Download STATISTICAL DATA REPORTING FORM For Calendar Year ending: _____________________

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For Calendar Year ending: _____________________
This form is required* to be filed annually**, on a calendar year basis, by all alternative electric suppliers providing electric generation service to retail customers in Michigan. Revenue and price information should be for power sales only.***
Name: Address: FERC Authorization Number: Number of Customers
Customer Class
Sales (Mwh's)
w/o T&D and Ancillary Services
Weighted Average Price (Kwh)
w/o T&D and Ancillary Services
Small Secondary ‐
(less than 20 Kw's of demand)
Large Secondary/Primary:
(more than 20 Kw's of demand
Less than 1 Mw ‐ More than 1 Mw ‐ Annual Total ‐ * Per license Order U‐11915, dated June, 2000
** This form must be filed by March 1 following the reporting year.
*** This column should include only the price of power charged to the retail customers. It should exclude transmission costs, distribution costs, and the cost of Ancillary services if any of these costs are included in the total column. Ancillary services are defined in Consumers Energy and Detroit Edison's open access tariffs and consist of the following:
Scheduling, System Control and Dispatch Service
Reactive Supply and Voltage Control from Generation Sources
Energy Imbalance Service, including Imbalances outside the Deviation Band
Operation Reserve ‐ Spinning Reserve Service
Operating Reserve ‐ Supplemental Reserve Service
Attach any quarterly transactions reports covering power purchases at market based rates made to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission during this reporting year.