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Mesopotamia Social classes
The role of social classes was very important because it makes
up the base of Mesopotamia. These classes differentiate between
the rich and the poor and make up the social structure of a city.
If there were no classes then there would be no difference
between the rich and the poor. It was necessary to have social
classes because everyone was not equal in power and status.
People had to do their jobs according to the social class they
belong to.
The highest classes in Mesopotamia were the Kings and priests. Next
came the Middle class, it was further divided into upper middle class and
lower middle class. The upper middle class includes soldiers, scribes and
merchants. The lower middle class includes farmers, artisans and
fishermen. Finally there were the lower social class, which holds the
slaves and the prisoners.
Higher Class
Characteristics of Social classes
Priests: Religion
The priests were at the very top of the social pyramid because they were
the closest to the gods and people of Mesopotamia respected them. They
believed in many gods and did many rituals to please their gods. These
people were very special because priests were the only people who can
perform rituals in ziggurats. Everyone worshipped the gods but the
priests were more religious and they spent more time worshipping than
others in the civilization. The priest was the only class who were
allowed to enter a ziggurat. (Ziggurat was form of temple).
Mesopotamia Social classes
Kings: Law
Kings were responsible for creating new laws and to maintain power.
Kings were special because they ruled the place and lived in expensive
houses, near the ziggurats. Kings maintained stability in Mesopotamia
and were known to wear luxury clothes. They were responsible to make
sure they made suitable and correct laws that helped the citizens. The
Mesopotamians believed their kings were human gods but, unlike the
ancient Egyptians, they never believed their kings were real spiritual
gods. The kings did not perform rituals like the priests but they
worshipped the gods they believed. There were hundreds of gods that
the people believed in. These gods were responsible for rain, sunlight,
food production and others.
Ziggurats, ancient temples in which priests
performed rituals.
Middle Class: Upper middle Class and Lower Middle Class
Mesopotamia Social classes
Soldiers and Scribes: War and business
Upper Middle class
The soldiers were the brave men who protected their city and were loyal
to king. Outsiders and other civilizations were known to attack because
they wanted the land and resources. The army was equipped with many
weapons and shields. Mesopotamian were known for their javelins and
amazing archers. The Mesopotamians army was not only powerful in
weapons but they made tactics to overcome their enemy. Only the rich
family’s boys and noble were allowed to become a soldier. In some
cases prisoners were trained as soldiers.
Also there were the scribes (writers). Being a scribe was a very
important job and was respected by everyone. Only a wealthy boy could
go to school. He can go to school for about 12 years and in that period
he would learn how to write. These people recorded business
information on tablets (stone).
Stone that contains information from the
Mesopotamia Social classes
Traders, craftsmen and Farmers
Lower middle class
The middle class was the traders, and craftsmen. They spent their days
making and selling items to send to other places. They sell and trade
food, clothes and weapons. Merchants and traders were considered as
one of the most important jobs in Mesopotamia because they were
required to trade and gain money. Mesopotamia was in the middle of
two river valleys and these rivers brought many traders from foreign
lands. The river is an important resource because it brings fresh water to
drink and provides important trade routes.
Lower Social Class
The slaves were at the bottom of the social pyramid. They were the
poorest and the weakest in the society. When one civilization conquered
another, they brought back prisoners. Captured prisoner had to work as
slaves for the upper class. These people had to work hard in the fields
and get nothing in return. The slaves used to do hard labor and were
mistreated too.
Roles of Women
Women were not required to do a job. Mostly all women were house
wives. Young girls helped their mother to do chores. They learned to
weave clothes and cook. Once they grow up they got married. Once
married they take care of house chores as well as of their husband and
Mesopotamia Social classes
Features (part c and d)
If I was to control Mesopotamia, then I would make 5 great changes to
the social classes’ structure. The first thing I will change is that, kings
will perform religious rituals and the priests will accompany them.
Second, is that the traders will require to travel more to reach new lands,
to trade and to create new ties for future help. The third change is that all
women will have to do a job. The forth change is that education is a
must to every children. Girls and boys that belong to any class need to
attend school. The final change is that the majority of the prisoners will
become farmers, so that the food production will increase. My changes
will bring many advantages and benefits to the Mesopotamians. I have
enforced the basics, such as education and trade.
All the features that I have implied are very important to ancient
Mesopotamia. With education the society will be more civilized.
Learning will give Mesopotamians new ideas for survival. Also creating
new ties with other lands will benefit us in the future. Creating new trade
routes will increase our business and help us economically. These
factors will make us stronger those other civilizations. Outsiders and
traders will like to come to Mesopotamia because they would like to
trade with us and to see our temples. People would like to come to us for
creating ties and to buy our resources, such as food and minerals.
Mesopotamia Social classes
“Come no further! You are entering Mesopotamia”.
Soreces: Book/Anceint mesopotamia history 1