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Protocols and
Interaction Models for
Web Services
CSCI 8710
Fall 2006
Web Service Protocols
Originated with ARPANET
Started in late 1960’s
ARPA - Advanced Research Projects Agency (now
known as DARPA)
Then: about 10 nodes (~100 million today)
Goal: resource sharing
Result: reached goal + demonstrated
importance of networks as tool for
communication and interaction via email
Kleinrock at UCLA
Did much of the early work in queueing models
of networks, measurement and management of
networks and network protocols
1983: ARPANET split into two networks:
MILNET (military purposes)
ARPANET (reduced version)
Term “Internet” first introduced
 -- came into being in 1983
Today’s Internet
Worldwide collection of interconnected
Characterized by:
IP - networking protocol
TCP - process-to-process protocol
Types of Networks
LAN-to-WAN connection
Home-to-WAN connection
 Wide-area network
 City-wide, muti-city, country-wide, continent …
 Uses packet switching:
 Messages transmitted between hosts are broken down
into chunks called packets with some max size
 Packet header has routing and sequencing info
 Consists of:
 Packet switches or routers
 High speed links connecting the routers
Communication computers that:
Store incoming packets
Examine headers
Look up routing tables
Decide next router to send packet to
Place packet on output queue for selected link
Known as “store and forward”
Technologies used to
build WANs
X25 - a standard of the ITU (International
Telecommunications Union)
ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network
Service offered by telephone companies;
integrates voice and data over ordinary
telephone lines
Frame Relay
A high-speed WAN service offered by longdistance carriers
Technologies used to
build WANs (cont’d)
SMDS - Switched Multi-megabit Data
Another high-speed WAN service offered by
long-distance carriers
ATM - Asynchronous Transfer Mode
Packet-switched technology that uses small
fixed-size packets (53 bytes), called cells, to
provide fast switching to voice, video, and data
over WANs
Typically confined to a building or set of
closely located buildings
Both wired and wireless
Most popular:
10-Mbps Ethernet
100-Mbps Ethernet
4- or 16-Mbps Token Ring
100-Mbps FDDI
Invented by Metcalfe in the early 1970s
Have bus topology:
Shared bus
Network interface card (NIC)
Computers connect to a shared coaxial
cable through NICs
Packets transmitted by one NIC can be
received by all others: broadcast
But, since packets have destination addresses,
only destination NIC will (typically) copy the
packet to the computer’s main memory
 All NICs can try to talk at once
 which reminds EK of a faculty meeting ;^)
 No central coordinator
 CSMA/CD is used:
 Carrier Sense with Multiple Access / Collision Detection
 NIC that wants to transmit “listens” to see if a
transmission is in progress (carrier sense)
 If so, it waits
 But two may start “talking” at about the same time
 Collisions are detected and NICs stop “talking”, wait for
a randomly selected time period(so they don’t just
collide again), and then try to retransmit
What happens as number of nodes and/or
traffic increases?
 probability of collision increases
Network throughput decreases
Because more bandwidth spent on collisions and
Token Ring
Invented at IBM Research Labs
Based on a ring topology:
= computer
= Network interface card (NIC)
Token Ring
Access to ring is controlled by a token
(special bit pattern that circulates in the
NIC with token can transmit
If NIC has nothing to transmit, just passes
the token
Token Ring
Sender (NIC with token) inserts the bits
representing its packet into the ring
Packet goes around the ring, is copied by
the NIC of the destination address
Packet flows back around to sender; sender
removes packet and performs error
checking (compares received packet with
sent packet)
Token Ring
As more stations are added to the token
ring …
Delay in obtaining token increases
Token must circulate through more NICs
Probability that token is used by other NICs increases
Uses optical fibers and token-passing
Differs in that it uses 2 rings
= computer
= Network interface card (NIC)
Benefits of 2nd ring?
Data flows in opposite directions in the 2 rings
If a station fails, the hardware can reconfigure
the ring and turn it into a single functioning
ring by bypassing the malfunctioning station
LANs: limits on size
Two types of limits:
Physical limits
Performance limits
Ethernet physical limits:
Cable no more than 500 m in length
Mininum separation of 3 m between stations
Managing performance
limits on LANs
Number of stations may be limited because
of adverse impact of additional stations on
overall performance
Can divide larger LAN into LAN segments with
fewer stations each
Segments joined by connecting devices such as
routers and bridges
Stations that communicate frequently should be
in same segment
Wireless LANs
Stations communicate via RF (radio
Modulation of transmitted wave is interpreted
as sequence of 0s and 1s
IEEE standard for LANs is the IEEE 802.11
Can transmit data at 1 or 2 Mbps depending on
underlying modulation technology
IEEE 802.11 protocol
Provides a carrier sense signal that
indicates if a transmission is in progress
Data sent by one station can be received by
all stations in the coverage area
Subject to the “hidden terminal” problem
Happens when walls or other structures
obstruct the RF signals
Station C may hear A and B, but they may not
be able to communicate with one another
IEEE 802.11 protocol
 within their cells or
basic service set (BSS),
stations ( ) can
communicate with one
another and with an
access point (AP).
