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XRootD Release 4
And Beyond
GSI Seminar
Stanford University/SLAC
July15, 2015
Andrew Hanushevsky, SLAC
User Visible Changes I
New client library:
First available in 3.3.0 now is default
Old deprecated client library is
Copy command: xrdcopy
xrdcopy renamed to xrdcp
 Xrdcopy is now a symlink to xrdcp
 Original xrdcp renamed toxrdcp-old
July 15, 2014
All have same command line interface!
GSI Seminar
User Visible Changes II
New meta command: xrdfs
Logical replacement to xrd command
Different command line interface
 More user friendly and intuitive
When installing Release 4 RPM
You must de-install previous XRootD release
July 15, 2014
They are incompatible
GSI Seminar
Root Support
New client is the default in ROOT
Since 5.34.14 (Dec 14, 2013)
Via TNetXNGFile plug-in
Setting envar XNet.UseOldClient to 1
Loads TNetXFile instead (old client)
Root 6 does not support new client
Due to conflicts with PROOF
 Expected to be resolved in release 6.1
July 15, 2014
GSI Seminar
Admin Visible Changes
IPv6 support
Public Private Networking
Disk Caching Proxy
HTTP Plug-in
Remote Debugging
Optional Client Plug-ins
July 15, 2014
GSI Seminar
IPv6 Support
The new client supports IPv6
It prefers IPv6 whenever possible
This corresponds to HEPIX request
Connects using mapped IPv4 addr if need be
The old client is deprecated
It will not support IPv6
July 15, 2014
GSI Seminar
IPv6 Configuration
Frankly none needed
Clients detect available network stacks
May force it to use various IP modes
Via configuration file or envars
Server detects interfaces and DNS settings
It’s important that DNS is setup correctly
 May force server to use IPv4 only
July 15, 2014
Via command line option (-I v4)
GSI Seminar
IPv6 Considerations I
While servers and redirectors can accept
both IPv6 and IPv4 clients. . .
IPv6 clients are assumed dual-stack
May be redirected to either IPv6 or IPv4 node
This works if all the servers are dual-stack
Client error recovery will resolve this if unworkable
Generally the preferred migration path
Since redirection is via hostname…
July 15, 2014
DNS entry must have no un-routable entries
GSI Seminar
IPv6 Considerations II
Client dual-stack assumption will be lifted
in release 4.1 (3Q14)
Clients will be redirected to compatible nodes
If none, the client receives an error
Largely driven by public-private networks
July 15, 2014
And interactions with IPv6/4
GSI Seminar
Public-Private Network Support
Redirectors are now network cognizant
Servers inform redirectors of usable i/f’s
Clients always compatibly redirected
Private to private and public to public
Subject to configured network topology
July 15, 2014
Via new directive option
Applies to servers and redirectors
GSI Seminar
Public-Private Net Topologies routes type [use if1[,if2]]
type: local | common | split
local (default)
Private incoming -> private (preferred) or public
Public incoming -> only public
No address differentiation (i.e. pre R4 mode)
Incoming address must match outgoing address
If use unspecified addresses come from DNS!
July 15, 2014
GSI Seminar
Private Addresses & DNS
Private addresses should never be in DNS
It’s a site local DNS server or
 The address is zone registered (i.e. only locally available)
This is the assumption used by XRootD
To avoid DNS reverse translation timeouts
Hence, the use option might be needed
If a server connects using a private address
July 15, 2014
GSI Seminar
Public-Private Considerations
The available server interfaces
Must be uniform within a cluster
 Must be compatible with configured topology
Restrictions relaxed in R 4.1
Redirectors will match clients & server i/f’s
May lead to inaccessible files if no match exists
Still working through external access issues
May require a separate redirector for external access
July 15, 2014
Due to IPv6/4 and public-private network interactions
GSI Seminar
Networking Is Complex!
There are many combinations now
Client and server capabilities must now match
There are 4 basic combinations
But things are not that simple!
