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Internet Chapter
What is the Internet
History of the Internet
How data travels on the Internet
Anatomy of a URL
Purpose of a Web Browser
DNS (Domain Naming System)
New Applications of the Internet
• A collection of
computers and
together via
media such as
cables, telephone
lines, and
• The Internet is
the world’s
largest collection
of computer
Local Area Network
Just remember…
It took 38 years for radio to reach 50
million users
13 years for television to reach 50 million
Less than 4 years for the Web to do the
By 2010, about 80% of the planet will be
on the Internet
History of the Internet
To allow scientists
at different
locations to share
Networking project by
Pentagon’s Advanced
Research Projects
Agency (ARPA)/ 4
sites involved
September 1969
To function if
part of network
were disabled
History of the Internet
More than 350 million host nodes
More than 1,000 host nodes
Four host nodes
History of the Internet
Who controls the Internet?
Now: World Wide Web
Consortium (W3C)
 Oversees research, sets
standards and guidelines
 Tim Berners-Lee, director
Future: Internet2 (I2)
 Internet-related research and
development project
 Develops and tests advanced
Internet technologies
How the Internet Works
Dial-up access
modem in your
computer uses a
standard telephone line
to connect to the Internet
Connection must be established
each time you log on.
Slow but inexpensive
Digital subscriber line (DSL),
cable telephone Internet
services (CATV), cable modem,
fixed wireless, and satellite modems
Connection is always on—
whenever the computer
is running
How you Access the Internet
Service Providers (SP) enable
ISP, Regional
or National SP
OSP (AOL and
MSN, for example)
Wireless Internet
Service Provider
How Does the Internet Work?
Internet backbone
Establish connections between two or more
The main Internet pathways and connections
Internet service providers (ISP)
Provide users with access to the Internet
Internet Protocols
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
Internet Protocol (IP)
IP address
A packet switching network
Four numbers (0 to 255) separated by
periods, such as
Domain names
Associated English names assigned to IP
Domain name
Text version of Internet protocol (IP) address
What is a domain name?
Number that uniquely identifies
each computer or device
connected to Internet
Domain Name System
Converts domain names into IP addresses
Without the DNS, the Internet would crash
One of the largest, distributed databases
on the planet
Every domain name has a domain name
server somewhere that handles its
Packet Switching
Data is sent out in sequence
Small chunks (packets) of data
Packets are passed from node to
"Packet switching is the breaking down of data into
datagrams or packets that are labeled to indicate the origin
and the destination of the information and the forwarding of
these packets from one computer to another computer until
the information arrives at its final destination computer. This
was crucial to the realization of a computer network. If
packets are lost at any given point, the message can be
resent by the originator."
The World Wide Web
A worldwide collection of electronic documents
Also called the Web
Each electronic document is called a Web page
Can contain text, graphics, sound, video, and built-in connections
A Web site is a collection of related Web pages
The World Wide Web
do handheld computers
and cellular telephones access
 Use a microbrowser
the Web?
that displays Web
pages that contain
mostly text
Must be Internetenabled
The World Wide Web
What is downloading?
The process of a computer receiving information
Depending upon connection speed, downloading can
take from a few seconds to several minutes
The World Wide Web
Lets you find information by clicking links rather than
entering keywords
Search tool with organized set of topics and subtopics
What is a subject directory?
The World Wide Web
What is a search
Program used to find
Web sites and Web
pages by entering
words or phrases
called search text
Also called a keyword
The World Wide Web
Content Aggregator
What are the eleven basic types of Web
The World Wide Web
A Web site that offers a variety of services from one,
convenient location, usually for free
What is a portal?
Searching, sports, e-mail,
news, weather, auctions,
Web communities
(Web sites that join
people with similar
The World Wide Web
Business that gathers and organizes Web content and
then distributes, or feeds, the content to subscribers for
free or a fee
What is a content aggregator?
The World Wide Web
What is streaming
The process of
transferring audio
in a continuous
and even flow
Enables you to
listen to music
as it downloads
to your computer
The World Wide Web
What are plug-ins?
Programs that
extend the
capability of
a browser
You can
download many
plug-ins at no
cost from various
Web sites
Web Publishing
Development and maintenance of Web pages
What is Web publishing?
Step 1.
Step 2.
Plan the
Web site
Analyze and
design the
Web site
Step 3.
Create the
Web site
Step 5.
the Web site
Step 4.
Deploy the
Web site
Short for electronic commerce
Business transaction that occurs over
the Internet
What is E-commerce?
Business to consumer (B2C)
Sale of goods to general public
Consumer to consumer (C2C)
One consumer sells directly to another
Business to business (B2B)
Business providing goods and
services to other businesses
Other Internet Services
What is FTP?
File Transfer Protocol—Internet standard that allows
you to upload and download files with other computers
on the Internet
Other Internet Services
What is instant messaging (IM)?
A real-time Internet communications service that notifies you when one
or more people are online and allows you to exchange messages or files
Step 1.
Login to the IM
Step 2.
The server determines if any of your
established friends, family, or
coworkers, called buddies, are online
Step 5.
Your buddy
Step 3.
You send instant
messages to an
online buddy
Step 4.
Your Instant Message travels
through a messaging server and
then to the online buddy
Additional LES Rules
Never send out E-Mail that you would not want to become public
Never send abusive, threatening, harassing or bigoted messages
Do not type in UPPERCASE.
This is called shouting and perceived to be offensive.
Use a normal mix of upper and lowercase letters
Think twice before sending E-Mail. You cannot get it back.
Personal notes should not sent via e-mail