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Syllabus in English
10. Prodi Meteorologi (S-1)
ME10T1 Concept of Technology
Historical of science, technology and art are show that development of science, technology
and art since the first human, recently and to the future are meeting the more prosperity.
This development influenced by human capacity and continuing developed about the
model, system, feedback, stability, and decision making, including optimization.
Application of sciences, technology, and art including strategic of industrial development
are close correlation with invention and innovation as well as the human needs.
Knowledge and implementation of copyright are part of this subject
Related Courses
BI1001 Pengetahuan Lingkungan (Prerequisited)
ME1201 Meteorology
Earth’s evolution relative to the sun, atmospheric heat balance, circulation and horizontal
motion of the atmosphere, air mass, cyclone, weather and climate, introduction to
prediction techniques
Related Courses
FI2203 Termodinamika (Prerequisited)
ME2101 Geosains (Prerequisited)
ME2101 Geoscience
The Earth in the solar system, Geocentric and heliocentric models, Kepler law, Universal
gravitation law, Determination of the age of the earth, Gravitation and gravity, Nucleus
reaction and solar energy, Atmospheric effect on solar radiation, The balance of solar and
terrestrial radiation, Hydrologic cycle, The ocean basin, Depth and layers of the ocean,
Atmospheric layers, Evolution of the earth’s atmosphere, Wind surface, Physical process
of the lithosphere, Plate tectonic, Natural disaster.
Related Courses
ME2203 Cuaca dan Iklim I (Prerequisited)
ME3104 Cuaca dan Iklim II (Prerequisited)
Syllabus in English
ME2201 Fluid Mechanics
Characteristics of fluid, stress on fluid, viscous stress, boundary layer, laminar and
turbulent flows, dimension and units, surface tension, fluid statics, hydristics equation,
description of fluid motion, mass and momentum conservation, Bernoulli equation,
equation of motion in integral form, differential equations for motion, dimensional
analisis, boundary layer flows
ME2202 Instr. and Obs. Methods of Meteorology
Errors in observations of weather elements, measurements of climate elements: air
temperature, pressure, solar radiation, humidity, wind velocity, rainfall, and evaporation;
review of basic electronics, Laplace transformation and response analysis, models for
meteorological systems, micropocessor and automatic weather sensors, design
meteorological instruments : LVDT, RVDT, resistance, capasitance, inductance, Hall
Effect and photo-diode. Meteorological database : data structure, query, and archives.
Meteorological station network : data exchange protocols and telemetry
ME2203 Weather an Climate I
Definition of weather and climate, Atmospheric composition, Vertical structure of the
atmosphere, Solar and terrestrial radiation, Characteristics of electromagnetic radiation,
The balance of surface heat, Elements of weather and climate, Air humidity content, cloud
classification, Phases of cumulus cloud, Condensation level, Formation of cloud and rain,
General atmospheric circulation, Foehn like wind and Local winds.
Related Courses
ME2101 Geosains (Prerequisited)
ME3104 Cuaca dan Iklim II (Prerequisited)
ME3001 Remote Sensing & GIS
Concepts in remote sensing, types of remote sensing techniques, electromagnetic
wavelength and wave spectrum, ground and space based remote sensing, meteorological
satellite, satellite orbit; theory of digital image processing, multispectral scanning,
multitemporal observations; georeference, application of remote-sensing, introduction to
GIS and its application, remote-sensing database and information system.
Related Courses
ME3102 Meteorologi Fisis (Prerequisited)
ME3205 Meteorologi Satelit (Prerequisited)
ME4102 Meteorologi Tropis (Prerequisited)
Syllabus in English
ME3101 Statistical Meteorology
Probability distribution, function of random variables, frequency distribution, estimation,
statistical tests, regression, prediction model
Related Courses
ME1201 Meteorologi (Prerequisited)
ME2203 Cuaca dan Iklim I (Prerequisited)
ME3104 Cuaca dan Iklim II (Prerequisited)
ME3102 Physical Meteorology
Composition of the atmosphere, Thermodynamics of dry and moist air, Radiation laws,
Atmospheric refraction and Snell law, Meteorological factors in determining refraction
indices, Relation between sound and atmospheric conditions, Wave length of sound and
Doppler effect, Cloud classification, Cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), Nucleation of
liquid water, Solution effect on saturation ratio, Droplet growth, Terminal falling speed of
droplets, Convective cloud growth, Electrification of thunder cloud.
Related Courses
ME3103 Meteorologi Dinamik I (Prerequisited)
ME3203 Meteorologi Dinamik II (Prerequisited)
ME3103 Dynamical Meteorology I
Physical dimension and units of atmospheric motion, Scale analysis, The fundamental and
apparent forces, Del and Laplace operators, Total differential, Hydrostatic equation,
Atmospheric motion equation, Geostropic and gradient motion, Trajectory and stream
lines, Geostropic departure, Convergence and divergence, Divergence measurement,
Vertical motion.
