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DISCUSSION PAPERS IN ECONOMICS Working Paper No. 98-11 Precautionary Saving and the International Distribution of Wealth Kenneth R. Beauchemin Department of Economics, University of Colorado at Boulder Boulder, Colorado Betty Daniel University at Albany, State University of New York Albany, NY August 1998 Center for Economic Analysis Department of Economics University of Colorado at Boulder Boulder, Colorado 80309 © 1998 Kenneth R. Beauchemin, Betty Daniel Kenneth R. Beauchemin University of Colorado at Boulder University at Albany August, 1998 IThe authors would like to thank seminar participants at Dartmouth College for helpful comments. Send correspondence to: Ken Beauchemin, Department of Economics, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309-0256. E-mail: [email protected]. Abstract This paper provides a simulation analysis of savings and current account behavior in a two-country world with heterogeneoustime preferenceand precautionary saving. The differencein time preferencebetweeneachcountry's representative agentinitially leads to a systematic redistribution of wealth through the current account. This redistribution strengthens the precautionary savings motive for the impatient country and weakens it for the patient country. Systematic current account imbalance ends once net foreign assets enter the neighborhood in which "risk-adjusted" rates of time preferenceare equated. This is analogous to equilibrium in an endogenous time preferencemodel, in which wealth is redistributed until time preferencerates are equated, but without the unappealing assumption that wealthier agents are more impatient. Quantitatively, small differences in time preference generate realistic mean debt-GDP ratios. Key words: current account, uncertainty, precautionary saving. JEL classification: F32, D91, E21. 1 Introd uction Current account imbalance often persists over horizons longer than the business cycle, even in the industrial countries. The literature attributes such persistent imbalance to a difference in time preference rates of the representative agents in each country (Helpman and Razin, 1982). Yet, this explanation is not entirely satisfactory in the two-country certainty models put forward to date. In the standard constant time preference model, the impatient county is destined for a steady state of minimal consumption, determined by an internationally imposed borrowing constraint. Given the implausibility of this steady state for a deficit country like the US, Obstfeld (1981) introduced endogenous time preference (Uzawa, 1968), in which time prefer- ence is decreasingin wealth. This allows differencesin time preferenceto explain systematic current account imbalance without the unappealing result of one country eventually owning most of the world's wealth. Over time, wealth is redistributed, ending current account imbalance, without appeal to a borrowing constraint. How- ever, the assumptionthat an agent becomesmore impatient as he becomeswealthier is counter-intuitive. The standard, constant time preference, certainty equivalence model (CEQ) in international finance views the current account as independent of wealth. Uzawa utility makes the current account dependent on the distribution of wealth, eliminating the implausible steady state, but at the cost of an implausible assumption about the dependence of time preference on wealth. The main purpose of this paper is to show that the introduction of uncertainty into the standard constant time preference model makes the current account dependent on the distribution of wealth through precautionary saving behavior. Therefore, under uncertainty, persistent current account imbalance can be explained by differences in time preferences. However, as wealth is redistributed, the precautionary motive for the impatient agent is strengthened 1 as a small open economy, whose representative agent has a rate of time preference greater than that of the representative agent in the rest of the world, then the analog implies that, the small impatient country will initially run a systematic current account deficit. As wealth falls, the precautionary motive to saveis strengthened,and it eventually becomesstrong enoughto offset impatience, allowing persistent current account imbalance to end, prior to reaching a borrowing constraint. The analysis does not extend to a small relatively patient country, however,becauseboth patience and precautionary behavior yield current account surpluses. General equilibrium analysis, in which the interest rate can change, or equivalently a two country model, is necessary here. A two country model is also necessary to deal with the problem in large countries, like the US and Japan, for which interest rates cannot be considered exogenous to domestic economic activity. This paper provides the general equilibrium analysis for a two-country world endowment economy in which time