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Department of Mathematics and Statistics
February 9, 2016
Wednesday, February 10
Curves Seminar
Thursday, February 11
Time: 3:00 p.m.
Place: Jeffery 319
Math Club
Friday, February 12
Time: 5:30 p.m.
Place: Jeffery 118
Number Theory Seminar
Friday, February 12
Time: 11:00 a.m.
Place: Jeffery 422
Graduate Seminar
Friday, February 12
Time: 12:30 p.m.
Place: Jeffery 319
Department Colloquium
Monday, February 15
Time: 2:30 p.m.
Place: Jeffery 234
Family Day
Speaker: Mike Roth, Queen’s University
Title: Introduction to Chern Classes II
Abstract Attached
Speaker: Peter Taylor, Queen’s University
Title: A mysterious sequence
Abstract Attached
Speaker: Arunabha Biswas, Queen’s University
Title: Gaussian polynomial analog of the
multinomial coefficient
Abstract Attached
Speaker: François Marshall, Queen’s University
Title: Robust Spectrum Estimation: Application
to Relative Ionospheric Opacity Meters
Abstract Attached
Speaker: Scott Greenhalgh, Queen’s University
Title: First principles and epidemiological
applications of nonlinear recovery rates
Abstract Attached
University offices are closed
Items for the Info Sheet should reach Anne ([email protected]) by noon on Monday. The Info
Sheet is published every Tuesday.
Wednesday, February 10, 3:00 p.m. Jeffery 319
Speaker: Mike Roth
Title: Introduction to Chern Classes II
Curves Seminar
Abstract: We will start with the axiomatic definition of Chern classes, and see some elementary
Thursday, February 11, 5:30 p.m. Jeffery 118
Speaker: Peter Taylor
Title: A mysterious sequence
Math Club
Abstract: If x1 is is the golden ratio, and x2 is the square root of 2, and x4 is one less than the square
root of 5, … what on earth is x3 ?
Friday, February 11, 11:00 a.m. Jeffery 422
Speaker: Arunabha Biswas
Title: Gaussian polynomial analog of the multinomial coefficient
Number Theory Seminar
Abstract: We know that the binomial and multinomial coefficients are positive integers. In this talk we
shall first define Gaussian polynomial analogs of the factorials and `generalized' multinomial
coefficients; and then we shall talk about a conjecture related to `positivity' and `integrality' of these
Friday, February 12, 12:30 p.m. Jeffery 319
Graduate Seminar
Speaker: François Marshall
Title: Robust Spectrum Estimation: Application to Relative Ionospheric Opacity Meters
Abstract: Invariably, time series datasets are contaminated by such phenomena as colored noise
processes, outliers, and significant data gaps. When a dataset is dense in such external phenomena,
robust spectrum estimation is of primary importance. Robust estimation involves using the Welch
estimation technique, jackknifing for computation of variances, and the determination of a mixture
distribution. The talk will describe some cleaning techniques, and steps taken to make a spectrum
estimate robust when confronted with a highly contaminated, non-stationary voltage signal for a relative
ionospheric opacity meter (riometer). (The spectrum reveals if changes in the ionospheric electron
density is correlated with solar-vibration normal modes.)
Friday, February 12, 2:30 p.m. Jeffery 234
Department Colloquium
Speaker: Scott Greenhalgh
Title: First principles and epidemiological applications of nonlinear recovery rates
Abstract: Differential equation models of infectious disease have undergone many theoretical
extensions that have proved invaluable for the evaluation of disease spread. For instance, while one
traditionally uses a bilinear term to describe the incidence rate of infection, physically more realistic
nonlinear generalizations exist. However, such theoretical extensions of nonlinear recovery rates have
yet to be developed. This is despite the fact that a constant recovery rate does not perfectly describe the
dynamics of recovery, and that the recovery rate is arguably as important as any incidence rate in
governing the dynamics of a system.
In this talk, I will provide a first principle derivation of nonlinear recovery rates in differential equation
models of infectious disease. To accomplish this, I will rely on an intimate connection between integral
equations, stochastic processes, and differential equations. Finally, I will apply a novel nonlinear
recovery rate, where infected individuals can only contribute to disease spread for a finite amount of
time, to model the elimination of measles in Iceland.