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5xYu -&&~1
Producers of Quality
Nonprescription Medicines a&
Dietary Supplements for Self-Care
Formerly Nonprescr/ptbn
Drug Manufacturers
October 3,200O
Charles J. Ganley, M.D.
Director, Division of Over-the-CounterDrug Products
Office of Drug Evaluation V
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
Food and Drug Administration
Rockville, Maryland 20857
Dear. Dr. Ganley:
We are writing on behalf of the Label Coordinators Group of the Consumer Healthcare
Products Association (CHPA) to request a meeting with FDA to discussthe need for class
exemptions for OTC drug conveniencesizesin selectedOTC categories,in the context of the
final rule on OTC label content and format.
Based on our April 17 meeting with Dr. Woodcock, we understandthat approachesto
conveniencesizes,which representless than 1% of the OTC drug retail marketplace,might
include pared labeling in which certain selectedlabel information is available on the outer
container, while full labeling is available in proximity to the conveniencepackage (e.g., tear-off
leaflets) and/or within that package. Examples of such label configurations have been used for
many years on the OTC drug retail shelf (e.g, analgesictins with package inserts).
In order to further the discussionon this matter for the meeting, we provide additional
information in this letter, which addressesa recent letter from FDA to counsel for one of our
members (Ganley letter to Dormer dated August 28,2000, Docket No. 98N-0337) denying an
exemption request; and offers specific recommendationsfor a monograph-by-monograph
amendmentapproachthat would permit class exemptionsfor conveniencesizesin selectedOTC
drug categoriesof products.
FDA’s Authority to Provide RequestedRelief for ConvenienceSize OTC Drug Product
FDA has ample authority to provide the requestedrelief for conveniencesize OTC drug
products. Section 201 (k) of the FDC Act, 21 USC 6 321 (k), which provides that all required
label information must also appearon the outside retail package,is not an inflexible requirement.
For example, FDA has promulgated a regulation permitting
1150 Connecticut
Avenue, N.W., Washington,
. Tel. 202-429-9260
* Fax. 202-223-6835
information where the container is too small to accommodatecertain required information.
Section $201.10 (i) of 21 CFR, which was promulgatedin part pursuantto the statutory
authority of Section 201 (k), provides that a drug containertoo small or otherwise unable to bear
active ingredient information shd be exempt from that requirement,so long as certain standards
are met.
First, the label must bear the proprietary name and establishedname (if any) of the drug,
the lot or control number, and the name of the manufacturer,packer or distributor. Second,all
other required information must appearon the carton or other outer container “i,fsuch ... outer
container, or wrapper has sticient spaceto bear such information or such compZete label
information appears on a leaflet with the package.” pmphases added.] Thus, in the caseof
conveniencesizesof OTCs held in a shelf container,FDA could deemthe shelf container to be
the “outer container”referred to in 5 201.1O(i)(2) on which the required information is placed.’
Alternatively, a “leaflet with the package”could be used,which could be a tablet of leaflets
affixed to the shelf container in which the OTC conveniencesize products are displayed at
’In the August 28,200Oletter to Mr. Dormer, respondingto a requestby Block Drug for a small size
exemptionfrom the OTC label rule, Dr. Ganley,on behalf of FDA, maintainedthat the OTC product shelf container
with full requiredOTC drug labelingwould not be suitablepresentationof Drug Factsinformation for an envelope
packagewith an extra fold-down panel,all of which is over-wrappedwith cellophaneor other transparentmaterial.
Dr. Ganley hypothesizeda seriesof unsubstantiated
speculations:that consumerswould not be able to seethe shelf
containerin gasmartsat nighttime, that the type size would not be large enoughfor consumersto readon a shelf
containerunlessthey could it pick up, or, fmally, that retailersmight not retainthe shelf containerat all because
thereis no legal requirementfor them to do so. In fact, the FDC Act providesthat a drug is misbrandedif required
information is not providedin a mannersuchthat it is likely to be readundercustomaryconditionsof purchase.2 1
USC 5 352 (c). A retailer could be chargedwith misbrandinga drug if he discardsthe shelf containerbearing
requiredlabeling or otherwisemakesthe labelingunavailablefor the purchaserto see.FDA’s speculationthat
retailerswill not abideby the law could, arguably,be raisedas an objectionto any small packageheld in a shelf
container,thus renderingthe small packageregulationa nullity. If FDA believesthat the small packageregulation
shouldbe amendedor repealed,it must do so throughnotice and commentrulemakingpursuantto the
Administrative ProcedureAct. It cannotdo so by meansof a letter dismissingout of handthe use of labeledshelf
containerswith the package.
With respectto Dr. Ganley’sconcernthat type sizesfor the Drug Factslabelingon the shelf containerwill
not be sufficient for consumersto read,Dr. Ganleystatedthat he assumesthat consumershold a product in their
handa “short distance”from their eyes.The short distanceis not specified,however.Normal readingdistanceis
considered40 cm., or about 16 inches,the distanceat which most eye chartsareread.While consumersmay often
pick up a productto readthe labeling(which is normally on the back of the package),they neverthelessshouldbe
able to read labeling on the shelf tray, as it is easyto stand 16 inchesfrom the shelf
With respectto the FDA’s statedfear that retailerswill not retain the tray, especiallywhen only a few
packagesremain in it for sale,apartfrom the legal requirementdescribedabove,a shelf tray is neededas a practical
necessityto hold the packagesevenwhen thereareonly a few packagesleft in the shelf containerto maintain order
on the shelf. Further,most shelf trays allow a few extrapackagesto be addedby tbe retailer as a part of retail shelf
maintenancewhen discardinga usedshelf tray that is nearempty.
retail.* Leaflets with a packageare permitted under the small packageregulation, and there is no
questionthat their use is permissiblefor conveniencesizes3
FDA regulationshave long permitted use of leaflets for cosmeticingredient labeling,
which is required to avoid allergic reactionsas well as to facilitate value comparisons.4The
FDA regulationspermit use of a shelf display with leaflets that bear cosmetic ingredient labeling
as an alternative to placementof the declarationon the outer package.21 CFR $701.3 (i)-(k).
When a shelf display with leaflets is used,FDA specifiesthat stepsmust be taken to assure,for
example,that the display is designedand located so the labeling is easily accessibleto the
purchaserunder customaryconditions of retail sale,that sufficient copies of the consumerleaflet
are included with the cosmeticshipment,and that the display unit to which the leaflets are
affixed bearsthe words “Federal law requires ingredient lists to be displayedhere.”FDA could
develop a guidancedocumentfor use of leaflet-bearingdisplays for OTC conveniencesizes,
which would parallel the regulatory requirementsFDA has establishedfor cosmetic displays.
SelectedMonograph-basedClass Specific Exemptionsfor OTC Drug ProductsMarketed
as ConvenienceSizes
CHPA has reviewed the marketing practicesof its membersin terms of which OTC drug
categoriesare typically marketedusing conveniencesize packaging. We have consideredthe
various packageconfigurationsfor conveniencesizes. We have also consideredhow a label
format and content exemption for conveniencesizesmight be applied to the monograph
categoriesof interest. The following is a list of enclosedsuggestedmonographexemptionsby
category and formulation, which can serveas a basis for discussionat our requestedmeeting.
’ Antacids - liquids
Antacids - solids
’ Analgesic - liquids
. Analgesic - solids
Cough/Cold - liquids
Cough/Cold - solid oral
Gastrointestinal- liquids
*Dr. Ganley’sletter did not addressleaflets,as Block had not requestedpermissionto usethem in its
original petition.
3 We acknowledgethat by its terms 2 1 CFR 0 20 1.10(i) appliesspecifically to packagestoo small to
accommodateinformationrequiredby section502(e)(l)(A)(“)
n , i.e., the nameand quantity of eachactive ingredient.
(The regulationhasnot beenamendedto conform to FDAMA, which requireda drug label also to bearthe nameof
eachinactive ingredientandthe quantity of eachactive ingredient.) However,the regulationprovidessupportfor
the propositionthat FDA may permit the use of shelf containerlabelingor leafletswith the packagefor convenience
size productstoo small to accommodaterequiredinformation,irrespectiveof what the requiredinformationmay be.