preference ratffi of the representative agent in each country differ. Since an analytical description of the equilibrium is not possible, we follow much of the literature in dynamic stochastic general equilibrium theory by using numerical techniques to approximate the equilibrium decision rules. In tech- roque, it is similar to heterogeneousagent accounts of assetprices including Telmer (1994), Lucas (1994), and Lucas and Heaton (1997). It is also related to papers by Aiyagari (1994), Krusell and Smith (1995), and Quadrini and Rios-Rull (1997) which quantitatively assessthe effect of precautionary saving on the aggregate stock of capital (Aiyagari and Krusell and Smith) and the distribution of wealth (Quadrini and Rios-Rull), when agents face idiosyncratic income shocks. In contrast, our primary interest is in precautionary saving as the mechanism by which world wealth is redis- tributed. We focus on this issue in two ways. First, utility discounting is the sole source of agent heterogeneityso that there is no idiosyncratic income risk. GODSequently, the economic environmenthas a complete markets interpretation. Second, 3 Agents .b2t. have accessto a one-period risk-free pure discount bond, which is zero in net su~ply, and which they can trade with agents of the other country. Since the only difference in agents is in their rate of time preference, agents use this bond to achieve their desired expected rate of change of consumption over time. Letting the price of the bond be Pt, and the number of bonds held at the beginning of period t be bit, each agent maximizes expected lifetime utility subject to a sequence of budget constraints t Yt + bit, Cit+ Ptbi,t+l 0,1, (1) and borrowing constraints t = 0,1, bit ~ b* (2) The borrowing constraint is necessaryto assure that the agent obeys his intertemporal borrowing constraint with probability one (Aiyagari 1994). Both the bond market and the goods market clear in each period: Clt + C2t (3) 2Yt bIt + b2t = 0 (4) where either one implies the other by Walras's Law. Since, by equation (4), bIt = -b2t, in what follows we simplify notation by letting bt represent the domestic country's bond holdings, i.e. bt = bIt In this simple model, an increase in a country's quantity of bonds represents a current account surplus. The current account for the domestic country is defined as the accumulation of net foreign assets according to: bt+l -bt = I-pt Pt 1 bt + -(Yt Pt Cl,t) When the borrowing constraint (2) is not binding, the Euler equations from the agents' optimization problem require the expected marginal rates of substitution in 6 consumption to equal the bond price for both agents: (5) Considerthe implications of equation (5) for the current account The results for the certainty case are well-known. The impatient country usesthe bond to achieve falling real wealth and consumption through a current account deficit, until debt reachesa lower bound. The current account deficit ends and consumptionremains at the low level permanently. While it may seem reasonableto postulate current account imbalance due to differencesin time preferencerates, it seemsunreasonable to expect an impatient county, perhaps a country like the U.S., to exhaust its wealth and then to subsist on a permanently low level of consumption. Obstfeld (1981) introduced the Uzawa utility function, in which time preference is an increasing function of wealth, to avoid the corner solution while allowing agents to have different time preference. Under Uzawa assumptions, as wealth is redistributed, making the impatient agent poorer, he becomes more patient. Analogously, the patient agent becomesless patient as he becomeswealthier. Hence, current account imbalance ends once wealth has been redistributed to equate time preference rates. The problem with this story is the intuitively unappealing assumption that increasing wealth makes agents more impatient. This paper shows that precautionary savings can play the same role in redistributing wealth as endogenous time preference.! For the uncertainty case, equilibrium is described in terms of stationary steady-state distributions which cannot be computed analytically. Therefore, this paper simulates simple artificial economies to characterize the behavior of the current account and net external debt. It shows that, with the addition of uncertainty and precautionary savings behavior, there is an equilibrium distribution of wealth for which persistent lObstfeld and Rogoff (1996, p.95) suggeststhat precautionary savings can imply dynamic behavior similar to endogenoustime preference. 7 current account imbalance ends. Specifically, if agents have convex marginal utility and face uncertainty in their incomes, then a difference in time preference does not send agents monotonically to their borrowing constraints. As the impatient country decumulates, his precautionary motive to save is strengthened. Accumulation weakens the precautionary motive for the patient agent. Together, these forces generate an equilibrium distribution of wealth in which current account imbalance is generally small. 