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Veteran Student Resources for Faculty & Staff
The population of Student Veterans across college campuses is dramatically increasing.
The United States Department of Veteran Affairs (2013) indicates that 1% or more of
undergraduate students have some type of military affiliation. The University of Pittsburgh at
Johnstown established the MountainCat Veterans Program (MVP) in 2009 to foster a positive
experience and assist Student Veterans with the transition to college. This information provided
by the Office of Health & Wellness Services in support of Pitt-Johnstown Student Veterans and
the MVP Initiative is meant to further assist faculty and staff in understanding and supporting the
unique needs of this population. Research has shown that the provision of such education and
information is a means is to positively impact veteran academic success, persistence, and
graduation (Moon & Schma, 2011, Ackerman, DiRamio, & Mitchell, 2009).
The MVP Initiative is rooted in the Morrill Act 1862 that was first established to train
military personnel across land grant institutions. The Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944,
also known as the GI Bill and/or Montgomery Bill was enacted following World War II and laid
the foundation for veterans to seek a college education upon discharge. The Post 9/11 GI Bill
that was passed by Congress on August 1, 2009 parallels this earlier legislation that supports the
modern day veteran in securing a college degree. Current projections signify that colleges and
universities will evidence a 25-percent increase in student veterans enrollment upon discharge
from the Armed Forces (Rumann, Rivera, & Hernandez , 2011, Moon and Schma, 2011).
Educational Benefits
There are increasing numbers of military Service Members that are using Government
Issued (GI) education benefits for postsecondary education. Although there are numerous GI
education benefit programs, the most generous educational benefit is the Post 9/11 GI Bill that
covers tuition and stipends for books (Rumann, et al., 2011). According to Veteran Affairs, there
are presently over 300,000 current and former Service Members that are using the Post-9/11 GI
educational benefits (United States Department of Veteran Affairs, 2013).
Please see the following links for more information on GI education benefits:
Post 9/11 GI educational benefits Montgomery GI educational benefits Other educational benefits
Characteristics of Student Veterans
The United States Department of Veteran Affairs (2013) report that Student Veterans
present with the following characteristics:
 73 percent of Student Veterans are male
 27 percent of Student Veterans are female
 15 percent of Student Veterans are 18-23 years old and resemble traditional
college students
 50 percent or more of Student Veterans are between the ages of 24 and 39
 47 percent of Student Veterans have children
 47 percent of Student Veterans are married
 35 percent of Student Veterans are unmarried and without dependents
The mindset of a Student Veteran is often very different from that of a traditional
student, as the beliefs and principles learned through military service often impact the
development and psychological profile of the individual veteran (United States Department of
Veteran Affairs, 2013). Reportedly, a limited percentage of enrolled Student Veterans embrace
the opportunity to become totally immersed in the traditional college experience as most Student
Veterans view college as means to secure gainful employment after military service, foster a
positive return to civilian life, and further enhance one’s quality of life (Smith-Osborne, 2009).
Listening to stories, deployment related events and familiarity with the unique stressors
that the Student Veterans may have experienced is imperative to understanding the military
culture and to better appreciate the needs of Student Veterans. Such worthwhile endeavors can
only serve to further support the cultural diversity of our campus community and aide them in
their engagement with the University as a means to further their academic success. (Rumann,&
Hamrick, 2009).
Link to Student Veterans Stories:
For additional information regarding characteristics of Student Veterans:
Combat and Military Experience
Student Veterans returning from combat may face some challenges in adjusting to
civilian life, and could be especially prone to additional adjustment difficulties while
transitioning into college. Experiencing combat can promote positive self-discipline, goal
establishment, and time management; however, combat experience can also impede a Student
Veteran’s ability to adjust to new situations. This is not unusual as many Student Veterans
struggle due to combat related mental illness and/or physical injuries incurred while in combat.
