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Using a Database
What is a
Database? ___________________________
Database software provides a powerful set of tools for entering and updating information,
deleting information, sorting data, searching for specific data, and creating reports.
Base is the StarOffice database application. Base technically creates databases referred to as
“relational databases.” A relational database contains data organized into easy-to-visualize
tables. A table is composed of fields and records. A record contains information about a single
“entity” in the database – a person, place, event, or thing. A field contains a single unit of
information, such as a name, birth date, or ZIP code.
A relational database can contain more than one table, and you can define relationships
between these tables so they can be used in conjunction with each other. For example, a
business might store information about the products they sell in one table and their customer
information in another table, but both tables could be stored in the same database file. A clerk
could then check to see which customers have purchased which products, because of the
relationship between the two tables.
Data Organization in a Database_________________________
StarOffice can be useful for organizing many types of data. Database software, like Base, can
be complex. A few simple concepts should provide you with the background necessary to start
working with this important data management tool. A Base database consists of tables. Each
table is similar to a stack of index cards. Each card in the stack has the same kind of data
written on it, which relates to a single entity. A database record is equivalent to one index card,
as shown in Figure DB-1.
Working With a Database
A Table is a group of related records like this
stack of index cards.
A Record is all the fields of data about just one
entity, like everything on just one of the index
ID# : 1001
Name: Paper
Description: Supplies
Supplier ID: S2495
Unit Price: $234.85
A Field is just one single fact on the record, like
the City.
Figure DB-1
The data in a database can be displayed in different ways. Most of the time, you’ll work with the
data arranged in a table such as the one shown below in Figure DB-2. Data arranged in this
way uses the same records and fields as the index cards in Figure DB-1. It just looks different
because of its arrangement.
Figure DB-2
In the table, each row contains one record, equivalent to one index card. Each cell in a row
contains the data for one field. The table includes all fields in all rows – equivalent to the entire
stack of index cards.
Working With a Database
Working with Base__________________________________
When working with Base, a business would not typically create a new database each time
the program is used. Instead, an existing database would be opened in order to add to, or
edit, the data it contains.
As you’ve learned in previous chapters, documents and spreadsheets appear on the screen
similar to the way they will look when printed. Databases are different – their data can be
displayed and manipulated in many different ways.
Base provides several tools you can use to create, modify, and display data in the database.
These tools are contained in the Database Objects list on the left side of the database
window. You’ll learn how to use these tools to create tables, simple queries, simple forms,
and reports.
Base is complex software and it offers many different ways to use each of the tools. Your
introduction here to Base will be simplified as you learn some basic ways to use the most
common tools.
Creating a new database_____________________________
Creating a database is different from creating a document or worksheet. With Base, first you
save an empty database, then you create the objects that make up the database. These objects
include tables, queries, forms, and reports.
a. Click the Start Button
b. Click Programs or All Programs
c. Locate StarOffice8, Click on StarOffice Base. This will open the welcoming screen
to the StarOffice Database Wizard.
d. Make sure the option is chosen to Create a new database
e. Click the NEXT button.
a. Click No, do not register the database
b. Click Open the database for editing
c. Click the Finish button
Working With a Database
d. On the Save As screen, Enter the file name PRACTICE in the box near the bottom
of the screen.
e. At the top of the screen, change the path, if needed, to the folder where you want
your file saved.
Click the SAVE button.
Creating a Table______________________________________
A newly created database is empty. Before data can be entered, you must define the structure
of the tables, records, and fields in your database. A table contains records. Each record
consists of one or more fields, and each field contains a particular type of data, such as a name
or description. Multiple tables can be created for the same database and they will all be saved in
the same file name.
There are two ways a new table can be created. The Table Wizard is one method to create
tables for common business and personal databases. The Wizard will prompt the user through
each step of creating a table and selecting sample fields. If the wizard is used to create a table,
the selected fields can be renamed and field definitions changed to fit the user’s current needs.
