Download Radio Serial : From Atoms To Stars  Episode 11 :       Chemical Reactions And the Atom …. 

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 Radio Serial : From Atoms To Stars Episode 11 : Chemical Reactions And the Atom …. [ 25 minutes ] Written by : Prof. Shyamaprasad Sharma Ph.D (Double) Ex.HOD, Physics, Cotton College Cont : Sony Apartment 2nd Building, BM Road, Ulubari, Guwahati‐781007 Ph. 8876832565 Characters : 1. Maainaa : Teenaged Senior Secondary School girl 2. Maneesaa : Maainaa’s mother, School teacher 3. Raanaa : Maainaa’s maternal uncle, Science populariser. 4. Atom Announcement and Title Song : [ Maainaa is busy in her study room preparing for a project. Her mother just finishes lunch preparation and calls her to join breakfast along with her maternal uncle.] Atom : Hello listeners ! My dear listeners !! xxx By this time …….. Y‐O‐U must have been familiar with my voice ….. and must have recognized M‐E !! ……. Yes ! I am the A‐T‐O‐M !! xxx I welcome Y‐O‐U all once again and reveal some interesting aspects about M‐Y‐S‐E‐L‐F !! For that let’s move to MAAINNAA, a school student who is trying to finalize a project on some important aspects on M‐E, the ATOM …. [ Instrumental music indicating final chores forsetting the dining table. Maneesaa is humming a popular local tune and setting the table for lunch. Pleasant music.] Maneesaa : Maainaa, my dear ! come here and have your lunch !! Maainaa : [ off‐stage, shouting] Just a moment Mummy ! Raanaa : She seems to be very busy these days ! What is the matter Maneesaa Didi ? Maneesaa : Don’ts you know her interests and hobbies Raana brother ?? Raanaa : Oh ! I know, I know very well ! Either Science Projects or Science Exhibits for the Science Day ! Is not it ?? Maneesaa : Right there ! ….. So you start my dear brother, Raanaa ! She might be late and the lunch will get cold till she comes. No use, waiting for her ! [ Maainaa enters hopping, humming and singing in a pleasant mood.] Maainaa : Oh, no ! No mummy !! you are completely wrong !! ….. Look, here I am ! …. Is not it my de‐a‐r de‐a‐r Raanaa Maamaaji ?? Raanaa : I know ! I know !! Come dear ! Sit right near me ! [ She sits near Raanaa.] 2 Maainaa : Thank you Maamaaji ! Maneesaa : Then let’s start our lunch !! Raanaa + Maainaa : Oh ! Sure ! Sure !! [ They start, Corresponding music befitting the situation] Raanaa : Maainaa ! You must have been very busy these days !! Maainaa : Really Maamaaji, damn busy ! Raanaa : And it must be for the coming Science Day !! Maainaa : Exactly Maamaaji ! But ….. How did you come to know ?? …. Oh ! …… I understand ….. Mummy must have complained against me !! xxx Anyway Mummy ! the chicken curry has today been specially delicious. Any way thanks for the special curry ! Maneesaa : Thanks a lot ! But why should I complaint against you ? At least you are busy with a very good cause …. Raanaa : That’s right Maainaa. It is not your Mummy who has complained. Do you know, that I too have been very busy these days with …. Maainaa : …… I think with the same Science Day Celebrations …. Raanaa : Right ! Right there my dear Maaina ! As a Science populariser …… I have to arrange so many events on that day ! Maainaa : Oh ! Great Maamaaji , gre‐a‐a‐t !! Maneesaa : Ha‐ Ha – Ha ! Great ! Really great !! xxx Both of you …. I mean ….. Maamaa and Bhaagin (niece) are birds of the same flock and …. [ Maainaa supports by singing a line from the famous song, We’are in the same boat….. . Raanaa too joins her ! ] Maainaa : WE ARE IN THE SAME BOAT ‘MAAMAAJI’ …… [ After both sing up a little …. ] Maneesaa : ha – Ha – Ha ! Leave it for the moment and first finish your lunch ! Otherwise it will turn cold ! xxx Raanaa ! should I give you some rice ? Raanaa : No Didi ! xxx Enough ….. Enough ! I have had enough ….. If you want to give , give it to my very busy and smart niece Maa – i – n –aa ….. [ All 3 laugh to their heart’s content.] Maainaa : Oh no maamaaji. I donot need more rice, ….. Mummy ! You can give me one or two pieces of chicken ….. Maneesaa : Ok ! Take it . Raanaa : Anyway , This time what is your Project Maainaa ! 