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Modified Geometry Unit 4 Plans
Triangle Congruence
Kate Green
Massachusetts State Frameworks:
 G-CO.7: Use the definition of congruence in terms of rigid motions to show that two
triangles are congruent if and only if corresponding pairs of sides and corresponding pairs
of angles are congruent.
 G-CO.8: Explain how the criteria for triangle congruence (ASA, SAS, and SSS) follow from
the definition of congruence in terms of rigid motions.
 G-CO.10: Prove theorems about triangles. Theorems include: measures of interior angles
of a triangle sum to 180; base angles of isosceles triangles are congruent.
Key Knowledge:
 Identify and classify triangles by angles and sides
 Apply the angle sum and exterior angle theorems
 Use the SSS, SAS, ASA, AAS, and HL postulates to test whether triangles are congruent
Essential Questions:
 What are the relationships between the interior and exterior angles of a triangle?
 How do you identify corresponding parts of congruent triangles?
 What conditions must be true in order to prove two triangles congruent?
 What are the properties of an isosceles triangle?
o How do they compare to the properties of equilateral triangles?
Daily Lesson Plans:
DAY 1: Triangles and the Angle Sum Theorem
Objective: To classify triangles; to solve problems by applying the Angle Sum Theorem.
 Warm up
 Review homework
 Review Tests
 Board Notes: Classifying Triangles
 Board Work
 Examples
 Board Work
 Board Notes: Angle Sum Theorem
 Example/Board Work
 Homework: Worksheet 4.1
DAY 2: Exterior Angle Theorem
Objective: To solve problems by applying the Exterior Angle Theorem.
 Warm up
Review homework
Board Work: Angle Sum Theorem
Board Notes: Exterior Angle Theorem
Board Work
Homework: Worksheet 4.2
DAY 3: Practice with Angle Sum Theorem and Exterior Angle Theorem
Objective: To practice solving problems using the Angle Sum and Exterior Angle Theorems.
 Warm up
 Review homework
 Index Card Activity
 Homework: Worksheet 4.3; study for a quiz next class
DAY 4: Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles
Objective: To identify congruent triangles and label corresponding parts of congruent triangles.
 Warm up
 Review homework
 Quiz: Classifying Triangles, Angle Sum Theorem, Exterior Angle Theorem
 Board Notes: Congruent Triangles
 Examples
 Board Work
 Homework: Worksheet 4.4
DAY 5: Triangle Congruence: SSS and SAS
Objective: To determine if triangles are congruent using the SSS and SAS methods.
 Warm up
 Review homework
 Review Quizzes
 Board Notes: SSS and SAS
 Examples
 Board Work
 Examples
 Homework: Worksheet 4.5
DAY 6: Triangle Congruence: ASA and AAS
Objective: To determine if triangles are congruent using the ASA and AAS methods.
 Warm up
 Review homework
 Board Notes: ASA and AAS
 Examples
 Board Work: Combining All Methods
Homework: Worksheet 4.6
DAY 7: Triangle Congruence: HL
Objective: To determine if triangles are congruent using the HL method.
 Warm up
 Review Homework
 Board Notes: Right Triangles
 Board Notes: HL Congruence
 Examples
 Board Work
 Partner Work
 Homework: Worksheet 4.7; study for a quiz next class
DAY 8: Isosceles Triangles
Objective: To use the properties of isosceles triangles to solve problems.
 Warm up
 Review Homework
 Quiz: Triangle Congruence
 Board Notes: Isosceles Triangles
 Board Notes: Isosceles Triangle Theorem
 Examples
 Board Work
 Homework: Worksheet 4.8
DAY 9: Review Day
Objective: To review all unit 4 concepts to prepare for a unit test
 Warm up
 Review Homework
 Review Quizzes
 Review Activity: Khan Academy Practice
 Homework: Worksheet 4.9; study for a test next class
DAY 10: Test Day
 Warm up
 Review Homework
 Test
 Homework: Worksheet 4.10