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Int Jr. of Mathematics Sciences & Applications
Vol.3, No.1, January-June 2013
Copyright  Mind Reader Publications
ISSN No: 2230-9888
1 2* Boundary set on Bigeneralized
Topological Space
* Department of Mathematics, Thiruvalluvar college, Papanasam.
Email: [email protected]
** Department of Mathematics, C.S.I Jayaraj Annapackiam college, Nallur.
Email: [email protected]
In this paper we define 1 2* boundary set in a bigeneralized topological space we study the properties of
the set.
Key words: 12* boundary point,
In 1963, J.C. Kely [1] defined the study of Bitopological spaces. The concept of generalized topology was
introduced by A. Csaszar [2] in 2002. In 2010, C. Boonpok [3] introduced the concept of bigeneralized topological
spaces. In 2013, sompong and muangchan [4] introduced the concepts of boundary set on Bigeneralized topological
space. In this paper, we introduce the concepts of 12* boundary point, and study their properties in bigeneralized
topological spaces.
II. Preliminaries
Let X be a non-empty set and  be a collection of subsets of X. Then  is called a generalized topology on
X if    and arbitrary union of elements of  in . A space with a generalized topology is called a generalized
topological space.
In a generalized topological space (X, ) the following are true
Cl (A) = X – int (X – A)
Int (A) = X - Cl (X – A)
Cl (X – A) = X – int (A) and int (X – A) = X – Cl (A)
If X – A   then Cl (A) = A and if A   then int (A) = A.
If A  B then Cl (A)  Cl (B) and int (A)  int (B)
A  Cl (A) and int (A)  A
Let X be a non – empty set and 1, 2 be generalized topologies on X. The triple (X, 1,2 ) is called a
bigeneralized topological space (briefly BGTS).
III. 1 2* Boundary set
Definition: 3.1
A subset A of a bigeneralized topological space (X, 1,2 ) is called 1 2* closed if
A = 1 Cl
(A)  2 Cl (A). The complement of 1 2* closed set is called 1 2* open. The 1 2* closure of a set A is defined
in the usual way.
Result: 3.2
Let (X, 1, 2) be a bigeneralized topological space and let A be a subset of X. Then
1 2* Cl (A) = 1
Cl A  2 Cl A.
In this section, we introduce the concept 1 2* boundary set and study their properties in bigeneralized
topological space.
Definition: 3.3
Let (X, 1, 2) be a BGTS. Let A be a subset of X and x  X. Then x is called 1 2* boundary point of A if
x  (1 2* Cl A  1 2* Cl (X – A)). We denote the set of all 1 2*
– boundary point of A by 1 2* Bd (A).
From definition we have 1 2* Bd (A) = (1 Cl A  2 Cl A)  (1 Cl (X – A)  2 Cl (X – A))
Example: 3.2
Let X = {a, b, c, d}
1 = {, X, {a, b}, {b, c}} and
2 = {, X, {a, c}, {a, b}}
Now, 1 closed sets are {, X, {c}, {a}} and
2 closed sets are {, X, {b}, {c}}
1 2 Bd ({a, b}) = {c} and
1 2 Bd ({b, c}) = {a}
Theorem: 3.3
Let (X, 1, 2) be a bigeneralized topological space. Let A be a subset of X. Then
12* Bd (A) = 1 2* Bd
(X – A)
1 2* Bd (A) = (1 Cl A  2 Cl A)  (1 Cl (X – A)  2 Cl (X – A))
= (1 Cl (X – (X – A))  2 Cl (X – (X – A)))  (1 Cl (X – A)  2 Cl (X – A))
= 1 2* Bd (X – A)
Theorem: 3.4
Let (X, 1, 2) be a bigeneralized topological space and A, B be a subset of X. Then the following are true.
1 2* Bd (A) = (1 Cl (A)  2 Cl (A)) \ (1 int (A)  2 int (A))
1 2* Bd (A)  (1 int (A)  2 int (A)) = 
1 2* Bd (A)  (1 int (X – A)  2 int (X – A)) = 
1 Cl A  2 Cl A = 1 2* Bd (A)  (1 int (A)  2 int (A))
X = (1 int (X – A)  2 int (X – A))  1 2* Bd (A)  (1 int (A)  2 int (A))
is a pair wise disjoint Union.
