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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
KELAINAN – KELAINAN PERKEMBANGAN NONDISJUNCTION (Kegagalan kromosom untuk memisah selama meiosis) ANEUPLOIDY (Jumlah kromosom abnormal) Karyotype: 45 XO, 47 XXY, or 47 XYY. This individual’s second X chromosome is absent or partially absent. 45 XO occurs in 1 out of 2000 female births. Common characteristics are: •short stature •premature ovarian failure •webbed neck •broad chest •difficulty with spatial-temporal processing Several medical conditions that are associated with Turner’s syndrome: - One-third of patients suffer some form of cardiac abnormality. - Many also have abnormal kidneys, suffer from hypothyroidism Klinefelter’s sydrome is the most common sex chromosome disorder. individual carries an extra X chromosome. 47 XXY affects 1 in every 500 births. -gynecomastia -hypogonadism -sparse body hair -Infertility -higher risk of breast cancer and osteoporosis. 47 XYY Jacob’s Sydrome Jacob’s syndrome is a chromosomal condition that affects males. carries an extra Y chromosome. Most often this person is unaware of their abnormal karyotype. Approximately 1 in 1,000 males are born with this condition. 47 XYY individuals may be taller than average, aggressive, and acne prone, but have no other distinguishing features. Most of these males have normal sexual development and are not infertile. Conversely, this condition is associated with increased risk of learning disabilities and speech and language development. MALFORMASI KONGENITAL MALFORMASI KONGENITAL??? Congenital physical anomaly abnormalitas struktur dari suatu bagian tubuh. Umumnya orang memiliki 1 atau lebih anomali fisik PENGERTIAN MALFORMASI KONGENITAL Congenital disorders - Anomali fisik minor contoh: tanda lahir - Malformasi sistem tunggal contoh: kelainan jantung bawaan - Kombinasi berbagai anomali yang mempengaruhi berbagai bagian tubuh - Defek metabolisme kongenital Tipe utama congenital disorders: 1.Anomali fisik kongenital 2.Kelainan metabolisme 3.Kelainan genetik lainnya Sindroma malformasi kombinasi malformasi yg mempengarhi > 1 bagian tubuh Birth defect (Cacat lahir) istilah umum utk malformasi kongenital (anomali fisik yg dikenali sehak lahir & secara nyata merupakan masalah) Genetic disorder / diseases Semua mrpk kongenital, walaupun tidak tampak / terekspresi Genetic diseases Single-gene defects multiple-gene disorders chromosomal defects. Penyebab single-gene defects - abnormalitas gen autosomal (2 kopi/ recessive disorder) - (1 kopi/ dominant disorder). Bbrp akibat delesi atau abnormalitas beberapa gen pada 1 kromosom Chromosomal disorders: hilangnya atau duplikasi sebagian besar kromosom (ratusan gen) atau kromosom intak (utuh) Mempengaruhi bbrp bagian tubuh yg berbeda atau sistem organ Congenital metabolic disease: Inborn error of metabolism Umumnya defek gen tunggal (diturunkan) mempengaruhi struktur atau fungsi bagian tubuh Penyebab Congenital disorders - Abnormalitas genetik - Kondisi lingkungan I intra uterin - Errors pd morfogenesis, atau - Faktor-faktor yg tdk diketahui PERIODE KRITIS PERKEMBANGAN IDW Defek CNS/SSP Berdasarkan Waktu Terjadinya • Neurulation Defects • Migration defects neuralation defects anencephaly neurulation defects: spina bifida Penyebab: kekurangan asupan asam folat Kekurangan Alpha-fetoproetin di CSF Migration Defects 1. Lissencephaly (agyria) 2. Pachygyria 3. Polymicrogyria 4. Cortical heterotropia 5. Schizencephaly defect of cerebrospinal fliud (CSF) flow, leading to enlarged ventricles and head, separated skull cranial sutures and fontanelles. Trisomy 21: Down Syndrome PARASITIC TWIN TERIMA KASIH