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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
DEMAND DAN ELASTISTAS DEMAND DEMAND WANTS,NEEDS AND DEMAND FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI DEMAND ELASTISITAS DEMAND DAN PERUBAHANNYA To demand something, you must: • Want it • Be able to afford it • Have a definite plan to buy it (Wonderling, 2005) Wants are the unlimited desires or wishes that people have for goods and services. How many times have you thought that you would like something ‘if only you could afford it’ or ‘if it weren’t so expensive’? When we make choices, scarcity guarantees that many – perhaps most – of our wants will never be satisfied. Demand reflects our plans about which wants to satisfy. Permintaan adalah keinginan yang disertai kemampuan untuk membeli barang dan jasa pada tingkat harga dan waktu tertentu. The term ‘demand’ is used to describe the amount of money purchasers are prepared to pay for a commodity. Hal 1. 2. 3. Penting dalam Permintaan: Kuantitas yang diminta merupakan kuantitas yang diinginkan Keinginan konsumen disertai oleh kemampuan serta kesediaan untuk membeli (Permintaan efektif) Kuantitas yang diminta dinyatakan dalam satuan waktu The law of demand states: Other things remaining the same (Ceteris Paribus), the higher the price of a good, the smaller is the quantity demanded. Price Quantity Before going any further, you need to understand a critical distinction between demand and quantity demanded. The term demand refers to the entire relationship between the quantity demanded and the price of a good, illustrated by the demand curve and the demand schedule. The term quantity demanded refers to the exact quantity demanded at a particular price, or a particular point on a demand curve. Demand Schedule : A table that shows the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity demanded Demand Curve : A graph of the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity demanded Another way of looking at the demand curve is a willingness-and-ability-to-pay curve that measures marginal benefit. It tell us the highest price that someone is willing and able to pay for the last unit bought. If a small quantity is available, the highest price that someone is willing and able to pay for one more unit is high. But as the quantity available increases, the marginal benefit of each additional units falls and the highest price offered falls along the demand curve. In Next Figure, if 9 million tapes are bought each week, the highest price that someone is willing to pay for the 9 millionth tape is 30 pence. But if only 2 million tapes are bought each week, someone is willing to pay £1.50 for the last tape bought. When any factor that influences buying plans, other than the price of the good, there is a change in demand. Figure 2 illustrates one such change – an increase in demand. When demand increases, the demand curve shifts to the right and the quantity demanded is greater at each prices. Price (£ per tape) Figure 2: An increase in demand E’ E 5 D’ Demand for tapes D 4 (Walkman £30) C’ C 3 B’ B 2 1 New demand schedule (Walkman £30) Demand for tapes (Walkman £125) 1 2 3 A’ A 4 5 6 7 8 Price (£/tape) Quantity (millions of tapes/week) A’ 1 7.8 B’ 2 5.9 C’ 3 4.7 D’ 4 4.2 E’ 5 3.8 Quantity (millions of tapes /week) 1 Prices of related goods The quantity of any goods and services that consumers plan to buy depends in part on the price of related goods and services. There are two types: substitutes and complements. 2 Income Other things remaining the same, when income increases, consumers buy more of most goods, and when income decreases, they buy less of most goods . Goods for which demand increases as income increases are called normal goods. Goods for which demand decreases when income increases are called inferior goods. 3 Expected future prices If the price of a good is expected to rise in the future, and if the good can be stored, the opportunity cost of obtaining the good for future use is lower now than it will be when the price has increased. So people substitute over time. They buy more of the good before the expected price rise and the demand for the good increases 4 Population Demand also depends on the size and the age structure of the population. Other things remaining the same, the larger the population, the greater is the demand for all goods and services, and the smaller the population, the smaller is the demand for all goods and services. 5 Preferences Preferences are an individual’s attitudes towards and tastes for goods and services . Preferences are shaped by past experience, genetic factors, advertising information, religious beliefs, and other cultural and social factors. Changes in the factors that influence buyers’ plans cause either: a movement along the demand curve, or 2. a shift of the demand curve 1. If the price of a good changes but everything else remains the same, there is a movement along the demand curve. For example, if the price of a tape changes from £ 3 to £ 5, the result is a movement along the demand curve, from point C to point E in figure 1. The negative slope of the demand curve reveals that a decrease in the price of a good or service increases the quantity demanded – the law of demand If the price of a good remains constant but some other influence on buyers’ plans changes, there is a change in demand for that good Figure 2 illustrates such a shift A point on the demand curve shows the quantity demanded at a given price A movement along the demand curve shows a change in the quantity