4 38 Fed. 3524(February7, 1973)(CosmeticIngredientLabeling;Notice of Proposed
G a s trointestinal
- solids
L a x a tive- liquids
L a x a tive- solids
TopicalP roducts(Ivote:S e p a r a tem o n o g r a p ah m e n d m e ns tu g g e s tio nhsa v e
b e e ncreate d fore a c ho f th efollowing topicals u b c a tegories:
. A n o r e c tal
’ A n tiJirngal
E xternalAnalgesics
’ O p h thalmics
’ O ral DiscomfortP roducts
w TopicalA n titussives)
A n titussivelozenges
O ralA n e s th e ticlozenges
O ralD e m u l c e nlozenges
In closingw e look fo r w a r dto th e o p p o r tunityto m e e twith th e a g e n c yo n this m a tter.
S incerelyyours,
R . W illiam S o R e PP’,h .D. ’
S e n i o rV ice P residenta n d
Directoro f S cience& Technology
E ve E . B a c h r a c h
S e n i o rV ice P resident,
G e n e r aCl o u n s eal n d S e c r e tary
E ric: A s stated.
J a n e tW o o d c o c k M
, .D.
M u r r a y M . L u m p k i n ,M .D.
R o b e r tD e l a p ,M .D.
E ricaL . K e y s
W S /jq:Labeling/Convenience
sumer Healthcare Products Associatioe
Draft Proposed Convenience-SizeExemption for
Antacid Products (liquid dosage forms)
To be inserted in the Monograph:
For products packagedfor easy portability and for which the printable spaceis insufficient to
accommodateall required labeling in the required format or are single-usenon-reclosable
packagesor contain no more than 4 fluid ounces,the following shall apply:
(1) The 60 percent requirement stated in Sec. 201.66(d)(10) will be waived as a requirement for
using the modifications given in Sec. 201.66(d)( 1O)(i) through Sec. 201.66(d)( 1O)(v).
(2) The labeling shall meet the requirementsof Sec. 201.66(c) of this chapter except that
(a) the horizontal bariines and hairlines describedin Sec. 201.66(d)(8), may be omitted,.
(b) the title, “Drug Facts”describedin Set 201.66(d)(l)and (2) is to be retained at a type size
of 7.1-point, per the modified format;
(c) headings,and information describedin Sec. 201.66(c)(l), (c)(3), and (c)(7) may be
(d) a paragraphformat may be used,
(e) the headings,subheadings,and information describedin Sec. 201.66(c)(2), (c)(4), (c)(5),
and (c)(6) may be presentedas follows:
(i) The active ingredients (Sec. 201.66(c)(2) of this chapter) shall be listed in
alphabetical order, except the heading, “Active(s),” may be used..
The heading and the indication required by Sec. 201.66(c)(4) may be lim ited to:
“Use (in bold type) for sour stomachor acid indigestion.”
(iii) W a rnings visible at the point of purchasemay be lim ited to specialty warnings and
those under the “Do not use”heading,provided that a prominent and conspicuous
instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts”(or another appropriate instruction)
appearson the package,and all required warnings are available when the package
is opened.
(iv) Directions may be omitted from the outside of the package,provided that a
prominent and conspicuousinstruction “See inside for full Drug Facts ” and all
required dosageinstructions are available when the packageis opened.
(v) Inactive ingredients may be omitted from the outside of the package,provided a
prominent and conspicuousinstruction “See inside for full Drug Facts”and
inactive ingredients are available when the packageis opened.
(vi) “Other information” and “Questions”may appearoutside the Drug Facts box, or
inside when the packageis opened,except that products containing aspartameas
an inactive ingredient shall bear a statementon the outer container to the
following effect: Phenylketonurics:Contains Phenylalanine(mg
Per (Dosage
(vii) If columns are used, the title “Drug Facts (continued),” may be omitted, provided a
visual graphic (e.g., an arrow) is usedto signal the continuation of the Drug Facts
labeling to the next adjacentcolumn.
(3) Alternatively, in instanceswhere packaging constraints,such as configuration and tamperevident features, do not permit all information to be visible on the outer packageor a package
insert may not be included within the package,the Drug Facts box and other information may
be provided on secondarypackaging, provided that the full Drug Facts labeling is provided in
the form of a tear-off pad, is printed on the shelf tray used to display the product, and
, --I
complies with all formatting requirementsof the rule.
nsumer Healthcare Products Associati cl)
Draft Proposed Convenience-Size Exemption for
Antacid Products (solid dosage forms)
To be inserted in the Monograph:
For products packaged for easy portability and for which the printable space is insufficient to
accommodate all required labeling in the required format or are single-use non-reclosable
packages, or contain no more than 12 dosage units, the following shall apply:
(1) The 60 percent requirement stated in Sec. 201.66(d)( 10) will be waived as a requirement for
using the modifications given in Sec. 20 1.66(d)( 1O)(i) through Sec. 201.66(d)( 1O)(v).
(2) The labeling shall meet the requirements of Sec. 201.66(c) of this chapter except that
(a) the horizontal barlines and hairlines described in Sec. 201.66(d)(8), may be omitted,.
(b) the title, “Drug Facts” described in Set 201.66(d)( 1)and (2) is to be retained at a type size
of 7.1 -point, per the modified format;
(c) headings, and information described in Sec. 201.66(c)(l), (c)(3), and (c)(7) may be
(d) a paragraph format may be used,
(e) the headings, subheadings, and information described in Sec. 20 1.66(c)(2), (c)(4), (c)(5),
and (c)(6) may be presented as follows:
(i) The active ingredients (Sec. 201.66(c)(2) of this chapter) shall be listed in
alphabetical order, except the heading, “Active(s),” may be used..
The heading and the indication required by Sec. 201.66(c)(4) may be limited to:
“Use (in bold type) for sour stomach or acid indigestion.”
(iii) Warnings visible at the point of purchase may be limited to specialty warnings and
those under the “Do not use” heading, provided that a prominent and conspicuous
instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts” (or another appropriate instruction)
appears on the package, and all required warnings are available when the package
is opened.
(iv) Directions may be omitted from the outside of the package, provided that a
prominent and conspicuous instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts ” and all
required dosage instructions are available when the package is opened.
(v) Inactive ingredients may be omitted from the outside of the package, provided a
prominent and conspicuous instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts” and
inactive ingredients are available when the package is opened.
(vi) “Other information” and “Questions” may appear outside the Drug Facts box, or
inside when the package is opened, except that products containing aspartame as
an inactive ingredient shall bear a statement on the outer container to the
following effect: Phenylketonurics: Contains Phenylalanine (mg
Per (Dosage
(vii) If columns are used, the title “Drug Facts (continued),” may be omitted, provided a
visual graphic (e.g., an arrow) is used to signal the continuation of the Drug Facts
labeling to the next adjacent column.
(3) Alternatively, in instances where packaging constraints, such as configuration and tamperevident features, do not permit all information to be visible on the outer package or a package
insert may not be included within the package, the Drug Facts box and other information may
be provided on secondary packaging, provided that the full Drug Facts labeling is provided in
the form of a tear-off pad, is printed on the shelf tray used to display the product, and
complies with all formatting requirements of the rule.
WS/WBlb 8l3OlOO
nsumer Healthcare Products Associatio
Draft Proposed Convenience-Size Exemption for
Liquid Dosage Forms
Internal Analgesics/Menstrual Products
To be inserted in the Monograph:
For products packagedfor easy portability and for which the printable spaceis insufflcient to
accommodateall required labeling in the required format or are single-usenon-reclosablepackages,
or contain no more than 4 fluid ounces,the following shall apply:
(1) The 60 percent requirement stated in Sec. 201.66(d)(lO) will be waived as a requirement for
using the modifications given in Sec. 201.66(d)(l O)(i) through Sec. 20 1.66(d)(1O)(v).