 Through the AP
stations may
communicate with
stations in another BSS
 Stations may also form
an ad-hoc network
(without an AP)
IEEE 802.11 protocol:
handling interference
 Uses CSMA/CA
 Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance
 If channel is sensed idle for time equal to DIFS
(distributed inter frame space), station may transmit
 Receiver of a correct frame then sends ack frame to
sender after short time (SIFS=short interframe spacing)
 If channel is busy:
 sender defers access, listens again
 If quiet for DIFS, xmits after random backoff time expires
 Use of random prevents all waiting from sending at same
 Doesn’t detect collisions, tries to avoid
 Transmitted frame contains transmission duration; others
know how long to wait
IEEE 802.11:
handling the hidden
station problem
Two stations (A and B) hidden from one
another may transmit to same station (C)
Can use RTS (request to send) and CTS (clear to
send) exchange of frames before actual
B will “hear” C send the CTS to A and will not
LAN-to-WAN connection
LANS usually connect to WANS through
dedicated leased lines at T1 (1.544 Mbps)
or T3 (45 Mbps) speeds
LANS may be of any type
3 LANS: 1 FDDI, 1 ethernet, 1 Token ring
Each connects to Frame Relay WAN through
router and T1 line
Home to WAN
Many alternatives:
Dialup modem, 14.4 - 15.6 Kbps
 simple, cheap
ISDN Basic Rate Interface (BRI)
Dialup digital modem
Speed up to 128 Kbps
ISDN Primary Rate Interface (PRI)
1.544 Mbps
Leased T1 line
1.544 Mbps
Home-WAN connection,
 High Bit Rate Digital Subscriber Line (HDSL)
 1.544 Mbps
 Asymmetric Digital Subscribe Line (ADSL)
 640 Kbps outbound
 6 Mbps inbound
 Good for web access (http requests are small, returned
images, videos, etc. may be large)
 Cable modems
 Cable is shared; actual bandwidth seen by customer
depends on load on network
 Most cable modems are asymmetric
 Typical speeds 1- 10 Mbps downstream, 128 Kbps
 Protocol:(in this context)
 A set of rules governing communication between two
computers or two processes over a computer network
 Consists of functions/rules for:
 Addressing
 Routing
 Together ensure that message from A to B arrives at B
 Error detection
 Error recovery
 Sequence control
 Together handle situation in which messages from A are lost
or corrupted due to noise or network failures
 Flow control
 To handle situation in which A sends at faster rate than B can
Messages from A to B are independent of one
another; may arrive at destination in order
different from transmission order
Think of mailing off a batch of postcards that
together contain the content of a novel
Good when data to be exchanged fit into maximum
data unit (all fits on one postcard)
Used when messages that are much larger than
the maximum data unit are transmitted
Sequencing and data recovery important
Think of making a phone call: a connection is
set up, and the channel remains open for
transmission until you disconnect
Protocol specification
 Syntax
 Specifies the types of messages that can be sent, the
format of those messages, and the meaning of each field
in the message
 Semantics
 Specifies the actions taken by each entity when specific
events occur
 Example: when a message arrives, when a message times
out, etc.
