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McConeHenge and McCone Hall Rocks!
9am-4pm | Floors 1 & 3, McCone Hall
Visit our rock display, fondly known as McConeHenge, in the front
entrance of McCone Hall! Explore rock and mineral displays (1st and
3rd floors) and visit the Berkeley Seismology Lab on the 2nd floor.
Earth and Planetary Science at Cal
10:30am-11am | 141 McCone Hall
The Geological Association at Berkeley is an undergraduate student
organization open to all students interested in earth sciences! They will
present on their experiences as EPS students at Cal and answer questions for
prospective and admitted students.
Geology of Northern California
Marine Science Opportunites at Cal
Learn about geology from the Northern California Geological Society.
See our large collection of fascinating local rocks, minerals and fossils.
Bring yours in for us to ID. Get information on our field trips.
Ocean Society presents Marine Science opportunities at Berkeley, featuring
ocean related classes offered, Prof. Bishop's research excursions, and the
department club. We'll also talk about the exciting research, internships, and
outreach opportunities.
9:30am-3pm | Lobby, McCone Hall
Student to Student: Open House
10am-3pm | Lobby, McCone Hall
Undergraduates answer questions about student life and the six EPS
majors: Atmospheric Science, Environmental Earth Science, Geology,
Geophysics, Marine Science, and Planetary Science.
11am-12pm | 141 McCone Hall
Volcanos, Earthquakes, and Planets, Oh My!
12pm-12:30pm | 141 McCone Hall
Meet the Globe Collection
Join Earth & Planetary Science graduate students Shuai Zhang and Tanis
Leonhardi for a discussion of current research and learn how processes at
work far beneath a planet’s surface influence natural hazards such as
volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.
Come visit the Earth Sciences & Map Library, meet the new globes in our
collection and participate in a mapmaking project.
MyShake-Building a smartphone seismic
10am-3pm | 50 McCone Hall
10am-3pm | 2nd Floor, 220 McCone Hall
Jump up and down to make your own quake, investigate seismic waves
using giant springs, and learn preparation for a damaging earthquake.
Get your Science@Cal Passport stamped here!
Hands-On Ocean Science Fun!
10am-2pm | Front Entrance, McCone Hall
Drop by McCone Hall and learn about ocean features, coral reefs, ocean
circulation, beaches and more from UC Berkeley students, with interactive
presentations for all ages. Get your Science@Cal Passport stamped here!
Megafloods and Megadroughts: A Long-term
History of Climate Change in California
10am-10:30am | 141 McCone Hall, Prof. B. Lynn Ingram
Learn of the long-term history of climate change in California, based on
sediments cored in lakes and estuaries, tree rings, and other paleoclimate
archives. These data show past “megafloods” and “megadroughts” that
recurred over the past several thousand years, more severe than in the past
12:30pm-1pm | 141 McCone Hall, Qingkai Kong
We are building a seismic network using the sensors in your smartphones.
The sensors in smartphones are capable of detecting and recording large
earthquakes. Algorithms are developed here at Berkeley Seismological Lab
to distinguish earthquake movements from human activities. Thus
MyShake can run in the background of a normally used phone.
California and the Big One: what is fact, and what is
1pm-1:30pm | 141 McCone Hall, William Hawley
Everyone has heard of the Big One, but what do we actually know about it,
and what should we expect? Join us to find out why earthquakes happen in
California, what we know—and what we don’t—about the biggest
earthquakes, and a few simple things you can do to make yourself a safer
California resident.
More exciting events on back!
Locate the EPS Department at McCone Hall:
The Mysteries of Earth's Magnetic Field
1:30pm-2pm | 141 McCone Hall, Prof. Bruce Buffett
The interior of Earth is too hot to support permanent magnetism, so the
magnetic field must be generated by turbulent motion in the liquid metal
core. Numerical models are beginning to shed light on the physical
processes involved and offer explanations for why our nearest planetary
neighbors (Mars and Venus) lack magnetic fields at the present time.
Understanding the Complicated Atmosphere of
Mars with Maven
2pm-2:30pm | 141 McCone Hall
Earth & Planetary Science undergraduate alumna Karen Alvarez will present
on the current MAVEN (Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution) mission
Prospective Students:
Undergraduate Student Advisor: Nadine Spingola-Hutton
Phone: 510.643.4068
EPS Department:
Earth and Planetary Science
University of California, Berkeley
305 McCone Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720
For more information:
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