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Forming a Government Test Study Guide
Vocabulary to know:
 Constitution- a set of basic principles and laws that states the powers and duties of the government.
 Suffrage- the right to vote.
 Tariffs- taxes on imports and exports.
 Inflation- Increases prices for goods and services combined with the reduced value of money.
 Ratification- an official approval.
 Amendments- official change, correction or addition to a law, constitution or a document.
 Legislative Branch- the division of the federal government that proposes bills and passes them into laws.
 Executive Branch- the division of the federal government that includes the president and the
administrative departments; enforces our nation’s laws.
 Judicial Branch- the division of the federal government that is made up of the nation’s courts; interprets
the laws, punishes criminals, and settles disputes between states.
 Depression- a steep drop in economic activity combined with rising unemployment.
 Checks and Balances- a system of established by the Constitution that prevents any branch of
government from becoming too powerful.
 Federalism- United States system of government in which power is distributed between a central
government (Congress) and individual states.
1. What are the jobs of the Legislative Branch?
-Propose and pass laws
-Senate = 2 from each state
-House of Representatives = based on population
2. What are the jobs of the Executive Branch?
-Includes President
-Makes sure the law is carried out
3. What are the jobs of the Judicial Branch?
-Made up of all national courts
-Interprets laws
-Punishes criminals
-Settles state disputes
4. Explain the Great Compromise.
Roger Sherman created the plan. The legislative Branch would have 2 houses: House of Representative and the Senate.
Each state, would have two representatives in Senate. Each states representatives in the House of Representatives would
be determined by state population.
5. Which documents influenced the creators of the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution?
Magna Carta, the English Bill of Rights, Mayflower Compact.
6. List the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation.
-Most power held by the states
-One branch of government
-Legislative branch has few powers
-No executive branch
-No judicial branch
-No system of checks and balances
7. Explain the differences between the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists.
Federalists (wealthy planters, farmers, and lawyers) were supporters of the Constitution. Wanted a stronger federal
Anti-Federalists (small farmers and debtors) did not support the Constitution. Their main problem with the Constitution
was that there was no section guaranteeing individual rights. Wanted a weaker federal government with more power to the
8. What are the Federalist Papers? Who wrote them?
A series of essays that defended the Constitution. Published anonymously, but written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay,
and James Madison.
9. Compare and contrast the Articles of the Confederation and the Constitution.
Similar: Both had a Congress. Each state represented.
Articles of Confederation- one branch of government, states had most power,
Constitution- three branches of government, checks and balances, federalism
10. Explain the Northwest Ordinance of 1787.
Congress passed the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 that brought into the Union land areas that are present day Illinois,
Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Minnesota, Wisconsin.
11. Explain the 3/5th’s Compromise.
Three-fifths (3/5) of the slaves in each state would count as part of the state’s population to decide how many
representatives a state would have.
12. Why did Daniel Shay lead Shay’s Rebellion in Massachusetts? What did Shay’s rebellion say about the Articles
of Confederation?
Daniel Shay led hundreds of men to protest high taxes and heavy debts. Shay’s rebellion showed that the government
under the Articles of Confederation was weak.
13. Explain checks and balances.
Each branch of government can check the other powers in order to prevent one branch from becoming too powerful.
14. What happened when the Spanish would not allow the U.S. to trade through New Orleans?
Congress tried to work out an agreement with Spain, but the plan did not receive a majority vote in Congress. We had no
military to persuade the Spanish to cooperate. The event showed Americans more weaknesses of the Articles of
Confederation and that we needed a military.
15. Who was the Father of the Constitution? Why did he add the Bill of Rights to the end of the Constitution?
James Madison; to suit the will of the people. Also to appease the Anti-Federalists and ensure that the Constitution would
be ratified.
16. How many states had to ratify the Constitution for it to be law? Can the Constitution be changed?
9 out of the 13 states. The Constitution can be changed through amendments.
17. Which type of government did Ancient Greece influence?
18. Define Oligarchy- Ruling by a small group. Power is in the hands of a few.The group consists of the elite
(upper class/usually rich/privileged).
19. Define Federal System- Power is shared between central government and the states governed by it.
20. Define Representative Democracy- Citizens elect representatives to vote on issues/ laws.
21. What is significance of the Mayflower Compact?
First attempt at self-government in the colonies.
22. What is the Declaration of Rights?
A list of 10 complaints sent to King George III asking him to correct the problems.