Protocol specification
 ISO (International Standards Organization)
defined a seven-layer model, the Reference
Model for Open Systems Interconnection
Data link
 Each entity at layer n communicates only with
remote nth-layer entities
 Layer n uses local services provided by layer n-1
N-th layer protocol
Protocol Layers
Data exchanged between nth-layer entities
have to be:
 physically processed by layers n to 1 at the
sending computer
Transported through the network
Moved from layer 1 to n at the receiving end
Protocol Layers
Each entity at layer n exchanges a Protocol
Data Unit (PDU) with a remote layer n
PDU has:
Layer n data
Layer n header
The layer n PDU becomes layer (n-1) data:
Layer (n-1)
Layer n
Layer n data
<---------- layer (n-1) data ---------------------->
 IP = Internet Protocol
 a network layer protocol
 TCP = Transmission Control Protocol
 A transport layer protocol
 Connection-oriented
 UDP = User Datagram Protocol
 A transport layer protocol
 A connectionless protocol
 Together: TCP/IP protocol suite; forms the core of
the internet
On top of TCP:
HTTP- hypertext transfer protocol (web)
FTP - file transfer protocol
SMTP - simple mail transfer protocol
Telnet - an interactive login protocol
On top of UDP:
RPC - remote procedure call
NFS - network file sytem - runs on top of RPC
DNS - Domain Name Server
SNMP - Simple Network Management
Internet Protocol (IP)
 the formats of packets sent across the
 the mechanisms used to forward these packets
through a collection of networks
Routers from source to destination
Internet Protocol (IP)
Every host connected to the internet has a
unique address: an IP address
A 32-bit number
Represented by a dotted notation:,
for example
Each of the four numbers represents the value
of 8 bits in the address
Divided into prefix and suffix
Prefix: indicates the network
Suffix: host within the network
Internet Protocol (IP)
Number of bits allocated to prefix
determines number of unique network
Number of bits allocated to suffix
determines number of hosts per network
Currently, IPv4 uses 32-bit address field
But … may be approaching limits of number
of servers to be on …
IP v 6 uses 128 bits
Internet Protocol (IP)
IP datagram: the data unit transported by
 IP is connectionless and
 can “lose” datagrams
 can deliver datagrams out-of-order (may travel
to destination by different routes)
 is known as “best effort” service
Internet Protocol (IP)
 Header is 20 bytes long
 4 bytes for IP address of source
 4 bytes for IP address of destination
 Performs routing of datagrams from source to
 IP implementation at router maintains an inmemory routing table; used to search for next
router or host to which to forward the datagram.
Tuesday’s class
Stop here …
On Thursday, pick up here with TCP…
Transmission Control
Protocol (TCP)
Provides a:
communication service between processes
residing at hosts connected through a
Transmission Control
Protocol (TCP)
Guarantees that data is delivered and is inorder
Provides full-duplex communication
Both ends of the connection can communicate
Provides a stream interface
Accepts a continuous stream of bytes from the
application to be sent through the connection
Transmission Control
Protocol (TCP)
PDU exchanged at the TCP level is called a
Header is 20 bytes long
Segments reside within IP datagrams
Connection must be established before
data can be exchanged:
Three-way handshake is mechanism for
establishing connections
TCP: three-way
 host A establishes connection with host B
 A sends SYN(synchronization) segment to B (#1)
 B replies with a SYN segment(#2); places A in queue of
incomplete connections
 A sends ACK to B (#3 of 3-way handshake)
 Connection complete when B receives ACK
 Data may now be exchanged in both directions
 Note: Denial of Service attack:
 fills queue of incomplete connections(A never sends the
ACK) -- host can’t accept new connections
TCP - closing the
 TCP connection closing is half-close
 Host closing connection indicates that host won’t send
more data but is still willing to receive
 Host A to host B
 Host A sends FIN to host B
 B replies with ACK
 B can still send to A
 To completely close the connection
 Host B sends FIN to host A
 A replies with ACK
 So, total of 4 segments to close the connection
Error control:
Handled via ACKs, timeouts, and retransmission
Flow control:
Implemented via a sliding window mechanism
Window = max num bytes sent before an ACK is
Window size limited by
 Buffer size at receiver
 Network congestion perceived by sender
TCP flow control
Connection first established
Receiver advertises Wm - its maximum window
Sender’s window size can’t exceed this or
receiver will have buffer overflow and packets
will be lost
Network congestion causes some packets to be
dropped at some router or to not be ack’d
before a timeout occurs
Sender then reduces window size to Wc , which
reduces its transmission rate and attempts to mitigate
network congestion
TCP flow control
Two phases:
Slow start
Wc is initialized to 1, increased by 1 for each ACK
received (note ACK count is cumulative)
Wc = 1, 1 packet sent, ACK’d in 1 RTT -> Wc now 2
Wc = 2, 2 packets sent, ACK’d in 1 RTT ->Wc now 4
Wc = 4, 4 packets sent, ACK’s in 1 RTT -> Wc now 8
… doubles every RTT up to max of Wm
Congestion avoidance
TCP control flow
Network congestion detected by
Receipt of a duplicate ACK (receiver received
an out-of-sequence segment)
Timeout at the sender
Save current value of window size to Wssthr (slow
start threshhold window size)
Reduce Wc
TCP flow control
TCP actually has different versions.
