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Research Newsletter
Department of Geriatrics
Florida State University College of Medicine
In This Issue
New Projects & Collaborations
Community Involvement
Senior Artist Project
3, 4
Notes of Interest
Geriatrics Faculty Members
Featured in Updated Reference Book
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funds transfer, by phone, or by mail.
Ham’s Primary Care Geriatrics, sixth edition, is a medical
reference book that features an interdisciplinary
perspective that provides team-oriented knowledge on the
best diagnosis, treatment, and management strategies
available to address the complex needs of older adults.
If you have questions, call the FSU
Foundation at (850) 644-4389 or
(850) 644-3353.
Chapter authors, from left: Alice Pomidor & Ken BrummelSmith. Not pictured: Lisa Granville, Niharika Suchak, and
Debra Danforth.
FSU College of Medicine - Department of Geriatrics
1115 West Call Street, Suite 4300, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4300
(850) 645-8440
[email protected]
New Projects & Collaborations
Investigating the HeartMath Technology to Reduce Stress in Medical Students
Ken Brummel-Smith, M.D.
This study will test to see if the HeartMath technology can help
medical students reduce their stress levels.
HeartMath is a validated technique that uses cardiac biofeedback to
determine heart rate variability (HRV). High HRV has been shown to
be associated with low levels of stress hormones such as epinephrine
and cortisol. A number of studies using HeartMath have shown
benefits in test anxiety in high school students but none have yet
studied medical students’ stress levels.
Jason was awarded a Charles R. Mathews Scholarship for Geriatrics
Education and Research to assist Dr. Brummel-Smith on this summer
research project. Read more about Dr. Mathews.
Jason Lesnick,
Class of 2017
MUST-SIT together©: An Interprofessional Education Model
Niharika Suchak, M.D. in collaboration with Debra Danforth, M.S., A.R.N.P., F.A.A.N.P.,
Maria Whyte, M.S.N., D.H.Sc., A.R.N.P. (Nursing), and Jean Munn, Ph.D., M.S.W. (Social Work)
Most healthcare educational institutions in the U.S. are
planning or implementing interprofessional education
competencies in their curricula for their learners.
The Modified Use of Simulation in Teams for Students in
Training (MUST-SIT) together© model was designed to gather
students from four healthcare disciplines (medicine, nursing,
pharmacy, and social work) together in the same physical space
and to introduce them to the core concepts of interprofessional
teamwork and team-based care. The investigators are currently
reviewing retrospective survey and observational data.
Marielys Figueroa-Sierra,
Class of 2016
Page 2
Marielys was awarded a scholarship from the Mina Jo Powell
Fund for Study of Health Issues in Aging for her assistance with
this educational research study. Read more about Ms. Powell.
FSU College of Medicine - Department of Geriatrics
1115 West Call Street, Suite 4300, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4300
(850) 645-8440
[email protected]
New Projects & Collaborations
Florida Longitudinal Study of Aging
Antonio Terracciano, Ph.D. and Angelina Sutin, Ph.D.
The Florida Longitudinal Study of Aging is a multidisciplinary
longitudinal study that will explore changes in the health and wellbeing of older adults in retirement communities. Drs. Terracciano and
Sutin are leading this study and providing research experience to
undergraduate and graduate FSU students.
Antonio Terracciano, Ph.D.
The study includes a wide range of measures. Clinical measures
include a medical history, cognition, depressive symptoms, height and
weight, blood pressure and pulse, and peak expiratory flow.
Participants are also asked to wear an activity monitor for one week
and to complete a physical assessment to measure their physical
fitness and sleep patterns. During a taped interview, participants also
talk about memories of personally meaningful experiences. In-depth
psychological assessments are also conducted through a take-home
This study began recruiting from Westminster Oaks in April. Since
then, approximately 40 participants have been tested and
Angelina Sutin, Ph.D.
Community Involvement
The Department thanks the following community
organizations for their partnership.
Casa Calderon
Lake Ella Manor
Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare Memory Disorders
Tallahassee Senior Center
Westminster Gardens
Westminster Oaks
Page 3
Lilies on the Lake
by Nancy Juster Johnson
Project sponsored by a
Donald W. Reynolds Foundation grant.
FSU College of Medicine - Department of Geriatrics
1115 West Call Street, Suite 4300, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4300
(850) 645-8440
[email protected]
Uric Acid and Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in
Individuals with Cognitive Impairments
Antonio Terracciano, Ph.D.
