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Potential Essay Questions for the Final Exam: Sem. 2, 2007-08
Tell the story of a red blood cell as it travels up the inferior vena cava, through the
heart/lung system, out through the aorta, to some particular tissue, and back to the
Tell the story of all of the anatomical structures and physiological process involved in
what happens that causes you to respond when you are struck with a reflex hammer on
your patellar tendon. Start the story with the percussion and end the story where the
efferent transmission reaches the membrane of the effector muscle.
Tell the story of all of the anatomical structures and physiological process involved in
what happens that causes you to respond when you are struck with a reflex hammer on
your patellar tendon. Start the story with the arrival of the efferent transmission at the
membrane of the effector muscle and continue on, telling the story of the processes
that lead to muscle flexion.
Tell the story of how the body repairs the damage to vessels, skin and bone after a
compound fracture. Assume the patient is in the ER and the bone has just been set.
Begin with how the body stops the bleeding.
You find yourself outside on a cold day wearing light clothing. Tell the story of how
your body responds as it attempts to maintain homeostatic balance with regard to
Demonstrate your knowledge of anatomy and anatomy-related vocabulary as you
describe, in order, the structures you would cut through and see during the part of an
autopsy described below. On a human cadaver, you cut through the skin starting just
below the mandible, along the midline. You expose the organs of the throat and then
proceed to open the chest cavity to the diaphragm.
Demonstrate your knowledge of anatomy and anatomy-related vocabulary as you
describe, in order, the structures you would cut through and see during the part of an
autopsy described below. On a human cadaver, you cut through the skin of the
abdominal region, along the midline, just below the diaphragm. You proceed to open
the abdominal cavity to the pubic region.
Describe the processes cells can use to transport materials across the plasma
membrane and then throughout the inside of a cell. Include in your description the
various means cells can use to store materials for later use or disposal.
Tell the story of mitosis from the perspective of a single chromatid.
A runner completes 24 miles of a marathon before collapsing in a heap, gasping for
air. Describe what has happened physiologically that has led to the runner’s collapse.
Trace the path that light takes as it enters and travels through the parts of the eye.
Then, demonstrate your knowledge of the physiology of pupil constriction as you
explain what causes the pupil to constrict when the eye is exposed to bright light.
Explain what is happening within the circulatory system that causes the effects that can
be experienced and measured when taking a patient’s blood pressure and reading an
Explain the physiological implications of transfusing type A- blood into a patient who
has type B+ blood.
Chapter 1
Chapter 1