3 Maainaa : On ‘CHEMICAL REACTIONS AND THE ATOM…’ Raanaa : Chemical Reactions !! Good, Very Go‐od !! As you know ….. it is a very vast and one of the most important aspect ….. both from the view point of Physics as well as chemistry ! Maainaa : Right Maamaaji . Raanaa : Then which aspect have you tried to incorporate ?? Maainaa : Both Maamaaji ! Our Miss has asked us to explore it as atomic reaction and then incorporate the innovations and contributions to our civilization due to chemical reactions. Raanaa : I too think that … That really is the right approach ! … and the most up to date modern aspect !! Maainaa : Why do you thank so ? Raanaa : Because ….. just like you … when I first learnt about chemical Reactions in the School, I learnt that two atoms of Hydrogen combine with One atom of oxygen to form a molecule of water and the formula for water is simply H2O ! Does it not suggest that all chemical reactions are basically atomic phenomenon or takes place due to active participation of the atoms …. And to be more correct due to exchange of electrons …? Maainaa : Oh ! Maamaaji ! You are gre –a –t !! Raanaa : Thank you ! Thank you, Maainaa ! xx By the way ….. have given due recognition to the ALCHEMISTS for their earlier contributions to Chemical Reactions … Maainaa : Oh Sure ! How can I sidetrack them when they started the study and experiments some two thousand years ago ! Raanaa : Then you’re in the right track … and I think ….. your Project will be a prize‐winning one ! Maainaa : Thank you maamaa ! Do bless me for that ….. ! Maneesaa : Oh my God ! Alchemy and …. That too is to be included in modern day chemistry ! How could that be Raanaa ? As I understand …… alchemists are not scientists but experimenters with mysterious practices and backgrounds …. And ….. [ Short instrumental music indicating suspense ! ] Atom : Don’ts you think my dear listeners ! ….. that Maainaa’s Mommy Maneesaa is correct in her observation. xxx Some of you may ….. and some of you may not agree with her !! Alchemy began in Egypt in about 1000 AD and flourished all over Europe till about the seventeenth century. Nearly for about seventeen centuries !! Actually, the alchemists were the precursors to modern chemistry! Maneesaa : [ In a skeptical tone ] Precursors to modern chemistry !! What do you M‐E‐A‐N ?? 4 Atom : Yes dear ! For their mysterious, secret and secluded work schedules, people were very much doubtful and afraid of the alchemists …. !! But their basic aim or philosophy was to transform the base metals into G‐O‐L‐D !! Maneesaa : ….. But that did not materialize at all …. Atom : You are absolutely right, Maneesaa ; but their ‘failures’ did open up new vistas, innovative thoughts and approaches to the broader concepts of chemical transformations of matter ….. which has been one of the basic challenges of physics as well as chemistry, over the centuries ….. Maneesaa : [ In a supporting tone ] Oh ! I did not know that Maainaa ! That means …. Though failed ….. Some of the ideas of the alchemists were ahead of times in many ways and futuristic too !! Raanaa + Maainaa : You may definitely say so …. Raanaa : ……. But there are too many ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’ and that is why they are termed as not CHEMISTS but ALCHEMISTS. The effort and processing for transforming base metals to Gold was called transmutation and the alchemists believed that the agent or the substance that could do the transmutation could be isolated as a special dry powder … Maainaa : ….. And the alchemists termed it as ELIXIR or the PHILOSOPHER’S STONE ! Maneesaa : Oh ! That is interesting !! Raanaa : They also sought to discover a panacea or cure – all substance or chemical through their experiments. Maneesaa : As I understand they could not discover neither the FLIXIR nor the PANACEA …. Maainaa : That’s true but through their experiments to have these two, they discovered few by‐ products and these gave them some credits and raised awe for the public regarding their activities. Maneesaa : What were those discoveries Maainaa ? Maainaa : Gunpowder …. Maneesaa : Gunpowder ? Maainaa : Oh Yes Mummy ! Gunpowder and … Raanaa : Effects of carbon monoxide, mineral acids and the formation of hydrochloric acids ….. Maainaa : And all these are very much a part and parcel of the modern –day chemistry ! Maneesaa : Really ?? Then it does seem to be a very interesting evolution . xxx Maainaa : Mummy ! It is more interesting than you can imagine . xxx Maamaaji …. I have made a draft for the project … would you help me to finalize it with your guidance ? Raanaa : Sure, my dear ! why not ?? Let’s sit in the afternoon . 5 Maneesaa : I will also join you! By the way, have you finished your lunch. Raanaa+ Maainaa : Ya , Ya Maneesaa : Then let me make over the dining table, [ Both gets up ] And by the time, I do the chores, you can rest for a while …. Maainaa : Thank you Mummy ! xxx Come on Maamaaji ! Come to my room. ….. [ Music for scene Change ] •
