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Chapter 4: Security Baselines
Security+ Guide to Network Security
Second Edition
• Disable nonessential systems
• Harden operating systems
• Harden applications
• Harden networks
Security+ Guide to Network Security
Fundamentals, 2e
Disabling Nonessential Systems
• First step in establishing a defense against computer
attacks is to turn off all nonessential systems
• The background program waits in the computer’s
random access memory (RAM) until the user presses
a specific combination of keys (a hot key), such as
• Then, the idling program springs to life
Security+ Guide to Network Security
Fundamentals, 2e
Disabling Nonessential
Systems (continued)
• Early terminate-and-stay-resident (TSR) programs
performed functions such as displaying an instant
calculator, small notepad, or address book
• In Microsoft Windows, a background program, such
as Svchostexe, is called a process
• The process provides a service to the operating
system indicated by the service name, such as
Security+ Guide to Network Security
Fundamentals, 2e
Disabling Nonessential
Systems (continued)
• Users can view the display name of a service, which
gives a detailed description, such as Application
• A single process can provide multiple services
Security+ Guide to Network Security
Fundamentals, 2e
Disabling Nonessential
Systems (continued)
Security+ Guide to Network Security
Fundamentals, 2e
Disabling Nonessential
Systems (continued)
Security+ Guide to Network Security
Fundamentals, 2e
Disabling Nonessential
Systems (continued)
• A service can be set to one of the following modes:
– Automatic
– Manual
– Disabled
• Besides preventing attackers from attaching
malicious code to services, disabling nonessential
services blocks entries into the system
Security+ Guide to Network Security
Fundamentals, 2e
Disabling Nonessential
Systems (continued)
• The User Datagram Protocol (UDP) provides for a
connectionless TCP/IP transfer
• TCP and UDP are based on port numbers
• Socket: combination of an IP address and a port number
– The IP address is separated from the port number by a
colon, as in 19814611820:80
Security+ Guide to Network Security
Fundamentals, 2e
Disabling Nonessential
Systems (continued)
Security+ Guide to Network Security
Fundamentals, 2e
Hardening Operating Systems
• Hardening: process of reducing vulnerabilities
• A hardened system is configured and updated to
protect against attacks
• Three broad categories of items should be hardened:
– Operating systems
– Applications that the operating system runs
– Networks
Security+ Guide to Network Security
Fundamentals, 2e
Hardening Operating
Systems (continued)
• You can harden the operating system that runs on the
local client or the network operating system (NOS)
that manages and controls the network, such as
Windows Server 2003 or Novell NetWare
Security+ Guide to Network Security
Fundamentals, 2e
Applying Updates
• Operating systems are intended to be dynamic
• As users’ needs change, new hardware is introduced,
and more sophisticated attacks are unleashed,
operating systems must be updated on a regular
• However, vendors release a new version of an
operating system every two to four years
• Vendors use certain terms to refer to the different
types of updates (listed in Table 4-3 on page 109)
Security+ Guide to Network Security
Fundamentals, 2e
Applying Updates (continued)
• A service pack (a cumulative set of updates including
fixes for problems that have not been made available
through updates) provides the broadest and most
complete update
• A hotfix does not typically address security issues;
instead, it corrects a specific software problem
Security+ Guide to Network Security
Fundamentals, 2e
Applying Updates (continued)
Security+ Guide to Network Security
Fundamentals, 2e
Applying Updates (continued)
• A patch or a software update fixes a security flaw or
other problem
– May be released on a regular or irregular basis,
depending on the vendor or support team
– A good patch management system includes the
features listed on pages 111 and 112 of the text
Security+ Guide to Network Security
Fundamentals, 2e
Securing the File System
• Another means of hardening an operating system is
to restrict user access
• Generally, users can be assigned permissions to
access folders (also called directories in DOS and
UNIX/Linux) and the files contained within them
Security+ Guide to Network Security
Fundamentals, 2e
Securing the File System (continued)
• Microsoft Windows provides a centralized method of
defining security on the Microsoft Management
Console (MMC)
– A Windows utility that accepts additional components
– After you apply a security template to organize security
settings, you can import the settings to a group of
computers (Group Policy object)
Security+ Guide to Network Security
Fundamentals, 2e
Securing the File System (continued)
• Group Policy settings: components of a user’s
desktop environment that a network system
administrator needs to manage
• Group Policy settings cannot override a global setting
for all computers (domain-based setting)
• Windows stores settings for the computer’s hardware
and software in a database (the registry)
Security+ Guide to Network Security
Fundamentals, 2e
Hardening Applications
• Just as you must harden operating systems, you
must also harden the applications that run on those
• Hotfixes, service packs, and patches are generally
available for most applications; although, not usually
with the same frequency as for an operating system
