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Essays of an Information Scientist, Vol:3, p.61-69, 1977-78 Current Contents, #11, p.5-13, March 14, 1977 CURRENT The Vegetarian ~////////////////////////////////////////////////////kk Despite the increasing prices, beef consumption in the United States COMMENTS Alternative Num~r iron, has con- 11, March 14, 1977 For magnesium, meat is a Poorer source than cocoa, nuts, soybeans, whole tinued to rise. In 1940 the average beef in- grains, take per person was 55 pounds, cording to Professor Fredrick Stare, head of the Department of Nutrition at Har- the average was 190 pounds, ir was 236 pounds. of a century, in 1960 and in 1970 1 For the next quarter moreover, the meat a person’s material well-being And the meat industry The meat industry animal products, increases, could be obtained 60% of our vitamin carotene, increases. 2 with- may be correct. A intake comes from which is a pigment, we make vitamin has successfully Ac- out eating meat. He asserted that “about to increase the in- take of animal protein” vegetables.4 vard University, even vitamin A, which is a naturally-occurring substance in various industry expects this figure to increase, Their prediction is based on the assumption that as his or her ‘‘predilection and leafy green out of which A in our bodies. ”j To most people food is a matter of habit fos- and taste, and is not eaten strictly for its nutritional quality, Meat is eaten partly tered the notion that only “good red meat” can supply the essential minerals and vitamins to our bodies, and so a meatcentered diet became a sign of prosperity. It is not true, however, that only red because it tasres good; and it is the fat that gives meat its taste. Along with fat, meat supplies a large amount of cholesterol to the body. Dr. Gerald Combs, director of meat can supply the nutritional requirements of the body. In fact, with the excep- rhe Nutrition tion of vitamin B12, which can be obtained from all dairy products,3 non-meat gerous. He says that, “From the work that’s been done so far--highly suggestive sources provide a very substantial amount but not yet proven--there of the necessary vitamins and Most of our calcium is supplied minerals, by non- relation between and cholesterol meat foods: good sources are plant foods such as collards, tuce. Although for potassium, turnip greens, at NIH, indicates may be dan- is certainly a cor- the level of saturated fat in blood and heart disease.”6 Professor and let- meat is an adequate Program that both of these substances source “Most the baked potato and lima Stare Americans better health concurs, would adding probably if they consumed that, be in less meat. bean are better. Iron can be obtained in nearly equal amounts from animal pro- Americans probably average between 1012 oz. of meat per day. If that meat intake ducts such as eggs, milk, and cheese; various seeds and nuts contain abundant probably was cut in half, 61 most Americans would health, primaril-y be in better because of less saturated fat. ” 5 food is more To a vegetarian, than simply habit or taste: it is a way of life. The aims of the vegetarian’s lifestyle are threefold; to eliminate meat from the diet but still obtain the nutritional requirements of the body, the alleviation of the world food crisis, and the contribution the furtherance to of ‘bioethics’ --regarding tion. That is, if a person were m eat protein containing enough lysine to satisfy 1000/. of the body’s requirement, and another 100VO of the valine level, but only >OO/. of the tryptophan needed, then the body only urilizes ingested. These combined, >OO/. of the total protein 8 acids, when properly form a single utilizable protein unit. the conservation of wild life, agriculture, and natural resources. Vegetarian diets can be of various sorts, protein foods of animal origin (eggs, milk, and cheese) contain these 8 amino some wholly nutritious, others specific vitamin supplement. are called ‘‘high-quality grains, however, are main classes of vegetarian based only on plant requiring The two diets may be food sources (total orrwgamr) or plant foods plus and eggs (/acto-ovoproducts acids in abundant amounts. they provide ‘‘lower-quality vegetarians, a single meal, though, dairy combined vegetarians). include the Other classes of vegetarians Iacto-vegetarian, who con- sumes plant foods plus milk, the fcuitarian, the herbivore, and the granivore (seeds and grains). With the elimination diet, other urilized. sulfur, of meat from the sources of protein Only