Another way to create a table is by using the Design View. When using this technique, the user
will create all the definitions for the table and identify the field types. A field type determines
what kind of data can be entered into a field:
Use the Text field type for fields that contain words and symbols of up to 255 characters in
Use the Memo field type for fields that contain variable length data, such as comments,
notes, and reviews.
Use the Number field type for fields that contain numeric data. Don’t use the Number field
type for data that looks like a number, but that will never be used in calculations. For
example, the field type for telephone numbers should be defined as Text, not numeric.
Use the Date/Time field type for dates and times. This special field type makes it much
easier, for example, to determine if one date occurs before or after another date.
The Yes/No field type can be useful for fields designed to hold simple Yes/No or True/False
data. For example, you might use a Yes/No field type for the field “RSVP?”
A primary key is a field that uniquely identifies each record. It’s very important that no two
records are ever assigned the same value for this unique field. Base can create the primary
key automatically, then a unique value will be assigned to each record. As an alternative,
you can select one of your data fields to be your primary key, as long as each record
contains unique data.
Working With a Database
① CREATING a TABLE using Design View
a. After a new database has been created and saved, the screen in Figure DB-3 should
appear. In the Database Objects list, the left window panel, click the Tables button.
Figure DB-3
b. Under the Tasks options, click Create Table in Design View
c. The Table Design screen should appear, allowing the data for each field to be entered.
For each data field, on this screen you must enter the Field Name, select the Field Type,
a field Description may be entered to help identify this data field (this is Optional). On the
lower portion of the screen, you should define whether the Entry is required, the length
of the field, the number of Decimal places, any possible Default value, and select a
Format example. The Format example is chosen by clicking the button with the 3 dots at
the right side of the rectangular blank, then click on the best choice.
Working With a Database
ENTER the following field definitions for the table:
Field Name
Field Type Description Entry Required
Length Decimals
Supplier ID
Format Ex.
Unit Price
* note below
*NOTE – to enter the Unit Price format example, click the button with the 3 dots, then click
Currency in the Category list on the left, and then Click the red format - $1,234.00
d. Click on the row for the ID field name. Right-click the green arrow at the left of this row.
Click the Primary Key option. This defines the ID field as the Primary Key field, meaning
the data entered in this field for all records can not have a duplicate entry.
e. After all data definitions have been entered, click the close button 7 in the upper right
corner of the window.
a. A message screen appears stating, The table has been changed. Do you want to
save the changes? Click the Yes button. A Save As screen should appear.
b. Enter the Table Name Products, and click OK. This closes the table design and saves
the table in the database. The Database screen returns and you will see Products listed
as your table. If needed, additional tables could now be created for that same database.
Entering and Editing Data in a Table____________________
The names of all tables created for the same database will display when the Tables button is
clicked in the Database Objects list in the database window. Once you’ve defined the fields for a
table, you can enter data. The data for each entity in your table, such as all the fields concerning
one person or one product, becomes one record, or row, in the table.
The following are some common features among all database tables:
An empty record is always displayed at the bottom of a table. Each time you enter data into
that empty record, a new empty record appears.
Be careful to enter data in a consistent manner. For example, don’t use inconsistent entries,
such as TX and Texas, in the same database. If you’re entering state names, always use
either the state abbreviation or the entire state name. Later, when the database contains
Working With a Database
many records, it will be easier to locate the records that contain specific data if the data has
been entered consistently. In this example, if you ask the database to list all of the contacts
in the state of “TX,” any records that contain “Texas” might not be included in the list.
To edit data, click the cell containing the data. Use the left-arrow and right-arrow keys to
move the insertion point within the field. Use the Backspace and Delete keys to delete text
to the left or to the right of the insertion point.
To delete an entire record, right-click the gray box to the left of the row containing that
record. Click Delete Rows on the shortcut menu, then click the Yes button.
