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Plant Pathogenic Bacteria Edited by Solke H. De Boer Kluwer Academic Publishers extended to environmental applications. For example, Azospirillum s can enhance the bioremediation of wastewater by microalgae by incr algal prolíferaüon and metabolism. Azospirillum species may improv reforestation of marine mangrove trees, thereby enhancing fisheries tropical coasts and may prevent desert soil erosión and promote abatem dust pollution by assisting in the growth of cactus species. The foll minireview discusses these applications, and shows future potential av for Azospirillum as an environmentally friendly microorganism. Wastewater bioremediation Microalgae have many uses, including water bioremediation. For suc ;ít ^íb "Ususííry iiesirdtíie 'to estáriiisn'iarge populations oí microalgae in a environments. One means of increasing microalgal populations may inocúlate them with PGPBs. A candidate microorganism for coinocu with microalgae is Azospirillum bmsilense (strain Cd), a known plant g promoting bacterium. To improve the growth, metabolism, and remo nitrogen and phosphorus by the freshwater microalga Chlorella vulgaris 2714), an important organism often used in wastewater treatment, C. v was inoculated with A. brasilense. The two microorganisms were kept i proximity in the liquid médium essential for C. vulgaris by coimmobil in alginate beads and were cocultivated under controlled conditions s for both, in batch cultures and in continuous flow cultures in a chem Alginate beads of various forms and shapes are convenient inoculant for use in numerous industrial, environmental, and agricultural applicat Coimmobilization of the freshwater microalga C. vulgaris and A. bra in small alginate beads resulted in significant increased growth microalga. Dry and fresh weight, total number of cells, size of the mic clusters (colonies) within the bead, number of microalgal cells per clust the levéis of microalgal pigments significantly increased. Ligh transmission electrón microscopy revealed that both microorg colonized the same cavities inside the beads, though the microalgae ten concéntrate in the more aerated periphery, and the bacteria coloniz S.H. De Boer (ed.), Plant Palhogenic Bacteria, 68-74. © 2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Primea in the Netherlands. s, A., Bethlenfalvay, G.J., imental Microbiology, The z, B.C.S., 23000, MÉXICO, I2L 3G1 GANADA (BRG). gemís Azospirillum are s. In addition to their mtial benefits can be e, Azospirillum species icroalgae by increasing ¡cies may improve the lancing fisheries along i promote abatement of species. The following iture poíential a ve núes 'ganism. lediation. For such use, f microalgae in aquatic Dopulations may be to lism for coinoculation a known plant growtholism, and removal of hlorella vulgaris (UTEX r treatment, C. vulgaris isms were kept in cióse is by coimmobilization led conditions suitable iltures in a chemostat. lient inoculant carriers cultural applications. ígaris and A. brasilense reased growth of the , size of the microalgal al cells per cluster, and increased. Light and both microorganisms .e microalgae tended to bacteria colonized the culture prior to irnmobilization of microorganisms imitated the effect of A brasilense. Coimmobilization of C. vulgaris UTEX 395 a brasilense resulted in significant changes in the m and pigment content. The size of C. sorokiniana c the populaüon within the beads significantly increa UTEX 395 cells grew larger but their number did vulgaris UTEX 2714, the pigment content of the m increased as a result of coimmobilization. The ability of the coimmobilized culture to cl ammonium and phosphorus from the water) wa cultures and in step cultures where the wastewa hours. In continuous cultures, only modérate levé in step cultures almost all of the ammonium consecutive 48 hour cycles, the bioremediation sy ammonium removal efficiency decreased. In co reached after 3 cycles with immobilized microal ammonium removal was reduced. In another study, C. vulgaris (UTEX 2714) was beads and coincubated with either A brasilense, or bacterium Phyllobacterium myrsinacearum. The microalga and the bacterial species were followe microscopy for 10 days. Most of the small cavit colonized by microcolonies of only one microo bacterial species cocultured with the microalga. and microalgal microcolonies merged to form large cavities. At this stage, the effect of bacterial asso differed depending on the bacterium present. senescence phase in the presence of P. myrsinac growth phase