Research on deployed service members reveal that most experienced chronic stressors and other
traumatic events that permanently impact and changed their lives (Ackerman, et al., 2009).
Two of the most common physical disabilities for Student Veterans are musculoskeletal
injuries and hearing impairments. Physical disabilities create numerous barriers for Student
Veterans attempting to adjust to the college environment. These barriers may evidence
themselves in the academic environment as tardiness, lack of classroom participation,
absenteeism, and the need for additional classroom assistance. These disabilities can have severe
impacts on the Student Veteran if not addressed appropriately (United States Department of
Veteran Affairs, 2013). If you encounter students with presenting challenges or disabilities
please refer them to the Office of Health and Wellness Services/Disability Services staff. Please
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) a cognitive injury is a common diagnosis of Veterans
returning from war time tours of duty. TBI is described as a head injury from an external force
that disrupts the functioning of the brain, and can lead to permanent or temporary deficiencies of
cognitive, physical, and psychosocial functioning (The Kresge Foundation, 2010). The
Department of Veteran Affairs labeled Traumatic Brain Injury a “signature wound” in 2003, as
more than 60% of blast injuries in Iraq and Afghanistan resulted in a TBI (Cifu, Cohen, Lew,
Jaffee, Sigford, 2010). The daily stressors associated with higher education can exacerbate
feelings of frustration, depression, and/or suicidal ideation as such an injury greatly impacts
cognitive functioning (The Kresge Foundation, 2010). Often Student Veteran’s with TBI’s are
not aware of the extent of their functional limitations due to their impairment until they enroll in
an academic setting.
The common symptoms associated with TBI include:
 Attention & concentration difficulties
 Information processing & sequencing challenges
 Learning & memory deficits
 Sluggish abstract reasoning & problem solving
 Limited insight & awareness
Additional Information regarding Traumatic Brain Injury:
Combat exposure and injury is not the only factor to consider as it is not uncommon for
Veterans to be victims of Military Sexual Trauma (MST). MST is a term coined by the
Department of Veterans Affairs to refer to sexual assault or repeated, threatening, sexual
harassment that occurred to males or females during their tour of duty. (United States
Department of Veteran Affairs, 2013, Mental Health). Research indicates that more than half of
all females indicated sexual harassment while in the military, and nearly one quarter reported
sexual assault (Skinner, Kressin, & Frayne; 2000). Additional military research reveals that
individuals who have been victimized are at a greater risk for developing Post Traumatic Stress
Disorder (PTSD) due to sexual trauma (Williams & Bernstein, 2011).
More on MST
Battlefield skills also make reintegration to civilian life challenging for the returning
Veteran. The following is list of battlefield skills identified by Munroe (2013).
 Safety
 Trust and Identifying the Enemy
 Mission Orientation
 Decision Making
 Response Tactics
 Predictability and Intelligence Control
 Emotional Control
 Talking about the War
For more information on Battlefield Skills that make Reintegration Challenging
Information on Deployment Experiences:
Mental Health
The mental health of Student Veterans is a crucial part of their academic success. It is
reported that at least one-third of Student Veterans may be struggling with the "invisible
wounds" of war including: traumatic brain injury, posttraumatic stress disorder, or major
depression (United States Department of Veteran Affairs, 2013, Mental Health). Approximately
20 to 30 percent of Veterans returning from Iraq report that they have experienced mental health
problems. Research further suggests that Veterans who were deployed for greater than six
months and/or experienced multiple deployments are at an increased risk for mental health issues
(Ackerman, et al., 2009). The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (2009) further indicates
that depression among Veterans aged 21 to 39 who served in the Iraq and/or Afghanistan wars,
ranges from 25 and 30 percent for all Veterans who served (Depression in veterans report, 2009),
with 27 percent of returning combat veterans reporting significant depression (Ackerman, et al.,
Suicide Prevention
Suicide prevention is of greatest concern in working with Student Veterans. A report from the
Department of Veterans Affairs found that the number of suicides among Veterans in 2010
increased to 22 deaths per day (Dao, 2013). Burns (2013) reported that military suicide rates
were higher last year than in any year since 2001, and in 2012 there were more military suicides
reported than deaths in Afghanistan. A detailed examination of the research on military suicides
indicates that 60 percent of all suicides were committed with firearms; with 65 percent of those
who attempted suicide, and 45 percent who succeeded in suicide having a known history of
mental health issues (Burns, 2013).