ENTERING Data into the Table
a. Click on Tables in the Database Objects list.
b. Double-click Products in the Tables list. The data entry screen appears. Field names for
each field are displayed at the top of each column. The first blank record appears as the
first row in the table.
c. Enter the following data records, moving from field to field by pressing the TAB key on
your keyboard:
Supplier ID
Unit Price
d. Press TAB key after entering the last Unit Price, so that your insertion point is on the
blank line. This will allow the last record to be saved in the table. Now, Click the close
button 7 in the upper right corner of the window. The data will be saved in the table, and
this closes the table, but leaves the database open.
Working With a Database
② ADDING Additional Data Record into a TABLE
a. Double-click the Products table to open the table again. You should see all the data
records that you’ve entered, and you’ll notice a blank row at the bottom. Click in the ID
cell of this blank row, and enter the additional following data records:
Supplier ID
Unit Price
Storage Media
Filing Cabinet
Printer Toner
b. Change the column width for the Name field, using the same technique you learned
using the spreadsheet, so that the full entry in the Name field is visible. Double-click
the vertical divider between the Name and Description field names.
c. Click the close button
in the upper right corner of the window to save your data and
close the table.
Creating a Query using Design View____________________
After data has been entered into a table, the data can be manipulated. For example, you can
search a company database for all customers in a specific state or search an inventory
database for all products that cost more than $50. Queries are created to search databases for
records that contain specific data you may be looking for. A query contains criteria that specify
what you would like to find. You can also use a query to select which fields of the table you
would like to display.
Some features of Queries:
A database file may have multiple Queries, with each one given a different name.
After a Query is created, if you want to use it again in the future, it should be saved.
After the criteria for a query is entered, to have the results displayed, you will click the Run
Query button (the one with the green check mark 5 ) on the toolbar. The results of the
query are displayed in the top of the query window.
In creating a query, you can specify criteria that returns all the records in a database, or you
might want to see only certain records for products that cost more than $20.
To add query criteria or change existing criteria on an exiting query, right-click the name of
Working With a Database
the query in the query list. Click Edit on the shortcut menu. Enter the criteria and Run the
Query. Records that match the criteria are displayed in the window.
When you close the query window after viewing the results of a query for which you
specified query criteria, you’ll see a message asking The query has been changed. Do you
want to save the changes? Click Yes if you would like to use the same query criteria every
time you use this query.
After a query has been saved, it can be Run as often as needed, and each time it will search
all records, including any new additions or updated records, that match the criteria you’ve
① CREATING a QUERY using Design View
a. Click on Queries in the Database Objects list.
b. Under the Tasks options, click Create Query in Design View
c. On the Add Tables window, click on the Products table name.
d. Click on the Add button, indicating your query will be examining the records in the
Products table. Click the Close button.
e. On the top portion of the screen double-click the field names you would like displayed to
work with from your table. Double-click: ID, Name, Supplier ID, and Unit Price
② RUNNING and SAVING a Query
a. Click the Run Query button 5. You should see all of the records in the table, but since
you did not select the Description field, it does not display. No other criteria was
b. Click the close button to close the query window. When you do this, a window will pop
up stating “The query has been changed. Do you want to save the changes?” Click the
Yes button. You now should give this query a name, which should reflect in some way
the purpose of your query. Name this query Inventory Products. Click OK
CREATING an Additional Query
Under the Tasks options, click Create Query in Design View
Add the Products table.
Select the fields Description, Supplier ID, and Unit Price for the query
On the bottom portion of the screen, where the row labeled Criterion and the column for
Unit Price intersect, enter >500
e. Run the Query. On the top portion of the screen, you should see displayed only the 5
records that have a Unit Price of more than $500 and it will display only the 3 fields
Working With a Database
On the same Criterion row with the >500, add an additional entry, but in the column for
the Description field, enter Equipment
g. Run the Query. This should display only the 3 records that match the criteria of having
a Description of Equipment AND has a Unit Price greater than $500. When multiple
criterion is entered on the same row it is an “AND” condition, meaning all conditions
must be met. If you want every record to display that had a Unit Price of greater than
$500 OR had the description of Equipment, then one of the criteria should be entered on
row labeled OR. This would indicate that as long as either condition is a match, the
record would be displayed.
h. Close and Save this query. Name the query Equipment > $500 . When you return to
the database screen, you’ll notice you now have 2 queries listed.