protein and phosphorus supplies must be rrirrogen, to the body, sub. stances needed to build tissue fiber, build tissues such as hair and nails are continually growing. Protein cartilage, tendons, muscles, and and is the primary ingredient chemical reactions in the body. and tc which build: bone, for basic 22 amino acids. However, of these 22 onl~ they with proteins. ” In if cereal grains were legumes such as dried beans and peas, which contain Iysine, then the ‘balance’ would be improved and sufficient amounts of methionine would be supplied,7 In comparing meat ma’ Iysine to plant protein, two crirerla need to be considered--the quantity and quality of protein in the food, For instance, soybean flour is over protein. Certain cheeses, such as Parmesan, are 36% protein. Meat is 20- 400/0 300/. protein. Generally, plants highest in quantity of protein.3 rank However, when the quality (or usability or digestibility) of those same protein foods The proteins our bodies use are made 01 Thus, protein s.” Cereal relatively low in Iysine, though high in methionine. Thus, are considered, emerges. quality, Meats, range in from a different terms of 65-70%, story protein whereas 8 cannot be synthesized directly by OUJ plant foods rank below meat. (Exceptions bodies, so they must be obtained from may be soybeans and whole rice, which outside sources. These 8 essential amine approach or top the meat quality value.) acids are Ieucine, tryptophan, leucine, valine, threnonine, and phenylalaninc. Iysine, The difficulty arises in obtaining essentials. iso methionine these [ Our bodies need each of thest 8 simuhaneoudy, and in the right propor On the average, plant foods rank around 50% “net protein utilization.”3 Therefore, in order to obtain an equal amount of the essential from plant from meats, foods, proteins (amino as one would a vegetarian should acids) obtain follow one of several alternatives: to receive an adequate amount of the 8 essential B vitamins.”6 amino acids, one should eat large amounts Orherwise, of lower-quality protein; eat alternate animal-protein sources, such m dairy pro- For those reasons, the vegetarian is in a precarious position because he or she must know which foods contain suffkienr ducts; or eat a wide variety of plant proteins which have mutually amino foods with in the diet supplement would to a be a necessity. scurvy or beriberi :omplement a variety of plant dairy products Vitamin grain may occur, amounts and ‘‘quality” of protein and vitamins, The vegetarian’s foods must complementary acid patterns, 3 The best solution would be to combine single same each other in terms of amino acids. An excellent guide, with recipes, is Frances Moore Lappe’s Diet for u Small meal. The most important nutritional guard for any vegetarian diet. The greatest reliance on any one plant food source. Restricting amount been only restricts of nutrients outlined, the the variety variety digested. certain and If, as has essential acids are left out of the diet, recent Like the Iacto-vegetarian then diet-fads, the and the lacto- the vegan, or strict vege- tarian, can obtain an adequate supply of protein. The vegan, however, faces a very real danger in another regard, Unlike the Iacto- and Iacto-ovo-vegetarian, the vegan does not eat eggs, milk, or cheese, There- amino the body’s protein requirements are not met. This has been the case with one of the more Planet. 3 ovo-vegetarian, risk for a vegetarian comes from undue of foods safe- is variety in the macrobiotic fore, a vegan can not obtain vitamin which is found ducts, especially various seafoods, primarily in animal B12, pro- in kidney, liver, and [t cannot be found in diet. This diet progresses in seven stages, nuts or grains. ~ Consequently, the elementary must take vitamin B12 for vitamin supplement, or drink fortzfied soy milk.9 stages being fully nutri- tious. With each stage, however, certain foods arc eliminated until only brown rice and tea remain. been reported Predictably, cases of severe protein malnutrition to North Africa--occurring disease native among macro- biotic dieters and their children. infants, macrobiotic have &zduor40r--a of the physical measurements ian there In a study children A vitamin B 12 deficiency can damage the nervous system and cause spinal cord degeneration. This condition has been referred to as “vegan back. ” 10 A vitamin B12 deficiency can also lead to the development of pernicious anemia because B 12 is necessary of vegetarwere a vegan for normal blood for- mation. 