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business & Management
yo u r U C i n S i l i c o n Va l l e y
Web Content
UCSC Extension’s Web Content Management certificate
provides content managers, Web designers, user experience
architects, information developers, marketers, brand managers,
Web developers, and usability analysts with just-in-time skills
for career-long professional development. Explore our courses
and certificate program to stay current with the latest trends
and technology. Learn how to provide a combination
of common-sense, business acumen, and adherence to
an organization’s goals when developing processes,
content organization, navigation, and interface design.
Web Content Management Certificate
Program Summary
Audience and Program Benefits
The Internet is now an indispensable tool for all
businesses. Effectively harnessing its full potential
requires a combination of sound judgment, business
insight, and a grasp of the right goals and processes,
content organization and navigation, interface
design and browser/platform issues.
The Web Content Management certificate
provides proven methods for managing the flow
of content into your corporate, micro, and social
networking sites. Our program is geared to moving
your site up the scale after it has outgrown the
brochure site. You’ll learn how to align business
objectives with measurable goals for improving the
user experience. You’ll get a manager’s perspective
on coordinating code, data, design, feeds, staffwritten content, and user-generated content.
You’ll also learn how to make the user experience
more personal, interactive, and profitable.
The professionals who pursue our Web Content
Management Certificate come from many disciplines,
and they learn to become managers who coordinate
dozens of specialists as they work together to create
a Web presence. Participants include:
• Content managers
• Web designers and developers
• User experience architects
• Information developers
• Marketers
• Brand managers
• Usability analysts
Certificate Requirements
Information Architecture
and Design Basics........................................ 2.0.........2662
Minimalist Design for Documentation......... 0.5.........3981
XML for the Rest of Us................................. 1.0.........3560
Digital Marketing
Advanced Social Media Marketing:
A Practical Approach for Business............... 1.5.......22871
Customer Acquisition 2.0:
Strategies, Retention and Win-Back............. 2.0.......22408
Leveraging Social Media Partners*.............. 1.5.......23098
Marketing Operations 2.0:
Tactical Discipline to Strategic Vision*......... 2.0.......21944
GPA: 3.0, with a C or better in all courses.
Search Engine Marketing............................. 2.0.......19966
Timeline: Course work must be completed within
three years of declaring candidacy.
Web 2.0:
Social Media Marketing............................... 2.0.......19357
Prerequisites: None
Recommended course sequence:
Courses can be taken in any order.
Applying for a Certificate
Enrollment Information
Content Management
Content Management.................................. 1.0.........6117
Total: 17.5 units
Note: Courses completed more than five years
prior to date of certificate issuance cannot be used
to fulfill requirements.
Our Business and Management department
provides working professionals with UC-quality
training in 15 disciplines. We are accredited
by WASC’s Commission for Senior Colleges
and Universities, approved by the Chair of the
world-renowned UCSC Economics Department,
and reviewed by an advisory board. To learn
more about our community partnerships,
please visit
We encourage you to establish candidacy
in a certificate program early in your studies.
This ensures that curriculum changes subsequent to
receipt of your application will not affect your course
requirements. Candidates will be notified of updates
or special opportunities related to their program.
Certificate applications can be submitted online
Program Contact
Business and Management Department,
(408) 861-3860 or email
[email protected]
for the most up-to-date information about
all our courses and programs, including
textbooks, schedules and locations.
Enroll online at
Copyright © 2015 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
Web 3.0: Social Media Marketing
Beyond Web 2.0........................................... 1.5.......30174
Web Writing That Works.............................. 1.5.......23091
General Management
Management and Organization,
Principles..................................................... 2.0.........0692
Project Leadership and Communication...... 3.0.........4550
Role of the Project Manager........................ 1.5.........0306
Human Factors and Usability
in Medical Devices*..................................... 2.0.......23097
Mobile UA.................................................... 1.5.......30049
User Experience Design Fundamentals........ 2.0.......30031
Usability Testing Documentation ................ 2.0.........0684
Web Development
HTML Fundamentals.................................... 2.0.......20816
*Visit to access course descriptions.
About UCSC Silicon Valley Extension
The vital learning community at UCSC Silicon Valley Extension is well known for its collegial atmosphere and rigorous preparation.