Creating a Form using a Wizard____________________
A form is an efficient method to customize the way BASE displays records. Where a table
displays many records at the same time, a form displays one record at a time, the same as one
index card. The data entry process may also be performed on a form, as well as the table. The
placement of the data fields on a form can be customized to better suit the needs of the user.
Also, descriptive field labels may be added to help make the data more meaningful for the user.
As noted in figure DB-4, the form wizard is a convenient method to create a form.
Figure DB-4
When creating a form, most of the time, you’ll want to include all fields for display on the
form. When using a wizard, you can select all the fields to display by clicking the >>
Working With a Database
button, located between the Available fields list, on the left, and the panel to list the Fields in
the form, on the right, in Figure DB-5 to select all the fields. If you prefer to select only a few
individual fields, then click the field name, on the available fields list, then click
Figure DB-5
Any individual field can be removed from the “Fields to be displayed on the Form” list on the
right, by clicking the < button. If all fields are to be removed from displaying on the form,
click the <<
The form wizard offers 4 different layouts to choose from. Experiment with these to see
which format will work best with the type of data to be displayed on the form. The Columnar
– Labels left layout places field labels at the left of a column, Columnar – Labels on Top
layout places field labels at the top of a column, which makes it appear as a table. The As
Data Sheet layout resembles a spreadsheet, with cells for entering data. The In Blocks –
Labels Above layout displays fields across the screen in rows, with a label above each field.
The form style in the wizard allows you to select the font, font color, and background for the
form. The style should be chosen that seems most appropriate for your data and its
After the Form Wizard closes, the first record is displayed in the new form. The form may
now be used to view, edit, or add records to the table. There are navigational arrow controls,
along the bottom portion of the Form window, to move from one record to the next, or to add
new records to the database.
Like tables and queries, the form will automatically be saved inside the database file, so the
form is not saved as a separate file.
Form designs and layouts may still be modified after finishing the wizard. This may be done
Working With a Database
by starting at the main database screen and clicking on Forms in the database tools list.
Now, right-click the name of the form you wish to modify. Click Edit on the shortcut menu. To
move a label and the associated data field, click the group, move the pointer over the group
until the pointer changes to a
shape, then drag the label and data field to a new
location. To delete a label and data field from the form, right-click the label, then click Cut on
the shortcut menu.
You can edit a label by first right-clicking the label and the associated data field, then
selecting Group/Ungroup from the shortcut menu. You will then need to double-click only the
label portion to open a Properties box where you can modify the label.
As you become more familiar with Base, you might eventually want to explore creating forms
using Design View. When you create a form using Design View, start with a blank form, and
then add the labels and controls. Design View provides maximum flexibility for designing a
form, but requires more time on your part.
The Wizard requires the Java Runtime Environment or JRE. If you receive a message
indicating that JRE is required, you should exit StarOffice and download and install the latest
version of the JRE from .
a. Click on Forms in the Database Objects list.
b. Under the Tasks options, click Use Wizard to Create Form
c. The first step is to make sure the Products Table is selected in the Table window, then
select all the fields to be displayed on the form by clicking the >> button. Click Next.
d. On the screen to set up a subform, click Next.
e. On the Arrange controls screen, the Label placement should be Align left, and in the
window for Arrangement of the main form, click the first example for Columnar – Labels
Left. Click Next.
On the Set data entry screen, the option The form is to display all data should be
selected. Click Next.
g. On the Apply styles screen, select Ice Blue with the 3D look field border. Click Next.
h. On the Set name screen, enter Inventory Products for the name of the form. Under the
question “How do you want to proceed after creating this form?”, click Work with form.