The United State Department of Veteran Affairs (2013) warns that Student Veterans who present
with these signs may be at greater risk of self harm.
Learn to recognize these warning signs:
 Hopelessness, feeling like there’s no way out
 Anxiety, agitation, sleeplessness, or mood swings
 Feeling like there is no reason to live
 Rage or anger
 Engaging in risky activities without thinking
 Increasing alcohol or drug abuse
 Withdrawing from family and friends
(United States Department of Veteran Affairs, 2013, Mental Health).
Substance Abuse
Alcohol and drug misuse can lead to serious health, relationship, employment, and legal
problems (United States Department of Veteran Affairs, 2013, Mental Health). Research
indicates that 24 percent of veterans report alcohol abuse issues (Ackerman et al., 2009).
Problems with drinking or drug use may occur in response to stress, or in combination with
posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, or other mental health or medical conditions.
Fortunately there are support services to help Veterans initiate steps towards recovery from
alcohol or drug misuse and dependence, including mutual help groups and professional mental
health treatment (United States Department of Veteran Affairs, 2013, Mental Health).
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that can develop after
someone has experienced a traumatic event, such as combat or a physical or sexual assault. The
symptoms of PTSD may emerge shortly after the traumatic event; or may be suppressed for
years following the event. As high as 30 percent of Veterans experience a traumatic event in
their lifetime and are most likely to develop PTSD (United States Department of Veteran Affairs,
2013, National Center for PTSD), often with overlapping symptoms of depression and/or
suicidal ideation (The Kresge Foundation, 2010).
Symptoms of PTSD are as followed and can include:
 Reliving the event
 Avoiding places or things that bring back memories of the event
 Feeling numb
 Feelings of hyper-arousal
(United States Department of Veteran Affairs, 2013, National Center for PTSD)
In the classroom, or on campus, PTSD symptoms may result following:
 Classroom discussions about the military and war-zone experiences may trigger anger
and/or anxiety in Student Veterans.
 If a Student Veteran is not attending or participating in class, careful consideration
should be given as to why. Detachment from others, or feeling different from other
students, may be contributing to avoidance.
 Difficulty sitting still, scanning the environment, and exaggerated startle responses
may be observable in the classroom.
 Be cognizant of your discussions with Veteran Students as triggers of PTSD are not
always identifiable and the symptoms are not always obvious.
(United States Department of Veteran Affairs, 2013, What are common adjustment
experiences & United States Department of Veteran Affairs, 2013, National Center for
Learn more about PTSD
Some signs that a student may be at risk include:
• Academic progress has decreased significantly despite intervention
• Abilities and performance appear to be impaired by mental health and/or wellness
• Displaying “disturbing” behaviors and/or expressing violent comments
• Extreme changes in behavior or mood (i.e. crying, depression, disruptive behavior,
attendance, decreased work performance, deteriorated hygiene, lethargic, attention
problems, angry outbursts)
• Excessive preoccupation with morbid themes, violent fantasies, weapons or
Reporting Emergency and Non-emergency Contacts
The University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown values the students’ health and well being. If
you should have an emergency, immediate concern, or a potential threat contact campus police
How to report Any Type of Emergency
(Contact Campus Police for all Mental Health Emergencies)
1. Immediately call 814-269-7005 or 814-269-7222 to report an emergency
(x7005 or x7222 from an on-campus phone).
