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Research Paper Proposal
Name: Your name
Class: Your class
Title: Title of your paper (Not the SUBJECT, the title)
Subject: The Election of 1864
Thesis Statement: This paper will consist of details about The Election of 1864. The
1864 presidential election was one of the most distinguishing event in American history.
A war was at stake that might have result in the continuation of slavery as being legal.
A. Introduction
In the election of 1864, Abraham Lincoln is re-elected as the president. The
1864 election occurred during the Civil War. Election took place in Louisiana
and Tennessee.
B. Body of Paper
1. Overview on the 1864 Election
The 1864 election was the first time since 1812 that a presidential
election took place during a war. For much of 1864, Lincoln himself
believed he had little chance of being re-elected.
2. Nominations
a. Radical Republican Party nominations
John C. Fremont, U.S senate from California, was the
Radical Republican Party.
b. National Union Party nominations
Abraham Lincoln, president of the U.S from Illnois, was the
National Union Party nominations.
c. Democratic Party
George B. McClellan, Army major general from New Jersey
H. Seymour, former U.S. representative from Connecticut
Horatio Seymour, U.S. governor of New York. McClellan,
ran on a platform of asking for immediate peace with the
states in rebellion and, in essence, granting them their
independence from the Union.
3. Election
a. Results
On November 8, Lincoln won by over 400,000 popular votes
and easily won the electoral majority. Several states allowed
their citizens that were also soldiers to vote as well, which
was a first in U.S history. Soldiers in the Army gave Lincoln
more than 70% of their vote.
C. Conclusion
1. Analysis of research
This was the first election since the re-election of Andrew Jackson
where an incumbent president won re-election. Lincoln's second term
ended just 6 weeks after inauguration due to his assassination.
2. Author’s conclusion
The election was mostly about Lincoln and McClellan. Lincoln was all
about pursuing the war against the rebellious states until the Union was all
together restored. Lincoln’s former general was against him in the election
and he showed no fear. The general lost and Abraham won.
Sources (you need at least 5): What books, websites, articles, etc will you use? These
must be listed in strict Turabian bibliography formatting.
Jack Waugh Reelecting Lincoln: The Battle for the 1864 Presidency (1998), a popular
David E. Long. Jewel of Liberty: Abraham Lincoln's Re-election and the End of Slavery
George, Joseph, Jr. "'Abraham Africanus I': President Lincoln Through the Eyes of a
Copperhead Editor." Civil War History 1968 14(3): 226-239.
Koza et al., John (2006). “Every Vote Equal: A State-Based Plan for Electing the
President by National Popular Vote. p. xvii
Leip, Dave. “1864 Presidential Election - Home States”. Dave Leip's Atlas of U.S.
Presidential Elections. Retrieved July 1st, 2011.