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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 201 / Thursday, October 16, 2008 / Notices
Union Electric Company d/b/a
AmerenUE, Notice of Receipt and
Availability of Application for a
Combined License; Correction
Nuclear Regulatory
ACTION: Notice of receipt and
availability; Correction.
SUMMARY: This document corrects a
notice appearing in the Federal Register
on October 9, 2008 (65 FR 59677), that
notices the receipt and availability of an
application for a combined license for
an evolutionary power reactor nuclear
power plant at the existing Callaway
Power Plant site located in Callaway
County, Missouri. This action is
necessary to correct the heading of the
Surinder Arora, Project Manager, Office
of New Reactors, telephone (301) 415–
On page 59677, in the third column,
the heading is corrected to read as set
forth above.
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 9th day
of October 2008.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Surinder Arora,
Project Manager, U.S. EPR Projects Branch,
Division of New Reactor Licensing, Office of
New Reactors.
[FR Doc. E8–24628 Filed 10–15–08; 8:45 am]
Generalized System of Preferences
(GSP): Notice Regarding the 2008
Annual Product Review: Competitive
Need Limitations (CNL) Warning List
and the Filing of Petitions Requesting
CNL Waivers
Office of the United States
Trade Representative.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This notice is to inform the
public of the availability of eight-month
2008 import statistics and to announce
that the Office of the United States
Trade Representative (USTR) will not be
publishing a ‘‘warning list’’ of products
that may exceed statutory competitive
need limitations (CNLs), pertinent to the
2008 GSP Annual Review. Each
interested party is responsible for
conducting its own review of 2008
import data with regard to the possible
application of GSP CNLs and submitting
a petition to waive the CNLs if
necessary. This information can be
found on the U.S. International Trade
Commission (USITC) Web site (http:// The deadline for
submission of petitions requesting CNL
waivers for consideration in the 2008
GSP Annual Review is 5 p.m.,
Thursday, November 13, 2008. The list
of petitions for CNL waivers accepted
for review will be announced in the
Federal Register at a later date.
Regina Teeter, GSP Program, Office of
the United States Trade Representative,
1724 F Street, NW., Room F–214,
Washington, DC 20508. The telephone
number is (202) 395–6971, the fax
number is (202) 395–9481, and the email address is
[email protected].
countries during the calendar year did
not exceed the applicable de minimis
amount for that year. Comments on de
minimis waivers will be requested after
publication of a separate Federal
Register notice in February 2008.
I. Competitive Need Limitations
The GSP program provides for the
duty-free importation of designated
articles when imported from designated
beneficiary developing countries
(BDCs). The GSP program is authorized
by title V of the Trade Act of 1974 (19
U.S.C. 2461, et seq. ), as amended (the
‘‘1974 Act’’), and is implemented in
accordance with Executive Order 11888
of November 24, 1975, as modified by
subsequent Executive Orders and
Presidential Proclamations.
Section 503(c)(2)(A) of the 1974 Act
sets out the two competitive need
limitations (CNLs). When the President
determines that a BDC exported to the
United States during a calendar year
either: (1) A quantity of a GSP-eligible
article having a value in excess of the
applicable amount for that year ($135
million for 2008), or (2) a quantity of a
GSP-eligible article having a value equal
to or greater than 50 percent of the value
of total U.S. imports of the article from
all countries (the ‘‘50 percent CNL’’), the
President must terminate GSP duty-free
treatment for that article from that BDC
by no later than July 1 of the next
calendar year. However, Section 503(d)
of the 1974 Act sets forth the criteria
under which the President may grant a
waiver of the CNL for articles imported
from specific BDCs. Product petitions
requesting CNL waivers for GSP-eligible
articles from beneficiary developing
countries that exceed the CNLs in 2008
must be filed in the 2008 Annual
Under section 503(c)(2)(F) of the 1974
Act, the President may also waive the 50
percent CNL with respect to an eligible
article imported from a BDC if the value
of total imports of that article from all
A. Eight Month Import Data and
Announcement That ‘‘Warning List’’
Will Not Be Published
II. Implementation of Competitive Need
Exclusions from GSP duty-free
treatment where CNLs have been
exceeded will be effective July 1, 2009,
unless granted a waiver before that date
by the President. CNL exclusions will be
based on full calendar-year 2008 import
statistics. Full calendar-year 2008 data
for individual tariff subheadings will be
available in February 2009 on the Web
site of the U.S. International Trade
Commission at http://dataweb.usitc.
III. 2008 Competitive Need Limitations
Petition Procedure
For the purposes of the Competitive
Need Limitations, the Office of the
United States Trade Representative
(USTR) will not be publishing a
‘‘warning list’’ of products that may
exceed statutory competitive need
limitations (CNLs). Each interested
party is responsible for conductingits
own review of 2008 import data with
regard to the possible application of
GSP CNLs. This information can be
found on the U.S. International Trade
Commission (USITC) Web site (http:// Interested parties,
including foreign governments, may
submit petitions to waive the
‘‘competitive need limitations’’ for
individual beneficiary developing
countries with respect to specific GSPeligible articles (these limits do not
apply to either least-developed
beneficiary developing countries or
AGOA beneficiary sub-Saharan African
countries). As announced in the May 15,
2008, Federal Register notice, petitions
requesting CNL waivers must be
received by the GSP Subcommittee of
the Trade Policy Staff Committee no
later than 5 p.m. on Thursday,
November 13, 2008, in order to be
considered in the 2008 Annual Review.
Petitions submitted after the deadline
will not be considered for review. The
list of product petitions accepted for
review will be announced in the
Federal Register at a later date.
As specified in 15 CFR 2007.1, all
petitions requesting CNL waivers for
GSP-eligible articles from beneficiary
developing countries must include a
detailed description of the product and