(2) The labeling shall meet the requirements of Sec. 201.66(c) of this chapter except that
(a) the horizontal barlines and hairlines described in Sec. 201.66(d)(8), may be omitted,.
(b) the title, “Drug Facts”described in Set 201.66(d)( 1)and (2) is to be retained at a type size of
7. l-point, per the modified format;
(c) headings,and information described in Sec. 20 1.66(c)(l), (c)(3), and (c)(7) may be omitted,
(d) a paragraph format may be used,
(e) the headings, subheadings,and information described in Sec. 201.66(c)(2), (c)(4), (c)(5), and
(c)(6) may be presentedas follows:
(9 The act&e ingredients (Sec. 201.66(c)(2) of this chapter) shall be listed in alphabetical
order, except the heading, “Active(s),” may be used.
(ii) The heading and the indication required by Sec.20 1.66(c)(4) may be limited to: “Use
(in bold type) for temporary pain of (insert “headache”or “muscular aches”or
menstrual discomfort” or “toothache” or any combination of the above.
(iii) Warnings visible at the point of purchasemay be limited to specialty warnings and
those under the “Do not use”heading, provided that a prominent and conspicuous
instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts”(or another appropriate instruction) appears
on the package,and all required warnings are available when the packageis opened.
Directions may be omitted from the outside of the package,provided that a prominent
and conspicuousinstruction “See inside for full Drug Facts ” and all required dosage
instructions are available when the packageis opened.
(v) Inactive ingredients may be omitted from the outside of the package,provided a
prominent and conspicuousinstruction “See inside for full Drug Facts” and inactive
ingredients are available when the packageis opened.
(Vi) “Other information” and “Questions” may appearoutside the Drug Facts box, or inside
when the packageis opened,except that products containing aspartameas an inactive
ingredient shall bear a statementon the outer container to the following effect:
Phenylketonurics: Contains Phenylalanine (mg Per (Dosage Unit).
(vii) If columns are used, the title “Drug Facts (continued),” may be omitted, provided a
visual graphic (e.g., an arrow) is used to signal the continuation of the Drug Facts
labeling to the next adjacent column.
(3) Alternatively, in instanceswhere packaging constraints, such as configuration and tamper-evident
features, do not permit all information to be visible on the outer packageor a package insert may
not be included within the package,the Drug Facts box and other information may be provided
on secondarypackaging, provided that the full Drug Facts labeling is provided in the form of a
tear-off pad, is printed on the shelf tray used to display the product, and complies with all
formatting requirements of the rule.
WSlWl3lb 813OlOO
onsumer Healthcare ProductsAssociatio
Draft Proposed Convenience-Size Exemption for
Solid Dosage Forms
Internal Analgesics
To be inserted in the Monograph:
For products packagedfor easy portability and for which the printable spaceis insufficient to
accommodateall required labeling in the required format or are single-usenon-reclosablepackages,
or contain no more than 12 dosageunits, the following shall apply:
(1) The 60 percent requirement stated in Sec. 201.66(d)(lO) will be waived as a requirement for
using the modifications given in Sec. 201.66(d)( 1O)(i) through Sec. 201.66(d)( 1O)(v).
(2) The labeling shall meet the requirements of Sec. 201.66(c) of this chapter except that
(a) the horizontal barlines and hairlines described in Sec. 201.66(d)(8), may be omitted,.
(b) the title, “Drug Facts”described in Set 201.66(d)(l)and (2) is to be retained at a type size of
7.1-point, per the modified format;
(c) headings,and information described in Sec. 201.66(c)(l), (c)(3), and (c)(7) may be omitted,
(d) a paragraphformat may be used,
(e) the headings,subheadings,and information describedin Sec. 201.66(c)(2), (c)(4), (c)(5), and
(c)(6) may be presentedas follows:
(9 The active ingredients (Sec. 201.66(c)(2) of this chapter) shall be listed in alphabetical
order, except the heading, “Active(s),” may be used.
(ii) The heading and the indication required by Sec. 201.66(c)(4) may be limited to: “Use
(in bold type) for temporary pain of (insert “headache”or “muscular aches”or
menstrual discomfort” or “toothache” or any combination of the above.
(iii) Warnings visible at the point of purchasemay be limited to specialty warnings and
those under the “Do not use”heading, provided that a prominent and conspicuous
instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts”(or another appropriate instruction) appears
on the package,and all required warnings are available when the package is opened.
(iv) Directions may be omitted from the outside of the package,provided that a prominent
and conspicuousinstruction “See inside for full Drug Facts ” and all required dosage
instructions are available when the packageis opened.
(v) Inactive ingredients may be omitted from the outside of the package,provided a
prominent and conspicuousinstruction “See inside for full Drug Facts” and inactive
ingredients are available when the packageis opened.
(vi) “other information” and “Questions” may appearoutside the Drug Facts box, or inside
when the packageis opened,except that products containing aspartameas an inactive
ingredient shall bear a statementon the outer container to the following effect:
Phenylketonurics: Contains Phenylalanine(mg Per (Dosage Unit).
(vii) If columns are used,the title “Drug Facts (continued),” may be omitted, provided a
visual graphic (e.g., an arrow) is used to signal the continuation of the Drug Facts
labeling to the next adjacent column.
(3) Alternatively, in instanceswhere packaging constraints,such as configuration and tamper-evident
features, do not permit all information to be visible on the outer packageor a package insert may
not be included within the package,the Drug Facts box and other information may be provided
on secondarypackaging, provided that the full Drug Facts labeling is provided in the form of a
tear-off pad, is printed on the shelf tray used to display the product, and complies with all
formatting requirements of the rule.
WS/wBib 8/30/00
nsumer Healthcare Products Associatio
Draft Proposed Convenience-Size Exemption for
Liquid Dosage Forms
Cough/Cold/Allergy Products
To be inserted in the Monograph:
For products packagedfor easy portability and for which the printable spaceis insufficient to
accommodateall required labeling in the required format or are single-usenon-reclosablepackages,
or contain no more than 4 fluid ounces,the following shall apply:
(1) The 60 percent requirement stated in Sec. 201.66(d)(lO) will be waived as a requirement for
using the modifications given in Sec. 201.66(d)(l O)(i) through Sec. 20 1.66(d)(l O)(v).
(2) The labeling shall meet the requirements of Sec. 201.66(c) of this chapter except that
(a) the horizontal barlines and hairlines described in Sec. 201.66(d)(g), may be omitted,.
(b) the title, “Drug Facts”described in Set 201.66(d)(l)and (2) is to be retained at a type size of
7.1-point, per the modified format;
(c) headings, and information described in Sec. 201.66(c)(l), (c)(3), and (c)(7) may be omitted,
(d) a paragraph format may be used,
(e) the headings, subheadings,and information described in Sec. 201.66(c)(2), (c)(4), (c)(5), and
(c)(6) may be presentedas follows:
(9 The active ingredients (Sec. 201.66(c)(2) of this chapter) shall be listed in alphabetical
order, except the heading, “Active(s),” may be used.
(ii) The heading and the indication required by Sec. 201.66(c)(4) may be limited to: “Use
(in bold type) for [insert antihistamine, antitussive, expectorant,and/or nasal
decongestantuses appropriate for the active ingredients].
(iii) Warnings visible at the point of purchasemay be limited to specialty warnings and
those under the “Do not use”heading, provided that a prominent and conspicuous
instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts”(or another appropriate instruction) appears
on the package,and all required warnings are available when the packageis opened.
Directions may be omitted from the outside of the package,provided that a prominent
and conspicuousinstruction “See inside for full Drug Facts ” and all required dosage
instructions are available when the packageis opened.
Inactive ingredients may be omitted from the outside of the package,provided a
prominent and conspicuousinstruction “See inside for full Drug Facts”and inactive
ingredients are available when the packageis opened.
information” and “Questions” may appearoutside the Drug Facts box, or inside
when the package is opened,except that products containing aspartameas an inactive
ingredient shall bear a statementon the outer container to the following effect:
Phenylketonurics: Contains Phenylalanine (mg Per (Dosage Unit).