SCENE ‐2 [ Maainaa’s study room. Raanaa, Maneesaa and Maainaa are discussing the project.] Raanaa : Maainaa dear ! Maainaa : Yes Maamaaji !! Raanaa : I have gone through your draft project. The order of presentation seems to be proper and rich in data; you can go for completing it in this format, but …… Maainaa : Thank you Maamaaji for your evaluation …….. Maneesaa : But what does that ‘ But’ means Raanaa ? Maainaa : it seems he has some suggestions for improvement, Mummy ! Raanaa : Definite my dear ! Maainaa : Please tell me those points, I will note these down. Raanaa : Then take your draft and find out the portions I have marked with star signs. Maainaa : Ok ! the first one is here …. In the introduction part. Raanaa : Yes ! there you should add 3 more points. Number one …. Maainaa : Yes Maamaaji ! Raanaa : After the alchemy portion you should add that ….. until the mid. Nineteenth century, Chemical study and research were mainly concerned with matter …. In its natural states … [ Maainaa notes down by uttering some portion of the statement.] Maainaa : ……… in its natural states. Yes Maamaaji ! This seems to be important. Maneesaa : That means proper steps from alchemy to modernity ! Maainaa : Right Mummy ! then no. 2 …… ? 6 Raanaa : Then after 1850 that is from the mid ‐ 19th century, it mainly concentrated on …. Synthesis of new compounds and their properties. Maainaa : ……… new compounds and their properties . Raanaa : Yes ! No.3. Then new approaches leading to modern ones ….. started in the 20th century ! This totally revolutionized …. Chemical study and researches ! xxxx Maaina ! can you guess what was the basis for these revolutionary approaches ?? Maainaa : [ As it thinking loudly but could not get the exact answer ….. ] It must be ….. It M‐U‐S‐T be …. Someway related to ….. R‐E‐L‐A‐T‐E‐D to …… Atom : ….. I think …… I may help out my dear Maainaa. These were someway related to the atoms and the molecules !! Actually ….. by this time, sufficient knowledge regarding the atomic and the molecular structure was gained and the chemists tried to incorporate these ideas in their understanding of the atom ! xxx It was found that molecules possess some unique structures. Following these new found ideas, chemists initiated the search for principles which could correlate molecular structure with chemical, physical and biological properties. Maneesaa : That seems to be a REAL QUANTUM JUMP for Chemistry …. Maainaa : …. and that means ….. a new dimension was added to chemical studies and.. Atom : ….. These paved the way for many interdisciplinary studies …. Raanaa : ….. And as you all know …. The basis of all these are the C‐H‐E‐M‐I‐C‐A‐L R‐E‐A‐C‐ ‐T‐I‐O‐N‐S !! Maaina : That is very interesting and important too. I shall definitely incorporate these ! Raanaa : By the way, tell me how have you defined CHEMICAL RE‐ ACTIONS …. Maainaa : Chemical reactions are multi‐stage mechanisms that lead to the formation of new substances. The knowledge of the mechanism helps the chemist to find out and determine the conditions which will lead to optimal yield of a required product. Raanaa : Right ! optimal yield of a required product. xxx By the by, do you know the important implications of this last line you’ve added . Maaina : Sure Maamaaji ! It points to the innumerous possibilities. Maneesaa : Oh my God ! Then that is how chemistry helps us by providing all our essential daily materials for the kitchen and the household …. !! Really G‐R‐E‐A‐T Raanaa ! Raanaa : So, in a way , the study of the chemical reactions has tremendous possibilities that have already contributed to improvement of our life‐style as well as extending our life‐span. xx Anyway ……. What is the next Sub‐topic you’ve dealt upon ? Maainaa : It is about the basic points regarding chemical reactions. Raanaa : Tell me how have you put in those ideas …. 7 Maainaa : Well, as we know chemical reactions actually represent the chemical changes undergone by different elements and compounds. These can be symbolically and mathematically represented by what is known as balanced chemical equations. Raanaa : Right, the balanced chemical equation !! Here, the word balanced is important. Is not it ?? Maainaa : Ya, because combination of different atoms is governed by some fundamental laws of chemical combination …. Raanaa : ….. such as …… ?? Maainaa : …… law of mass conservation, law of definite proportion, law of multiple proportions, Gay lussac’s law of gaseous volumes and Avogadro law . Raanaa : And to be historically accurate, all these laws led to Dalton’s atomic theory that states that atoms are the building blocks all matters. Maainaa : Right ! That is why though we categorise these transformations of a substance from one to another or more as chemical reactions, in which the changes actually take place at the atomic level by exchange of electrons. Raanaa : Yes my dear ! you are right. It was after the acceptance of the quantum model of the atom in