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Review Lecture
Distributed Computing systems
What is Distributed Computin
• Distributed system is one in which components
located at networked computers communicated
and coordinate their actions only by passing
message –G. Coulouris
• A collection of independent computers that
appears to its users as a single coherent system.
- S. Tanenbaum
The Challenges
Failure handling
Scalability problems
• Characteristics of decentralized algorithms:
• No machine has complete information
about the system state.
• Machines make decisions based only on
local information.
• Failure of one machine does not ruin the
• There is no implicit assumption that a
global clock exists.
transparency, different types of
Distribution transparency is the phenomenon by
which distribution aspects in a system are
hidden from users and applications.
• Examples
- access transparency, location transparency,
migration transparency, relocation transparency,
replication transparency, concurrency
transparency, failure transparency, and
persistence transparency.
• Access transparency: enables local and remote
resources to be accessed using identical operations.
• Location transparency: enables resources to be
accessed without knowledge of their physical or network
location (for example, which building or IP address).
• Concurrency transparency: enables several processes
to operate concurrently using shared resources without
interference between them.
• Replication transparency: enables multiple instances
of resources to be used to increase reliability and
performance without knowledge of the replicas by users
or application programmers.
• Failure transparency: enables the concealment of
faults, allowing users and application programs to
complete their tasks despite the failure of hardware or
software components.
• Mobility transparency: allows the movement of
resources and clients within a system without affecting
the operation of users or programs.
• Performance transparency: allows the system to be
reconfigured to improve performance as loads vary.
• Scaling transparency: allows the system and
applications to expand in scale without change to the
system structure or the application algorithms.
Multitiered Architectures
The simplest organization is to have
only two types of machines:
• A client machine containing only the programs
implementing (part of) the user-interface level
• A server machine containing the rest,
– the programs implementing the processing
and data level
Architectural Styles
• The (a) layered architectural style (vertical)
Architectural Styles
The object-based architectural style.
( horizontal)
vertical distribution and
horizontal distribution
• Vertical distribution refers to the distribution of
the different layers in a multitiered architectures
across multiple machines. In principle, each
layer is implemented on a different machine.
• Horizontal distribution deals with the distribution
of a single layer across multiple machines, such
as distributing a single database and a peer to
peer system.
Architectural Styles
Important styles of architecture
for distributed systems
Layered architectures
Object-based architectures
Data-centered architectures
Event-based architectures
Structured overlay network
• messages are routed according to the topology
of the overlay.
• Disadvantage– The problem is that we are dealing only with logical
paths. It may very well be the case that two nodes A
and B which are neighbors in the overlay network are
physically placed far apart.
– As a consequence, the logically short path between A
and B may require routing a message along a very
long path in the underlying physical network
Process & Thread
A program in execution
• An instance of a program running on a computer
• The entity that can be assigned to and executed on a
• A unit of activity characterized by the execution of a
sequence of instructions, a current state, and an
associated set of system instructions
-William Stallings
• Threads -The unit of dispatching is referred to as a thread
or lightweight process
Multithreaded Servers (1)
• A multithreaded server organized in a
dispatcher/worker model.
limiting the number of threads
in a server process
• First, threads require memory for setting up their own
private stack. Consequently, having many threads may
consume too much memory for the server to work
properly. Another, more serious reason, is that, to an
operating system, independent threads tend to operate
in a chaotic manner.
• In a virtual memory system it may be difficult to build a
relatively stable working set, resulting in many page
faults and thus I/O. Having many threads may thus lead
to a performance degradation resulting from page
thrashing. Even in those cases where everything fits into
memory, we may easily see that memory is accessed
following a chaotic pattern rendering caches useless.
Again, performance may degrade in comparison to the
single-threaded case.
Process & Thread
-Thread Implementation
Combining kernel-level lightweight
processes and user-level threads.
Problem of single lightweight process
per process
• In this scheme, we effectively have only
user-level threads, meaning that any
blocking system call will block the entire
Migration in Heterogeneous
Three ways to handle migration (which can be
• pushing memory pages to the new machine and
resending the ones that are later modified during the
migration process.
• Stopping the current virtual machine; migrate memory,
and start the new virtual machine.
• Letting the new virtual machine pull in new pages as
needed, that is, let processes start on the new virtual
machine immediately and copy memory pages on
RPC (Remote Procedure Call)
The interaction between client and server in a traditional RPC.
Asynchronous RPC
– When a client calls a remote procedure the client
will block until are replies returned
– Unnecessary when there is no result return; adding
antries into a database, transferring money from
one account to another, batch processing
– To support this situation, RPC systems may provide
facilities for what are called asynchronous RPCs.
(Server’s acknowledgement for client requirement)
Asynchronous RPC (2)
• The interaction using asynchronous RPC.
