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European Climate Adaptation Platform
Medium Term Work Plan
Version 1.2.
June 2014
1 Executive summary
Background and mandate
In order to improve sharing of the knowledge base on climate change impacts, vulnerability
and adaptation in Europe the European Commission launched in March 2012 the European
Climate Adaptation Platform, “Climate-ADAPT” ('the platform'), which is hosted by the EEA.
The main contents of the platform are:
 Observed and expected climate change in Europe
 The vulnerability of regions and sectors at present and in the future
 National and transnational adaptation strategies
 Case examples of adaptation and potential future adaptation options
 Tools that support adaptation planning and implementation
 Overview of relevant EU policy frameworks and processes
The EU strategy on adaptation to climate change, adopted by the European Commission
2013, sets out actions to meet three specific objectives of (1) promoting action by Member
States, (2) better informed decision-making and (3) promoting adaptation in key EU
vulnerable sectors. Climate-ADAPT is acknowledged in the strategy as a key element in
ensuring informed decision-making. Therefore it is recognized as a tool to be further
developed, to provide the best available information at EU level.
Objectives, users and vision of Climate-ADAPT
The objectives of the platform are to facilitate the collection, sharing and use of information
on climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to build a consistent and updated
knowledge base; to assist an effective uptake of the relevant knowledge by decision makers
and to contribute to a greater level of coordination among sectors and institutional levels.
The intended users of Climate-ADAPT are governmental decision-makers, and
organisations providing them support, working on adaptation at transnational, national and
sub-national level (e.g. cities). Its geographical scope is the EU28 member states, and the
non-EU 5 EEA member countries. In the future the scope could be extended.
The information is generated by governmental organisations (ministries and public
agencies), research institutes and practitioners. An important new information source for
climate data and projections will be the planned Copernicus climate change service.
Work Plan 2013 – 2018
Summary Table and Time schedule
The work plan described in this document aims at responding to the new requirements from
the EU strategy and the needs of key stakeholders, while ensuring consistency with the
objectives and vision, and the human and financial resources available.
Climate-ADAPT is maintained by the EEA with the support of its European Topic Centre on
Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation. This task includes, on a regular basis, to update
the information available on the platform (e.g. from Interreg and EU research projects), to
improve the display and accessibility of information (e.g. based on users feedback) and to
undertake dissemination actions .
To develop further Climate-ADAPT choices have to be made to prioritise work year on year.
These annual priorities are presented in details in the summary table below.
Table 1 – Main priorities described in the Work Plan for Climate-ADAPT by year
Priorities regarding Content*
Priorities regarding functionality and tools*
Case studies
Include information on EU adaptation
strategy and funding
Update of the Adaptation Support
Introduce the platform in selected MS
(Policy/science forums)
Enhance cities information
Reporting under the MMR and
transfer into Climate-ADAPT
Content links with Copernicus climate
change service
Content evaluation and revision
related to the review of the EU
Strategy on Adaptation
Develop and implement new content
required from review of EU strategy
Case study submission form and search
Database submission forms and structure
Develop cities submission form and cities
map-based search tool
Improve spatial and temporal presentation
of climate data (map viewer)
Improve the overview of country information
Enhance user interactivity
Functionality links with Copernicus climate
change service
Functionality evaluation and revision
related to the review of the EU Strategy on
Develop and implement new functionalities
required from review of EU strategy
Updating and further development of contents
Regular updating of Climate-ADAPT by EEA, supported by ETC CCA, encompasses content
(e.g. database items), the workflow procedures, relevant EEA impact indicators and reports.
DG CLIMA funds projects that contribute to develop Climate-ADAPT content.
JRC will provide further spatial maps for indicators (e.g. floods, impacts on agriculture), time
series of climate indices, results of economic evaluations and an assessment of resilience of
EU investments and assets.