physics that the fuller understanding of the atomic level exchanges in chemical reactions came to logical ends in the most modern perspectives. Not only did the quantum mechanical model of the atom revolutionized the world of the modern Physics, it also came up to be used in the world of Chemistry as well as biology with newer insights and innovations that were not possible in the classical contexts. ……. Hope, Maaina ! you must have also referred briefly to these …. Maainaa : Sure Maamaaji ! But there’s a problem …. Raanaa : What’s that ! Maainaa : These concepts of quantum mechanics may not go easy with novice learners …. Maneesaa : If that is so you can make passing references to these with the help of charts or slides !! Raanaa : That is a good suggestion ! But whatever be the means you use, you must stress upon the importance of the quantum model in explaining not only the chemical reaction but in other chemical phenomenon as well. Maainaa : Ok ! I will think over these and definitely find a way to incorporate those quantum mechanical ideas too. Do you know what our Miss tells us about quantum model concepts ?? xxx According to her, the quantum model approach is compact, simple and accurate enough compared to the classical ones in understanding the chemical reactions in the right perspective. Raanaa : I think she is absolutely correct !! You should also try to follow her by spending some time to learn more about the quantum model of the atom ! 8 Maainaa : Definitely, I will Maamaaji ! Raanaa : Let us take the simplest example of the formation of a water molecule. When we say that 2 atoms of Hydrogen combine with 1 atom of Oxygen to form a water molecule, it is not the ultimate picture or the presentation. It can be said to be the pre‐ultimate presentation. How do they combine ? Haphazardly or in a systematic way obeying certain laws or principle ? Maainaa : It must be obeying some laws or principles …. Raanaa : Yes, they combine through sharing of electrons. Look, 2 atoms of Hydrogen and 1 atom of Oxygen can be arranged symbolically as H‐O‐H [ Read H dash O ….. ] Maainaa : Yes, H – O – H [ Read H dash O ….. ] Raanaa : If we talk about atom‐pairs, how many will be there ? Maainaa : [ Loudly thinking out ] ‘H dash O’ is one and O dash H is ……. The other, Exactly 2. Raanaa : As you know Hydrogen atom has a single electron and Oxygen atom 8 electrons in different orbits. If now each pair of Hydrogen – Oxygen atom shares 2 electrons the Hydrogen atom attains a duplet and the oxygen atom an octet. This is called …. Maainaa : ……. The covalent bonding. Raanaa : Right ! the covalent bonding. So this in a way is the ultimate presentation ! As you see this is done by sharing or transfer of valence electrons ….. and this chemical bonding visualization is definitely a better and more accurate presentation. Is not it ? Maainaa : Ya !! Maneesaa : I find it simpler to understand too ! Raanaa : The picture however does not end there ! By the applications of the quantum mechanical model of the atom, these can be further extended to have the pen ultimate picture. Maainaa : That means …. Though we cannot see the atom or the electron, we can very well visualize what happens during the different stages of a chemical reaction … Raanaa : Exactly my dear ! That is part of the beauty of the would of Quantum Mechanics … [Music ] Raanaa : By the way, let us discuss what have you put up regarding the rate of chemical reactions. Maainaa :Sure ! Sure !! xxx [ Finding out from the draft ] Here ! Here it is ….. : Along with other factors in a chemical reaction, rate of reaction, that is , time taken by a reaction to reach equilibrium plays an important role in many ways. The extent to which a chemical reaction will proceed can be determined by knowing the reaction rate . 9 Raanaa : Good ! Further if you know the factors that control a particular chemical reaction you can design it in expected lines and get the desired products. Maainaa : Yes ! I have mentioned these with examples as well from say, food technology, medical sciences and the automobile industry etc. Raanaa : Very good ! Maneesaa : Oh my God ! I did not know that the world of chemical reactions is so fascinating and it has something for each of us in so many fields……. Maainaa : That is the charisma of the micro world that is the world of the atom …. Atom : That is M‐E …. !! xxx To acquire these knowledge’s, scientists required many centuries. Can you guess, why ?? It is because ….. the alchemists who started chemical studies did not have either the modern – day equipments or the proper scientific orientations … !! Further each and every discovery, in addition to adding a new feather