Lauren Stewart, Class of 2018
Katy Willbur, M.S.
This project aims to investigate whether agitation-related
symptoms in people with dementia are associated with uric acid
During her time on the project, Lauren Stewart started recruiting
participants and paving the way for more in-depth data
collection. She presented her findings at the Bridge Luncheon in
Peruvian Drop Spindle
by Nancy Juster Johnson
Research assistant Katy Willbur continues to recruit and interview
participants for this study.
Medication Use Among Residents of a Residential Memory Care Unit
Lisa Granville, M.D.
Mauricio Parra-Ferro, Class of 2018
This study aimed to analyze the existing medication profiles of the facility’s residents. Read
Research assistant Mauricio Parra-Ferro presented his findings from the study at the Bridge
Luncheon in May. In his presentation, he showed that residents were taking an average of eight
medications and 71.4 percent of the residents were on at least one potentially inappropriate
Of the 227 medications reviewed, 33 were listed as potentially inappropriate according to Beers
Criteria. While these medications were spread across various therapeutic drug categories, there
was a considerably higher prevalence of psycholeptics.
The high prevalence of potentially inappropriate medications found in this and other studies
supports the idea that healthcare professionals have an opportunity to lead the way in the
implementation of safer, potentially non-pharmacological interventions for various conditions in
vulnerable older adults.
Page 4
FSU College of Medicine - Department of Geriatrics
1115 West Call Street, Suite 4300, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4300
(850) 645-8440
[email protected]
Exploring Depression in Older Adults
Suzanne Baker, M.A. and Angelina Sutin, Ph.D.
Stephanie Poteau, Class of 2018
Tamara Marryshow Granados, Class of 2017
This project aims to better understand the stigma of depression among older adults in our
community in order to identify diagnosis and treatment barriers. Read more...
Research assistant Stephanie Poteau presented her findings from the study at the Bridge Luncheon
in May.
Tamara Marryshow Granados was awarded a Charles R. Mathews Scholarship
for Geriatrics Education and Research. This summer she has continued to
recruit participants from five community sites, distribute surveys, and
interview participants.
To date, 89 persons age 65 and older have participated in the survey portion
of the study and 39 have also completed interviews. The mean age of
respondents is 72.5 years and 70 percent are female.
In terms of the association between personality and depression, the
data thus far follow the existing literature that more depressive
symptoms are significantly associated with higher levels of
Tamara Marryshow Granados,
neuroticism and lower levels of extraversion, conscientiousness,
Class of 2017
and agreeableness.
In terms of stigma, participants generally do not think poorly of people who suffer from
depression. They do recognize that it can cause interpersonal problems (i.e., trouble in a
marriage), but people with depression should not have to hide it or feel bad about it.
When asked how likely it would be that they would seek help from various sources if they
experienced depression, the greatest percentage of participants (35 percent) said they would be
very likely to talk to their doctor, and 34 percent indicated it would be very likely that they would
modify their lifestyle (i.e., diet and exercise), as compared to 25 percent who said they would
talk to a mental health professional and/or take an antidepressant. Only 12 percent indicated that
they would be very likely to talk to a clergy member, church leader, or spiritual guide. Data
analysis is ongoing.
Page 5
FSU College of Medicine - Department of Geriatrics
1115 West Call Street, Suite 4300, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4300
(850) 645-8440
[email protected]
Florida Geriatrics Society Outstanding Student in Geriatrics Award
On behalf of the Department, Dr. Myra Hurt awarded Brett Thomas and Mary O'Meara the Florida
Geriatrics Society Award for Outstanding Student in Geriatrics.
This award is presented to the senior medical student who uses a patient-centered approach to
problem solving and patient management for the older adult and who recognizes the distinct
benefit this approach gives the older patient, their family, and caregivers.
Dr. Pomidor Named a Fellow of the American Geriatrics Society
“AGS Fellowship status (AGSF) is awarded to AGS members who
have demonstrated a professional commitment to geriatrics,
contributed to the progress of geriatrics care, and are active
participants in the Society's activities.
Attaining AGSF status places members in a specially recognized
group of healthcare providers who are dedicated to geriatrics
education, clinical care, and research, as well as to their own
continuing professional development. Fellows have distinguished
themselves among their colleagues, as well as in their
communities and in the Society by their service.
Their dedication and longstanding commitment to AGS is
recognized by this mark of distinction.”