2.2 Calibration and Computational Algorithm The parameter settings are chosen to facilitate comparison of our model with in- come uncertainty to the benchmark certainty neoclassicalmodel. Since borrowing constraints are present only asymptotically in the neoclassical model, they are chosen very large for the simulations. Borrowing constraints are chosen to be eight, which is eight times the unconditional expectation of GDP. This assures that the agent's intertemporal budget constraint is satisfied with probability one, and does not allow an independent role for tight borrowing constraints.2 The constraints bind less than 5 percentof the time in simulation. The focus of the study is on current account behavior generated when representative agents differ in time preference. We found that only small differences in time preference are necessary to generate a distribution of debt/GDP ratios of the order of magnitude of those actually observed.3 Heterogeneity in rates of time preference is created by setting the discount factors of the domestic agent and foreign agentto .948 and .952, respectively. 2The role of tight liquidity constraints in an uncertainty economy would also be interesting to investigate. 30bstfeld and Rogoff (1996, p. 69) calculate debt/GDP ratios for'selected countries. They vary from being very small to a maximum of 4.8 for Nigeria. 8 We investigatethe effects of increasedrisk aversionand prudence, in the senseof Kimball (1990), by simulating economieswith a = 2 and a = 4. The remaining two parameters, 0" and 4>,determine the distributional properties of the stochastic world income process. We study the effects of increased income variability by allowing the standard deviation of shocks to be both 2.5 percent (0" = .025) and 5.0 percent (0" = .05). These settings are large compared with aggregate income volatility small compared with individual income volatility. but Since our representative agent is both the individual and the economy, and since the two face identical volatility only if markets are really complete, the settings are probably reasonable.4 Finally, we consider increased persistence in world income shocks with two different values of the transition probability: <I> = .50 and <I>= .75. The former setting corresponds to serially uncorrelated or i.i.d. shocks. Using the approximating technique of Tauchen (1986), the latter setting corresponds to an AR(l) process with first-order serial correlation of .50.5 These settings are summarized in Table 1. The algorithm constructed to solve for the equilibrium is conceptually related to those used by Telmer (1993) and Lucas (1994), who adapt the discrete state-space Euler equation method, used by Baxter, Crucini and Rouwenhorst (1990), for use in multiple agent settings.6 The goal of the algorithm is to describe the world equilibrium distribution of wealth (bt+l) as a function of the current state, which is given by the vector Zt = (bt, Yt). This requires a decision rule for the domestic agent's asset accumulation along with the equilibrium asset pricing function. Let bt+l = b (Zt) denote the time-invariant function, mapping the current state 4More desirable, of course, would be to have an economycomposedof many individuals with idyiosyncratic risk of the appropriate magnitude and aggregaterisk of the appropirate magnitude. This is beyond scopeof the present paper. 5First-order serial correlation of .50 at an annual frequencytranslates into approximately .84 at a quarterly frequency-rougWy the value obtained using HP filtered quarterly data on output. 6Details of the algortithm are available upon request. 9 into the domestic agent's accumulation decision, and let Pt = P (Zt) denote the timeinvariant equilibrium asset pricing function. Therefore, b (Zt) is the equilibrium law of motion for the world economy. Substituting these into the budget constraints in (1), and applying the asset market clearing conditions, gives equilibrium consumption for each agent. Assuming that the borrowing constraints (2) are not binding, combining the expressions for equilibrium consumptions with the first order conditions (5), the time-invariant accumulation rule b (Zt) and equilibrium price function p (Zt) are implicitly given by the following system of equations: {32Et [Yt+l -b p (Zt) -[Yt (Zt) + P (b (Zt) , Yt+l) b (b (Zt) , Yt+l)]-O -bt + P (Zt) b (Zt)]-a "} where the conditional expectation is computed using the transition probabilities appropriate to the incomestate Yt. If the borrowing constraint is binding for an agent, then the assetprice is strictly greater then the marginal rate of substitution. In this case, the equilibrium price is determined by the marginal rate of substitution of the unconstrained agent. To compute the stationary distributions, an income sequence {Yt} of 25,000 periods is constructed according to the transition probability cPoThis sequence is used to generate the asset quantity sequence {bt} and the asset price sequence {Pt} by solving bt+l = b(bt, Yt) and Pt = p(bt, Yt) forward through time. Linear interpolation is used between grid points. The first 5,000 values are subsequently dropped to erase distortions caused by initial realizations outside of the ergodic set.7. 