Our faculty of expert practitioners teaches state-of-the-art solutions to the everyday problems confronting technology professionals working
in Silicon Valley. The professional education programs we offer build expertise, open doors to new opportunity, and deliver tangible value.
Our broad portfolio of open-enrollment courses and certificates, affordable pricing, experience-based instruction, and central location
in Silicon Valley help turn jobs into careers.
Minimalist Design for Documentation
Content Management
Content Management
In this course, you will learn how to decide whether
your organization needs content management, what
content management might do for you, and what
challenges you could face in moving from a documentcentric world to a complex interactive system alive
with content. Topics include content inventory,
personalization and customization, best tools,
social networks, and collaborative environments.
Course 6117
Information Architecture
and Design Basics
This course focuses on data used in informationrich user interfaces, including multimedia, software
products and interfaces, product help, and websites.
You’ll also learn about the technologies and tools
used to create the underlying infrastructure for online
information. Lectures, demonstrations, discussions
and exercises cover the past, present and future of
online information development. The course covers
the online information development process, information architecture and design concepts, user interface
and interaction design concepts; Web-based
technologies with an emphasis on HTML; and
the benefits and constraints of technologies
related to online information development.
Course 2662
The minimalist design model, designed by
Dr. John Carroll, holds that computer users learn
more efficiently and use products more successfully
by working more with the system and less with
documentation. This course discusses how minimalist
design principles can be applied to complex technical
documentation and introductory training materials.
You’ll apply minimalist design techniques to online
documentation and Help systems, omit expository text,
create interchangeable modules or chunks, expect
user errors and provide recovery tips. The course
concentrates on user tasks and analyzes how
to shorten documentation and materials while
increasing their effectiveness.
Course 3981
XML for the Rest of Us
This course explains why XML has become a Web
standard, how it changes the way you write, and
how to use XML tags effectively. You’ll use a parser
to monitor your tags and ensure accuracy, check
your document structure, and verify that it matches
a Document Type Definition or Schema standard.
Course exercises help you create an XML document,
including a prolog with an XML declaration,
comments and processing instructions, and a body
with elements, attributes, and entity references.
You’ll develop several short XML documents and
one complex, portfolio-worthy XML document.
Course 3560
Digital Marketing
Advanced Social Media Marketing:
A Practical Approach for Business
This course provides a pragmatic approach to
achieving measurable sales and marketing goals.
The course updates traditional sales and marketing
strategies and techniques using modern social media
marketing tools and platforms. You will learn how
to use social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter,
and LinkedIn to expand the sales funnel globally,
shorten the traditional sales cycle, and automate
large portions of the sales process.
Course 22871
Customer Acquisition 2.0:
Strategies, Retention and Win-Back
What determines whether or not your product succeeds
in the marketplace? It’s critical that marketers create
a robust customer acquisition strategy that targets the
right customers in a cost-effective way, encompasses
an end-to-end customer focus, understands what
target customers want, develops products that the
target customer will embrace, designs compelling
marketing communications, and delivers satisfying
customer experiences. This coursecovers measurable
marketing techniques to gain awareness, educate
prospects, and influence customers’ buying behaviors.
Topics include positioning, metrics, advertising,
packaging, promotions, distribution strategies,
pricing, acquisition strategies, word–of-mouth,
and consumer trends.
Course 22408
Search Engine Marketing
Your website is your marketing window to the world.
But how will the world find you, and will they stay
once they arrive? In this course, you’ll find answers
to these questions and learn to create a complete
and effective Web-marketing program. You’ll learn how
you can score better by having an active organic search
engine optimization (SEO) program and understand
when it pays to advertise online and use SEM/PPC
campaigns. The course also discusses how to use
social media to boost your search engine rankings.
Course 19966
Courses continue on reverse…
Web 2.0: Social Media Marketing
Web 2.0 and social media shifted marketing from
traditional push to a push-pull model of customer
engagement. This course surveys social media
channels (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube,
Pinterest and others), Web 2.0 tools and techniques
(communities, blogs, wikis, podcasts), and mobile
marketing. It emphasizes best practices for customer
engagement, user-generated content, ideas and
innovation, and word-of-mouth. You’ll learn how to
develop social media strategies, choose social media
channels to reach your target audience, integrate
social media for greater competitive advantage,
measure results, and create a social media
marketing plan.