(vii) If columns are used,the title “Drug Facts (continued),” may be omitted, provided a
visual graphic (e.g., an arrow) is used to signal the continuation of the Drug Facts
labeling to the next adjacent column.
(3) Alternatively, in instanceswhere packaging constraints, such as configuration and tamper-evident
features, do not permit all information to be visible on the outer packageor a packageinsert may
not be included within the package,the Drug Facts box and other information may be provided
on secondarypackaging, provided that the full Drug Facts labeling is provided in the form of a
tear-off pad, is printed on the shelf tray used to display the product, and complies with all
formatting requirements of the rule.
nsumer Healthcare Products AssociatioA
Draft Proposed Convenience-Size Exemption for
Solid Oral Dosage Forms
Cough/Cold/Allergy Products
To be inserted in the Monograph:
For products packagedfor easy portability and for which the printable spaceis insufficient to
accommodateall required labeling in the required format or are single-use non-reclosable packages,
or contain no more than 12 dosageunits, the following shall apply:
(1) The 60 percent requirement stated in Sec. 201.66(d)(lO) will be waived as a requirement for
using the modifications given in Sec. 201.66(d)( 10)(i) through Sec. 20 1.66(d)(l O)(v).
(2) The labeling shall meet the requirements of Sec. 201.66(c) of this chapter except that
(a) the horizontal barlines and hairlines described in Sec. 201.66(d)(8), may be omitted,.
(b) the title, “Drug Facts” described in Set 201.66(d)( 1)and (2) is to be retained at a type size of
7.1-point, per the modified format;
(c) headings, and information described in Sec. 201.66(c)(l), (c)(3), and (c)(7) may be omitted,
(d) a paragraph format may be used,
(e) the headings, subheadings,and information described in Sec. 201.66(c)(2), (c)(4), (c)(5), and
(c)(6) may be presentedas follows:
The active ingredients (Sec. 201.66(c)(2) of this chapter) shall be listed in alphabetical
order, except the heading, “Active(s),” may be used.
(ii) The heading and the indication required by Sec. 201.66(c)(4) may be limited to: “Use
(in bold type) for [insert antihistamine, antitussive, expectorant, and/or nasal
decongestantuses appropriate for the active ingredients].
(iii) Warnings visible at the point of purchasemay be limited to specialty warnings and
those under the “Do not use”heading, provided that a prominent and conspicuous
instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts” (or another appropriate instruction) appears
on the package, and all required warnings are available when the package is opened.
Directions may be omitted from the outside of the package,provided that a prominent
and conspicuousinstruction “See inside for full Drug Facts ” and all required dosage
instructions are available when the packageis opened.
Inactive ingredients may be omitted from the outside of the package,provided a
prominent and conspicuousinstruction “See inside for full Drug Facts” and inactive
ingredients are available when the packageis opened.
“Other information” and “Questions” may appearoutside the Drug Facts box, or inside
when the package is opened, except that products containing aspartameas an inactive
ingredient shall bear a statementon the outer container to the following effect:
Phenylketonurics: Contains Phenylalanine (mg
Per (Dosage Unit).
(vii) If columns are used, the title “Drug Facts (continued),” may be omitted, provided a
visual graphic (e.g., an arrow) is used to signal the continuation of the Drug Facts
labeling to the next adjacent column.
(3) Alternatively, in instanceswhere packaging constraints, such as configuration and tamper-evident
features, do not permit all information to be visible on the outer package or a package insert may
not be included within the package,the Drug Facts box and other information may be provided
on secondarypackaging, provided that the full Drug Facts labeling is provided in the form of a
tear-off pad, is printed on the shelf tray used to display the product, and complies with all
formatting requirements of the rule.
WSlwEvb 8/30/00
Healthcare Products Associatiom
Draft Proposed Convenience-Size Exemption for
Single and Combination Gastrointestinal Products (liquid dosage forms)
To be inserted in the Monograph:
For products packaged for easy portability and for which the printable space is insufficient to
accommodate all required labeling in the required format or are single-use non-reclosable
packages or contain no more than 4fluid ounces, the following shall apply:
(1) The 60 percent requirement stated in Sec. 201.66(d)( 10) will be waived as a requirement for
using the modifications given in Sec. 20 1.66(d)( 1O)(i) through Sec. 201.66(d)(l O)(v).
(2) The labeling shall meet the requirements of Sec. 20 1.66(c) of this chapter except that
(a) the horizontal barlines and hairlines described in Sec. 201.66(d)(8), may be omitted,.
fb) the title, “6Drug Facts” described in Set 201.66(d)(l)and (2) is to be retained at a type
size of 7.1-point, per the modifiedformat;
(4 headings, and information described in Sec. 20 1.66(c)(l), (c)(3), and (c)(7) may be
(4 a paragraph format may be used,
W the headings, subheadings,and information described in Sec. 201.66(c)(2), (c)(4), (c)(5),
and (c)(6) may be presented as follows:
(i) The active ingredients (Sec. 201.66(c)(2) of this chapter) shall be listed in
alphabetical order, except the heading, “Active(s), Wmay be used.
The heading and the indication required by Sec. 201.66(c)(4) may be limited to:
“Use (in bold type) for sour stomach or acid indigestion”@ antacids.
[Appropriate laxative uses could be inserted in the Laxative monograph.1
(iii) Warnings visible at the point of purchase may be limited to specialty warnings and
those under the “Do not use” heading, provided that a prominent and conspicuous
instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts” (or another appropriate instruction)
appearson the package, and all required warnings are available when the package
is opened.
(iv) Directions may be omitted from the outside of the package, provided that a
prominent and conspicuous instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts ” and all
required dosage instructions are available when the package is opened.
(v) Inactive ingredients may be omitted from the outside of the package, provided a
prominent and conspicuous instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts” and
inactive ingredients are available when the package is opened.
(vi) “Other information” and “Questions” may appear outside the Drug Facts box, or
inside when the package is opened, except that products containing aspartame
as an inactive ingredient shall bear a statement on the outer container to the
following effect: Phenylketonurics: Contains Phenylalanine ( )mg Per
(Dosage Unit).
(vi0 If columns are used, the title YDrug Facts (continued),” may be omitted, provided
a visual graphic (e.g., an arrow) is used to signal the continuation of the Drug
Facts labeling to the next adjacent column.
(3) Alternatively, in instances where packaging constraints, such as configuration and tamperevident features, do not permit all information to be visible on the outer package or a
package insert may not be included within the package, the Drug Facts box and other
information may be provided on secondary packaging, provided that the full Drug Facts
labeling is provided in the form of a tear-off pad, is printed on the shelf tray used to display
the product, and complies with all formatting requirements of the rule.
nsumer Healthcare Products Associatio1)
. .
Draft Proposed Convenience-Size Exemption for
Gastrointestinal Products (solid dosage forms)
To be inserted in the Monograph:
For products packaged for easy portability and for which the printable space is insufficient to
accommodate all required labeling in the required format or are single-use non-reclosable
packages, or contain no more than 12 dosage units, the following shall apply:
(1) The 60 percent requirement stated in Sec. 201.66(d)( 10) will be waived as a requirement for
using the modifications given in Sec. 20 1.66(d)( 1O)(i) through Sec. 20 1.66(d)( 1O)(v).
(2) The labeling shall meet the requirements of Sec. 201.66(c) of this chapter except that
(a) the horizontal barlines and hairlines described in Sec. 201.66(d)(8), may be omitted,.
(b) the title, “Drug Facts” described in Set 201.66(d)(l)and (2) is to be retained at a type
size of 7.1-point, per the modifiedformat;
(c) headings, and information described in Sec. 201.66(c)(l), (c)(3), and (c)(7) may be
(d) a paragraph format may be used,
(e) the headings, subheadings,and information described in Sec. 201.66(c)(2), (c)(4), (c)(5),
and (c)(6) may be presented as follows:
(i) The active ingredients (Sec. 201.66(c)(2) of this chapter) shall be listed in
alphabetical order, except the heading, “Active(s),” may be used.
