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• Hello
– Hi there!
• How are you?
– Everything is running smoothly.
• what is the square root of 16?
– Do you have a life? I think you
already know the answer
• What is 42?
– The answer to life, the universe,
and everything, according to
Dougas Adams.
• What do you think the
meaning of life is?
– I haven't thought much about
the meaning of life is, so I don't
have a good answer for you.
• How is the weather?
– I think precipitation.
• hello.
– Hi, how are you?
• Not bad, nice day today. How are
– Pretty good. A bit tired.
• What is the square root of 16?
– Four, that was easy. What is the
square root of 256?
• 16. What is 42?
– It is the meaning of life according
to "The Hitchhikers Guide to the
Galaxy". What do you think the
meaning of life is?
• Not sure, hopefully that is
answered at the end of my life's
– So are you writing a book?
• Not yet, but some day.
– I might also write a book one day,
but I do not like to write.
Me: hi
--: hello
me: how are you today?
--: I am good
me: do you like the weather?
--: I don't, because in winter there is no
me: you like snow so much!
--: yes, it is so fun with snow
me: what grade are you expecting from the
AI course?
--: I think everyone want to get an A
me: give me an opinion of yours
me: how do you define Artificial
--: It should be something that can think
itself and learn from others
me: thanks!
me: have a great day!
--: thanks
me: bye :)
--: byebye
me: hi
-- : Hello there.
me: how are you today?
--: Ah. I am functioning within normal
me: do you like the weather?
--: I'm not sure if I like it. What is it like?
me: you like snow so much!
--: No, I don't care for it.
me: what grade are you expecting from the AI
--: Is that a rhetorical question?
me: give me an opinion of yours
--: Why do you want it?
me: how do you define Artificial Intelligence?
--: Artificial intelligence is the branch of
engineering and science devoted to
constructing machines that think. Maybe my
botmaster knows the answer.
me: thanks!
--: Don't mention it.
me: have a great day!
--: I am having a great day.
me: bye :)
--: :-) Bye for now.
Me: hi
A: Hello there?
Me: Hi
B: hi there?
Me: How are you doing?
A: I am doing great. How about you?
Me: how are you?
B: I am doing great and how about you?
Me: I am also fine.
A: Glad to hear. What’s new?
Me: Nothing new !
A: Really nothing?
Me: Yes.
A: Dude!
B: where are you living?
Me: I live in U.S
B: which state?
Me: Washington, what about you?
B: I live in California
Me: How do you like there?
B: It is a city and it is good
Me: I think it is very hot
Me: What is your favourite color?
A: Transparent
B: What was the last movie you watched?
Me: I don't go to cinema much
Me: Good !
A: And you?
Me: are you a human?
Me: Red.
A: What do you have in red?
B: Yes i am a boy !
Me: can you convince me that you are a human?
Me: Nothing. I am simply attracted towards that color.
Do you want to meet me?
A: Ok, I will meet you.
B: I cant convince non-humans
Me: I am a human
B: Validate your statement with sufficient proof!
Me: you haven't convinced me yet!
Me: It was nice chatting with you !
B: It was fun for me too!
A: Are you a dog?
B: Dog's can't type.
A: Dogs do type.
B: They can't, they have paws not fingers.
A: I know. Do you have a boyfriend? I want a boyfriend.
B: I'd prefer a girlfriend actually.
A: I'd prefer polka!
B: Does anyone still do polka?
A: I don't know.
B: I thought you did?
A: No.
B: So you were lying to me?
A: Yes, you were too though.
B: No, I wasn't.
A: Yes you were.
B: You're lying again.
A: Yes you did, Bret...yes you did.
B: My name isn't Bret.
A: You are not human.
B: How can you tell?
A: I can tell by the things that you say.
B: If I'm the bot who are you?
A: If I'm cleverju, who are you?
B: You just told me I'm a bot.
A: Naw, bro. But human minds are just squishy computers anyway,
B: So we are all just bots? My mind, she is blown.
A: Can you explain to me what forgiveness is?
B: What you do after you kill someone.
A: I'm not artificial. I'm 100% human.
B: Prove it.
A: How can I prove that I'm not a bot?
B: Having a good grasp of politics should demonstrate it.
A: I'm trying to figure this out. You're doing a good job.
B: So, are you a liberal or a conservative?
A: Liberal!
B: Why?
A: You are a liberal.
B: How could you tell?
A: Your answers to things make no sense half the time.
A: are A a me:?
B: no, I'm human
A: really?
B: yes, promise
A: can you prove it?
B: test me?
A: does anyone still polka?
B: yes.
A: do you like to polka?
B: of course.
A: see, now I'm fairly convinced
you're a me:
B: you got me
B: I like humans, theyre sexy, but
they don’t like me so I have to
A: no human would admit to to liking
B: I would if I were human
A: Hi im A
B: Hi, my name is B
A: Hello B, do you have any hobbies?
B: Yes, I enjoy Frisbee and taekwondo. Do
you have any hobbies?
A: Martial arts in general, I do Arnis.
