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Industry and Services
Chapter 12
Key Question:
Where did the Industrial
Revolution begin, and
How did it Diffuse?
Industrial Revolution:
a series of inventions that brought new uses to known
energy sources, new machines to improve efficiencies
and enable other new inventions.
steam engine
iron smelting
water pump
Beginning of Industrial Revolution
• When and where did the industrial revolution
– In Great Britain in the mid to late 1700s
• Why Great Britain?
Flow of capital
Second agricultural revolution
Mercantilism and cottage industries
Resources: coal, iron ore, and water power
The Industrial Revolution
• European domestic markets were growing,
and a labor force was lacking in England
• The steam-driven engine made up for the
lack of available labor
Flow of Capital into Europe, 1775
Needed flow of capital in order to fuel the industrial revolution.
The Industrial Revolution
• Freed from charcoal use, iron smelters
could be concentrated near British coal
• Transportation and communications were
Liverpool and
Iron Production:
Coal Mining:
The Industrial Revolution
• The first steam-powered ocean-going
vessel emerged
• England held a monopoly over products in
world demand and the skills to make
machines to manufacture them
Ironbridge, England
World’s first bridge made entirely of cast iron,
constructed in late 1700s.
Iron Ore to Steel
Diffusion to Mainland Europe
In early 1800s, innovations diffused into mainland Europe.
Location criteria:
proximity to coal fields
connection via water to a port
flow of capital
Later Diffusion
In late 1800s, innovations diffused to some regions
without coal.
Location criteria:
access to railroad
flow of capital
Diffusion of
Examine the map of diffusion of the Industrial
Revolution into Europe and determine what
other characteristics (aside from presence of
coal) were necessary for industrialization to take
hold in these regions.
Key Question:
How do Location Theories
explain Industrial Location?
The Paris Basin is the Industrial base of France. Rouen (pictured
here) is at the head of navigation point on the Seine River.
Location Theory
• Location Theory – predicting where business will
or should be located.
- Variable costs
- Profit maximization
- Friction of distance
- Transportation
Factors of Industrial Location
Raw Materials
• Very few industries use raw materials
• Most manufacturing is based on the
further processing and shaping of
materials already treated in
some fashion
• Transportation costs affect
industry location
Power Supply (Energy)
• Power supplies that
are immobile or of low
transferability may
attract activities
dependent on them
• Current technology
made less important
• Industries requiring
large amounts of
energy still situated
near the power source
• Spatial variable affecting location
decisions and industrial development
• 3 major traditional considerations
– price, skill, and amount
• Labor Flexibility: highly
educated workers able
to apply themselves to a
wide variety of tasks
and functions
• Goods are produced to supply a market
• Size, nature, and distribution or markets is
important in industrial location decisions
• Ubiquitous industries
• Unifying thread of
all factors of industrial location
• Modern industry is immediately tied to
• Use many different form of
transportation media
Alfred Weber
• Created the classical model of industrial
location theory in 1909
Least-Cost Theory
• Explains the optimum location of a
manufacturing establishment in terms of
minimizing three basic expenses
– Transportation cost, labor, agglomeration
Least Cost Theory
1)Transportation: the site chosen must entail
the lowest possible cost of
A) moving raw materials to the factory
B) finished products to the market. This,
according to Weber, is the most important.
Least Cost Theory
2) Labor: higher labor costs reduce profits, so
a factory might do better farther from raw
materials and markets if cheap labor is
-ex: China – today
Least Cost Theory
3) Agglomeration: when a large number of
enterprises cluster in the same area, they
can provide assistance to each other
through shared talents, services, and
-ex: manufacturing
plants need office
5 Controlling Assumptions
1. Area is uniform physically, culturally, and
2. Manufacturing involves a single product
to be shipped to a single market whose
location is known
3. Inputs involve raw materials from more
than one known source location
5 Controlling Assumptions
4. Labor is infinitely available but immobile
in location
5. Transportation routes connect origin and
destination by the shortest path and
directly reflect the weight of the items
shipped and distance moved
Other Location Models
Hotelling’s Model
Location of an industry cannot be
understood without reference to other
industries of the same kind.
Locational interdependence:
indicates that locational decisions
are not made independently but
are influenced by the actions of others.
Other Location Models
Losch’s Model
Manufacturing plants choose
locations where they can
maximize profit.
Zone of Profitability
Major Industrial Regions of the
World before 1950
Industrialization Through WWI
• The four primary industrial regions:
1) Western & Central Europe
2) Eastern North America
3) Russia & Ukraine
4) Eastern Asia
Western and
Central Europe
Late 18th Century:
Germany: 3 districts?
Early 20th Century:
Italy: What area?
Spain: What area?