71n a limited number of cases,we compared the results of this procedure to those obtained from a repeated sampling procedure in which 1000repetitions of simulations 1000periods in length were run; the final realization in each run was retained to construct the stationary distributions. We found no significant differencesin the results and opted for the computationally efficient method. 10 In the following section, we use the settings a = 2, 0" = .05 and <I>= .50 in graphs which characterize the equilibrium. This implies that agents have relatively low risk aversion and high income volatility, and that income shocks are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.). In Section 4 we compare the results from all simulations. 3 Characterizing the Equilibrium As a benchmark, consider an economy with no uncertainty (0" = 0). In this case, interior solutions for consumption and the current account are described by equating marginal rates of substitution across the two agents as in (5). This expression can be rearranged as: 1- (32) Q Cl,t+l/ Clt C2,t+l/C2t -..B1/ which implies that Cl,t+l/ Clt > C2,t+l/C2tunder the assumption that the foreign agent is more patient than the domestic agent (.f32> .f31). Since the world endowment is fixed, market. clearing implies that consumption growth is negative for the domestic agent and positive for the foreign agent. Therefore, beginning from a position of autarchy or zero external debt, the impatient country runs a successionof current account deficits to finance a downward sloping consumption profile until a borrowing constraint is reached. At that point, both consumption growth and the current accountbecomezero and the existing external debt is rolled over in perpetuity. The size of the transitory current account imbalances is a function of two properties. First, larger differences in discounting (i.e. larger 1321131)' generate steeper equilibrium consumption profiles, and, hence, larger transitional current account im- balances.The secondinfluencecomesthrough the coefficientof relative risk aversion, a. In the deterministic economy,a simply gauges an agent's desire to smooth con11 sumption across time periods. With relatively large a's, agents want consumption in different periods to look very similar. Consequently, they dislike any growth, either positive or negative, in their intertemporal consumption profile. In general equilibrium, therefore, larger a's imply smaller current account imbalances and a longer transition period as more periods are required for the impatient country to amassthe constraining level of debt. Figure 1 shows two asset decision rules for the domestic agent, corresponding to economies with Q = 2 and Q = 4. A 45-degree line is drawn as a benchmark.8 Note that the function b (bt, 1) is uniformly below the 45-degree line in both cases, with the function corresponding to Q = 2 uniformly lower than the function for Q = 4. The impatient country marches monotonicallyto its borrowing constraint, with the size of current account deficits and the speed of adjustment decreasing in o. The asymptotic steady-state is the implausible one with the impatient country subsisting on minimal consumption, while the patient country enjoys the fruits of most of the world's wealth. Next, consider the economy with uncertainty in the world endowment (0' > 0). Equating expectedmarginal rates of substitution betweendomesticand foreign agents, as in equation (5), yields: .al Et [( Cl,t+l) -0] .82Et [( C2,t+ 1) -Q ] -0 -Q C2t Clt Pt. (8) In this case, a not only controls the desire of agents to smooth consumption across time periods but also across states of nature. Therefore, a larger a implies that the agent is more risk averse in that he is less tolerate of differences in consumption across states. More importantly, however, with CRRA utility the convexity of marginal 8.\lthough these decision rules were computed using a borrowing limit of eight (as in all other experiments), only a portion of the bond spaceis shown for better resolution; the picture is qualitatively the same throughout the bond space. 