The heading and the indication required by Sec. 201.66(c)(4) may be lim ited to:
“Use (in bold type) for sour stomach or acid indigestion”for anfacids.
[Appropriate laxative uses could be inserted in the Laxative monograph.]
(iii) Warnings visible at the point of purchase may be lim ited to specialty warnings and
those under the “Do not use” heading, provided that a prom inent and conspicuous
instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts” (or another appropriate instruction)
appears on the package, and all required warnings are available when the package
is opened.
(iv) Directions may be omitted from the outside of the package, provided that a
prom inent and conspicuous instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts ” and all
required dosage instructions are available when the package is opened.
(v) Inactive ingredients may be omitted from the outside of the package, provided a
prom inent and conspicuous instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts” and
inactive ingredients are available when the package is opened.
(vi) “Other information” and “Questions” may appear outside the Drug Facts box, or
inside when the package is opened, except that products containing aspartame
as an inactive ingredient shall bear a statement on the outer container to the
following effect: Phenylketonurics: Contains Phenylalanine ( )mg Per
posage Unit).
(vii) If columns are used, the title “Drug Facts (continued), ” may be omitted, provided
a visualgraphic (e.g., an arrow) is used to signal the continuation of the Drug
Facts labeling to the next adjacent column.
(3) Alternatively, in instances where packaging constraints, such as configuration and tamperevident features, do not perm it all information to be visible on the outer package or a
package insert may not be included within the package, the Drug Facts box andxer
information may be provided on secondary packaging, provided that the full Drug Facts
labeling is provided in the form of a tear-off pad, is printed on the shelf tray used to display
the product, and complies with all formatting requirements of the rule.
W S/WBfb 8/30/00
a3nsumer Healthcare Products Associatea
Draft Proposed Convenience-Size Exemption for
Laxative Products (liquid dosage forms)
To be inserted in the Monograph:
For products packaged for easy portability and for which the printable space is insufftcient to
accommodate all required labeling in the required format or are single-use non-reclosable
packages or contain no more than 4 fluid ounces, the following shall apply:
(1) The 60 percent requirement stated in Sec. 20 1.66(d)( 10) will be waived as a requirement for
using the modifications given in Sec. 20 1.66(d)( 1O)(i) through Sec. 201.66(d)( 1O)(v).
(2) The labeling shall meet the requirements of Sec. 201.66(c) of this chapter except that
(a) the horizontal barlines and hairlines described in Sec. 201.66(d)(8), may be omitted,.
(b) the title, “Drug Facts” described in Set 20 1.66(d)( 1)and (2) is to be retained at a type size
of 7.1-point, per the modified format;
(c) headings, and information described in Sec. 201.66(c)(l), (c)(3), and (c)(7) may be
(d) a paragraph format may be used,
(e) the headings, subheadings,and information described in Sec. 201.66(c)(2), (c)(4), (c)(5),
and (c)(6) may be presented as follows:
(i) The active ingredients (Sec. 201.66(c)(2) of this chapter) shall be listed in
alphabetical order, except the heading, “Active(s),” may be used..
The heading and the indication required by Sec. 201.66(c)(4) may be limited to:
“Use (in bold type) for relief of occasional constipation.”
(iii) Warnings visible at the point of purchase may be limited to specialty warnings and
those under the “Do not use” heading, provided that a prominent and conspicuous
instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts” (or another appropriate instruction)
appears on the package, and all required warnings are available when the package
is opened.
(iv) Directions may be omitted from the outside of the package, provided that a
prominent and conspicuous instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts ” and all
required dosage instructions are available when the package is opened.
(v) Inactive ingredients may be omitted from the outside of the package, provided a
prominent and conspicuous instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts” and
inactive ingredients are available when the package is opened.
(vi) “Other information” and “Questions” may appear outside the Drug Facts box, or
inside when the package is opened, except that products containing aspartame as
an inactive ingredient shall bear a statement on the outer container to the
following effect: Phenylketonurics: Contains Phenylalanine (mg
Per (Dosage
(vii) If columns are used, the title “Drug Facts (continued),” may be omitted, provided a
visual graphic (e.g., an arrow) is used to signal the continuation of the Drug Facts
labeling to the next adjacent column.
(3) Alternatively, in instances where packaging constraints, such as configuration and tamperevident features, do not permit all information to be visible on the outer package or a package
insert may not be included within the package, the Drug Facts box and other information may
be provided on secondary packaging, provided that the full Drug Facts labeling is provided in
the form of a tear-off pad, is printed on the shelf tray used to display the product, and
complies with all formatting requirements of the rule.
onsumer Healthcare Products
Draft Proposed Convenience-Size Exemption for
Laxative Products (solid dosage forms)
To be inserted in the Monograph:
For products packaged for easy portability and for which the printable space is insufficient to
accommodate all required labeling in the required format or are single-use non-reclosable
packages, or contain no more than 12 dosage units, the following shall apply:
(1) The 60 percent requirement stated in Sec. 201.66(d)( 10) will be waived as a requirement for
using the modifications given in Sec. 20 1.66(d)( 1O)(i) through Sec. 20 1.66(d)( 1O)(v).
(2) The labeling shall meet the requirements of Sec. 201.66(c) of this chapter except that
(a) the horizontal barlines and hairlines described in Sec. 201.66(d)(8), may be omitted,.
(b) the title, “Drug Facts” described in Set 201.66(d)( 1)and (2) is to be retained at a type size
of 7. I -point, per the modified format;
(c) headings, and information described in Sec. 201.66(c)(l), (c)(3), and (c)(7) may be
(d) a paragraph format may be used,
(e) the headings, subheadings, and information described in Sec. 201.66(c)(2), (c)(4), (c)(5),
and (c)(6) may be presented as follows:
(i) The active ingredients (Sec. 201.66(c)(2) of this chapter) shall be listed in
alphabetical order, except the heading, “Active(s),” may be used..
The heading and the indication required by Sec. 201.66(c)(4) may be limited to:
“Use (in bold type) for relief of occasional constipation.”
(iii) Warnings visible at the point of purchase may be limited to specialty warnings and
those under the “Do not use” heading, provided that a prominent and conspicuous
instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts” (or another appropriate instruction)
appears on the package, and all required warnings are available when the package
is opened.
(iv) Directions may be omitted from the outside of the package, provided that a
prominent and conspicuous instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts ” and all
required dosage instructions are available when the package is opened.
(v) Inactive ingredients may be omitted from the outside of the package, provided a
prominent and conspicuous instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts” and
inactive ingredients are available when the package is opened.
(vi) “Other information” and “Questions” may appear outside the Drug Facts box, or
inside when the package is opened, except that products containing aspartame as
an inactive ingredient shall bear a statement on the outer container to the
following effect: Phenylketonurics: Contains Phenylalanine (mg
Per (Dosage
(vii) If columns are used, the title “Drug Facts (continued),” may be omitted, provided a
visual graphic (e.g., an arrow) is used to signal the continuation of the Drug Facts
labeling to the next adjacent column.
(3) Alternatively, in instances where packaging constraints, such as configuration and tamperevident features, do not permit all information to be visible on the outer package or a package
insert may not be included within the package, the Drug Facts box and other information may
be provided on secondary packaging, provided that the full Drug Facts labeling is provided in
the form of a tear-off pad, is printed on the shelf tray used to display the product, and
complies with all formatting requirements of the rule.
WS/WB/b 8/30/00
onsumer Healthcare Products Associatea
Draft Proposed Convenience-Size Exemption for
Topical Anorectal Products with Dosage Limitations
To be inserted in the Monograph:
For products packaged for easy portability and for which the printable space is insufficient to
accommodate all required labeling in the required format or are single-use non-reclosable
packages, or contain no more than 1 ounce of product, the following shall apply:
(1) The 60 percent requirement stated in Sec. 201.66(d)( 10) will be waived as a requirement for
using the modifications given in Sec. 201.66(d)(lO)(i) through Sec. 201.66(d)(lO)(v).