11 in size The vitamin B12 deficiency is especially than children of other dietary groups. recumbent inch.rdcd Measurements length, width, head circumference, tri- dangerous in thar it is impossible to detect until the damage has been done--and the ceps, and subscapular skinfolds. 8 Another dangerous diet could single grain diet. Dr. Combs asserts that, ‘‘These are potentially very harmful. A deficiency may go undetected because it can be masked in the diet by the intake of folic acid. Combs comments on this problem: {‘VitaminB12 and folic acid are both cereal grain is seriously lacking in several effective in curing the initial stages of the things, such as vitamin C and some of the anemia problem found to be significantly smaller be a damage 63 is irreversible. A vitamin in humans. B 12 If you have a B 12 deficiency and consume higher levels of fo]ic acid you can have an apparently Since vegetarians consume less saturated ‘at and cholesterol rhey may have a les- And of course a person who iened chance of developing heart disease. persons with beart problems should cer- eats a vegetarian dier consumes leafy green vegetables and obtains folic acid. So you :aitdy cut their meat inrake. And the rrk4 .>fheart attacks can be reduced by sharply can commonly .iecreasing the consumption of foods high 10saturated fats and cholesterol, These in- normal hemoglobin deficiency. level, and mask the have advanced B12 de- ficiencies that are masked by folic acid rhar result in secondary neurological lesions thar you don’t spor until they occur, and they ate irreversible. This can be a lack of feeling in the fingers or toes. You could stick pins in a person’s back and he wouldn’t feel it. This is what you get in a long-term B12 deficiency as a firsr symprom. This condition is known as vegan back in the vegan diet because ir’s so .Iudc meats, whole milk, ice Lrearn, ream, butter, lard, heavily hydrogenated ,hoctenings, and margarine. 13 Vegetarians often have lower blood pressure simply because they weigh less. ‘The decrease in blf ‘ messure is probably correlated more WIL.. being 10 or I> pounds lower in weighr than anything ~lse, “> ]11 a Ha~ard srudy, the blood common. You get a lot of folin but no B[J “(~ Generally speaking, a vitamin B12 de. pressure and individual ficiency is the single danger of the vegar mainly dier, bur it need not be a problem if rhe proper nutritional know-how is applied, There are also special nutritional problem: blood pressure for this group (ages 16-29) was less than that usually found in Western populations, The report suggests “a relation between blood pressure levels and consurnpricm of food from animal for a vegan child and a pregnant woman, but these can be easily resolved. In the winrer, when rhe child’s access tc sunshine is restricted, it may be necessaq for the child ro take a vitamin supplement [o obtain an adequate D, lo The nutritional amount of vitamir problem for tht pregnant woman concerns the acquisirior of enough protein. On a theoretical basis the pregnant woman can obrain the re. quired level if the best plant sources art utilized: peanuts, soybeans, and nuts. ~ Nevertheless, many vegans have had to re. sort to consuming milk and eggs to rester< dietary habits 210 men and women were observed. lived in communal households cm vegetable sources” 14 Dr. Combs sources. pursues of They subsisting The mean this relarion be- tween food from animal sources higher blood pressure, He comments and rhat the Lorrelatioo between a vegetarian dier and lower blood pressure ‘‘might be true on the basis of something like sodium content, because sodium conrenr in planr material is considerably lower (than in non-plant foods), And of course sodium is one of the key nutrients blood pressure. that influences A lot of the processed healrh, and it is likely that a vegan womar foods have sodium added, who is pregnant a higher plant diet would probably have reduced salr intake and probably would would need to do tht same. For a Iacro-ovo- vegetarian womar who is pregnanr little dietary advice it needed. She will probably have an ade quate supply of nurrienrs. 12 salts added, so tend to favor normal blood pressure.’ ‘G Despite these benefits of the vegetarian regimen, vegetarianism continues ro be viewed in the U.S. more as a fad than as a the idea that fish is brain food. In the 19th legitimate century, dietary alternative. is due to the somewhat made in Perhaps this extreme vegetarianism’s claims behalf. One Professor Fish is abundant source contends that, “Intemperance which is the chief cause of pauperism and argued, crime may be greatly discouraged pounds containing vation of vegetarianism. great Indian leader with his diet sonality by culti- ” 15 Gandhi, who in order development, the experimented to observe asserted per- that the simplest foods (especially fresh fruits and nuts) were most beneficial for “calming of spirit and allaying animal passion, ” 16 Adolf Hitler, a that vegetarianism and intellectual advocated vegetarian, increased claimed his working capacities. 1 He constantly the claims of the German poser, Richard Wagner, com- that a vegetarian diet had been the primeval diet of the human race. Hitler customarily entertained his associates--such as Bormann, Goring, and Himmler--at meals of vege- tarian fare, After the meal, Hitler’s asso- ciates often retreated to the kitchen and asked the cook for a second meal of their own choosing. says little This one case, however, about any notion that meat- eating aggressiveness may be and associated. Perhaps these claims for vegetarianism are extreme, Strange but they are not unusual. notions about the peculiar pro- Louis Agassiz of Har- vard University urged people to eat fish. 18 and in phosphorus, he has been con- phosphorus nected with thinking because certain com- phosphorus are abund- ant in the brain. Mark Twain satirized Agassiz’s assertion when he replied to an aspiring ‘‘Young Author’s” letters which sought Wrote confirmation Twain: “Yes, mend authors on this point. 19 Agassiz doeJ recom- to eat fish, because the phosphorus in it makes brains. So far you are correct. But I cannot decision about help you to a the amount you need eat--at least, with certainty. men [writing] composition about to If the speciyou send is your fair, usual average, I should judge that perhaps a couple of whales would be all you would want for the present. ” Fish, like the meat of land consists chiefly of proteins animals, and fat. How- ever, the protein content of fish is generally higher than that of meat, but has a lower caloric content because of less fat and a higher water content. Fish oils are rich in vitamin D, and fish liver in vitamin A21 A recent Select report Committee man Needs released by the Senate and Hu- significant re- on Nutrition recommends pert ies of various foods have always ex- ductions isted. It was once popularly foods rich in fat, sugar, and salt. Red meat, specifically, is included within the seawater digestive sidered notions century idea process lemons long thought that was helpful in cleaning out the system. The same was later contrue of garlic. Sometimes these may be correct, such as the 16th that by some and limes, sea voyages, protected mysterious consumed men on from scurvy .17 One notion that persists until this day is in the consumption of various fat category. The Congressional report calls for a reduction in overall fat intake by IO percent, replacing meat with fish or fowl. 20 The report recommends protein poultry, instead contains can be obtained that more from fish and and that these should be eaten of red meat. Poultry, less fat than red meat. like fish, ~ortecl A rich supply of minerals and vitamins may also be found protein content in shellfish. When substantial good eaten raw, oysters vitamin substitute C content, and shellfish to ascertain the food- the eating relatives, gorillas. Their are neither :xamined was unrepresentative of Bushmen in general, Ardrey contends that 4’suprimitive man was carnivorous. a for the justification nor an explanation eating patterns of man. But the physical similarities between the two suggest in. preme, above all other reasons for rejecting the tercsting parallels. Until the 1°60s, chimpanzees were consiciercd to bc complete vegetarians. But then the first-hand oh. scrvations by Jane van Lawick-Goodal Tangmzyika rtwcalcd [hat chimpanzees plants, including 20 berries, and melons, Robert Ardrey, author of The Hunting ~ypot~e.ri~, 22 refutes the vegetarian hypothesis of early man. He dismisses Lee’s ~ata, claiming that the particular tribe habits of our closest chimpanzees and conclusions hunting hypothesis, nuts, Such an anthropological wonder can bear comparison . . .to the Rosseauesque image of primal innocence, primal good- ir OL ness, that grips our minds. ” Reynolds offer confirmation fal]td to chimpanzees fiflL] 2Ln~ CV]dC[lLC Ardrey asserts that tbe Icc Age winters bul Of m~~t t!a(lllg rhcsis. Those in dirtxt obwrwctions of gorillu in th( wild, both DLan Foswy in Rwanda anc (;cwrgr S( hallcr in Easr and Ccntm AfriLa, found gorillas to be compkxelj vcgctxrian in rbeir natLl~Al babitar. 