12 utility (i.e. U'" > 0) generates precautionary saving in the senseof Leland (1968) and Sandmo(1970). Roughly stated, a mean preservingspread in income increases discounted expected marginal utility relative to current marginal utility. With a constant interest rate, an agent savesmore. In general equilibrium, the additional demand for saving raises the price of bonds, decreasing the world interest rate. Kimball (1990) gauges the strength of the precautionary motive with the concept of absolute and relative prudence. In the current environment with CRRA utility, the coefficient of relative prudence is given by -W = 1+a. In a fashion similar to Pratt's (1964) measure of relative risk aversion, relative prudence measures the degree of convexity in the marginal utility function. Although this concept was developed in a strictly partial equilibrium setting for a two-period lived consumer, the intuition carries overto the more generalsetting. In our model,therefore, a not only gaugesan agent'sdistaste for consumptionrisk, it alsogaugesthe strength of the precautionary motive. Precautionary behavior is present in the equilibrium law of motion for assets and in the stationary distribution of external debt. The equilibrium law of motion for assets over the entire asset space, b (bt, Yt), is depicted in Figure 2A. An enlargement in the neighborhood of zero assets is presented in Figure 2B. The function b (bt, yi) maps current bond holdings into future bond holdings, conditional on a low income state, while the function b (bt, yh) is the analogous mapping conditional on a high income state. Both cross the 45-degree line, with the mapping conditional on low (high) income relatively steeper (flatter) than the forty-five degree line. At the initial position of autarchy (bo = 0), both functions are below the 45-degree line. .Therefore, from a position of zero net external debt, wealth is redistributed awayfrom the domestic (impatient) agenttoward the foreign (patient) agent through a current account deficit, regardless of the state. In this region, behavior mimics that in the certainty case. However, once the level of debt reaches b, the domestic 13 agent begins to save in a high income state, running a current account surplus, and to dissave in a low income state, running a current account surplus. From b, the economy enters an ergodic set for wealth, formed by the closed interval with the borrowing constraint b* as its minimum and b as its maximum: [b*, b]. In our model, precautionary savings is the mechanism by which w~alth is redistributed, very much like that in the certainty world of Uzawa utility. To understand how precautionary savingsredistributes wealth to eliminate systematic current account imbalance, it is useful to rewrite the domesticand foreign first order conditions isolating the degreeof convexity in marginal utility.9 Define 1 + 8it for each agent i 1,2 as: where {jit > 0 by Jensen's inequality. In our setup with two exogenous income states, the variation in consumption is captured by the distance between Ci,t+l in each state. Given a value for a, an increase in the conditional expectation of consumption, EtCi,t+l' holding the variation in consumption constant, decreases bit- Alternatively, an increase in consumption variation, holding the conditional expectation constant (i.e., a mean-preserving spread in Ci,t+l), increases {jit. Combining the two effects, we can say that as expectedconsumption becomeslarye relative to its variance, {jit be- comessmall (zero in the limit).10 Using this definition, equation(8) can be rewritten as: .BI (1 + bIt) = .B2(1 + 82t) = Pt. (9) To compare the results with those of the certainty case, define {3(1 + Oit) as the "risk-adjusted discount factor", (RADF) for each agent i = 1,2 For the certainty case, the discount factor for the domestic agent is always smaller than its foreign 9A similar discussionis found in Daniel (1997). loBlanchard and Mankiw (1988) derive this using a quadratic approximation of utility. simulations have the sameimplication. 14 Our set, raisesconsumption and decreases(increases)variance for the impatient (patient) agent. Therefore, within the ergodic set, tilt is always lower in a high income state. However, for the patient agent, ti2t is lower in a high income state when the distribution of wealth is not too unequal, and higher otherwise. This is because, as the distribution of wealth becomes more unequal in favor of the patient agent, the effect of a good income state on consumption volatility begins to dominate the effect on mean consumption for the patient agent.II Figure 4 plots risk-adjusted discount factors for domestic and foreign agents. The solid lines represent the low income state, while the dashed lines represent the high income state. Figure 4B is an enlargement of Figure 4A in the neighborhood where RADF's are equal. Risk-adjusted discount factors for the domestic agent rise, as domestic bonds fall, while risk-adjusted discount factors for the foreign agent fall, as domesticbond holdings fall (and equivalentlyas foreign bond holdings rise. In the certainty case with Uzawa utility, systematic accumulation ends once discount factors are equated. Something analogous happens in the uncertainty case. In Figure 4B, conditional on obtaining a low income state (solid lines), risk-adjusted discount factors are equal at bi. Therefore, if bIt = bi, and income is low, equa(9) ImD . 