Alice Pomidor, M.D.
Page 6
- American Geriatrics Society
FSU College of Medicine - Department of Geriatrics
1115 West Call Street, Suite 4300, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4300
(850) 645-8440
[email protected]
Ken Brummel-Smith, M.D. will teach the
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute’s (OLLI)
New Concepts in Medical Care. Classes
through OLLI are offered to adults age 50
or older. This class will address new
concepts and discoveries in how medical
care is practiced in America. The class will
begin October 1 and be held Wednesdays
from 2:00-4:00 p.m. at Westminster Oaks
Maguire Center.
Alice Pomidor, M.D. will serve as the Chair
of the Public Education Committee of the
American Geriatrics Society for a term
beginning May 2014 and ending May 2017.
She will also serve a concurrent term on
the Steering Committee for AGS
American Geriatrics Society
Lunch and Learn
In June, the Department hosted another
American Geriatrics Society Lunch and Learn.
During this event, faculty presented topics
that were discussed at the annual meeting in
The goal of the event is to disseminate
important, national information on geriatric
care. This year’s topics included:
Update on and Demonstration of
e-Learning Resources: MOOCs, WebGEMS,
and SpacedEd, presented by Alice
Pomidor, M.D.
New Choosing Wisely Recommendations—
Improving Care for Geriatric Patients,
presented by Ken Brummel-Smith, M.D.
Heart Failure as a Geriatric Syndrome,
presented by Ken Brummel-Smith, M.D.
Designing Better Surveys, presented by
Suzanne Baker, M.A.
Faculty development credit was available to
those who attended. The recording and
presentation materials can be viewed on the
Faculty Development website.
Page 7
2014 Florida Geriatrics Society
Annual Meeting
Agens J, Baker S, and Friedman E. A Pilot
Study of Fourth-Year Medical Student
Charting of Cognitive and Functional
Status in Older Persons.
Agens J, Quintero S, Tsilimingras D, and
Lee H. Post-Discharge Adverse Events of
Individuals Age 65 and Older.
Gardner L, Siefman M, Brummel-Smith K,
Baker S, Edgerton L, and Menkin E.
Consistency of Choices of End-of-Life
Wishes Using the “Go Wish” Cards: A
Comparison of Elders with Intact Cognition
and Mild Cognitive Impairment.
Suchak N, Figueroa-Sierra M, Danforth D,
Whyte M, and Munn J. MUST-SIT
together©: An Interprofessional Education
FSU College of Medicine - Department of Geriatrics
1115 West Call Street, Suite 4300, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4300
(850) 645-8440
[email protected]
2014 American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting
Marielys Figueroa-Sierra, Debra Danforth, Maria
Whyte, Jean Munn, and Niharika Suchak.
Modified Use of Simulation in Teams for
Students In Training (MUST-SIT)©: An
Interprofessional Education Model.
Antonio Terracciano and Angelina Sutin.
Personality Links with
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.
Hanna Lee, John Agens, Stephen Quintero,
and Dennis Tsilimingras.
Jason Gronert, Lisa Granville, Suzanne
Baker, and LaVon Edgerton.
Hospital Post-Discharge Adverse Events of
Individuals Age 65 and Older.
Understanding Lower Urinary Tract
Symptoms (LUTS) and Their Impact on LifeSpace in Older Adults.
Page 8
FSU College of Medicine - Department of Geriatrics
1115 West Call Street, Suite 4300, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4300
(850) 645-8440
[email protected]
Marshall Kapp, J.D.
“Home- and Community-Based Long-Term Care Services and Supports: What Does Health Reform
Have to Do With It?” at Health Reform, Transition, and Transformation in Long-Term Care, the 26th
Annual Health Law Symposium sponsored by the Saint Louis University School of Law, Center for
Health Law Studies, in St. Louis, MO, March 28, 2014.
“Making Medical Practice More Rational: Does the Law Help or Hurt?” at the 37th Annual Health
Law Professors Conference of the American Society of Law, Medicine and Ethics, San Francisco,
CA, June 7, 2014.
Niharika Suchak, M.D.
“Modified Use of Simulation in Teams for Students In Training (MUST-SIT together)©: An
Interprofessional Education Model” at The International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation
& Learning conference in Orlando, FL, June 10-13, 2014. Debra Danforth, Maria Whyte, Niharika
Suchak, Jean Munn, and Marielys Figueroa-Sierra.