(2) The labeling shall meet the requirements of Sec. 201.66(c) of this chapter except that
(a) the horizontal barlines and hairlines described in Sec. 201.66(d)(8), may be omitted,.
(b) the title, “Drug Facts” described in Set 201.66(d)( 1)and (2) is to be retained at a type size
of 7.1-point, per the modified format;
(c) the headings, and information described in Sec. 201.66(c)(l), (c)(3), and (c)(7) may be
(d) a paragraph format may be used,
(e) the headings, subheadings,and information described in Sec. 201.66(c)(2), (c)(4), (c)(5),
and (c)(6) may be presented as follows:
The ingredients (Sec. 201.66(c)(2) of this chapter) shall be listed in alphabetical
order, except the heading, “Active(s),” may be used.
(ii) The heading and the indication required by Sec. 201.66(c)(4) may be limited to: “Use
(in bold type) ( insert one or more, but not necessarily all, indications).
(iii) Warnings visible at the point of purchase may be limited to specialty warnings and
those under the “Do not use” heading, provided that a prominent and conspicuous
instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts” (or another appropriate instruction)
appearson the package, and all required warnings are available when the package is
(iv) Directions may be omitted Corn the outside’of the package, provided that a
prominent and conspicuous instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts ” and all
required dosage instructions are available when the package is opened.
(v) Inactive ingredients may be omitted from the outside of the package, provided a
prominent and conspicuous instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts” and inactive
ingredients are available when the package is opened.
(vi) “Other information” and “Questions” may appear outside the Drug Facts box, or
inside when the package is opened
(vii) If columns are used, the title “Drug Facts (continued),” may be omitted, provided a
visual graphic (e.g., an arrow) is used to signal the continuation of the Drug Facts
labeling to the next adjacent column.
(3) Alternatively, in instanceswhere packaging constraints, such as configuration and tamperevident features, do not permit all information to be visible on the outer package or a package
insert may not be included within the package, the Drug Facts box and other information may
be provided on secondary packaging, provided that the full Drug Facts labeling is provided in
the form of a tear-off pad, or is printed on the shelf tray used to display the product, and
complies with all formatting requirements of the rule.
onsumer Healthcare Products Associatid)
Draft Proposed Convenience-Size Exemption for
Topical Antifungal Products with Dosage Limitations
To be inserted in the Monograph:
For products packaged for easy portability and for which the printable space is insufflcient to
accommodate all required labeling in the required format or are single-use non-reclosable
packages, or contain no more than 1 ounce of product, the following shall apply:
(1) The 60 percent requirement stated in Sec. 201.66(d)( 10) will be waived as a requirement for
using the modifications given in Sec. 201.66(d)(lO)(i) through Sec. 201.66(d)(lO)(v).
(2) The labeling shall meet the requirements of Sec. 201.66(c) of this chapter except that
(a) the horizontal barlines and hairlines described in Sec. 201.66(d)(8), may be omitted,.
(b) the title, “Drug Facts” described in See 201.66(d)(l)and (2) is to be retained at a type size
of 7.1-point, per the modified format;
(c) the headings, and information described in Sec. 201.66(c)(l), (c)(3), and (c)(7) may be
(d) a paragraph format may be used,
(e) the headings, subheadings,and information described in Sec. 201.66(c)(2), (c)(4), (c)(5),
and (c)(6) may be presented as follows:
The ingredients (Sec. 201.66(c)(2) of this chapter) shall be listed in alphabetical
order, except the heading, “Active(s),” may be used.
(ii) The heading and the indication required by Sec. 201.66(c)(4) may be limited to: “Use
(in bold type) (insert one or more, but not necessarily all, indications).
(iii) Warnings visible at the point of purchase may be limited to specialty warnings and
those under the “Do not use” heading, provided that a prominent and conspicuous
instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts: (or another appropriate instruction)
appearson the package, and all required warnings are available when the package is
(iv) Directions may be omitted from the outside of the package, provided that a
prominent and conspicuous instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts ” and all
required dosage instructions are available when the package is opened.
(v) Inactive ingredients may be omitted from the outside of the package, provided a
prominent and conspicuous instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts” and inactive
ingredients are available when the package is opened.
(vi) “Other information” and “Questions” may appear outside the Drug Facts box, or
inside when the package is opened
(vii) If columns are used, the title “Drug Facts (continued),” may be omitted, provided a
visual graphic (e.g., an arrow) is used to signal the continuation of the Drug Facts
labeling to the next adjacent column.
(3) Alternatively, in instanceswhere packaging constraints, such as configuration and tamperevident features, do not permit all information to be visible on the outer package or a package
insert may not be included within the package, the Drug Facts box and other information may
be provided on secondary packaging, provided that the full Drug Facts labeling is provided in
the form of a tear-off pad, or is printed on the shelf tray used to display the product, and
complies with all formatting requirements of the rule.
onsumer Healthcare Products Associati d
Draft Proposed Convenience-Size Exemption for
External Analgesic Products with Dosage Limitations
To be inserted in the Monograph:
For products packaged for easy portability and for which the printable space is insufficient to
accommodate all required labeling in the required format or are single-use non-reclosable
packages, or contain no more than 1 ounce of product, the following shall apply:
(1) The 60 percent requirement stated in Sec. 201.66(d)(lO) will be waived as a requirement for
using the modifications given in Sec. 201.66(d)( 1O)(i) through Sec. 201.66(d)( 1O)(v).
(2) The labeling shall meet the requirements of Sec. 201.66(c) of this chapter except that
(a) the horizontal barlines and hairlines described in Sec. 201.66(d)(8), may be omitted,.
(b) the title, “Drug Facts” described in Set 201.66(d)( 1)and (2) is to be retained at a type size
of 7.1-point, per the modified format;
(c) the headings, and information described in Sec. 201.66(c)(l), (c)(3), and (c)(7) may be
(d) a paragraph format may be used,
(e) the headings, subheadings, and information described in Sec. 201.66(c)(2), (c)(4), (c)(5),
and (c)(6) may be presented as follows:
The ingredients (Sec. 201.66(c)(2) of this chapter) shall be listed in alphabetical
order, except the heading, “Active(s),” may be used.
(ii) The heading and the indication required by Sec. 201.66(c)(4) may be limited to: “Use
(in bold type) (insert one or more, but not necessarily all, indications).
(iii) Warnings visible at the point of purchase may be limited to specialty warnings and
those under the “Do not use” heading, provided that a prominent and conspicuous
instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts: (or another appropriate instruction)
appears on the package, and all required warnings are available when the package is
(iv) Directions may be omitted from the outside of the package, provided that a
prominent and conspicuous instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts ” and all
required dosage instructions are available when the package is opened.
(v) Inactive ingredients may be omitted from the outside of the package, provided a
prominent and conspicuous instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts” and inactive
ingredients are available when the package is opened.
(vi) “Other information” and “Questions” may appear outside the Drug Facts box, or
inside when the package is opened
(vii) If columns are used, the title “Drug Facts (continued),” may be omitted, provided a
visual graphic (e.g., an arrow) is used to signal the continuation of the Drug Facts
labeling to the next adjacent column.
(3) Alternatively, in instances where packaging constraints, such as configuration and tamperevident features, do not permit all information to be visible on the outer package or a package
insert may not be included within the package, the Drug Facts box and other information may
be provided on secondary packaging, provided that the full Drug Facts labeling is provided in
the form of a tear-off pad, or is printed on the shelf tray used to display the product-and
complies with all formatting requirements of the rule.
onsumer Healthcare Products Associat i@
Draft Proposed Convenience-Size Exemption for
Topical Ophthalmic Products with Dosage Limitations
To be inserted in the Monograph:
For products packaged for easy portability and for which the printable space is insufficient to
accommodate all required labeling in the required format or are single-use non-reclosable
packages, or contain no more than 1 ounce of product, the following shall apply:
(1) The 60 percent requirement stated in Sec. 201.66(d)(lO) will be waived as a requirement for
using the modifications given in Sec. 201.66(d)(lO)(i) through Sec. 201.66(d)( 10)(v).
