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Prescription Drugs
1. What other drug is as powerful and affects the body in the same way as the
painkiller Oxycontin?
Heroin (opium dried condensed juice of poppy= morphine) Percocet/ Percodan
Contains oxycodon
2. What are some of the effects of painkillers?
drowsiness, slowed breathing, coma, confusion
3. What are some of the effects of depressants?
slowed brain function, loss of judgment and coordination, depression and
4. What are some of the effects of stimulants?
Increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, nervousness, feelings of hostility,
increased blood temp, irregular heartbeat
5. What are some of the effects of antidepressants?
Insomnia, irritability, nervousness, anxiety, agitation, aggression, paranoid reactions
Heroin- What is it??
1. A morphine derivative- morphine is
opium’s most potent active
2. First synthesized in 1874, heroin was
widely used in medicine the early
part of the 20th Century, until its
addictive potential was recognized.
Pure heroin is a white powder with a bitter taste. Street heroin
may vary in color from white to dark brown because of the
impurities or additives. There is a dark brown or black form of
the drug, as a dense roofing tar or coal, known as “black tar”.
Known on the street as smack, horse, H, junk or scag, heroin is
the most commonly abused of narcotics. Narcotic drugs (also
called opiods) are derivatives of the opium poppy or
chemically similar synthetics
How is heroin used?
Generally inhaled or injected, although it may be smoked. Can be
mixed with tobacco or marijuana and smoked in a pipe or cigarette.
May also be heated or burned, releasing fumes that users inhale
(chasing the dragon)
Users who inject, generally inject directly into a major vein
(mainlining), although some may start by injecting under the skin
Heroin abusers often use other drugs as well. They may “speedball”
taking cocaine or meth with heroin or use alcohol, marijuana or
tranquilizers to enhance high and blunt effects of withdrawl.
Five Potential Consequences of Heroin use
• Hepatitis, AIDS and other infections from unsanitary
• Respiratory paralysis, heart arrest, coma and death
from accidental overdose
• Dry, itchy skin and skin infections
• Scarring tracks along veins and collapsed veins from
repeated injections
• Constipation and loss of appetite
How does it affect human behavior?
• Devastating.
Habitual users are incapable of concentration,
learning or clear thought. Rarely able to hold a job.
Apathetic, indifferent to consequences and unable
to sustain personal relationships. Behavior can lead
to crime, compulsive use prompts behavior that is
self-destructive and irresponsible often anti-social
and characteristically indifferent to injury, pain or
loss it causes others.
Withdrawal and Recovery
With regular heroin use, tolerance develops. This
means the abuser must use more heroin to
achieve the same intensity or effect. As higher
doses are used over time, physical dependence
and addiction develop. With physical dependence,
the body has adapted to the presence of the drug
and withdrawal symptoms may occur if use is
reduced or stopped.
Withdrawal, which in regular abusers may occur as
early as a few hours after the last administration,
produces drug craving, restlessness, muscle and
bone pain, insomnia, diarrhea and vomiting, cold
sweats with goose bumps ("cold turkey"), kicking
movements ("kicking the habit"), and other
Major withdrawal symptoms peak between 48 and 72
hours after the last dose and subside after about a
week. Sudden withdrawal by heavily dependent
users who are in poor health is occasionally fatal,
although heroin withdrawal is considered much less
dangerous than alcohol or barbiturate withdrawal.
Regardless of dosage, these reactions may
appear during heroin withdrawal:
Increased heart rate
Abnormal heartbeat
Heart attack
Sudden, sharp blood pressure increase
Extreme depression
Suicidal behavior
As withdrawal progresses, elevations in blood pressure, pulse,
respiratory rate and temperature occur. Symptoms of heroin
overdose -- which may result in death -- include shallow breathing,
clammy skin, convulsions and coma.