1Ies " " bon t hat E(Cl,t+llbi,yi) ,~, ~ Clt " = E(C2,t+llbi,yi) " However. COnsl der w hat h aDDens C2t ~ ~ in a high income state, with bIt = bi. Figure 4B shows that in a high income state (compared with a low income state), the risk adjusted discount factor falls for the domestic agent and rises for the foreign agent. Therefore, from equation (9), domestic consumption growth is expected to be lower than foreign consumption gr Efc""lblyh' owth:~\~l.t+ll-'If Clt J < EfC2t'llblyh' ~\~".'+J.I-'If J. Since each income state has a non-zero proba- bility of occurring, E (~ C2t I bi) < E (~ I bi) .Therefore, as bonds reach bi, the expected percentage change in domestic consumption is less than the expected percentage change in foreign consumption. 110f course, the same applies as b increases for the impatient 16 agent outside of the ergodic set. 17 Now, tional consider the point on a high income bIt = bh, and income .E( IS equal: at which state. is high, Cl.t+llbh,yh) = with domestic This occurs equation discount factors at bIt = bh in Figure (9) implies that E( C2,t+llbh,yh).However, Clt state, risk-adjusted expected .. consIder Figure 3, the agent and falls for the foreign risk adjusted what discount agent so that expected hig h er t han .1t s £oreIgn .E( counterpart: ' gr owt h IS Cl,t+llbl,yl) > This utility state has a non-zero probability suggests between function. an analogy There Clt at b. The analogy they reach a point domestic skewed to the left. for the consumption S.Ince eac h E (~ I bh) > E (~ saving model consumption I bh) . and the Uzawa bh < b < bi., at which growth rates are equal C2t with the certainty equating the mass of the bond The distribution if growth rises E( C2,t+llbl,yl\,N J. ~\~",.-rJ.I~ given by b , such that I b; = b ) , Expected Therefore, C2t the precautionary is a level of bonds, I bt = b ) = E ( ~ E (~ of occurring, condi- hap p ens In a bad factor Clt income 4B. consumption C2t bIt = bi.. From are equal, expected distribution of bonds Both world consumption should is shown suggests that growth bonds are redistributed rates.I2 be in the neighborhood in Figure bi. and bh are contained until This suggests containing that (bh, bi.) . 3. The distribution is bell-shaped and in the densest part of the distribution. The skewness reflects the asymmetric response by the agent to the low probability events of a string of low versus high income states. With a string of low income states, the impatient agent will let bond holdings drift a substantial amount away from their mean, while, with a string of high income states, the patient agent never lets bonds drift above b. 13Virtually all of the mass of the distribution is well above the liquidity constraint of eight. The equilibrium distribution of bonds does not pile 12Theanalogy is not exactly correct due to a Jensen'sinequality term. When consumption levels differ and expected percentage changes in consumption are equal, the expected levels change in consumption for the poorer agent must be lower, due to a lower base level consumption. This implies that the expected change in consumption is negative at b. The level of bonds, at which consumption is no longer expected to change,is somewhatlower than b. 13TheJensen'sinequality term is also likely to be playing a role here. Seethe previous footnote. up on the borrowing constraint, as it would in the certainty case. Uncertainty implies an equilibrium distribution of bonds such that the country does not systematically run surpluses or deficits in the stochastic steady-state equilibrium. 4 Comparative Quantitative Results Table 2 presents the results of the simulations with differing risk aversion and income variance for i.i.d. world income shocks. The state-dependent debt levels (almost debt/GDP ratios since GDP is on averageunity), where risk-adjusted discount factors are equated, are reported along with various moments of the domestic country's stationary distribution of debt.14,15The results provide a good representation of the adjustment mechanism generated by precautionary saving. With precautionary savings, a redistribution of wealth eliminates systematic current account imbalance. The stronger are precautionary forces, the smaller the equilibrium divergence in debt/GDP ratios should be. The simulations show that the more important is precautionary saving, as represented by higher income variation and greater prudence, the smaller the mean equilibrium debt/GDP ratios. Quantitatively, the effects are considerable. An increase in the coefficient of relative risk aversion from 2.0 to 4.0 with low income variation reduces the mean debt-GDP ratio from 3.27 to 0.81; with high income variation the ratio falls from 1.28 to 0.16. Viewed slightly differently, a doubling of the standard deviation of income shocks (from 2.5 percent to 5.0 percent) reduces the debt-GDP ratio by approximately a factor of three when Q = 2 and a by over a factor of four when a = 4. 