Click the Finish button. The form should open, displaying the first record.
Working With a Database
② ADDING Records using the Form
a. The blue navigational buttons are used to move from record to record. These are located
on the bottom tool bar. Click the next record and previous record buttons to see how
these work. Notice the New Record button, to the right of the 4 navigational buttons. You
should click this, if you want to add more new records, using the form.
b. Click the
7 close form button.
e CHANGING the Appearance of the Form
a. Right click on the form name Inventory Products. Click Edit on the pop-up menu.
Click the ID field once. Move your mouse over the field. When you notice your mouse
pointer changes to
click and drag the ID field toward the right side of the screen.
c. Click the Unit Price field. Move your mouse to the lower right button of the price field
until your mouse changes to a double-headed arrow
then click and hold the mouse
button and drag the unit price box to the right about and inch, to increase the size of the
unit price box.
d. Click the upper left of the Form and type your name then press ENTER.
e. Click Insert on the menu bar, then click Fields, then click Date.
d. Click Tools on the main menu toolbar, and then click Gallery. Under the New Theme list
on the left, click Backgrounds. Scroll down and select the pink textured pattern. Right
click and select Insert, Background, and then Page. Close the Gallery window.
e. Close the Form window. On the pop up window, you will be asked to Save, Discard, or
Cancel. Click Save. This will save all your changes to your form.
Creating a Report using a Wizard____________________
A database report is typically a printed document containing selected data from a
database. A report can be based on criteria that determine which data is included in the
report. Reports are an organized formatted representation of the selected data. Various
methods of formatting a report may include using report columns, with headings at the
top of each column and detail data from each record displayed below each heading, as
well as report titles. An example of the use of a report might be one that shows all the
products in inventory, and sorted by the product name. The Report Wizard simplifies the
process of creating a report.
Working With a Database
a. Click on Reports in the Database Objects list.
b. Under the Tasks options, click Use Wizard to Create Report
c. Notice the Products table has been chosen, but if you have more than one table, you
might have to select the Products table. Use the > button to add the Name, Supplier
ID, and Unit Price fields to the report. Click Next.
d. On the Labeling fields step, you can change the field labels to have more meaningful
names for your report. Change the Name field label to Product Name. Change the
Supplier ID field label to Supplier.
Click Next.
e. On the Grouping step, Click Next.
On the Sorting options step, in the first Sort by box, click the down arrow at the right end
of the box and select the Name field and ascending order. Click Next.
g. On the Choose layout step, for the Layout of Data, select Align Left - Border. For the
layout of headers and footers, select Generic. Select Portrait orientation. Click Next.
h. On the Create report step, give the report a Title of Product Inventory. This will allow
you to identify this report from others you may create.
Leave the bullet set for creating a Dynamic report. This will allow the report to update if
you go back a add to or edit the data.
Change the bullet setting from Create report now to Modify report layout.
k. Click Finish.
② MODIFYING the Appearance of the Report
a. The report layout displays. Click in each of the data columns, one at a time, and for
using the ruler bar, change the column width for each column so that the Product Name
field lines up on the left of the paper under the Author and Date. Make the appropriate
adjustments for the other data field column widths, so the report looks more presentable.
b. Click the
7 close button on the Report layout window.
SAVING the Report
a. On the popup window click Save to save the changes to your report layout.
b. To view your report, click Reports in the Database Objects List, then double click the
Product Inventory report.
c. Click the
7 close button on the database window.
Working With a Database
Printing the Database Objects
Printing Tables______________________________________
1. Open a blank StarOffice Writer text window. Resize this window so that it fits on either
the left or right half of your display screen.
2. On the Writer menu bar, click Insert, then click Fields, then click Author. Press Enter.
Click Insert, then click Fields, then click Date. Press Enter 4 times.
