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HIS 101 04
In which battle did the Greeks defeat Persian army of King Darius when it first invaded Greece?
A. Marathon
B. Salamis
C. Thermopylae
D. Mycale
E. Plataea
In which battle did King Leonidas and a contingent of Spartans halt the advance of the Persians under the
command of King Xerxes?
A. Marathon
B. Salamis
C. Thermopylae
D. Mycale
E. Plataea
Who led the Delian League?
A. Athens
B. Sparta
C. Persia
D. Corinth
E. Thebes
In which battle did the Athenian navy defeat the Persian navy and cause Xerxes to return to Asia?
A. Marathon
B. Salamis
C. Thermopylae
D. Mycale
E. Aegospotami
Which of these statements regarding the Delian League is NOT ACCURATE?
A. It liberated virtually all the Greek states in the Aegean from Persian control
B. It became the nucleus of an Athenian empire.
C. It was weakened by the secession of Naxos and Thasos
D. Its main headquarters was the island of Delos
E. Athens refused to allow other city states to withdraw from the League.
Who was the opponent of Athens and its allies in the Great Peloponnesian War?
A. Persia and its allies B. Sparta and its allies
C. Egypt and its allies
D. Troy and its allies
E. None of these answers is correct.
Which is NOT an accurate statement regarding Athenian democracy in the Age of Pericles?
A. The assembly (ecclesia) consisted of all male citizens and passed all laws.
B. Public officials could be banished from the city by a vote of the assembly.
C. The Council of Five Hundred made final decisions on war and foreign policy.
D. Members on the strategoi (board of generals) could be elected to more than one term.
E. Pericles made it possible for poor citizens to hold public office.
What happened to Pericles?
A. He fell victim to the plague.
B. He was killed at the Battle of Marathon
C. He was executed by Cyrus the Great D. He became governor of a Persian province
E. None of the other answers is correct.
What was the significance of the Battle of Aegospotami?
A. The Athenian navy was destroyed, signaling the end of the Great Peloponnesian War.
B. It led to the successful conclusion of the Sicilian strategy proposed by Pericles.
C. It proved the effectiveness of the Long Walls of Athens.
D. It was one of the few victories won by the Athenian army against the Spartans.
E. None of the other answers is correct.
Who led the forces of the Greeks at the Battle of Marathon?
A. Themistocles
B. Miltiades
C. Leonidas
D. Pericles
E. Heodotus
Who led Thebes during its brief period of ascendancy following the Peloponnesian Wars?
A. Lycurgus
B. Xerxes
C. Epaminondas
D. Phillip II
E. Miltiades
Who wrote the History of the Peloponnesian Wars?
A. Thucydides
B. Homer
C. Herodotus
D. Pericles
E. Leonidas
Which of these is NOT associated with the Peloponnesian War?
A. Athenian Long Walls B. Peace of Nicias
C. Death of Pericles
D. Battle of Mantinea
E. Alcibiades invasion of Sicily
Which of the following is best associated with the Battle of Salamis?
A. Trireme
B. “That is good news. We will fight in the shade!” C. Treasury of Delos
D. Peace of Nicias E. None of the other answers is correct.
After the defeat of the first Persian invasion of Greece, who persuaded Athens to develop a navy?
A. Pericles B. Leonidas C. Themistocles D. Miltiades E. Epaminondas
Whose financial support of the opponents of Sparta led to the Corinthian War (395-386 B.C.)?
A. Athens
B. Macedonia
C. Persia
D. Corinth
E. Thebes
What was the outcome of the Athenian invasion of Sicily during the Great Peloponnesian War?
A. Sicily was conquered and became a member of the Delian League
B. Athens was defeated and all the Athenians were either killed or sold into slavery.
C. Persia was persuaded to become an ally of Sparta.
D. The Sicilians bribed the Athenian generals to retreat and withdraw from the island.
E. Nothing; the invasion of Sicily occurred during the Persian Wars.
Which of these events of the Persian Wars is in the correct chronological order?
A. Battle of Marathon, Battle of Thermopylae, Battle of Salamis, Battle of Plataea, Ionian Revolt
B. Ionian Revolt, Battle of Marathon, Battle of Thermopylae, Battle of Salamis, Battle of Plataea
C. Ionian Revolt, Battle of Salamis, Battle of Thermopylae, Battle of Marathon, Battle of Plataea
D. Battle of Marathon, Battle of Thermopylae, Battle of Salamis, Ionian Revolt Battle of Plataea
E. Battle of Marathon, Battle of Salamis, Battle of Plataea, Battle of Thermopylae, Ionian Revolt
Which statement regarding The Great Peloponnesian War is NOT ACCURATE?
A. According to Thucydides, the cause of the war was Spartan fear of Athens and its empire.
B. The conflict came to an end with the Spartan victory at the Battle of Amphipolis.
C. After convincing Athens to invade Sicily, Alcibiades ended up advising Sparta how to defeat Athens
D. The Peace of Nicias did not eliminate the causes of the war and lasted six years instead of fifty.