Related Courses
ME3102 Meteorologi Fisis (Prerequisited)
ME3203 Meteorologi Dinamik II (Prerequisited)
ME3104 Weather and Climate II (3)
General and local circulation, climate classification, climate in Indonesia,
agroclimatology, climate and animals, climate and human, weather and climate and
transportation, climatology for building, climate change, laboratory excercises.
ME2203 Cuaca dan Iklim I (Prerequisited)
Syllabus in English
ME3105 Maritime Meteorology
Introduction on complication Maritime Meteorology, The System movement atmosphere
and ocean, Current circulation causal factor of the wind, Weather System in the Maritime
Meteorology ? General illustration of the Intrertropical Convergence Zone, El Nino and
Global Weather are related, The role Atmosphere and Ocean Intensity about climate
variability in Indonesia.
Related Courses
OS1110 Oseanografi (Prerequisited)
ME3106 Advanced Statistical Meteorology
Data organization and concept of distance, basics of vector and matrix algebra, positive
definit matrix, covariance matrix and random variables, sample geometry and general
variation, sample mean and correlation, principle component analysis and interpretation,
models of orthogonal factors and estimation model
Related Courses
ME1201 Meteorologi (Prerequisited)
ME3101 Meteorologi Statistik (Prerequisited)
ME3202 Hydrogeometeorology (3)
Meteorological elements, theory of mass transfer and energy balance, eddy flux approach,
interpretation of climatological data, water management analysis, water management
Related Courses
ME3102 Meteorologi Fisis (Prerequisited)
ME3103 Meteorologi Dinamik I (Prerequisited)
ME3203 Dynamical Meteorology II (2)
Circulation and vorticity equation, Relation between vorticity and divergence, Absolute
and relative vorticities, Atmospheric wave, Longwave theory, Stationair wave, Curvature
and vorticity effects on wave translation. Friction air current, Friction force on the
geostrophic wind, Spiral layer, Subtropical and polar jetstreams, Wind field in the
Related Courses
ME3103 Meteorologi Dinamik I (Prohibited)
Syllabus in English
ME3204 Boundary Layer Meteorology (3)
Micro Environment, Energy Balance of The Total Earth, Atmosphere System and Micro
Environment, The Net Radiation, Temperature Near the Surface, Daily Energy Balance of
the Micro Environment, Microclimate in the Green House, Soil Temperature, Wind
Profile Parameters, Evapotranspiration, Computation Method in the Water Balance, Solar
Radiation, Solar Energy Receipts at the Surface of the Earth, The Profil Parameters Wind
Speed, Computation Energy Balance Parameter, Turbulence Near The Surface
Related Courses
ME1201 Meteorologi (Prerequisited)
ME2203 Cuaca dan Iklim I (Prerequisited)
ME3104 Cuaca dan Iklim II (Prerequisited)
ME3205 Satellite Meteorology (3)
Teledection of the Satellite Meteorology, Environmental Satellites have commontly
occupied two types of orbits, characteristic of image data satellite, visible data and
Infrared data, Physical foundation of the Teledetection, Application of the Law Planck,
Law Wiens, Law Stefan Boltzman, Application of Low Kirchoff, The use of Satellite Data
in Meteorological Parameter, Barret Methods and Follansbe in Rainfall Estimation
Nephanalys from Satellite data, Cloud Analysis from satellite data.
Related Courses
ME3105 Meteorologi Maritim (Prerequisited)
ME4107 Analisis Sinoptik dan Metode Prakiraan (Prerequisited)
ME3206 Information System Meteorology (2)
Definition of GIS and Meteorological Information System, coordinate systems on earth,
database, data structure, data acqusition, data management, data analysis and
manipulation, meteorological data network, meteorological information system for
weather and climate prediction
Related Courses
ME1201 Meteorologi (Prerequisited)
ME2102 Geosains (Prerequisited)
Syllabus in English
ME4004 Special Topic (3)
The special topic is actual and correlate with the meteorology. Special topic is describing
on development and advance of meteorology. The Topic and syllabus could be change.