Case of asynchronous RPC and
client execute a normal RPC
- Assume a client calls an asynchronous RPC to a
server, and subsequently waits until the server
returns a result using another asynchronous
RPC. Is this approach the same as letting the
client execute a normal RPC? • This is not the same. An asynchronous RPC
returns an acknowledgment to the caller,
meaning that after the first call by the client, an
additional message is sent across the network.
• Likewise, the server is acknowledged that its
response has been delivered to the client.
What if replace the synchronous RPCs
with asynchronous RPCs?(2)
• Two asynchronous RPCs may be the same,
provided reliable communication is
• This is generally not the case.
Network principles
Mode of transmission
Switching schemes
Protocol suites
Congestion control
Mode of transmission
• Packets
– messages divided into packets( on Transport Layer)
– packets queued in buffers before sent onto link
– QoS not guaranteed
• Data streaming
– links guarantee QoS (rate of delivery)
– for multimedia traffic
– need higher bandwidth
Switching schemes
• Broadcasts (Ethernet, wireless)
– send messages to all nodes
– nodes listen for own messages (carrier sensing)
• Circuit switching (phone networks)
• Packet switching (TCP/IP)
– store-and-forward
– unpredictable delays
• Frame/cell relay (ATM)
– bandwidth & latency guaranteed (virtual path)
– small, fixed size packets (padded if necessary)
• 53bytes= header 5 + body 48
– avoids error checking at nodes (use reliable links)
Packet delivery
• In network layer
– datagram packet delivery(IP in Ethernet, most wired and wireless LAN
– virtual circuit packet delivery(ATM)
• In transport layer
– connection-oriented transmission(TCP)
• Reliable communication with static routing table(ISO, X.25)
• Ex) remote login(Telnet), FTP, HTTP(big-sized file), stream data
– connectionless transmission(UDP)
• Unreliable communication with pre-defined routing table
• Ex) rcp, rwho, RPC, HTTP(small-sized file), FTP(non-error bulk
• Necessary in non-broadcast networks (cf Internet) : Hop by Hop
• Distance-vector algorithm for each node
– stores table of state & cost information of links, cost infinity for faulty
– determines route taken by packet (the next hop)
– periodically updates the table and sends to neighbors
– may converge slowly [Bellman-Ford]
• RIP-1(Router Information Protocol) for Internet
– Local router table changes
– use default routes, plus multicast and authentication
– better convergence( routes better route to an existing destination)
Congestion control
• When load on network exceeds 80% of its capacity
– packet queues long, links blocked
• Solutions(in datagram-based network layers)
– packet dropping
• reliable of delivery at higher levels
– reduce rate of transmission
• nodes send choke packets (Ethernet)
– A specialized packet that requesting a reduction in
transmission rate
• transmission control (TCP)
– transmit congestion information to each node
• QoS guarantees (ATM)
Middleware Overview
– By Socket Programming
– By RPC (Remote Procedure Call)
– By ROI (Remote Object Invocation)
ORB on CORBA Platform
RMI on Java Platform
Remote on .NET Platform
– By Web Service
Web Service on Java Platform
Web Service on .NET Platform
Web Service on Linux
Network Computing
Distributed Computing
• Definition
– software layer that lies between the operating system and the
applications on each site of the system.
– Stimulated by the growth of network-based applications, middleware
technologies are taking an increasing importance. They cover a wide
range of software systems, including distributed objects and components,
message-oriented communication, and mobile application support.
• Examples
– ftp, E-mail
– Web browsers
– Database drivers and gateways
– OSF’s DCE (Distributed Computing Environment)
– OMG’s CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture)
Role of middleware
• To enhance the distribution transparency
that is missing in network operating
• middleware aims at improving the singlesystem view that a distributed system
should have.
Core OS components
Process manager
– creation and operations on processes (= address space+threads)
Threads manager
– threads creation, synchronization, scheduling
Communication manager
– communication between threads (sockets, semaphores)
• in different processes(concurrency)
• on different computers(parallel)
Memory manager
– physical (RAM) and virtual (disk) memory
– hardware abstraction (dispatching of interrupts, exceptions, system call traps)
– control of memory managements and hardware cache
Middleware with OS
Middleware with OS
• Network OS
ex) UNIX, Windows NT
network transparent access for remote files (NFS)
no task/process scheduling across different nodes
• rlogin, telnet, ftp, WWW
Middleware with OS
Middleware with OS
• Distributed OS
– transparent process scheduling across nodes
– load balancing
– none in use:
cost of switching OS too high, load balancing not always
easy to achieve
Middleware with OS
Distributed Operating System Services
Middleware with OS
• Middleware
– built on top of different NOSs
– offers distributed resource sharing
• via remote invocations
– Similar to functionalities of DOS possible
Movtivation for middleware
Implementation of CORBA's
asynchronous method invocation.
