Gallium oxide.
90) Most of elements are metals. True ? why? What is
mass spectrometer?
91) How many grams in one mole of iodine, oxygen, nitric
92) How many atoms in one mole of oxygen molecule,
sodium metal, Mercury chloride?
93) How many atoms in 26.98 gr of Aluminum and in 55.85
grs of Iron?
94) How many grams of carbon in 1.5 mole of C2H5OH
95) What is the mass percent of carbon in C14H20N2SO4?
96) What is missing? (NH4)2Cr2O7 Cr2O3 +N2 +???
97) What is apercent yield ? give an example and provide
a calculation
98) Is it true? Stoichiometry deals with the quantities of
materials consumed and produced in chemical reactions?
99) The theoretical yield of a product is the maximum
amount that can be produced from a given amount of
limiting reactant? True?
What is the difference between 24Mg, 25Mg and
Mg provide a guess on their abundance (%)
How many moles of calcium phosphate are in 1 gr
Draw a figure of PV against pressure and explain
what are the limitations of an ideal gas?
What is a electromagnetic radiation?
What are the electron configurations of P; Ca,
Arrange in order of a decrease in first ionization
energy: Li, Na, K, Rb.
What are the freezing points of water,
chloroform, nitrogen
What is Le Chatelier's principle. Give an example
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