Arjmandi BH, Ormsbee LT...Brummel-Smith
K, et al. A Combination of Scutellaria
Baicalensis and Acacia Catechu Extracts for
Short-Term Symptomatic Relief of Joint
Discomfort Associated with Osteoarthritis of
the Knee. Journal of Medicinal Food. 2014;17
Leipzig RM, Sauvigné K, Granville LJ, et al.
What Is a Geriatrician? American Geriatrics
Society and Association of Directors of
Geriatric Academic Programs End-of-Training
Entrustable Professional Activities for
Geriatric Medicine. Journal of the American
Geriatrics Society. 2014;62(5):924-929.
O’Shea J, Brummel-Smith K, Baker S, and
Edgerton L. Milestone or Millstone: Medicare
Access in Midsize Metros. Clinical Geriatrics.
Kapp MB and Brummel-Smith K. My View:
Wishes Can Become Comforting Mandates for
Patients. Tallahassee Democrat. 2014.
Atkinson HH, Tan ZS...Granville L. A
collaborative national model to assess
competencies for medical students,
residents, and other healthcare practitioners
in gait and falls risk evaluation. Journal of
the American Geriatrics Society. 2014;62
Page 9
Kapp MB. Book Review of “Caring and the
Law” by Jonathan Herring, in Care
Management Journals. 2014;15(2):98-99.
Kapp MB and Nair-Collins M. “Impaired
Professionals,” in Bioethics (4th ed.), Bruce
Jennings, ed. Farmington Hills,
MI: Macmillan Reference. 2014;3:1628-1631.
FSU College of Medicine - Department of Geriatrics
1115 West Call Street, Suite 4300, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4300
(850) 645-8440
[email protected]
Kapp MB. “Aging and the Aged: Research
Ethics,” in Bioethics (4th ed.), Bruce Jennings,
ed. Farmington Hills, MI: Macmillan
Reference. 2014;1:129-131.
Kapp MB. I’m Getting Turned Off: Emerging
Consensus on Deactivating Cardiac
Implantable Electronic Devices. Medicine and
Law. 2014;33(1):14-21.
Loeckenhoff CE, Chan W...Terracciano A.
Gender Stereotypes of Personality Universal
and Accurate? Journal of Cross-Cultural
Psychology. 2014;45(5):675-694.
Milaneschi Y, Sutin AR, Terracciano A, et al.
The Association Between Leptin and
Depressive Symptoms is Modulated by
Abdominal Adiposity.
Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2014;42:1-10.
Terracciano A. Pregnancy, Marriage, and
Quitting School Nurture Personality
Development? Commentary on Bleidorn,
Klimstra, Denissen, Rentfrow, Potter, and
Gosling. Psychological Science. 2014;25
Terracciano A, Strait J, Scuteri A, et al.
Personality Traits and Circadian Blood
Pressure Patterns: A 7-Year Prospective
Study. Psychosomatic Medicine. 2014;76
Terracciano A, Sutin AR, An Y, et al.
Personality and Risk of Alzheimer's Disease:
New Data and Meta-Analysis. Alzheimer's &
Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's
Association. 2014;10(2):179-186.
van den Berg SM, de Moor MH...Terracciano
A, et al. Harmonization of Neuroticism and
Extraversion Phenotypes Across Inventories
and Cohorts in the Genetics of Personality
Consortium: An Application of Item Response
Theory. Behavior Genetics. 2014;44(4):295313.
Turner G. Critical Synthesis Package:
Effectiveness of Evidence-Based Practice
Teaching Questionnaire (EBPTQ).
MedEdPORTAL. 2014.
Notes of Interest
The Alzheimer’s Project
Watch Momentum in Science.
"Momentum In Science is a two-part state-of-thescience film that takes viewers inside the
HBO and the National Institute laboratories and clinics of 25 leading scientists and
on Aging's Alzheimer's disease
physicians, revealing some of the most cuttingresearch program have collaboedge research advances.”
rated to raise awareness of the
"scientific discovery, research
Watch The Memory Loss Tapes.
advances and challenges, and
There are four documentaries, the first is titled
of the human faces behind the
"The Memory Loss Tapes." This video “provides an
up-close and personal look at seven individuals
living with Alzheimer's, across the full spectrum of
the progression of the disease.”
Page 10
FSU College of Medicine - Department of Geriatrics
1115 West Call Street, Suite 4300, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4300
(850) 645-8440
[email protected]