Dual stack clients add another 4 combinations
July 15, 2014
GSI Seminar
Disk Caching Proxy
New proxy server mode
Configured via pss.cachelib directive
Caches whole files or file segments
Mode is configurable
Cached content available for future access
Until LRU purged (configurable)
Many use cases to increase access speed
July 15, 2014
GSI Seminar
Typical Disk Caching Proxy Uses
Speed up
Remote XRootD
Remote Access
July 15, 2014
Speed up
Random Access
Speed up
HD Access
GSI Seminar
HTTP Plug-in
Basic http, https, WebDav access
Suitable for browsers, curl, wget, & davix
 Provides another mode of well-known access
http is neither low latency nor high-performance
Google & Microsoft have proposed improvements
• Changes submitted to W3C and IETF as http2
• Improvements are considered incremental
• They only address the most vexing problems
Configured via xrd.protocol directive
July 15, 2014
And specialized directives
GSI Seminar
XRootD Multi-Protocol Support
Always supported multiple protocols
Improved architecture makes it much easier
 New protocols can leverage XRootD features
Security, monitoring, file system plug-ins, etc
Memory Based
Protocol Conversion
July 15, 2014
GSI Seminar
Remote Debugging via DigFS
XRootD provided pseudo file system
Provides restricted selectable R/O access to
Configuration file
 Core files
Log files
/proc/self (Linux only)
Has authentication & authorization options
Including access control restrictions
View is standardized regardless of location
 Configured via xrootd.diglib directive
July 15, 2014
GSI Seminar
The DigFS View
July 15, 2014
conf/etc (site specific)
GSI Seminar
DigFS Authorization
DigFS consults authorization file
Created by the site and specified in config file
xrootd.diglib * authfile
[-]core allow
July 15, 2014
GSI Seminar
 
XRootD Client Relationships
External Package
XRootD - add on
XRootD - core
XRootD – plug-ins
Plug-ins replace original implementation
All calls may be replaced
July 15, 2014
All layers above benefit with any code changes
GSI Seminar
Client Plug-ins
Plug-ins are loaded at run-time
Client looks for plug-in configuration files
1st Locally: ~/.xrootd/client.plugins.d/
 2nd Globally: /etc/xrootd/client.plugins.d/
Both locations can be over-ridden via envar
Plug-ins are strictly version checked
Allows for independent development
July 15, 2014
GSI Seminar
Miscellaneous I
Readv proxy pass-through
Automatic & greatly improves performance
Manual log file rotation (e.g. logrotate)
Via extended –k command line option
High precision log file timestamps
New –z command line option
July 15, 2014
Log timestamp appears in microsecond format
GSI Seminar
Miscellaneous II
Special stat() plug-in for odd file systems
Configured via the oss.statlib directive
Includes plug-in for GPFS with tape backend
Cancellable third party copy
Used by transfer tools
Fast directory listings
Stat info can now be included w/ dir entry
July 15, 2014
xrdfs uses this to speed up long listings
GSI Seminar
Miscellaneous III
New query config options
Use the xrdfs command to display
Query cms
 Query role
 Query sitename
 Query version
- shows cmsd status
- shows server’s cluster role
- shows the site’s name
- shows server’s version
Cluster node blacklisting
Via cms.blacklist directive & blacklist file
July 15, 2014
Useful in federated environments
GSI Seminar
Miscellaneous IV
New monitoring information
User login record now also includes
Name of the client’s executable
 Contents of client’s XRD_MONINFO envar
July 15, 2014
Useful to tie external information to actual data usage
E.g. the Panda jobid to cross-reference I/O usage
GSI Seminar
Looking Beyond Release 4
Cross Protocol Redirection
I/O Throttling Plug-in
July 15, 2014
GSI Seminar
Cross-Protocol Redirections I
XRootD protocol is capable of redirecting
to a protocol other than xroot
On file open the server may tell the client that
it’s more efficient to try something else
E.g. read the file locally from disk
July 15, 2014
Open(xroot://host/filename) -> redirect file://filename
GSI Seminar
Cross-Protocol Redirections II
New client already capable of processing
out-of protocol redirections
Server needs some development to do so
Root’s TFile framework needs updating to
handle a change in protocols
Changes already in development
July 15, 2014
Target for root 6.1 or 6.2
GSI Seminar
Meta-Link Files I
XML file that describes one or more data
files available for access
Meta-link file identified by dot suffix
metalink (v3) or meta4 (v4 & incompatible w/ v3)
File is read and parsed by the client
Client picks one based on certain criteria
July 15, 2014
E.G. priority, location, etc
If access fails, client can pick another one
GSI Seminar
Metalink Files II
XRootD client will support meta-link files
But the road is not straight-forward
Incompatible meta-link formats, which one?
 Need to avoid encumbering installation
I.e. pre-reqs for sites that don’t care about meta-links
Targeting availability in 4Q14
July 15, 2014
GSI Seminar
I/O Throttling Plug-in
Allows site to limit I/O access to disk
Useful for throttling external access
Used in federated environments via proxy server
Configured via xrootd.fslib directive
And specific throttling directives
Plug-in is in code review phase
Already used by CMS in production
Targeting 3Q14
July 15, 2014
GSI Seminar
Current Software Contributors
ATLAS: Doug Benjamin, Patrick McGuigan, Ilija Vukotic
CERN: Lukasz Janyst, Andreas Peters, Justin Salmon
Fermi: Tony Johnson
Root: Gerri Ganis, Bertrand Bellenot
SLAC: Andrew Hanushevsky, Wilko Kroeger, Daniel Wang, Wei Yang
UCSD: Matevz Tadel
UNL: Brian Bockelman
WLCG: Mattias Ellert, Fabrizio Furano, David Smith
US Department of Energy
Contract DE-AC02-76SF00515 with Stanford University
July 15, 2014
GSI Seminar