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Network Devices
Talk about network boxes
Packet headers
Different ethernet media
Different devices
Fast ethernet / gigabit ethernet
Packet headers
Edst Esrc T
IPsrc IPdst
Network devices may use {ether, IP} headers to do it’s job
(sometimes in twisted ways)
Types of ethernet addresses
• Use ethernet addresses to be able to filter
packets in ethernet receiver hardware
• 3 types of addresses:
Unicast: single host
Multicast: group of hosts
Broadcast: all hosts
(tell by lsb of first byte of address)
Collisions (1)
• Ethernet is CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense
Multiple Access/Collision Detection)
• Listen before you transmit
• Listen while you transmit
Collisions (2)
• If there is a collision, both transmitters will:
– Jam
– Backoff (exponentially, randomly)
– Re-try sending the packet
• Minimal packet size: 64 bytes
• Collisions are harmless!
– Actually help scale / stabilize an ethernet
Thick ethernet (10base5)
Thick, rigid cable
Separate transceivers, AUI cable
Vampire clamps (unreliable)
Cables do fall off
10base5 not used much anymore
AUI connector itself very flimsy
Thin ethernet (10base2/BNC)
10base2 (2)
Thin cable (RG58/u) and BNC connectors
Max 185 metres
“Christmas tree problem”
Very cheap
Very unreliable
Getting obsolete, even in SOHO market
10base-T (TP)
10base-T (2)
• Classic ethernet used
• Classic ethernet
• Phone system uses
twisted pair
• Phone system starshaped
• 10base-T applies ‘phone culture’ to computers
10base-T (3)
Hub is layer 1 device
Individual link integrity indicators
max 100 metres
Hub does not filter packets
Whole hub is one collision domain
Daisychaining of hubs limited
•UTP ethernet (10baseT)
• Unshielded twisted pairs
• Two pairs of wires
– one pair transmit
– one pair receive
• If idle, send link pulses
• Simultaneous transmit/receive possible
without collisions
– Full duplex operation possible
•10baseT cables
Normal cable
Used from host to hub
Crossover cable
Used hub to hub
or host to host
Some hubs have built-in crossovers
•n-way autonegotiation
• link pulses now encoded
– carry information about sender’s capabilities
• full/half duplex, 10Mbps/100Mbps
• Announce your own capabilities
• Receive neighbour’s capabilities
• Automatically choose highest common set
of capabilities
• Parallel detection of link pulses for
backward compatibility
n-way autonegotiation
• Technology is mature now
– Early chips had serious issues however, so be
• Failure scenario:
– Forced full-duplex on one side
– Autonegotiation on other side
• Causes full-duplex/half-duplex mismatch
Ethernet Repeaters
Repeaters (2)
Layer 1 device
‘Amplifies’ the ethernet signal
Allows for multiple ethernet segments
Does not filter packets
Whole ethernet still one collision domain
Number of repeaters on same ethernet
Bridges (2)
• Layer 2 device
• Bridges look at ethernet address:
– left: A, B, C
– right: D, E, F
• Will retransmit packet from A to D
• Will not retransmit packet from A to B
Bridges (3)
• Left and right are separate collision
domains (less collisions)
• Store-and-forward: will wait for the whole
packet to arrive completely (forward delay)
• Not used much these days anymore
• Often used approach for dualspeed (10/100)
Ethernet Switch
•Ethernet Switch (2)
• Switch looks at ethernet headers (layer 2)
– ethernet to ethernet only
• Learns what addresses are connected to
which ports
– like a bridge
• Cut-through forwarding
– starts output as soon as headers are known
•Ethernet Switch (3)
• Each port is a separate collision domain
• Usually multiple ports
• Often one host per port
– high performance
– works like a very expensive hub
• Security features
•Router (2)
• Router works on IP header (layer 3)
• Can use almost any underlying media
– LAN or WAN
• Can have several ports
• Useful for long distance connections
• Must be configured
– IP addresses etc.
•Structured wiring
• “Everything over the same wiring”
•Wire Types
Category 3: 10 Mbps
Category 4: 16 Mbps (for token ring)
Category 5: 100 Mbps
Shielded or unshielded
Advice: use Cat 5 UTP (unshielded twisted
• Category 6, 7 and higher marketing hype
– Not official IEEE spec
•Structured wiring pitfalls
• High installation cost
– so install enough the first time
• Use materials that are qualified for Cat 5
• Get guarantee from installer
•Fiber optics
• Must use fiber between buildings
– Cable length restrictions
– Lightning protection
• Multi mode: short hauls
• Single mode: long hauls
Fiber optics (2)
• Different fiber diameters
• Different connector types
– ST generally ‘older’ 10mbit stuff
– SC newer, generally 100mbit
– VF45
Fiber optics (3)
10BaseF for 10Mbps ethernet
100BaseFX for 100Mbps fast ethernet
1000BaseSX for gigabit ethernet
Advice: run more fibers than you need, but
don’t terminate them (yet)
Faster ethernet
• Go from 10mbit/s to 100mbit/s
• 3 competing standards:
– 100base-TX
– 100base-T4
– 100VG-Anylan
Fast ethernet: the losers
• 100base-T4
– 100 mbit over cat3, 4 wire pairs (8 wires)
– One wire pair fixed in each direction,
two pairs can ‘switch’ direction
– Half-duplex only
• 100VG-Anylan
– 100mbit over cat3
Fast ethernet: the winner
• 100base-TX
100 mbit over 2 wirepairs (just like 10base-T)
Requires cat5 wiring
Can run full-duplex
Defacto standard today
Very small price difference with 10mbit-only
equipment these days
– Has clearly won over 100baseT4 and 100VGAnylan by now
Fast ethernet over fiber
• 100base-FX for fiber
• No auto-negotiation, no speed selection
Still faster: gigabit ethernet
• 1 gbit/sec (100 times faster then 10mbit)
• Standard for fiber well established
• Standard for copper defined recently, not
much equipment available yet
– Will run cat5, so don’t buy cat6/7/whatever
Gigabit ethernet
• Non-mature first generation products died
out now
– Firstgen products generally lack performance
• Requires special hardware to drive it
(64-bit PCI)
• Generally only full-duplex operation
Gigabit ethernet and packet size
• Faster ethernet historically kept 1500 byte
packet size
– Made bridging between speeds possible
• Part of gigabit industry wants bigger
– Lower overhead, hence higher performance
• Bigger packets not part of standard
– Unresolved issues
– I believe wrong way to go
10gbit ethernet
• Currently IEEE study group
• Pie-in-the-sky, no products yet