3. Open the StarOffice Base database file. Resize this window so that it fits on the opposite
side of your display screen from the Writer window.
4. Click on Tables, in the Database Objects list. Left-click on the table name, hold the left
button down as you drag the table name onto the Writer text screen, and release.
5. Click the >> button to select all the fields of the table. Click OK.
6. Click the OK button.
7. On the Writer screen, click File, then Print.
8. Make sure the appropriated printer is selected, then click OK.
Printing Queries ___________________________________
1. Open a blank StarOffice Writer text window. Resize this window so that it fits on either
the left or right half of your display screen.
2. On the Writer menu bar, click Insert, then click Fields, then click Author. Press Enter.
Click Insert, then click Fields, then click Date. Press Enter 4 times.
3. Open the StarOffice Base database file. Resize this window so that it fits on the opposite
side of your display screen from the Writer window.
4. Click on Queries, in the Database Objects list. Left-click on the name of your query, hold
the left button down as you drag the table name onto the Writer text screen, and release.
5. Click the >> button, if necessary, to select all the fields of the query. Click OK.
6. On the Writer screen, click File, then Print.
7. Make sure the appropriated printer is selected, then click OK.
Working With a Database
Printing Forms __________________________________
1. Open the StarOffice Base database file.
2. Click on Forms, in the Database Objects list. If you need to add your name and date
before printing, right-click the name of the Form. Click on Edit. Type your name in the
upper left of the Form and then click Insert on the menu bar, and then click Fields, then
click Date to insert the current date. Close and Save the Form.
3. Double-click the name of the Form you wish to print.
4. Navigate to the record that you wish to print.
5. Click File, then Print.
6. On the Print screen, click the Options button. To conserve your color ink, you may
choose to select the option to Print Black, and unselect the Background option.
7. Click OK. Click OK
Printing Reports _______________________________
1. Open the StarOffice Base database file.
2. Click on Reports, in the Database Objects list. Double-click the name of the Report you
wish to print.
3. Click File, then Print.
4. Click OK
Using the activities covered in Working With a Database, complete the following exercise:
Using Base, create a database file named Sales Data.
Create a table named Customers with the following fields and definitions:
Field Name
Field Type
Entry Required
Customer number
Customer name
Customer address
Amount due
*NOTE – to enter the Balance format as Currency with the red format - $1,234.00
Working With a Database
Define the Account# field as the Primary key field.
Enter the following data into the Sales Data table:
Johnson, David
1535 Park St
Bartlett, Ann
4545 Blaine St
Adams, Joseph
103 Seaweed Dr
Bennett, Jasper
315 Market St
Thompson, Ray
1235 Oak Dr
Davis, Jennifer
Box 1895
Smith, Henry
342 Ocean View
Campbell, Sam
9752 Pine Ave
Barnes, Cameron
Box 9426
Peterson, Sam
1279 W. 64 St
Adjust any of the column widths so that all data is visible.
Close and Save the Table.
Create a Query named High Balances that will list only the records of customers who
have balances greater than 900.00. Close and Save this query.
Create a Query named Seattle Low that will list all customers who live in the City of
Seattle and also have a balance less than 500.00. Close and Save this query.
Create a Form and include all the data fields except the address field.
Select an appropriate style and layout. Rearrange the fields and change any other
formatting so the form appearance is attractive.
Add your name to the Form and Insert the Date field.
Name the form Customer Sales.
Create a Report including all fields except the address field. Sort the records by the City
field and Then by the Name field. Choose the layout of Align Left-Highlighted and
Bubbles header footer layout. Resize the column widths appropriately. Add the Date field.
Name the report Sales Info.
Print the Sales Data table. Before printing Insert the Authors name and the Date.
Print the Queries High Balances and Seattle Low. Before printing, Insert the Authors
name and the Date.
Print the Customer Sales Form record for Joseph Adams. Before printing, Enter your
Name and the Date in the Form Design.
Print the Sales Info report.
Working With a Database