1 How ever, they WII1 cxt mca( while (onfrned of his hunting authorities man was depcndc-nr on plant foods, Ardrey, forget that during the lce Age rn Europe and Asia tbcre wcrm ‘t ~ny. To sAys guarantee survival during thtw (old periods, man had to have been preadaprcd to ir a (iiet consisting exclusively Those modern hunting Thmc observations fail to define versy as to whether whal of meat. peoples such as the Eskimo, Ardrey coorends, man should be there is a contro. primitive nivorous or vegetarian, hypo- who insist that taly 100s,” the natural diet of Among anthropologists, is anthro- pology’s will to believe in primal man happily, healthily chewing his mcmgongo Lwionally cat mmt. On the other hand, ir Uganda in lo~2 Vernon afld FranLe: also observed the ocieties could have been vegetuian. eating patterns of early man consisted of-and what the “natural” diet of man should be today--anthropologists have studied animal of md 30 types of roots and bulbs. Lee did lot observe one case of nutritional deiciency, 1 suggesting that early human is relatively what 50% nut. Meat is eaten only on pecies of edible rarieties of fruits, a are a for fresh fruit and vege- tables. 2 I However, high in cholesterol. In order and offer by weight, pecial occasions. Besides the mongongo mt, the Bushmen’s diet consisted of 84 Its main value consists in its wealth of iron, copper, iodine. nongongo of shellfish is the same as in fish and land animals. that, hzshmen’s vegetable diet consisted of the The who live under mologicidly comparable conditions as Ice Age tnan, consume a fully-nutritious diet man was car. of no more than 10°/0 planr food. There is evidcnct for both views. Richard B. Lee lived fol ir rwo years among the Kung Bushmen Arctic rcgicms provide few plants, roots, or fruits. An Eskimo diet ~onsists of the meat of the seal, whale, narwbale, walrus, the aquatic Kalahari Desert of Botswana. He re 66 birds and their eggs, and such land animals as the bear, fox, seal, and deer. Shellfish is eaten when found in the behet that the excluslon oi tlesh toods from the diet contributes to the principle stomach of of other “animals. Eskimos con- u&mru--or sume most of their meat raw. The vitamin Gandhi content tarianism of meat entrails, brains, rises when and the glands, organs are sumed. 2 I If properly cooked, tissues can mineral supply needed every with con- the becomes a moral principle. from meat but are commonly kosher rather than vegetarian of as made known to the world, vege- eating entirely, and exception Thus, Some orthodox Jews abstain organs and vitamin non-violence, deemed eaters, This is not to say that all Jews who eat kosher calcium. Raw liver contains vitamin C and are vegetarians, A. Other D. It has tended mainly to guide the observant Jew in. the kosher preparation of meat. The that “the prohibition vitamin organs supply elements B complex and vitamin been suggested by oneauthor21 consumption of brain, heart, of the kidney, dietary goal of our times. discarding these practically mins and all of minerals organs we throw discarding away of vegetables laws are in- the consumption of 17: 10-14) is the basis for the process of koshering meat. 24 The purpose of the process is to draw out By and drain the meat of non-veinal blood, before it is cooked. The blood can be re- the animal’s vitajust as we lose the most valuable substances against blood (Leviticus 7:26-27; liver, spleen, and other organs becomes an important The kosher moved either by salting the meat, or by romting it over an open fire. The term by the water in which they have Arzdwr, or kosher, was originally used in been cooked for long periods. ” Throughout history, dietary goals have the Bible in the sense of “fit” or “proper.” From the point of view of the played Jewish dietary laws all fruit and vegetables a large role in different civiliza- tions. Vegetarianism, especially, has never been without its advocates during any are 4‘fit” for consumption, and do not require, as in the preparation of meat, a period Rabbi’s certification that a certain food has been koshered. This is based upon the of time. 23 Most familiar in this are Pythagoras, Buddha, category Leonardo da Vinci, Montaigne, Percy first dietary directive in the Bible: ‘4Be- Bysshe Shelley, and Benjamin Franklin, among others. Two contemporary Chris- hold 1 have given you every herb yielding seed which is upon the face of the earth tian Protestant sects--the Bible Christians and the Seventh Day Adventists--require and every tree.. .