2. Be prepared to provide Campus Police with the following information:
a. Nature of the emergency;
b. Exact location of the incident (look for landmarks or room numbers);
c. Number of people involved (or an estimate);
d. Type of assistance needed, as best you can tell (medical, fire, police);
e. Your name and contact information (ie., cell number)
If Campus Police cannot be reached, dial 911 for off-campus police (from an on-campus phone,
dial 911).
Non-Emergency situations can also be reported to Campus Police. However for specific
student concerns that do not require immediate attention the University has a Care Reporting
A Care Report is designed to notify The Division of Student Affairs of any potential
problems that a student may be experiencing. Any concern surrounding the health and wellbeing
of a student may be reported.
The counseling staff welcomes referrals received from faculty, staff, and students.Often
Care Reports are submitted for general concerns surrounding the mental health of a student.
Once a referral has been made, the counseling staff will follow up with the student making every
effort to encourage that individual to make a counseling appointment. All information shared by
the student with the Office of Health and Wellness Services/Counseling Center is strictly
confidential. For all Mental Health related non-emergencies please direct questions to the Office
of Health and Wellness at 814-296-7119.
Non-emergency situations that do not present an immediate threat of harm or safety can be
reported to the Office of Health and Wellness at 814-269-7119, or online through the following
Ackerman, R., DiRamio, D., & Mitchell, R. (2009). Transitions: Combat veterans as college
students. New Directions For Student Services, (126), 5-14. doi:10.1002/ss.311
Burns, R.. (2013, January 15). 2012 military suicides hit record high. Charleston Gazette, pp.
A3. Retrieved from
Cifu, D. X., Cohen, S. I., Lew, H. L., Jaffee, M., Sigford, B.. (2010, August). The history and
evolution of Traumatic Brain Injury rehabilitation in military service members and
Veterans. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 89(9), 688-694. doi:
Dao, J.. (2013, February 2). As suicides rise in U.S., Veterans are less of total. The New York
Times, pp. A12. Retrieved from‐make‐up‐
Depression in veterans report. (2009, June 15). Internal Medicine News, 42(12), 39. Retrieved
Moon, T. L., & Schma G. A.. (2011). New Directions for Higher Education, 153, 53-60.
doi: 10.1002/he.426
Munroe, J.. (2013). 8 Battlefield Skills That Make Reintegration Challenging. Real Warriors.
Retrieved from
Rumann, C. B., & Hamrick, F. A.. (2009). Supporting student Veterans in transition. New
Directions for Students, 126, 25-34. doi: 10.1002/ss.313.
Rumann, C., Rivera, M., & Hernandez, I.. (2011). Student Veterans and community colleges.
New Directions for community colleges, 155, 51-58. doi: 10.1002/cc.457.
Skinner, K. M., Kressin, N., Frayne, S., Tripp T. J., Hankin, C. S., Miller D. R., & Sullivan, L.
M.. (2000). The prevalence of military sexual assault among female veterans’
administration outpatients. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 15(3), 291-310. doi:
Smith-Osborne, A.. (2009). Mental health risks and social ecological variables associated with
educational attainment for Gulf War Veterans: Implications for Veterans returning to
civilian life. American Journal of Community Psychology, 44(3-4), 327-337. doi:
The Kresge Foundation (2010). Accommodating student Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury
and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Tips for campus faculty and staff. Retrieved from
United States Department of Veteran Affairs. (2013.). Who are today’s student Veteran’s.
Retrieved from
United States Department of Veteran Affairs. (2013). Mental Health. Retrieved from
United States Department of Veteran Affairs. (2013). National Center for PTSD. Retrieved on
January 16, 2012 from‐ptsd‐overview.asp
United States Department of Veteran Affairs. (2013). What are common adjustment experiences.
Retrieved from
Williams, I. & Bernstein, K.. (2011). Military Sexual Trauma among U.S. female Veterans.
Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 25(2), 138 – 147. Retrieved from doi: