Download November 28, 2012 Dear Parents/Guardians,

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November 28, 2012
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Attached is a list of some new spelling activities for the second
quarter. Just like the first quarter, each evening your child will be
responsible for completion of an activity. The activities do not have to
be returned to school.
Thank you for your support of our spelling program. If you have
any questions please feel free to contact your child’s reading teacher.
Ms. Bendarghate, Ms. Hase, Ms. Nacelli,
Ms. Pinto-Root, Ms. Serlo, and Ms. White
Spelling Homework Activities
Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check
Next to your new spelling list, LOOK and SAY the first word. Next, COVER the
first word and try to spell it correctly out loud. Then, try to WRITE it next to the
covered word. Lift your hand to CHECK to see if you spelled the word correctly.
If you spelled the word correctly, give yourself a check. If you misspelled it, write
it correctly next to the misspelled word. Do the same thing for each spelling word.
Word Search
Look at the spelling feature at the top of your word list. Use magazines, books,
and newspapers to find 10 words with the same spelling or sound pattern. Write
those words in your notebook. (For example, if the feature is short a words,
students could look in a book like Cat in the Hat for words with the short a sound.)
ABC Order
Write your spelling words in alphabetical order.
Write a sentence using each spelling word. Remember to use a capital letter at the
beginning of sentences and a period, question mark, or exclamation point at the
Rainbow Words
Write each spelling word with a pen or pencil. Next, trace over the word at least
three times, each time using a different color crayon or marker.
Newspaper Search
Use an old newspaper or magazine to find your spelling words. Cut them out and
glue them in your journal. If you can’t find the word, cut letters from the
newspapers to make your words. Glue them on a piece of paper.
All American
Write your spelling words American style- write the consonants in red and the
vowels in blue.
Friendly Letter
Write a friendly letter to someone using your spelling words. It may be a funny
letter if you’re trying to use all your spelling words!
Spelling Mix-Up
Write your spelling words on index cards. Cut apart the letters, mix them up, then
try to spell your words.
Crossword Fun
Connect your spelling words like a crossword puzzle (as many as you can).
h a t
t r a c k