in the presence of A brasilense. Th are commensal interactions between the micr associative bacteria and that with time the ba whether the outcome for the microalga is multiplication. The delibérate inoculation of Chlorella sp. with reported prior to these studies, perhaps because of two microorganisms. C. vulgaris is not known beneficial bacteria, and Azospirillum sp, is rare aquatic environments. These studies indicate that microalga by the plant growth-promoting bacterium of the microalga as a wastewater treatment age coimmobilization of microalgae and plant growth ecosystems are rain forests and coral reefs. Despite their importance, mangroves face the sanie destm deforestation as the rain forests. To aid mangrove reforestation, it has proposed that seedlings are inoculated with plant growth-promoting ba (PGPB), a practice that has been successful in agriculture and tem forestry. Mangrove seedlings usually grow better after inoculation wi diazotrophic filamentous cyanobacteria Microcoleus chthonoplastes (3). on this observatioru it was reasimed that tcumgTOve seadiings, wÁgb benefit from inoculation with plant growth-p'romoting bacteria. Ni fixation by inoculants in mangrove sediments, in the rhizosphere associated with aerial roots may provide the nitrogen necessary for growth, and phosphate-solubilizing microorganisms may supply plañís sufficient amount of phosphorus. Inoculation of axenic black mangrove seedlings in seawater for eigh with either the terrestrial halotolerant plant growth-promoting bacteri halopraeferens or with A. brasilense produced heavy colonization of th surface. The colonization pattern was different for the two strain halopraeferens was present mainly as single cells embedded in a thick s whereas A. brasilense produced primarily microaggregates. A brasilens were anchored to the root surfaces and to each other by a network of f material. Both bacterial strains survived in seawater (approx. 104 cfu/m more than 30 days, and colonized mangrove roots at a high density. W halopraeferens was a better root surface colonizer, A brasilense was bett to popúlate the entire root (surface and inside) (9), Plant growth-promoting bacteria native to mangrove ecosystems are unknown. Recently, several bacteria isolated from mangroves promot growth of Salicornia bigelovü, a poteníial oilseed crop that grows in se s feeding, spawning, and id ecologically important vegetate themselves after rcutting, mangroves rarely ;onsidered to be nutrienttrogen and phosphorous. s flourish with no obvious iré microorganisms are the ve productivity. Probably are one of the three most er two highly productive the same destructive reforestation, it has been jrowth-promoting bacteria .griculture and températe ifter inoculation with the chthonoplastes (3). Based ave seedlings might also tioting bacteria. Nitrogen in the rhizosphere, and ogen necessary for plant may supply plants with a in seawater for eight days i-promoting bacterium A. y colonization of the root For the two strains. A. ibedded in a thick sheath, •egates. A brasilense cells r by a network of fibrillar r (approx. 104 cfu/mL) for t a high density. While A brasilense was better able >ve ecosystems are almost mangroves promoted the :>p that grows in semiarid yet been explored. Two potential mangro rhizosphere of semiarid zone mangroves, wer culture médium or in seawater; the slo Phyllobacterium sp. and the fast-growing p Baciüus licheniformis. N2-fixation and phosph in the mixed culture compared to monocult that when the two bacterial species were grow one morphotype colony containing both spec they grew separately. Though enhanced observad in mixed cultures growing in se bacterial species increased at the same rate as Inoculation of black mangrove propagules bacterial cultures showed some advan monocultures; more leaves developed an incorporated in the leaves, however, the tota illustrates that interactions between microo mangroves can influence plant development applying plant growth-promoting bacteria. T long-term study designed to assess the fea marine plant growth-promoting bacteria for for environmental purposes. Desert reforestation When naturally vegetated deserts are agricultural land that is later abandon "desertification"), or to build urban neigh nothing remains to prevent the topsoil from b is severe soil erosión and subsequent dust po significantly increases chronic respiratory i been increasing throughout the developing predominant in the semiarid áreas of northe northwestern México quickly become a bar annual plants. These áreas cannot reforest