“ (Genesis 1:29). An antient sect of Jews, the Essenes, that their followers maintain lived rigid, ascetic lives in the proximity a vegetarian The largest group of vegetarians world today are the Hindus most synonymous Hinduism with vegetarianism in India is the sacred is forbidden to be killed though younger and more liberal now eat meat without “reactionary” tarian basis of Hinduism and ate simple in the in India. which tablished of the Dead Sea area. The Essenes cultivated food habit. vegetarian Ancient historians and Elder wrote about these communities. 25 The Essenes withdrew from the cities and organized society of their time (the 1st cow, or eaten, century) Indians such as Josephus food, A1- and own. There regard for the es- formed munity, is founded on the 67 a society is speculation Baptist was a member ways. The vege- and Pliny the of their that John the of the Essene com- and possibly Jesus Christ, though Jesus was not an ascetic like John Baptist, and Jesus ate meat. and land to support a meat eating popula- the tion. It is all the more ironical U.S. should be thought In 1947 the American Vegetarian Party was born. In the presidential elections of sumption was the real force behind the Party, though itwasn’t the breadbasket since we, like the Argentineans, arc so meat oriented. Were wc to feed less grain to animals for meat con- 1948 a Vegetarian Party slate was nominated; its campaign motto was a diet without the flesh of meat, fish, or fowl. Symon Gould that of as the world’s we would have much more to export . This is a very narrow view of the world’s until 1960 that Gould himself actually ran for President. In 1962 hc campaigned for state senator food and meat-eating from Ncw York against Jacob Javits, keep- changed, will not serve the basic problems ing vegetarianism of agriculture in India, the USSR, or any other country, Certainly a drastic reduc- forefront and pacifkm of the campaign. in the When Gould agricultural problems. The habits of Americans, even if died in 1963, the American Vegetarian Party died with him. 1 It would bc impossible to accurately tion in per capita would be healthy. count meat-fat the America number today. of vegetarians A conservative You can support in estimate a strong may be four million persons. Most of these never known would heavy labor consumption considerable and cholesterol with be lacto- or Iacto-ovo-vegetarians; meat intake of if you regimen match of exercise. a person who who could it I’ve performed survive without there arc fcw vegans in the U.S. In rcccnt meat. Weight lifters, football players, and years, however, there appears to have been a resurgence of vegetarianism in America, especially on college campuses. Onc reason for this may be the financial savings other athletes consume large quantities of meat without apparent damage to the in excluding eating habits that they get into trouble. meat from the diet, cardiovascular system. It is when they stop exercising but maintain established meat- or it could be due to ethical beliefs of’ ‘returning to nature, ” Whatever individual contemplating a dangers, With the moderate, vegetarian regimen should become familiar potential Until some better evidence comes along the reason, an proper well-balanced diet is the safest course of action. Knowing how often and how easily wc succumb to celebrations and feasts, we need to balance with the knowl- edge and education, a vegetarian will encounter no difficulty in obtaining the full nutritional requirements. Vegetarianism is not a recent fad, but it can be an enjoyable such abuse of our bodies with cxercisc and occasional fasting. The ideal weekly regimen for me would be a vegetarian meal on alternate dairy-vegetarian meal seafood on Thursday, to meat, providing a sound pro- tein diet from the abundant sources that Monday, the earth provides. dinner 12-course Apart from all the reasons cited above it a T-Bone dinner steak on Tuesday, on Wednesday, a a a chicken for Friday, and on Saturday a Chinese dinner to be shared with as many friends. On the last day I might fast, as a convenient way of watching my weight. is also argued by vegetarians that meat consumption is an unfair usc of land resources to serve the rich. It rcqu ires a much Iargcr pcr capita expenditure of energy 60 REFERENCES 1. Barkas 2. Meeker J. The vegetariarr passion. B K. Rising world meat Agriculture 3. Lappe 15, 8 November F M. Diet for 4. Guthrie 5. Stare 14:2-5, a small planet. H A. Introduction F. 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