to these efforts, also posed some inevitable challenges, that baffled and puzzled the scientists …. And that happened because …. I am invisible and very very small …… !! Maainaa dear ! do you know that the average diameter of the smallest ATOM is about One billionth part of One centimeter ! Maaina : Yes my dear ! That is also difficult to imagine, so small so micro ! Raanaa : ….A tiny universe in itself with its exclusive rules, regulations and of course…BEAUTY !! xxx By the way, in the sub‐topic of reaction rate, you must add one more point …. Maainaa : Tell me Maamaaji ! Raanaa : In order to make the study of reaction rate more solid and logical, mathematical analysis has been incorporated in it …. And … Maainaa : [ Noting down and repeating ] … mathematical analysis has been xxxx incorporated in it …. And … Raanaa : …….. and these have opened up new vistas and horizons in chemical studies. Maneesaa : Raanaa Bhaity (brother) ! I have a question as a layman …. Maainaa : [ To kindly] Oh Mummy ! You too ?? Raanaa : What is it ? Maneesaa : As I have found out from these discussions, the atomic world particularly the effects of chemical reactions are everywhere and all pervading. Then does it have a panacea for all of today’s environmental pollutions too ! xxx Maainaa ! Have I been able to put in the question in a proper way ? Maainaa : Oh Mummy ! the question is simply G‐R‐E‐A‐T and thought provoking … 10 Raanaa : …. A very burning problem as well. For several decades scientists have been concernedwith these. Several studies have been conducted and they have come up with different models and work plans. Maneesaa : Then that must be encouraging ! Raanaa + Maainaa : Surely it is !! Maainaa : Maamaaji ! I think I should add a brief account of these models and workplans at the end of my project. Raanaa : Yes dear ! That will be an extra and futuristic addition. [ Thinking aloud ] You may for example ….. refer to REDOX REACTIONS which falls under chemical reactions !! Maainaa : You mean the combined study of the REDUCTION and the Oxidation process, that is known as Redox Reaction. Raanaa : Yaa ! Many physical and biological phenomena can be explained and understood in terms of Redox reactions. Further these are extensively used in pharmaceutical biological, industrial, metallurgical and agricultural areas. Maaina : I think environmental issues like hydrogen economy and rebuilding of the ozone hole also figure under Redox reactions. Maneesaa : Hydrogen economy ?? Does it mean the use of liquid hydrogen as fuel ? Raanaa : Yes and many more ! The concept of Hydrogen economy is based on the storage and transportation of liquid or gaseous di‐hydrogen (H2). It is an alternate source of fuel that may help us reduce the consumptions of the coal and petroleum as sources of energy. Maneesaa : That means it has got great potentials for protection of our environment ? Raanaa : Yes Didi ! xxx Further, the study of the Ozone hole that gave rise to global warming and other damaging effects for the earth have also been studied and understood with the help of Redox reaction and associated studies …. Maainaa : ….. And that is how scientist all over the world have been working to reduce the damage done by the ozone hole. Maneesaa : That is really inspining ! xxx And as I find the study and experimentation on chemical reactions over the centuries, have in many ways been beneficial to the mankind and humanity … Maainaa : ……. And these have been possible through an all pervading wonderful role of the A‐T‐OM and its modern up‐to‐date understanding by the scientists….. Raanaa : Add to that … the mysterious world of the atom, through many challenges to the scientists of the different disciplines …. Have united scientists of all hues to work for science for the benefit of the humanity and the process has been a never‐ending one… 11 Maainaa : Thanks a lot Maamaaji ! I will definitely build up the topic in these line and end with the philosophical comment that you’ve put forward ……. Maneesaa : Come on ! For these wonderful deliberations. I owe you both a befitting tea party !! Is not it ?? Raanaa + Maainaa : Ya ! Ya !! Maneesaa : Then come on along with me to the dining room ! Atom : Have a nice tea‐party Maainaa dear ! While enjoying the party and presenting the project, please do not forget to tell your friends that it has thus been a never‐ending effort. Though much has been learnt, still there seems to be much more to exploit and explore ….. who knows, with the ongoing researches about ME, what more lies in the near future and how I can be more helpful to the mankind …… Bye Maainaa ! till we meet again next time . [Pleasant music . The End ].