n because nurse trees (which provide a canopy establishment of cactus seedlings have been re plants tested had VAM associations but the extent of root colonization by t mycorrhizal fungí varied widely (<10 to > 70%). Cactus species with lo VAM colonization thrived mainly near nurse trees. Of the nine species of tre and arborescent shrubs in the área, the mature (>20 year) nurse legum Prosopis artículata (mesquite) and Olneya tesota (ironwood) supported t largest number of understory plants. The VAM inoculum potential under t mesquite canopy and in áreas devoid of plants was similar (1), however t propagule density of VAM under the canopy was 7-fold higher. These stud show that VAM fungí help to stabilize windborne soil that settles under de plant canopies by formation of soil aggregation and enhance colonization cactus seedlings (6). Bacteria may also contribute to the revegetation of disturbed desert áre Seedlings of the giant cardón cactus (Pachycereus pringlei) were inoculat with A. brasilense in pot cultures containing different soils ranging from ri soil from under the mesquite canopy to poor soil from barren áreas. In ri soil, A. brasilense had no effect on cardón cactus development. However, poor soil, inoculation increased dry vegetativa mass by 60% and root length over 100%. The effect was not caused by Nz fixation by the bacterium becau acetylene reduction acíivity was not detected in íhe roots (5). Survival and development of cactus transplants in urban, disturbed áreas the desert near La Paz, Baja California Sur, México was monitored. You plants of three species of tree-shaped cacti (Pachycereus pringlei, Stenocer thurberí, and Lophocereus schottíi) were inoculated with íhe plant grow promoting bacterium vi. brasilense ín an eroded área (a dirt road). Inoculat plants had a higher survíval rate and developed more rapidly th uninoculated control plants during a 3.5-year period after transplantation. S erosión in the inoculated experimental área diminished. Small, but significa soil accumulation was associaíed with íhe growíh of cactus small roots in t wind-deposited dust. The upward growth of small roots into the deposit it in urban áreas, however • ío develop after being 0 eroded urban soil. Cacti >rganisms during planting températe reforestation. •hizal fungí may aid the osion and dust pollution. igi may help stabilize ired dust) under mesquite ie understory. The VAM man-made removal of the le Sonoran desert near La 1 46 species of perennial if root colonization by the Cactus species with low )f the nine species of trees >20 year) nurse legumes ironwood) supported the ;ulum potential under the i similar (1), however the oíd higher. These studies il that settles under dense enhance colonization by of disturbed desert áreas. pringlei) were inoculated nt soils ranging from rich rom barren áreas. In rich levelopment. However, in 3y 60% and root length by by the bacterium because oots (5). i urban, disturbed áreas of :o was monitored. Young ;reus pringlei, Stenocereus i with the plant growtha (a dirt road). Inoculated ped more rapidly than after transplantation. Soil ted. Small, but significant, f cactus small roots in the roots into the deposited brasilense survived well in the rhizospheres of mese not in root-free soil (4). These studies demónstrate that (i) the natural rev desert can be mimicked by revegetation programs, an cacti with fungi or bacteria can enhance their establish and can thereby stabilize soil. Acknowledgements This study is dedicated to the memory of the late Israel. We thank Dr. Ellis Glazier for editing the Englis Cheryl Paiten for critical reading and English s supported by Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnolog contraéis # 26262-B and # 28362-B, and by the Basha References 1. Bashan, Y., Davis, E. A., Carrillo, A. and Linderman of VA mycorrhizal noculum potential in relation cactus seedlings under mesquite nurse-trees in th SoilEcol. 14:165-176. 2. Bashan, Y., Moreno, M., and Troyo, E. 2000. G seawater-irrigated oilseed halophyte Salicornia b mangrove rhizosphere bacteria and halotolerant Fértil. Soils 31: [in press) 3. Bashan, Y., Puente, M.E., Myrold, D.D. and To transfer of fixed nitrogen from diazotrophic filam black mangrove seedlings. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 4. Bashan, Y. Rojas, A. and Puente, M.E. 1999. Imp development of three cacti species inoculated wit transplanted into disturbed urban desert soil. Ca 451 5. Carrillo-Garcia, A., Bashan, Y., Diaz-Rivera, E., 2000. 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