Major Manufacturing Regions of North America
-Benefitted from overseas resources
-Large coal and gas reserves to provide energy to manufacturing plants
-US capitalized on industry after Western Europe destruction during WWI and WWII
Major Manufacturing Regions of Russia
-Many resources throughout the vast expanse of land
-Volga River provided an energy resource and transportation through canals
Regions of East
-Japan imported raw
materials from it’s colonial
empire into Korea, Taiwan,
and China
-3 major belts in Japan?
Think of an industrial area where you live,
either an industrial park or a major
conglomeration of industries. Consider the
models of industrial location described in
this section of the chapter and determine
whether any of the models apply to this
Key Question:
How has Industrial
Production Changed?
Fordist – dominant mode of mass production during
the twentieth century, production of consumer
goods at a single site.
Post-Fordist – current mode of production with a
more flexible set of production practices in which
goods are not mass produced. Production is
accelerated and dispersed around the globe by
multinational companies that shift production,
outsourcing it around the world.
Time-Space Compression
Through improvements in
transportation and
technologies, many
places in the world are
more connected than
ever before.
Time-Space Compression
• Just-in-time delivery
rather than keeping a large inventory of
components or products, companies keep just
what they need for short-term production and new
parts are shipped quickly when needed.
• Global division of labor
corporations can draw from labor around the
globe for different components of production.
Production of Televisions
• Three key elements in television production:
– Research and design
– Manufacturing components
– Assembly
• Production of televisions has shifted across the
world over time.
New Influences on the
Geography of Manufacturing
• Transportation on industrial location
– Development of infrastructure: containers,
– Intermodal connections
• Regional and global trade agreements
– WTO: ~150 countries, promotes free trade to
eliminate quotas
• Proximity to Energy sources in industrial location less
– Pipelines and tankers deliver fuel to far away places
– 2.5 million miles of pipelines in NA
Key Question:
Where are the Major
Industrial Belts in the
World Today and Why?
Deindustrialization –
a process by which companies move industrial jobs to
other regions with cheaper labor, leaving the newly
deindustrialized region to switch to a service economy and
work through a period of high unemployment.
The former Gautier rolling mills
of Bethlehem Steel Corp. in
Johnstown, PA
Abandoned street in Liverpool,
England, where the population
has decreased by one-third since
Newly Industrialized
•East Asia
•South East Asia
Also known as the Pacific Rim.
Newly Industrialized
China – major industrial growth after 1950
1. Industrialization in the 1960s was state-planned:
-Northeast district
-Shanghai and Chang district
2. Today, industrialization is spurred by companies that
move production (not the whole company) to
-take advantage of Chinese labor
-special economic zones (SEZs).
ex: Shenzhen
As China’s economy
continues to grow, old
neighborhoods (right)
are destroyed to make
room for new buildings
Beijing, China
Newly Industrialized
East and Southeast Asia
1. Four Tigers
South Korea
Hong Kong
A map showing the Four Asian Tigers
Hong Kong
South Korea
Key Question:
What is the Service Economy,
and Where are
Services Concentrated?
Service Economy
Service Industry – Tertiary
1. Economic activity associated with the provision
of services
– such as transportation, banking, retailing,
education, and routine office-based jobs.
2. As services become more developed specific
divisions are used:
ex: Quaternary – exchange of information…ex?
Quinary – complex decision making…ex?
Service Economy
a society in which an economic transition has
occurred from a manufacturing based economy to
a service based economy
United States, Canada, Japan, and Western Europe
Geographical Dimensions
of the Service Economy
New Influences on Location:
- Information technologies
- Less tied to energy sources
- Market accessibility is more relevant for some
and less relevant for others because of
- Presence of Multinational Corporations
Geographical Dimensions
of the Service Economy
Sunbelt: southern region of the US stretching from
the southeast to the southwest
- secondary industrial regions moving into Atlanta, Phoenix
- high-tech industry
Requires producers of goods to locate offices in the
Bentonville, Arkansas (Wal-Mart’s headquarters) area in
order to negotiate deals with Wal-Mart.
Proctor & Gamble
put their office in
nearby Fayetteville,
How does the
presence of these
companies in the
region change the
region’s economy
and its cultural
Headquartered in Beaverton, Oregon, Nike has never
produced a shoe in Oregon. Beginning in the 1960s, Nike
contracted with an Asian firm to produce its shoes.
Skopje, Macedonia
The swoosh is
ubiquitous, but
where is the shoe
Nike has a global
network of
manufacturing and
Modern Production
Outsourcing –
moving individual steps in the
production process (of a good
or a service) to a supplier, who
focuses their production and
offers a cost savings.
Offshore –
Outsourced work that is
located outside of the country.
High-Technology Corridors
• An area designated by local or state government
to benefit from lower taxes and high-technology
infrastructure with the goal of providing hightechnology jobs to the local population.
eg. Silicon Valley, California
• Technopole – an area planned for high technology
where agglomeration built on a synergy among
technological companies occurs.
eg. Route 128 corridor in Boston
Plano-Richardson, Texas
Telecom Corridor is just north of Dallas