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Health and Safety Policy
Reference Number 4.9
Version No:
OCT 11
Next Review:
OCT 13
All children have the right to be loved and cared for in a safe environment.
Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Commonwealth)Version 2010
Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (SA)
Equal Opportunity Act 1984 (SA) Version 2010
Educational and Early Childhood Services (Registration and
Standards) Act 2011
to be loved and cared for without discrimination
entitlement - their child has the right to care
a safe, hygienic workplace
support and acceptance
has the responsibility to ensure equality in selection processes and
anti-discriminatory work and child care practices
Children need
Parents need
Staff need
The Mallee Child Care Service aims to provide a safe and healthy environment
for children to grow and learn about the world around them. In providing this, the
Service recognises that HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis, like any other disease, is best
dealt with by the application of preventative measures.
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Health and Safety Policy
Staff and management practices will adhere to the law under the Federal Disability
Discrimination Act 1992 and the Equal Opportunity Act 1984(SA), that no discrimination will take
place based on a child’s / parent’s / staff member’s HIV status.
A child with HIV/AIDS or Hepatitis shall have the right to obtain a position in the service should a
vacancy be available and a staff member with HIV/AIDS or Hepatitis the right to equal
opportunity employment.
As HIV is not transmitted through casual contact, a child with AIDS shall be treated as any other
child would be; comforted by cuddling, hugs, holding hands.
If a staff member is notified that a child or the child's parent / guardian or another staff
member is infected with HIV/AIDS or Hepatitis, the information will remain confidential.
Only with the consent of the person with the virus or from the parent / guardian can this
information be shared with other staff members.
Child Care Centre Regulations 1998 require that the building, grounds and all equipment
and furnishings are maintained in a thoroughly safe, clean and hygienic condition. The
application of universal hygiene procedures will be adhered to at all times. (Refer to
Health and Hygiene Policy)
All staff dealing with open sores, cuts and body fluids, shall wear disposable gloves. If a
staff member has an open wound or a skin disease such as dermatitis, eczema, she / he
will cover the wound and wear disposable gloves.
Any blood, urine or faeces on the skin should be washed off with warm soapy water, and
hands dried with disposable paper towel.
The Health and Hygiene policy concerning washing hands and cleaning nappy change
areas should be strictly observed.
A behaviour modification process should be considered for a child who is biting.
In recognition that fears and prejudices relating to Hepatitis and HIV/AIDS need to be
addressed, the Service will liaise with State and Federal Health Authorities to access
current and rational information for staff, parent and community education.
Staff, parents and Management Committee members will be invited to participate in
HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis education seminars. Pamphlets and written information on
HIV/AIDS will be available at the Service.
Parents / guardians shall be informed by means of notices about common infectious
diseases in the Service, eg. chicken pox. Parents / guardians of children with an
impairment of immunity will be advised about outbreaks of contagious diseases in order
that they can make informed decisions about whether their child attends the Service.
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Health and Safety Policy
In the event of having to perform CPR, a disposable sterile mask will be used. If time
does not allow, a piece of cloth can be used whilst help is being arranged.
Under no circumstance will a child/parent/staff member be denied the right to first aid.
If a child has an open wound / lesion, it will be covered with a secure waterproof
dressing. If this is not possible, a child should remain away from the Service until lesions
have healed or can be covered.
Staff must wear disposable gloves when in contact with blood or body fluids and when
handling equipment or bed linen, which has been soiled.
As much of the matter as possible should be removed using paper towels or tissues that
should be placed in a plastic bag, sealed and discarded.
Do not use hot water for cleaning up blood as it may coagulate blood and protect the
virus from the action of bleach/detergent.
Mop over soiled hard surfaces with cold water and detergent, then wipe with bleach
solution. Leave for 20 minutes.
Benches, walls, floor and other objects likely to be contaminated, but not visibly soiled
should also be disinfected with a bleach solution made to the manufacture’s
recommendations and left to dry.
On soft surfaces, (carpet, rugs) bleach may cause damage. Sponge area thoroughly
with cold water and soap, followed by rinsing and airing to dry.
On stainless steel, use methylated spirits and water for disinfecting 7:3. Leave for 20
After removal of gloves, hands should be thoroughly washed with soap and water, then
dried with disposable paper towel.
Bleach should be diluted on day of use.
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Health and Safety Policy
Disability Discrimination Act, 1992 (Cth).
Infection Control Guidelines, June 1990.
Staying Healthy in Child Care, Department of Human Services and Health (Cth) 1994.
Care of Person with AIDS at Home.
DOHSW - Code of Practice - Hepatitis B and HIV/AIDS in the Workplace.
Quality Area 2 – Children’s health and safety
Standard 2.1 – Each child’s health is promoted
Element 2.1.1 – Each child’s health needs are supported
Element 2.1.3 – Effective hygiene practices are promoted and implemented
Element 2.1.4 – Steps are taken to control the spread of infectious diseases
and to manage injuries and illnesses, in accordance with recognised
Regulation 88 – Infectious diseases
Regulation 90 – Medical conditions policy
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