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Lab 4. Cells
Cell Anatomy and Division
Like mini organs within the cell, each with a
particular function but that function together
in systems
Major ones are: Endoplasmic reticulum,
mitochondria, nucleus, golgi apparatus,
plasma membrane, lysosomes, ribosomes,
peroxisomes, cytoskeleton
Cell Division
From one parent cell, two identical
“daughter” cells are produced
Mitosis: first copies, then divides all the
DNA in a cell to place into the two daugther
Cytokinesis: divides the cytoplasm in half to
create two complete cells.
Stages of cell cycles
Mitosis = PMAT:
Prophase: nuclear envelope disappears, spindle
starts to from, chomosomes become visible
Metaphase: Chromosomes line up at middle
(metaphase plate)
Anaphase: chromosomes separate
Telophase: nuclear envelope reforms,
chromosomes decondense
Occurs at roughly the same time as
Cleavage furrow divides the cytoplasm
making two complete daughter cells.
Lab Exercise #4 Activities:
Look over membrane structure and cell model
Observe 4 cell types and quickly sketch on
page 45 (estimate length or diameter as
Simple squamous epithelium
Sperm cells
Red blood cells
Smooth muscle cells
Look at onion root tip slides (OR whitefish
slides), locate and draw an example of each
phase on piece of paper provided
What to look for…
Interphase: most cells (like 95%) will be in
interphase. Can’t distinguish the chromosomes
P: early spindle forming, start to see
M: chromosomes all lined up at middle
A: chromos clustered around each pole
T: cleavage furrow (cytokinesis)
Daughter cells: Two small cells close to each
To Turn in:
Due next Thursday:
Review Sheet 4 (pp. 49 -52)
Page 45 drawings and measurements
Your 6 drawings of mitosis stages