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Rough list of topics for Quantum Mechanics 1, CMI Spring 2011.
1. Introductory remarks: why quantum theory? h1i
2. Review of classical mechanics h3i
(a) Newton’s equation
(b) Generalized coordinates, degrees of freedom,
(c) Energy, Hamiltonian, momentum, angular momentum
(d) Hamilton’s equations
(e) Conserved quantities
(f) Action principle and Lagrangian formulation
3. Basic concepts of waves h3i
(a) Traveling, standing, sinusoidal, monochromatic, plane and spherical waves
(b) Amplitude, wave number, frequency, wave vector and intensity
(c) Wave equations
(d) Wave packets and width of wave packet
(e) Dispersive waves, group velocity of wave packet
4. Experimental basis & historical development of quantum mechanics
(a) Quanta of light/radiation h3i
i. Black body radiation & Planck hypothesis
ii. Photoelectric effect
iii. Compton effect
(b) Wave and quantum properties of matter h5i
Discrete atomic spectra and stability of the atom
Bohr Model of the atom
Franck-Hertz experiment
Raman scattering and discrete molecular spectra
de Broglie hypothesis on matter waves
Electron diffraction: Davisson, Germer & Thompson experiment
Double slit interference experiment: wave function as a probability amplitude
Wave-particle duality and complementarity principle
5. Schrödinger equation, postulates and formulation of quantum mechanics h7i
(a) Schrödinger equation from de Broglie matter wave hypothesis h 12 i
(b) Wavefunction, probability density and current h 12 i
(c) Superposition principle and vector space of states h 12 i
(d) Dirac Delta function h 12 i
(e) Expectation values of observables in a state h 12 i
(f) Ehrenfest’s theorem h 12 i
(g) Hilbert space of quantum states, Dirac bra-ket notation h1i
(h) Position eigenstates h 13 i
(i) Momentum eigenstates h 13 i
(j) Relation between x̂ and p̂: Heisenberg commutation relation and uncertainty h 13 i
(k) Hermiticity of observables h 12 i
(l) Collapse of the wavefunction/measurement and probability postulate h 14 i
(m) Summary of postulates of quantum mechanics h 41 i
(n) Energy eigenstates: Time-independent Schrödinger equation h 12 i
(o) Time evolution operator h 12 i
6. One dimensional quantum mechanical models h8i
(a) Particle in an infinite square well h1.5i
(b) Free particle h2i
i. plane waves
ii. minimal uncertainty gaussian wave packet
(c) Harmonic oscillator h4.5i
i. Variational approach
ii. Algebraic approach: creation and annihilation operators
iii. Analytic approach: Hermite polynomials
7. Some general properties of 1 dimensional quantum systems h3i
(a) Parity h 21 i
(b) Time development of expectation values h 14 i
(c) Symmetries and conserved quantities: parity, space and time translations h 12 i
(d) Energy-time uncertainty relation h 14 i
(e) Absence of degenerate bound states in 1d h 12 i
(f) Schrödinger vs Heisenberg pictures & equations of motion h 21 i
(g) Complete sets of commuting observables h 12 i
8. Models with bound and scattering states in 1 dimension; Tunneling h3i
(a) Delta function potential: bound states h 12 i
(b) Reflection and Transmission coefficients h 12 i
(c) Scattering against a delta function potential h 12 i
(d) Bound states of finite square well h1i
(e) Scattering against a rectangular barrier h 12 i
9. Simple problems in two dimensions h1i
(a) Free particle in two-dimensions
(b) Two dimensional infinite square well
(c) Parity in two dimensions
(d) Two dimensional harmonic oscillator
10. Quantum mechanics in 3d: Central potentials h5i
(a) Free particle in Cartesian coordinates, hamiltonian in polar coordinates h 13 i
(b) Basic properties of angular momentum h 32 i
(c) Angular momentum and rotations h 13 i
(d) Free particle in spherical coordinates, radial momentum h 13 i
(e) Hermiticity and positivity of free particle hamiltonian h 13 i
(f) Conservation of angular momentum in a central potential h 13 i
(g) Separation of variables for particle in central potential h 31 i
(h) Preview of spectrum of angular momentum L2 , Lz .h 31 i
(i) Free particle radial eigenfunctions. h 12 i
(j) Particle in a spherical well. h 12 i
(k) Joint spectrum of L2 and Lz : spherical harmonics h 31 i
(l) Eigenvalues of L2 and Lz by ladder operators h 13 i
(m) Spectrum of Hydrogen atom, radial eigenfunctions h 13 i
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