(2) The labeling shall meet the requirements of Sec. 201.66(c) of this chapter except that
(a) the horizontal barlines and hairlines described in Sec. 201.66(d)(8), may be omitted,.
(b) the title, “Drug Facts” described in Set 20 1.66(d)( 1)and (2) is to be retained at a type size
of 7.1 -point, per the modified format;
(c) the headings, and information described in Sec. 201.66(c)(l), (c)(3), and (c)(7) may be
(d) a paragraph format may be used,
(e) the headings, subheadings, and information described in Sec. 201.66(c)(2), (c)(4), (c)(5),
and (c)(6) may be presented as follows:
The ingredients (Sec. 20 1.66(c)(2) of this chapter) shall be listed in alphabetical
order, except the heading, “Active(s),” may be used.
(ii) The heading and the indication required by Sec. 201.66(c)(4) may be limited to: “Use
(in bold type) (insert one or more, but not necessarily all, indications).
(iii) Warnings visible at the point of purchase may be limited to specialty warnings and
those under the “Do not use” heading, provided that a prominent and conspicuous
instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts” (or another appropriate instruction)
appears on the package, and all required warnings are available when the package is
(iv) Directions may be omitted from the outside of the package, provided that a
prominent and conspicuous instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts ” and all
required dosage instructions are available when the package is opened.
(v) Inactive ingredients may be omitted from the outside of the package, provided a
prominent and conspicuous instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts” and inactive
ingredients are available when the package is opened.
(vi) “Other information” and “Questions” may appear outside the Drug Facts box, or
inside when the package is opened
(vii) If columns are used, the title “Drug Facts (continued),” may be omitted, provided a
visual graphic (e.g., an arrow) is used to signal the continuation of the Drug Facts
labeling to the next adjacent column.
(3) Alternatively, in instances where packaging constraints, such as configuration and tamperevident features, do not permit all information to be visible on the outer package or a package
insert may not be included within the package, the Drug Facts box and other information may
be provided on secondary packaging, provided that the full Drug Facts labeling is provided in
the form of a tear-off pad, or is printed on the shelf tray used to display the product,-and
complies with all formatting requirements of the rule.
onsumerHealthcare Products Associatrd)
Draft Proposed Convenience-SizeExemption for
Topical Oral Discomfort Products with Dosage Limitations
To be inserted in the Monograph:
For products packagedfor easy portability and for which the printable spaceis insufficient to
accommodateall required labeling in the required format or are single-usenon-reclosable
packages,or contain no more than 1 ounce of product, the following shall apply:
(1) The 60 percent requirement stated in Sec. 201.66(d)(10) will be waived as a requirement for
using the modifications given in Sec. 201.66(d)(lO)(i) through Sec. 201.66(d)( 10)(v).
(2) The labeling shall meet the requirementsof Sec. 201.66(c) of this chapter except that
(a) the horizontal barlines and hairlines describedin Sec. 201.66(d)(8), may be omitted,.
(b) the title, “Drug Facts”describedin Set 201.66(d)(1)and (2) is to be retained at a type size
of 7.1-point, per the modified format;
(c) the headings,and information describedin Sec. 201.66(c)(l), (c)(3), and (c)(7) may be
(d) a paragraphformat may be used,
(e) the headings,subheadings,and information describedin Sec. 20 1.66(c)(2), (c)(4), (c)(5),
and (c)(6) may be presentedas follows:
The ingredients (Sec. 201.66(c)(2) of this chapter) shall be listed in alphabetical
order, except the heading, “Active(s),” may be used.
(ii) The heading and the indication required by Sec. 201.66(c)(4) may be lim ited to: “Use
(in bold type) (insert one or more, but not necessarilyall, indications).
(iii) W a rnings visible at the point of purchasemay be lim ited to specialty warnings and
those under the “Do not use”heading, provided that a prominent and conspicuous
instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts: (or another appropriate instruction)
appearson the package,and all required warnings are available when the packageis
(iv) Directions may be omitted from the outside of the package,provided that a
prominent and conspicuousinstruction “See inside for full Drug Facts ” and all
required dosageinstructions are available when the packageis opened.
(v) Inactive ingredients may be omitted from the outside of the package,provided a
prominent and conspicuousinstruction “See inside for full Drug Facts”and inactive
ingredients are available when the packageis opened.
(vi) “Other information” and “Questions”may appearoutside the Drug Facts box, or
inside when the packageis opened
(vii) If columns are used, the title “Drug Facts (continued),”may be omitted, provided a
visual graphic (e.g., an arrow) is usedto signal the continuation of the Drug Facts
labeling to the next adjacentcolumn.
(3) Alternatively, in instanceswhere packagingconstraints,such as configuration and tamperevident features, do not permit all information to be visible on the outer packageor a package
insert may not be included within the package,the Drug Facts box and other information may
be provided on secondarypackaging, provided that the full Drug Facts labeling is provided in
the form of a tear-off pad, or is printed on the shelf tray used to display the product, and
complies with all formatting requirementsof the rule.
W S /wI3lb
onsumer Healthcare Products
Draft Proposed Convenience-Size Exemption for
Topical Antitussive Products with Dosage Limitations
To be inserted in the Monograph:
For products packaged for easy portability and for which the printable space is insufficient to
accommodate all required labeling in the required format or are single-use non-reclosable
packages, or contain no more than 1 ounce of product, the following shall apply:
(1) The 60 percent requirement stated in Sec. 20 1.66(d)( 10) will be waived as a requirement for
using the modifications given in Sec. 201,66(d)( 1O)(i) through Sec. 201.66(d)( 1O)(v).
(2) The labeling shall meet the requirements of Sec. 201.66(c) of this chapter except that
(a) the horizontal barlines and hairlines described in Sec. 201.66(d)(8), may be omitted,.
(b) the title, “Drug Facts” described in Set 201.66(d)( 1)and (2) is to be retained at a type size
of 7.1 -point, per the modified format;
(c) the headings, and information described in Sec. 201.66(c)(l), (c)(3), and (c)(7) may be
(d) a paragraph format may be used,
(e) the headings, subheadings, and information described in Sec. 201.66(c)(2), (c)(4), (c)(5),
and (c)(6) may be presented as follows:
The ingredients (Sec. 201.66(c)(2) of this chapter) shall be listed in alphabetical
order, except the heading, “Active(s),” may be used.
(ii) The heading and the indication required by Sec. 201.66(c)(4) may be limited to: “Use
(in bold type) (insert one or more, but not necessarily all, indications).
(iii) Warnings visible at the point of purchase may be limited to specialty warnings and
those under the “Do not use” heading, provided that a prominent and conspicuous
instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts: (or another appropriate instruction)
appears on the package, and all required warnings are available when the package is
(iv) Directions may be omitted from the outside of the package, provided that a
prominent and conspicuous instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts ” and all
required dosage instructions are available when the package is opened.
(v) Inactive ingredients may be omitted from the outside of the package, provided a
prominent and conspicuous instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts” and inactive
ingredients are available when the package is opened.
(vi) “Other information” and “Questions” may appear outside the Drug Facts box, or
inside when the package is opened
(vii) If columns are used, the title “Drug Facts (continued),” may be omitted, provided a
visual graphic (e.g., an arrow) is used to signal the continuation of the Drug Facts
labeling to the next adjacent column.
(3) Alternatively, in instances where packaging constraints, such as configuration and tamperevident features, do not permit all information to be visible on the outer package or a package
insert may not be included within the package, the Drug Facts box and other information may
be provided on secondary packaging, provided that the full Drug Facts labeling is provided in
the form of a tear-off pad, or is printed on the shelf tray used to display the product,-and
complies with all formatting requirements of the rule.
onsumer Healthcare Products
Draft Proposed Convenience-Size Exemption for
Antitussive Lozenges
To be inserted in the Monograph:
For products packaged for easy portability and for which the printable space is insufficient to
accommodate all required labeling in the required format or are single-use non-reclosable
packages, or no more than 12 dosage units, the following shall apply:
(1) The 60 percent requirement stated in Sec. 201.66(d)( 10) will be waived as a requirement for
using the modifications given in Sec. 201.66(d)(lO)(i) through Sec. 201.66(d)(lO)(v).