14Although the domestic country's net foreign asset position is negative in the ergodic set,. we report the moments for the debt/GDP distribution levels to avoid the superfluous use of minus signs. 15Skewness is reported as the difference betweenthe mean and the standard deviation divided by the standard deviation which can take on values between -1 and + 1. 18 In all simulations, bf.and bhare contained in the densest portion of the distributions. The mean debt/GDP ratios typically lie somewhat to the left of both bf.~nd bh, reflecting the skewness of the bond distributions. Finally, we document the effects of persistence in world income shocks in Table 3. In this set of experiments, the (symmetric) transition probability is set to 4> .75 so that annual first-order serial correlation is .50. The main difference in results is that the mean debt/GDP levels increase in all four experiments. Intuitively, persistence enables agents to anticipate future income thereby decreasing consumption variation and therefore precautionary motives. Although debt rises, it remains within a broad range of levels observedin actual economies. 5 Conclusion Systematic current account imbalance can be explained by differences in time pref- erence for the representativeagents in different countries, without either extreme asymptotic behavior, or the unappealing assumption that wealthier agents are more impatient. Small differencesin time preferenceinitially generatesystematic current account imbalance, independent of the income realization. This eventually gives way to an equilibrium distribution of wealth, in which current accountsbalance on average. Countries do not march systematically to borrowing constraints, as in a certainty model. Additionally, with small differences in time preference and standard choices for other parameters, equilibrium distributions for debt/GDP ratios are consistent with the magnitudes of theseratios observedin actual economies. The mechanismby which precautionary savings redistributes wealth, ending systematic current account imbalance, can be explained using an analogy to Uzawa utility. In Uzawa utility, the redistribution of wealth raises the discount factor of the impatient agent and reduces the discount factor of the patient agent until they 19 are equated. With precautionary saving, the redistribution of wealth raises the risk- adjusted discount factor of the impatient agent and reduces the risk-adjusted discount factor of the patient agent. The mass of the equilibrium distribution of bonds is in the neighborhood where these risk-adjusted discount factors are equal. 20 [11] Leland, Hayne E., "Saving and Uncertainty: Quarterly Journal of Economics The Precautionary Demand for Saving," 82 (August 1968) 465-473. [12] Lucas, Deborah J. "Asset Pricing with undiversifiable Income Risk and Short Sales Constraints: Deepening the Equity Premium Puzzle," Journal Economics of Monetary 34 (December 1994), 325-341. [13] Obstfeld, Maurice, "Macroeconomic Policy, Exchange-Rate Dynamics, and Optimal Asset Accumulation," Journal of Political Economy 89 (December 1981) 1142-1161 [14] Obstfeld, Maurice and Ken Rogoff, Foundations of International Macroeco- nomics (MIT Press: Cambridge, MA), 1996. [15] Pratt, John W. "Risk Aversion in the Small and in the Large," Econometrica 32 (January 1964)122-136. [16] Quadrini, Vincenzo and Jose-Victor Rios-Rull, "Understanding the U.S. Distribution of Wealth," Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review (Spring 1997), 22-35. [17] Sandrno, Agnar, "The Effect of Uncertainty on Saving Decisions," Review of Eco- nomic Studies 37 (July 1970) 353-360. [18] Skinner, John, "Risky Income, Life Cycle Consumption, and Precautionary Savings," Journal of Monetary Economics 22 (1988), 237-255. [19] Tauchen, George, "Finite State Markov-Chain Approximations to Univariate and Vector Autoregressions," Economics [20] Telmer, C. Letters 20 (1986) 177-181. , "Asset Pricing Puzzles and Incomplete Markets," Journal 48 (1993), 1803-1832. 22 of Finance [21] Uzawa, Hirofumi, "Time Preference, the Consumption Function, and Optimum Asset Holdings," in Value, Capital, and Growth: Papers in Honour of Sir John Hicks, edited by J.N. Wolfe. Chicago: Aldine, 1968. 23 Table 1 Parameter Value(s) b* 8.0 a 2,4 .B1 948 .B2 .952 (J" 025, .050 <P .50, .75 24 Table 2 (i.i.d. shocks) "Low" Income Variability (0" = .025) Property a bi , bh 2 "High" Income Variability Variability 4 a Q; 2 (0" .050) a=4 2.019,2.238 0.643, 0.752 0.770,0.925 0.120,0.158 Mean 3.269 0.809 1.284 0.158 Median 3.072 0.596 1.038 0.124 Std. Dev 1.251 0.718 0.874 0.124 Skewness 0.158 0.297 0.282 0.276 Binding freq. .0026 .0005 0004 .0000 Table 3 (Persistent shocks) 25 FIG. 1. Domestic agent's bond function: deterministic case. 26 ..,. ~ ..'+ D " -8 -y~ --y. -7 -6 -5 -4 -) -2 -1 . 2345678 oCt] 3. FIG. 2. Domestic agent's bond function: stochasticcase. 27 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 Debt/GDP FIG. 3. Stationary distribution of domestic debt. 28 -1