1 2* Bd (A) = (1 Cl (A)  2 Cl (A))  (1 Cl (X – A)  2 Cl (X – A))
= (1 Cl (A)  2 Cl (A))  (X – (1 int (A)  2 int (A)))
= (1 Cl (A)  2 Cl (A)) \ (1 int (A)  2 int (A))
1 2* Boundary set on Bigeneralized…
From (i), it’s obvious that
1 2* Bd (A)  (1 int (A)  2 int (A)) = 
1 2* Bd (A)  (1 int (X – A)  2 int (X – A))
= 1 2* Bd (X – A)  (1 int (X – A)  2 int (X – A))
1 Cl A  2 Cl A
= [1 Cl (A)  2 Cl (A) \ 1 int (A)  2 int (A)]  (1 int (A)  2 int (A))
= 1 2* Bd (A)  (1 int (A)  2 int (A))
(1 int (X – A)  2 int (X – A))  1 2* Bd (A)  (1 int (A)  2 int (A))
= [X – ((1 Cl (A)  2 Cl (A))]  (1 Cl (A)  2 Cl (A))
= X.
By ii) and (iii) 1 2* Bd (A)  (1 int (A)  2 int (A)) =  and
1 2* Bd (A)  (1 int (X – A)  2 int (X – A)) = 
Now, (1 int (A)  2 int (A))  (1 int (X – A)  2 int (X – A))  A  (X – A)
Therefore, X = (1 int (A)  2 int (A))  1 2* Bd (A)  (1 int (X – A)  2 int (X – A)) is a pair wise disjoint
Theorem: 3.5
Let (X, 1, 2) be a BGTS and A be a subset of X. Then
A is 1 2* closed if and only if 1 2* Bd (A)  A.
A is 1 2* open if and only if 1 2* Bd (A)  X – A.
Assume that A is 1 2* closed,
Thus 1 Cl A  2 Cl A = A
Let x  1 2* Bd (A). Then
x  (1 Cl A  2 Cl A)  (1 Cl (X – A)  2 Cl (X – A))
 x  A  (1 Cl (X – A)  2 Cl (X – A))
Therefore, 1 2* Bd (A)  A.
Conversely let 1 2* Bd (A)  A
Then 1 2* Bd (A)  (X – A) = 
Now, (1 Cl A  2 Cl A)  (X – A)
= (1 Cl A  2 Cl A)  [(1 Cl (X – A)  2 Cl (X – A))  (X – A)]
= 1 2* Bd (A)  (X – A)
Therefore, 1 Cl A  2 Cl A  A
Also A  1 Cl A  2 Cl A
That implies 1 Cl A  2 Cl A = A
Hence A is 1 2* closed.
Assume that A is 1 2* open,
Thus 1 int (A)  2 int (A) = A
Now 1 2* Bd (A)  A = [(1 Cl (A)  2 Cl (A)) – (1 int (A)  2 int (A))]  A
= (1 Cl (A)  2 Cl (A)) – A)  A
Hence 1 2* Bd (A)  X – A
Conversely, Assume that 1 2* Bd (A)  X – A
Thus 1 2* Bd (A)  A = .
This implies, [(1 Cl (A)  2 Cl (A)) \ (1 int (A)  2 int (A))]  A = 
Since A  (1 Cl (A)  2 Cl (A)), A – (1 int (A)  2 int (A)) = 
But 1 int (A)  2 int (A)  A. Hence A = 1 int (A)  2 int (A).
A is 1 2* open.
Theorem: 3.6
Let (X, 1, 2) be a bigeneralized topological space and A be a subset of X. Then 1 2* Bd (A) =  if and
only if A is 1 2* closed and 1 2* open.
Let 1 2* Bd (A) = 
Then by theorem 3.5 A is 1 2* closed and 1 2* open.
Conversely, let 1 2* closed and 1 2* open.
Then 1 Cl A  2 Cl A = A and
1 Cl (X – A)  2 Cl (X – A) = X – A
1 2* Bd (A) = (1 Cl A  2 Cl A)  (1 Cl (X – A)  2 Cl (X – A))
= A  (X – A)
Definition: 3.7
Let (X, 1, 2) be a bigeneralized topological space. A subset A of X is said 1 2* dense if 1 2* Cl A = X.
Theorem: 3.8
Let (X, 1, 2) be a bigeneralized topological space. If A is 1 2* closed and X – A is
2* Bd (A) = A
Since A is 1 2* closed 1 2* Bd (A)  A.
Since X – A is 1 2* dense, 1 Cl (X – A)  2 Cl (X – A) = X
Clearly A  1 Cl A  2 Cl A. Hence A  (1 Cl A  2 Cl A)  X
This implies, A  (1 Cl A  2 Cl A)  (1 Cl (X – A)  2 Cl (X – A))
This implies, A  1 2* Bd (A). Hence A = 1 2* Bd (A)
1 2* dense then 1
1. J.C. Kelly, Bitopoligicaal spaces, Pro. London math soc., 313 (1963), 71-89.
2. A.Csazar, Generalized topology generalized continuity, Acta math. Hungar 96 (2002), 351 – 357.
3. C. Boonpok, Weakly open Functions on Bigneralized Topoligical spaces, Int. J. Math.
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4. Supunnee sompong and sa-at muangchan, Boundary set on Bigeneralized Topoligical
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