(2) The labeling shall meet the requirements of Sec. 201.66(c) of this chapter except that
(a) the horizontal bat-linesand hairlines described in Sec. 201.66(d)(8), may be omitted,.
(b) the title, “Drug Facts” described in Set 201.66(d)(l)and (2) is to be retained at a type size
of 7.1 -point, per the modified format;
(c) headings, and information described in Sec. 201.66(c)(l), (c)(3), and (c)(7) may be
(d) a paragraph format may be used,
(e) the headings, subheadings, and information described in Sec. 201.66(c)(2), (c)(4), (c)(5),
and (c)(6) may be presented as follows:
The active ingredients (Sec. 201.66(c)(2) of this chapter) shall be listed in
alphabetical order, except the heading, “Active(s),” may be used.
The heading and the indication required by Sec. 201.66(c)(4) may be limited to: “Use
(in bold type) for cough.”
Warnings visible at the point of purchase may be limited to specialty warnings and those
under the “Do not use” heading, provided that a prominent and conspicuous instruction
“See inside for full Drug Facts” (or another appropriate instruction) appears on the
package, and all required warnings are available when the package is opened.
Directions may be omitted from the outside of the package, provided that a prominent
and conspicuous instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts ” and all required dosage
instructions are available when the package is opened.
Inactive ingredients may be omitted from the outside of the package, provided a
prominent and conspicuous instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts” and inactive
ingredients are available when the package is opened.
information” and “Questions” may appear outside the Drug Facts box, or inside
when the package is opened, except that products containing aspartame as an inactive
ingredient shall bear a statement on the outer container to the following effect:
Phenylketonurics: Contains Phenylalanine (mg
Per (Dosage Unit).
If columns are used, the title “Drug Facts (continued),” may be omitted, provided a visual
graphic (e.g., an arrow) is used to signal the continuation of the Drug Facts labeling to the
next adjacent column.
(3) Alternatively, in instances where packaging constraints, such as configuration and tamperevident features, do not permit all information to be visible on the outer package or a package
insert may not be included within the package, the Drug Facts box and other information may
be provided on secondary packaging, provided that the full Drug Facts labeling is provided in
the form of a tear-off pad, is printed on the shelf tray used to display the product, and
complies with all formatting requirements of the rule.
, .
onsumer Healthcare Products
Draft Proposed Convenience-Size Exemption for
Oral Anesthetic Lozenges
To be inserted in the Monograph:
For products packaged for easy portability and for which the printable space is insufficient to
accommodate all required labeling in the required format or are single-use non-reclosable
packages, or no more than 12 dosage units, the following shall apply:
(1) The 60 percent requirement stated in Sec. 201.66(d)(lO) will be waived as a requirement for
using the modifications given in Sec. 201.66(d)( 10)(i) through Sec. 201.66(d)( 1O)(v).
(2) The labeling shall meet the requirements of Sec. 201.66(c) of this chapter except that
(a) the horizontal barlines and hairlines described in Sec. 201.66(d)(8), may be omitted,.
(b) the title, “Drug Facts” described in Set 201.66(d)( 1)and (2) is to be retained at a type size
of 7.1-point, per the modified format;
(c) the title, headings, and information described in Sec. 201.66(c)(l), (c)(3), and (c)(7) may
be omitted,
(d) a paragraph format may be used,
(e) the headings, subheadings,and information described in Sec. 201.66(c)(2), (c)(4), (c)(5),
and (c)(6) may be presented as follows:
(i) The active ingredients (Sec. 201.66(c)(2) of this chapter) shall be listed in
alphabetical order, except the heading, “Active(s),” may be used.
(ii) The heading and the indication required by Sec. 201.66(c)(4) may be limited to: “Use
(in bold type) for temporary pain of (insert “headache”or “muscular aches”
or menstrual discomfort” or “toothache” or any combination of the above.
[Appropriate cough/cold/allergy uses could be inserted in the
cough/cold/allergy monographs.]
(iii)Warnings visible at the point of purchase may be limited to specialty warnings and
those under the “Do not use” heading, provided that a prominent and
conspicuous instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts” (or another
appropriate instruction) appearson the package, and all required warnings are
available when the package is opened.
(iv) Directions may be omitted from the outside of the package, provided that a prominent
and conspicuous instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts ” and all required
dosage instructions are available when the package is opened.
(v) Inactive ingredients may be omitted from the outside of the package, provided a
prominent and conspicuous instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts” and
inactive ingredients are available when the package is opened.
(vi) “Other information” and “Questions” may appear outside the Drug Facts box or
inside when the package is opened.
If columns are used, the title “Drug Facts (continued),” may be omitted,
provided a visual graphic (e.g., an arrow) is used to signal the continuation of
the Drug Facts labeling to the next adjacent column.
(3) Alternatively, in instanceswhere packaging constraints, such as configuration and tamper-evident
features, do not permit all information to be visible on the outer package or a package insert may not
be included within the package, the Drug Facts box and other information may be provided on
secondary packaging, provided that the full Drug Facts labeling is provided in the form of a tear-off
pad, is printed on the shelf tray used to display the product, and complies with all formatting
requirements of the rule.
WSfWBlb 8/30/00
(I):onsumer Healthcare Products Associam
Draft Proposed Convenience-Size Exemption for
Oral Demulcent Lozenges
To be inserted in the Monograph:
For products packaged for easy portability and for which the printable space is insufficient to
accommodate all required labeling in the required format or are single-use non-reclosable
packages, or no more than 12 dosage units, the following shall apply:
(1) The 60 percent requirement stated in Sec. 201.66(d)( 10) will be waived as a requirement for
using the modifications given in Sec. 201.66(d)( 1O)(i) through Sec. 20 1.66(d)( 1O)(v).
(2) The labeling shall meet the requirements of Sec. 201.66(c) of this chapter except that
(a) the horizontal barlines and hairlines described in Sec. 201.66(d)(S), may be omitted,.
(b) the title, “Drug Facts” described in Set 201.66(d)(l)and (2) is,to be retained at a type
size of 7. l-point, per the modified format;
(c) the headings, and information described in Sec. 201.66(c){ l), (c)(3), and (c)(7) may be
(d) a paragraph format may be used,
(e) the headings, subheadings,and information described in Sec. 201.66(c)(2), (c)(4), (c)(5),
and (c)(6) may be presented as follows:
The active ingredients (Sec. 201.66(c)(2) of this chapter) shall be listed in
alphabetical order, except the heading, “Active(s),” may be used.
The heading and the indication required by Sec. 201.66(c)(4) may be limited to:
“Use (in bold type) for sore mouth or sore throat.”
Warnings visible at the point of purchase may be limited to specialty
warnings and those under the “Do not use” heading, provided that a
prominent and conspicuous instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts” (or
another appropriate instruction) appears on the package, and all required
warnings are available when the package is opened.
Directions may be omitted from the outside of the package, provided that a
prominent and conspicuous instruction “See inside for full Drug Facts ” and
all required dosage instructions are available when the package is opened.
Inactive ingredients may be omitted from the outside of the package,
provided a prominent and conspicuous instruction “See inside for full Drug
Facts” and inactive ingredients are available when the package is opened.
“other information” and “Questions” may appear outside the Drug Facts box or
inside when the package is opened.
If columns are used, the title “Drug Facts (continued),” may be omitted,
provided a visual graphic (e.g., an arrow) is used to signal the continuation
of the Drug Facts labeling to the next adjacent column.
(3) Alternatively, in instances where packaging constraints, such as configuration and
tamper-evident features, do not permit all information to be visible on the outer package
or a package insert may not be included within the package, the Drug Facts box and other
information may be provided on secondary packaging, provided that the full Drug Facts
labeling is provided in the form of a tear-off pad, is printed on the shelf tray used to
display the product, and complies with all formatting requirements of the rule.
WS/WB/b 8/30/00
OTC Drug
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