For the special topic on Climate Change, the syllabus are including: Introduction on
climate change, what is climate change, impact of climate change, international policy on
climate change, Indonesian climate change, impact of climate change on Indonesian
energy, air pollution, health, and economic, model of climate policy. Student would
present with special topic correlate with climate change issues
Related Courses
ME2202 Metode Obs. dan Instrumentasi Meteorologi (Prerequisited)
ME3001 Inderaja dan SIG (Prerequisited)
ME4211 Meteorologi Lingkungan (Prerequisited)
ME40K1 Kuliah Lapangan (2)
ME40Z1 Final Project (6)
ME4102 Tropical Meteorology (3)
Tropical region and tropical atmosphere, problems in tropical meteorology, characteristics
of tropical weather and climate, physical control in the tropics, atmospheric circulation, El
Nino and La Nina, clouds and cumulus convection in the tropics, T-q diagram,
assumptions in tropical cloud dynamics, tropical cyclone
Related Courses
ME3102 Meteorologi Fisis (Prerequisited)
ME3104 Cuaca dan Iklim II (Prerequisited)
ME3203 Meteorologi Dinamik II (Prerequisited)
ME4107 Analisis Sinoptik dan Metode Prakiraan (Prerequisited)
ME4106 Meteorological Engineering (2)
Solar radiation, radiation energy balance, use of radiation energy, near ground heat
exchange, wind and local circulation, interaction with buildings and structures, effects of
structures layout and location, effects of urban development, wind energy application
Related Courses
ME3203 Meteorologi Dinamik II (Prerequisited)
Syllabus in English
ME4107 Synoptics Analysis and Forecast Methods (3)
Concept the meteorology analysis, The type analysis, Synoptics Model, Synoptics
Component, Synoptics Model around in Indonesia, Analysis Methods, Important
Streamline Analysis, Streamline Analysis, Streamline Analyisis and Applications on the
Weather Map, Weather Forecast in this moment, Forecast the methods, Cyclone Tropics
Forecasting arranging in phases, Cold Surge Forecasting and Weather influence in
Indonesia, Realization of Practice Work
Related Courses
ME1201 Meteorologi (Prerequisited)
ME4123 Meteorological Modelling (3)
Problems of numerical modeling in Meteorology, calculating of vertical velocity,
estimation of stream function, parameterization and modeling of cumulus cloud, boundary
layer parameterization, radiatif transfer calculation, data and data assimilation technique,
barotropic model, single layer primitive equation model, model output diagnostics,
introduction to mesoscale model
Related Courses
ME3203 Meteorologi Dinamik II (Prerequisited)
OS2010 Metode Numerik Geosains (Prerequisited)
ME41S5 Kolokium Meteorologi
Method, type and part of research on meteorology, searching of references and paper
reading, creating of research proposal (final task), systematical and technical writing of
final task, systematical and technical writing of paper, presentation technique and seminar
of final task
ME4201 Mesoscale Meteorology (2)
Concepts of Mesoscale Meteorology, theory of internal gravity wave, theory of shear
instability, sea/land-breeze circulation, gravity current, mesoscale cloud dynamics, thunder
storm, dynamics of cloud cluster, mountain wave and orographic cloud
Related Courses
ME3103 Meteorologi Dinamik I (Prerequisited)
ME3203 Meteorologi Dinamik II (Prerequisited)
Syllabus in English
ME4204 Atmospherical Radio (2)
Electromagnetic waves in media, radar equation, wind-profiler radar, principle of
observations with radar, parameter estimation, verification and sources of errors,
apllication of radar data, radio-acoustic system, advanced observational system, sodar and
ME4205 Weather Modification (2)
History of weather modification, Objectives of weather modification, Classification of
cloud, Atmospehric chemistry, Solution effect on formation of cloud droplets, Mechanism
of raindrops growth through Bowen – Ludlam and Bergeron – Findeisen processes. Role
of aerosol in technology of rain making, Microstructure of cloud, Dissipation of cloud and
hail suppression, Technology of convective and orographic cloud modification, Critical
humidity of salt.
Related Courses
ME2203 Cuaca dan Iklim I (Prerequisited)
ME3102 Meteorologi Fisis (Prerequisited)
ME4206 Upper v Midle Atmosphere Dynamics (2)
Atmopheric chemistry, structure and dynamics of middle and upper atmosphere, radiation
in the middle and upper atmosphere, equatorial middle atmosphere circulation,
atmospheric wave observation, linear wave theory, equatorial planetary waves, quasi
biennial oscillation, vertical interaction
Related Courses
ME3103 Meteorologi Dinamik I (Prerequisited)
ME3203 Meteorologi Dinamik II (Prerequisited)
ME4211 Environmental Meteorology (3)
Meteorological factors in the environment, biometeorology, development-meteorologyenvirontment, impacts of development on meteorological elements, global climate change,
earth, water, and air as waste disposal media, air pollution, turbulence and dispersions,
transportation and diffusion, meteorology of air pollution, green house gases and acid rain
Related Courses
ME3104 Cuaca dan Iklim II (Prerequisited)
ME4106 Meteorologi Enjiniring (Prerequisited)
Syllabus in English
ME4212 Atmosphere - Ocean Interaction (2)
Problems in Marine Meteorology, atmosphere – ocean system, wind – driven circulation,
atmosphere – ocean thermodynamics, processes in atmosphere – ocean interaction,
circulation and interaction of atmosphere – ocean, atmosphere and general circulation,
atmospheric and oceanic boundary layer, atmosphere – ocean – land interaction.
Related Courses
ME1201 Meteorologi (Prerequisited)
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