Other DGs provide updated information on EU sectoral policies related to adaptation and
results of projects. DG CLIMA will coordinate the input from other Commission services: DG
Transport, DG REGIO and DG RTD. Projects financed under the Financial Framework 201420 will be included from 2015 onwards (REGIO, LIFE, etc.).
Interested and experienced users can propose content contributions to CLIMATE-ADAPT,
which provides guidance and support to that aim.
Changes due to new demands from the EU adaptation strategy
In 2014 an EU Adaptation Strategy section will be established at Climate-ADAPT, containing
information on its implementation, the existing EU policy pages, which will be updated, and
information on funding sources for adaptation.
Links to the national adaptation platform and/or thematic national websites will be improved
as well as the presentation of national case studies of potential EU interest.
The current Climate-ADAPT section on urban adaptation will be enhanced and improved, in
the framework of the Mayors Adapt initiative.
The information on transnational regions, overseas territories and macro regions will be
improved, and a proposal will be prepared on how to improve the information from subnational regions.
Links to other sectoral platforms (such as WISE and BISE) and international initiatives (such
as WHO Europe and ISDR Europe) will be further enhanced, where relevant and needed.
Information on costs and benefits will be improved: a separate section will be prepared
including results from various projects and contracts.
A new Copernicus climate change service is expected to start in 2015. EEA will develop
options for linking the planned service to Climate-ADAPT to be implemented in 2016.
1.3.4 Updating of countries information
DG CLIMA will request EU countries, and EEA other EEA member countries, (to update the
information on the national pages, once per year or at the countries' own initiative.
A proposal for using Climate-ADAPT as the recipient of reporting by Member States under
the Monitoring mechanism regulation (MMR) will be developed by EEA, using its ReportNet
tools and seeking links with Climate-ADAPT.
Maintenance and improvement of software
Software improvements will be funded by DG CLIMA contracts, aiming at developing
functionalities and tools to enhance the platform, according to the EU Adaptation Strategy.
EEA also performs software related activities: support the platform's maintenance, manage
maps, enable the integration of tools, and advice of DG CLIMA funded software projects.
Dissemination and Capacity building
DG CLIMA and EEA are presenting Climate-ADAPT at conferences and workshops to raise
awareness on the platform and receive feedback for potential improvements and contents.
EEA holds an annual EIONET meetings, organises capacity building workshops and expert
meetings on national and other adaptation platforms.
DG CLIMA promotes dissemination and capacity building providing materials, training
events, and dissemination of adaptation-related knowledge using the platform's resources.
EEA and DG CLIMA have developed a proposal for a regular newsletter about the platform,
to be issued from 2014.
1.3.7 Reporting, evaluation, feedback and revision
EEA will, at least once per year, report to the platform's Steering Group on maintenance and
updating of Climate-ADAPT, including on use of the website.
EEA, with DG CLIMA, will analyse and take into account feedback from users once per year.
In 2017 a review of the platform will be carried out related to the review of the EU Strategy
on Adaptation.
This Work Plan will be revised once a year, as a part of the Steering Group work. The
document will be made available for information to the involved countries.
Governance and resources
Since the launch in March 2012 the daily management of the platform is under the joint
responsibility of the EEA and DG CLIMA.
The Climate-ADAPT Steering Group is composed of EEA, DG CLIMA, and JRC. It provides
strategic direction for the development of Climate-ADAPT.
DG CLIMA supports, through financial and management contributions, the developments of
Climate-ADAPT stemming from the implementation of the EU Adaptation Strategy. DG
CLIMA also ensures coordination with Member States and Commission services.
EEA provides regular maintenance and updating of Climate-ADAPT, as made explicit within
the EEA Multiannual Work Programme and annual work programmes. The European Topic
Centre on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation supports EEA. The work by
ETC CCA is explained in the annual ETC CCA action plans, funded by EEA.
DG JRC provides contributions based on relevant activities and projects by JRC, including in
cooperation with DG CLIMA, and ensures consistency between these and Climate-ADAPT.