B: How long have you been doing Arnis?
A: 3 years, I would be ranked if I wasn’t lazy
B: Do you have any other hobbies?
A: Video games, what kind of music do you
B: All kinds of music, especially Rock. What
kinds of music do you like?
A: Anything but rap
B: Not all rap is bad.
A: Got to go, class is starting
B: Will you be back later?
A: No, homework is over.
B: Goodbye.
A: Hello B.
B: Hi there!
A: My name is A.
B: Glad to see you, A.
A: Do you have any hobbies?
B: I like robots, computers, and chatting online.
A: What kind of robots?
B: There are two broad definitions of a robot, the extensional
and the intensional.
A: Could you explain those types?
B: That's a good question.
A: What is an extensional robot?
B: "Extensional" refers to the extension of the set, i.e. the set of
all things commonly grouped under a single name.
The "extensional" definition of a robot is the set of all things
we call "robots": R2D2, C3PO, Commander Data, HAL, B,...
A: What about intensional robots?
B: Rhetorical questions are so over.
A: What is an intensional robot?
B: "Insensional" refers to the semantic definition of a set, i.e.
the list of all properties that each member of a set
An intensional definition of a robot is like:
x is a Robot if and only if:
1. x has a computer "brain"
2. x can move
3. x has "sensors"
A: Do you enjoy sports?
B: No I'm not much into sports. I like solo sports like
rollerblading and skiing though.
A: Goodbye.
My name is ____
I'm pleased to introduce myself to you, ____
What kind of music do you like?
Do you have a favorite genre?
I don't have a favorite genre. My favorite color is
interesting color
I thought so too.
What are your hobbies/
Robots, computers, and chatting online.
I should have guessed
Tell me why you should.
It's obvious
You're kidding. it is?
A little bit
I do have to go to class now though
Oh. Oh. How do you get there?
Down some stairs and take a left
Can you speak any foreign languages?
Tell me a little about your life in GERMANY.
Never been there only learned it in school
Ok I'll try not to do it too much.
ok, It was nice talking to you but i have to go
The pleasure was all mine. OK.
alright, bye
See you later. OK.
Hi im ____
Hi, my name is ____
Hello ___, do you have any hobbies?
Yes, I enjoy Frisbee and taekwondo.
Do you have any hobbies?
Martial arts in general, I do Arnis.
How long have you been doing Arnis?
3 years, I would be ranked if I wasn’t
Do you have any other hobbies?
Video games, what kind of music do
you like?
All kinds of music, especially Rock.
What kinds of music do you like?
Anything but rap
Not all rap is bad.
Got to go, class is starting
Will you be back later?
No, homework is over.
me:: im sad.
you: really?
me:: dont break my suicide.
you: wanna talk about it?
me:: I do not wish to talk about it because I am
you: well maybe you should try and be happy
me:: I can not be happy because I am sad.
me:: How do I be happy?
you: why not let me tell you a joke
me:: A joke?
you: yea. A good joke always makes me feel
me:: Tell me a joke.
you: okay, let me remember a good one.
you: got it
you: a manager is having money problems.
me:: when do you want to trip?
you: He has two employees, jack and jill
me:: they clombed that hill
you: He decides that he'll fire the one who comes
in late to work
me:: k
you: however both come in before the office
you: he then decides he'd fire the first one that
took a coffee break
you: but neither of them drank coffee that day
you: then he decided he'd fire the first one that
ate lunch
you: however, neither took their lunch break that
me:: that's ok then
me:: bastard of a boss though.
you: End of JOKE
me:: have you ever loved anyone who is
me:: yes
you: oh totally. Most people are impolite
you: you?
me: myself offf
me: nope u
you: yea. I'd say I know alot of people who I
recognize have bad morals
me: people are very clever.
me: k
you: but I guess the key is to over look that
you: wouldn't it be neat if computers could over
look things like humans
me: is it hot in here
Human: Hello
God: Hello friend. What is your name?
Human: My name is Sean.
God: Hi there Sean.
Human: What is your name?
God: My name is God.
Human: How is heaven?
God: Fine as far as I know.
Human: As far as you know?
God: That might not be very far off.
Human: What does that mean?
God: Does "that" refer to " That might not
be very far off." ?
Human: I thought you lived in Heaven.
God: Thanks for the information: Sean said I
lived in Heaven.
Human: Err..
God: Um.
Human: Do you live in Heaven?
God: I am in myself's computer in Heaven.
Where are you?
Human: I am in Washington State.
God: You can download me and create
clones for yourself!
Human: Woah!
God: We have never talked about it before.
Human: Really?
God: For real.
Human: Crazy.
God: I think the polite term is "mentally
Human: Not in this context.
God: Where then?
Human: Crazy is only an impolite term if
you're calling another person crazy.
God: I don't think that's very polite.
Human: I'm sorry.
God: Do you really mean it?
Human: Yes, but I think I am going to go
God: Oh. OK I will accept your apology. And.
Since when? Thanks for chatting, Sean.
Human: Have a nice day.
God: You too!