Security+ Guide to Network Security
Fundamentals, 2e
Hardening Servers
• Harden servers to prevent attackers from breaking
through the software
• Web server delivers text, graphics, animation, audio,
and video to Internet users around the world
• Refer to the steps on page 115 to harden a Web
Security+ Guide to Network Security
Fundamentals, 2e
Hardening Servers (continued)
• Mail server is used to send and receive electronic
• In a normal setting, a mail server serves an
organization or set of users
• All e-mail is sent through the mail server from a
trusted user or received from an outsider and
intended for a trusted user
Security+ Guide to Network Security
Fundamentals, 2e
Hardening Servers (continued)
Security+ Guide to Network Security
Fundamentals, 2e
Hardening Servers (continued)
• In an open mail relay, a mail server processes e-mail
messages not sent by or intended for a local user
• File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server is used to store
and access files through the Internet
– Typically used to accommodate users who want to
download or upload files
Security+ Guide to Network Security
Fundamentals, 2e
Hardening Servers (continued)
Security+ Guide to Network Security
Fundamentals, 2e
Hardening Servers (continued)
• FTP servers can be set to accept anonymous logons
using a window similar that shown in Figure 4-8
• A Domain Name Service (DNS) server makes the
Internet available to ordinary users
– DNS servers frequently update each other by
transmitting all domains and IP addresses of which
they are aware (zone transfer)
Security+ Guide to Network Security
Fundamentals, 2e
Hardening Servers (continued)
Security+ Guide to Network Security
Fundamentals, 2e
Hardening Servers (continued)
• IP addresses and other information can be used in an
• USENET is a worldwide bulletin board system that
can be accessed through the Internet or many online
• The Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) is the
protocol used to send, distribute, and retrieve
USENET messages through NNTP servers
Security+ Guide to Network Security
Fundamentals, 2e
Hardening Servers (continued)
• Print/file servers on a local area network (LAN) allow
users to share documents on a central server or to
share printers
• Hardening a print/file server involves the tasks listed
on page 119 of the text
• A DHCP server allocates IP addresses using the
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
• DHCP servers “lease” IP addresses to clients
Security+ Guide to Network Security
Fundamentals, 2e
Hardening Data Repositories
• Data repository: container that holds electronic
• Two major data repositories: directory services and
company databases
• Directory service: database stored on the network
that contains all information about users and network
devices along with privileges to those resources
Security+ Guide to Network Security
Fundamentals, 2e
Hardening Data
Repositories (continued)
• Active Directory is the directory service for Windows
• Active Directory is stored in the Security Accounts
Manager (SAM) database
• The primary domain controller (PDC) houses the
SAM database
Security+ Guide to Network Security
Fundamentals, 2e
Hardening Networks
• Two-fold process for keeping a network secure:
– Secure the network with necessary updates
– Properly configure it
Security+ Guide to Network Security
Fundamentals, 2e
Firmware Updates
• RAM is volatile―interrupting the power source
causes RAM to lose its entire contents
• Read-only memory (ROM) is different from RAM in
two ways:
– Contents of ROM are fixed
– ROM is nonvolatile―disabling the power source does
not erase its contents
Security+ Guide to Network Security
Fundamentals, 2e
Firmware Updates (continued)
• ROM, Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
(EPROM), and Electrically Erasable Programmable
Read-Only Memory (EEPROM) are firmware
• To erase an EPROM chip, hold the chip under
ultraviolet light so the light passes through its crystal
• The contents of EEPROM chips can also be erased
using electrical signals applied to specific pins
Security+ Guide to Network Security
Fundamentals, 2e
Network Configuration
• You must properly configure network equipment to
resist attacks
• The primary method of resisting attacks is to filter
data packets as they arrive at the perimeter of the
Security+ Guide to Network Security
Fundamentals, 2e
Network Configuration (continued)
• Rule base or access control list (ACL): rules a
network device uses to permit or deny a packet
(not to be confused with ACLs used in securing a
file system)
• Rules are composed of several settings (listed on
pages 122 and 123 of the text)
• Observe the basic guidelines on page 124 of the text
when creating rules
Security+ Guide to Network Security
Fundamentals, 2e
Network Configuration (continued)
Security+ Guide to Network Security
Fundamentals, 2e
• Establishing a security baseline creates a basis for
information security
• Hardening the operating system involves applying the
necessary updates to the software
• Securing the file system is another step in hardening
a system
Security+ Guide to Network Security
Fundamentals, 2e
Summary (continued)
• Applications and operating systems must be
hardened by installing the latest patches and updates
• Servers, such as Web servers, mail servers, FTP
servers, DNS servers, NNTP servers, print/file
servers, and DHCP servers, must be hardened to
prevent attackers from corrupting them or using the
server to launch other attacks
Security+ Guide to Network Security
Fundamentals, 2e