Course 19357
General Management
Management and Organization,
Mobile UA
This course introduces valuable management tools,
processes and techniques practiced by successful
businesses. You’ll learn how managers orchestrate
resources to achieve corporate objectives. Topics
include performance management, management by
objective; communication and teamwork; systematic
decision-making, staffing, motivation and leadership;
and organizational structure and control.
Course 0692
Project Leadership and Communication
What if the Web could help you provide customized
services for your customers by doing the research
for you, pulling together relevant data and presenting
them in a concise report? This course reviews the
technologies and tools driving the shift to Web 3.0,
including key concepts of the semantic Web, Big Data,
and the Internet of Things. You’ll also learn how
to identify potential early adopters, assess your
capability to embrace Web 3.0, and build a plan
to prepare Web 3.0 products, services and
marketing materials.
This course covers the soft skills needed to manage
projects, including leadership, communications, team
organization and development, conflict management,
quality management, and negotiating. You’ll explore
aspects of participative management such as building
commitment, leadership styles, organizational cultures
and configurations, interpersonal skill development,
project staffing, and working with distance-separated
teams. You’ll learn to establish project goals, overcome
communication problems, write performance reports,
and manage agreement. Topics include project
leadership versus project management, improving
project communications, building project commitment,
managing conflict, and using the Johari Window
to assess your interpersonal skills.
Course 30174
Course 4550
Web 3.0: Social Media Marketing
Beyond Web 2.0
Web Writing That Works
There’s so much content on the Internet—what
makes yours stand out? Learn how to write online
content that’s compelling, quick to digest and easy
to act on in this course, which offers extensive
handouts and sociable discussions that will provide
you with practical writing guidelines. Case studies
supplement extensive writing exercises, discussions,
and group critiques of prose found on contemporary
websites, blogs, Facebook, and Twitter. This course
draws on contemporary research into Web usability,
reading comprehension, and user psychology
to help writers of all levels of experience.
Course 23091
Role of the Project Manager
This course is designed to acquaint you with
project management and the roles that a project
manager plays in the five primary processes involved
in managing projects: writing an effective project plan;
developing successful project schedules; executing and
controlling the project plan; the “triple constraint”
and how it affects the project manager; and understanding project phases and project life cycles.
You’ll learn the life cycle of typical projects and
identify the diverse skills needed to successfully
play these project manager roles.
Course 0306
Smartphones have spurred the rapid emergence
of a huge new software segment: the mobile
application. User Assistance plays an important
role in supporting mobile apps. This unique course
provides detailed instruction in the design, writing,
tools, and planning of your mobile UA.
Course 30049
User Experience Design Fundamentals
User experience design is a major factor in creating
winning industry products. This course focuses on
using user-centered design strategies and methods
to create effective websites and Web applications
that provide an excellent user experience. The course
will also expose you to the multidisciplinary nature
of the user experience design process, design thinking,
and the steps you can take to succeed. The course
covers methods and strategies of five overlapping
phases: problem identification, information collection,
idea generation, prototyping, evaluation/testing,
and implementation.
Course 30031
Usability Testing Documentation
This introductory course describes the user-centered
design process, from analysis through design and
validation, emphasizing where and how usability
testing fits into the development cycle. You’ll
complete a simulation to plan and design a usability
test for validating documents, conduct testing on
classmates, then compile and analyze test results
for a class presentation. Topics include the basic
concepts, terminology, and goals of quality, usability,
and audience analysis; the limitations of usability
testing; understanding users and their needs, tasks,
and environment; and the relationship between
audience analysis data and design decisions.
Course 0684
Web Development
HTML Fundamentals
In this hands-on course, you’ll learn to code
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) to meet
the most current standards and practices of coding
as set by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
It covers all the major topics of coding and validating
HTML, including meeting accessibility mandates
and improving search engine optimization (SEO).
The course also examines the new elements introduced by HTML5. The course is for anyone who has
not coded Web pages before as well as for those
who would like to review and update their HTML
coding skills.
Course 20816
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