TCP Reno (a common version) reduction of
window size upon congest works like this:
If duplicate ACK received: Wc divided by two,
enter congestion avoidance phase
If a timeout occurs, Wc set to 1; go back to slow
When Wc reaches Wssthr during slow start, switch
to congestion avoidance
TCP flow control
Congestion avoidance phase:
Wc increased by 1/Wc for every ACK received
XTCP, throughput of a TCP connection,
measured in segments per second:
Decreases with RTT
Decreases with probability packets are dropped
Increases with Wm, measured in segments
Decreases with T0, TCP timeout value
TCP performance and
limitations …
… some derivation of performance
formulas, to be performed when EK returns
Client/Server paradigm
Server types
Client/Server Paradigm
Client process:
Runs on desktop or user workstation and provids
GUI code for data capture and display
Makes requests for specific services to be
performed by one or more server processes,
usually located at remote machines
Executes a portion of the application code
Client/Server Paradigm
Server process
Executes a set of functionally-related services
that usually require a specialized
hardware/software component
Never initiates a message exchange with any
client; a passive entity that listens to client
requests, executes them, and replies to clients
Usually runs on a machine that is faster and has
more main memory and disk space than a client
interaction protocol
Request-reply protocol
Clients send requests
Servers reply to client requests
May run on TCP, UDP, or other
 Server may receive many requests
 Forms a queue of requests at server
 Serving only one request at a time may
 Under-utilize machine
 Limit server throughput
 Increase response time to clients
 Most servers create multiple processes or threads to
handle the queue of incoming requests
 As number of threads increases, response time will initally
decrease (clients don’t need to wait as long) and then go up
or flatten out as the multiple threads contend for resources
Two-tier architecture
Client runs: GUI + application logic
Server runs: SQL server
Three-tier architecture
Client runs: GUI
Application server runs: application logic (and
acts as client to…)
SQL server
Fat clients v. thin
“Fat” clients
incorporate more of the transaction logic than
thin clients
tend to require fewer interactions with server
cost: higher computing requirements for client
Client-Server: caching
Cache = copy of data stored “closer” to
client may keep cached copy of file
server may keep main memory cache of
recently/frequently accessed files
web server may cache popular docs
use of caches can improve performance
and increase system scalability
Client-server: caching
cache hit – data of interest found at the
cache miss – not found
Benefits: better performance
Costs: need to maintain consistency of
cache, extra processing time for cache
Caching - example
File server receives requests to read 8-KB
file blocks at a rate of 900 req/sec
What is the effect at the server if 30% of
requests generate a cache hit at the client?
(1-0.30) * 900 req/sec = 630 req/sec at server
What if 25% of the requests that reach the
server can be satisfied from server’s main
memory cache?
(1-0.25) * 630 req/sec = 472.5 req/sec
Server types
file servers
database servers
application servers
groupware servers
object servers
Web servers
software servers
File servers
provide networked computers with access
to a shared files system
Example: NFS (networked file system)
can use UDP (usually) or TCP/IP
Client requests:
look up directory
retrieve file attributes
read and write blocks from files
Database servers
provide access to one or more shared
Client requests:
SQL statements
Server response:
list of records
Application servers
provide access to remote procedures
invoked through the Remote Procedure Call
(RPC) mechanism
typically implement business logic & make SQL
calls to backend DB engine
Transaction Processing
Monitors (TPMs)
perform load balancing amoung several
servers that implement the same service
Groupware Servers
provide access to unstructured and semistructured info such as text, images, mail,
BBoards, workflows
Object servers
support remote invocation of methods in
support of distributed object-oriented
application development
ORB = Object Request Broker – the “glue”
between clients and remote objects
Software servers
used to provide executables to Network
Computers (NCs), which do not have hard
Web servers
provide access to documents, images,
sound, executables, and downloadable
applications through HTTP
HTML = markup language for documents:
formatting, links to other documents, links
to inline images, video, software, etc.
inline images impact performance:
single click -> multiple requests
 application-level protocol, runs on top of TCP
 simple request-response interaction: “Web
 map server name to IP address
 establish TCP connection with server
 transmit request
 receive response
 close TCP/IP connection
 in HTTP 1.1 the connection remains open for embedded
HTTP request
request includes:
action (GET, HEAD, PUT, POST)
URL that identifies info requested
other: type of doc client will accept,
authentication, payment authorization, etc.
HTTP response
status line (success or failure)
meta-info about object returned and info
file or output generated by server-side app
(CGI script, for example)
single request/response, no continuing
servers don’t have to keep track of clients and
their histories
adverse effect on performance
new connection established for every request
in HTTP 1.0 – new connection for document + 1 for
every image on the page
HTTP 1.1
persistent connection – leaves the TCP
connection open between consecutive
avoids many RTT delays
supports “pipeline of requests”
can send multiple requests without waiting for
a response
Peer-to-Peer Model
used in sharing files, disk space, even
computing cycles
two styles
meta-data server
more messages
purely distributed
more scalable
Web Service Protocols
Web Service
business functionality exposed by a
company, for the purpose of allowing
another company or software program to
use the service
service provider
service registry
service requester
Web services description language
XML format
describes services as endpoints operating on
messages containing either document-oriented
or procedure-oriented information
describes what service does, where it is, how
to invoke it
Universal Description, Discovery,and
for finding services that meet requirements