demanded The entire demand curve shows demand A shift of the demand curve shows a change in demand Effect of: 1. A health promotion program Price (£) 2. Relocate the clinic to outside the city Price level p1 D2 D3 q1 D1 Quantity (# of check-ups) ELASTISITAS • • Apabila perubahan harga yang kecil menimbulkan perubahan yang besar terhadap jumlah barang yang diminta, maka dikatakan bahwa permintaan barang tersebut bersifat sangat responsif terhadap harga, atau permintaannya adalah elastis. Elastisitas permintaan adalah ukuran kuantitatif yang menunjukkan sampai dimana besarnya pengaruh perubahan harga terhadap perubahan permintaan (Sukirno, 1994). Elastisitas Permintaan • Ukuran kuantitatif yang menunjukkan sampai dimana besarnya pengaruh perubahan harga terhadap perubahan permintaan • Dibedakan menjadi 3 : 1. Elastisitas permintaan harga 2. Elastisitas permintaan pendapatan, 3. Elastisitas permintaan silang. Paling penting adalah elastisitas permintaan harga. ELASTISITAS PERMINTAAN Elastisitas harga permintaan adalah ukuran seberapa besar perubahan jumlah barang yang diminta akibat merespon perubahan harga barang tersebut. Elastisitas harga permintaan merupakan persentase perubahan jumlah barang yang diminta karena harga berubah 1%. Elastisitas harga permintaan = Persentase perubahan kuantitas yang diminta Persentase perubahan harga Jenis-jenis Elastisitas Permintaan 1. Inelastis sempurna : Ed = 0 Berapa pun harga suatu barang, orang akan tetap membeli jumlah yang dibutuhkan. Permintaan terhadap insulin adalah salah satu contoh barang yang termasuk inelastis sempurna. Insulin adalah barang yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh para penderita diabetes berapa pun harganya karena insulin dapat menjaga mereka tetap sehat (Wonderling et all, 2005). D1 Price 0 D Quantity 2. Elastisitas sempurna : Ed = ∞ (tak terhingga) Perubahan harga sedikit saja menyebabkan perubahan permintaan tak terbilang besarnya (Rahardja dan Manurung, 2004). Price D 0 D1 Quantity 3. Elastisitas Uniter : Ed = 1 Setiap perubahan sebesar 1 % pada harga akan diikuti perubahan sebesar 1 % pada permintaan. Contoh : pelayanan rawat jalan (outpatient). Price D D1 0 Quantity 4. Inelastis : Ed< 1 Perubahan harga tidak terlalu mempengaruhi perubahan permintaan. Contoh : pelayanan gawat darurat, roti, rokok Price D D1 0 Quantity 5. Elastis : Ed > 1 Perubahan harga sedikit akan menyebabkan perubahan permintaan dalam jumlah cukup banyak. Contoh : pelayanan kesehatan (McPake and Normand, 2008), pelayanan bedah kosmetik, anggur putih, daging segar. . Price D D1 0 Quantity Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Elastisitas Permintaan 1. Ketersediaan barang subsitusi Elastis banyak memiliki barang pengganti (substitusi) (Wonderling, et all, 2005) 2. Persentasi pendapatan yang akan dibelanjakan untuk membeli barang tersebut Rendah kenaikan harga hanya mempengaruhi sedikit pada kuantitas (makin inelastis demand terhadap barang tersebut) Tinggi kenaikan harga mempengaruhi cukup banyak pada kuantitas (makin elastis demand terhadap barang tersebut) (Wonderling, et all, 2005) 3. Jangka waktu analisis. Elastis makin lama waktu lama Inelastis makin pendek waktu analisis (Trisnantoro, 2004) 4. Barang kebutuhan pokok atau barang mewah Menghitung Elastisitas Harga Permintaan Elastisitas harga permintaan = Persentase perubahan kuantitas yang diminta Persentase perubahan harga Contoh: Apabila harga es krim naik dari Rp2.000 menjadi Rp2.200 dan jumlah yang Anda beli turun dari 10 menjadi 8 buah, maka elastisitas demand dapat dihitung sebagai berikut: (8 10) 100 20% 10 2 (2.200 2.000) 100 10% 2.000 Metode titik tengah: Cara yang lebih baik untuk menghitung persentase perubahan dan elastisitas Elastisitas harga permintaan = Q / Qaverage P / Paverage Contoh: seperti contoh sebelumnya, maka dengan menggunakan metode titik tengah dihitung sebagai berikut: (8 10) 22% (10 8) / 2 2.32 (2.200 2.000) 9.5% (2.000 2.200) / 2 Apa arti elastisitas 2,32? Menunjukan setiap perubahan harga barang X sebesar 1% akan mengubah jumlah barang X yang diminta sebesar 2,32% dengan arah negative (elastisitas permintaan). Jika harga barang X naik 1% maka jumlah barang X yang diminta turun 2,32%, ceteris paribus. Menghitung Elastisitas Harga Permintaan (100-50) ED Price $5 4 0 Demand 50 (4.00-5.00) (100 50)/2 (4.00 5.00)/2 67 persen -3 -22 persen 100 Quantity Demand: elastis Total Revenue dan Elastisitas Harga Permintaan Price •Total revenue adalah jumlah yang diterima oleh penjual karena transaksi barang •Dihitung sebagai harga dikalikan kuantitas barang yang dijual. • $4 TR = P x Q P P × Q = $400 (revenue) Demand 100 0 Quantity Q Copyright©2003 Southwestern/Thomson Learning Elastisitas dan Total Revenue sepanjang Kurva Demand Linier Pada kurva demand yang inelastis, kenaikan harga mendorong penurunan kuantitas yang proporsinya lebih kecil. Maka, total revenue meningkat. Sebaliknya, pada kurva demand yang elastis, kenaikan harga membuat total revenue menurun Figure How Total Revenue Changes When Price Changes: Inelastic Demand Price Price … leads to an Increase in total revenue from $100 to $240 An Increase in price from $1 to $3 … $3 Revenue = $240 $1 Demand Revenue = $100 0 100 Quantity Demand 0 80 Quantity Copyright©2003 Southwestern/Thomson Learning Figure How Total Revenue Changes When Price Changes: Elastic Demand Price Price … leads to an decrease in total revenue from $200 to $100 An Increase in price from $4 to $5 … $5 $4 Demand Demand Revenue = $200 0 50 Revenue = $100 Quantity 0 20 Quantity Copyright©2003 Southwestern/Thomson Learning