This do not affect the server-side implementation
of an object.
• The important issue is that the client-side runtime system
handles all the calls to the server.
• In particular, the RTS can do a synchronous call to the
server, possibly having to wait a long time before an
answer is returned. At that moment, it does an upcall to
the client application.
• Likewise, the method invocation can be forwarded to a
message router, where eventually, the targeted object
server is simply called.
• it is the communication subsystem that handles the
asynchronous nature of the invocation
How would you implement
exceptions in RPCs and RMIs?
• exceptions are initially raised at the server side,
the server stub can do nothing else but catch the
exception and marshal it as a special error
response back to the client.
• The client stub, on the other hand, will have to
unmarshal the message and raise the same
exception if it wants to keep access to the server
transparent. Consequently, exceptions now also
need to be described in an interface definition
– Definition
allows a Java program to invoke a
method that is being executed on a remote machine
• RMI (Remote Method Invocation)
– Character
• Transparency Method call
• Support Callback from Server to Client
– Action
• Stub and Skeleton
– Class allow exchanging data between Client and Server
• Remote Reference layer
– Support various hosts in heterogeneous environment
• Transport layer
– Path the marshaled stream
Remote Reference Layer
Transport Layer
RMI Program Procedure
Set a remote interface
Remote interface class
Complete server program
Set a client program to use the remote object
Compile ②,③,④
Create stub and skeleton by rmic
% rmic Classname
⑦ Activate rmiregistry
⑧ Run the programs
How does CORBA differ from RMI:
•RMI is Java-only.
•RMI is not an industry standard (it is a product of Sun).
•RMI does not provide such a rich set of services and
•RMI is simpler to use and integrates smoothly with Java.
•RMI and CORBA can be used together.
•(Soon - RMI over IIOP will make this very simple.)
Socket Sample
1)Serverside implementation for UDPsocket open and connet
public class UDPServer{
public static void main(String args[] ) {
try {
DatagramSocket aSocket = new DatagramSocket(6789);
byte[] buffer = new byte[100];
while(true) {
DatagramPacket request =new DatagramPacket(buffer, buffer.length);
System.out.println("Client's message : " + new
DatagramPacket reply = new DatagramPacket(request.getData(),
request.getLength(), request.getAddress(),
}catch (SocketException e) {System.out.println("Socket: " +e.getMessage());
}catch (IOException e) {System.out.println("IO: " + e.getMessage()); }
Socket Sample
2)Clientside application for UDPsocket
public class UDPClient{
public static void main(String args[]) {
// args give message contents and server hostname
try {
DatagramSocket aSocket = new DatagramSocket();
byte [] m = args[0].getBytes();
InetAddress aHost = InetAddress.getByName(args[1]);
int serverPort = 6789;
DatagramPacket request =
new DatagramPacket(m, args[0].length(), aHost,
byte[] buffer = new byte[100];
DatagramPacket reply =
new DatagramPacket(buffer, buffer.length);
System.out.println("Reply: " + new String(reply.getData()));
}catch (SocketException e) {System.out.println("Socket: " +
}catch (IOException e) {System.out.println("IO: " +
e.getMessage()); }
module HelloApp
{ interface Hello
string sayHello();
long sum(in long x);
CORBA- Server side.
public class HelloServer {
public static void main(String args [] ) {
try {
ORB orb = ORB.init (args, null);
POA rootPoa =
import HelloApp.*;
import org.omg.CosNaming.*;
org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.*; HelloImpl hello = new HelloImpl();
import org.omg.PortableServer.*;
org.omg.CORBA.Object ref =
import org.omg.CORBA.*;
Hello href = HelloHelper.narrow(ref);
import org.omg.PortableServer.POA;
org.omg.CORBA.Object oRef =
class HelloImpl extends HelloPOA {
public String sayHello( ) {
return “The result is\n"; }
public int sum(int x) {
if (x>0) return(x+sum(x-1));
else return 0; }}
NamingContextExt ncRef =
String name= "Hello";
NameComponent path[]=ncRef.to_name(name);
ncRef.rebind(path, href);
System.out.println("Hello Server Ready");; }
catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}
System.out.println("Server Exiting"); }}
CORBA - Client side.
import HelloApp.*;
import org.omg.CosNaming.*;
import org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.*;
import org.omg.CORBA.*;
public class HelloClient{
static Hello hello;
public static void main(String args[])
{ try {
ORB orb=ORB.init(args, null);
org.omg.CORBA.Object objRef=
NamingContextExt ncRef = NamingContextExtHelper.narrow(objRef);
System.out.println("the result is " + hello.sum(100)); }
catch(Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();} }}