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A Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
award of Masters degree in Computer Applications.
Francis Batte
Supervised by:
Dr. Chen Tianzhou
Department of Computer Science, Zhejiang University.
Structure of this thesis
Chapter 2.0
Chapter 1.0
Chapter 3.0
Chapter 4.0
Figure 1.3 Structure of this Thesis.
Chapter 6.0
Chapter 7.0
Chapter 5.0
Thesis outline
PACS Hardware Components
PACS Software Components
PACS Prototype Application
WebXray Real-time Teleconsultation Tool.
Examination cycle in a conventional radiology
X-Ray LabPatient
Reading Room
Film Library
around may
vary from
Hours to
Intensive care
Office -Clerk Types
out the report
Problem Analysis
Other hospital
Outside clinics
Major limitations of the conventional radiology
• Wasted time - implying diagnostic results many not be
obtained in a timely manner.
• High risk of loss or miss filing patient examination
data - implying they have to retake the examination
• With a manual filing system, retrieval time of films
from the film library maybe in order of minutes if not
• Turn around time in obtaining results by the referring
physician(s) varies from hours to Days.
• It is difficult to obtain a copy of the image without the
need for the digitized hard copy to be regenerated.
Problem Anaysis
Consultation among medical personnel.
Consultation is a very important activity in health care
treatment. During this consultation process, information about
patients’ cases and opinions need to be exchanged between
attending physicians and specialists. Traditionally, this
consultative process occurs through face-to-face meetings,
telephone conversation, or a series of written messages
passed between physicians. Face to face consultations require
both the physician and the specialist be in the same place at the
same time. Since physicians and specialists have multiple
responsibilities and given the fact that they may be separated by
a long distance from the referring physician. This whole
process in general turns out to be time-consuming, inefficient
and causes delay in patient treatment.
Problem Analysis
• The limitations of the conventional radiology department
and consultation among medical personnel can be solved
by deploying a Digital environment Using Picture
Archiving and Communication systems (PACS). PACS
represents an alternative to film and paper in image
interpretation, distribution and management. Based on
digital computer technology, a PACS handles images in
electronic form with the sole objective of attaining a more
efficient and cost-effective means of examining, storing
and retrieving diagnostic images .
• The challenge still facing PACS is clinical acceptance as
opposed to traditional practice. Therefore successful
implementation of PACS is a complex problem that
requires a concerted effort across a wide range of
disciplines. Attaining a fully digital environment, will also
require the enhancement of PACS for remote consultation
or teleconferencing.
What are PACS?
According to National Electrical Manufacturers’ Association
(NEMA), a PACS should be able to offer:
• Medical image viewing at diagnostic, reporting,
consultation and remote workstations,
• Archiving on magnetic or optical media using short or
long-term storage devices,
 Communication using local or wide area networks or
public communications services,
Systems integration with other healthcare facility for
example image acquisition modalities, gateway computers
and departmental information systems.
Image Acquisition systems
Communication Networks
Data archive Systems
Display workstations
Image Acquisition Systems are composed of medical imaging modalities’
devices and acquisition gateway computers which interface the imaging
devices to the PACS archive server as illustrated in the figure below.
NM, DSA, US, CR, or
Imaging Acquisition
To Archive or DWS
Acquisition Gateway
Interface Mechanism
DWS = Display Workstation
Fig 2.1: Schematic block diagram showing PACS image acquisition, with an interface
mechanism connecting the imaging device to the acquisition gateway computer.
The role of the Acquisition gateway computer is to:
• Acquire image data from radiological imaging device
• Convert the data from the manufacturer’s specification to the PACS standard
format compliant with the ACR-NEMA/DICOM data formats
• Perform pre- Image processing functions like background removal, orientation,
resizing etc.
Image Acquisition methods.
Two methods are used for image acquisition: Direct digital acquisition and Digitization
of plain films.
• Direct digital acquisition. Recently developed direct X-ray detectors can capture
the X-ray image without going through an additional medium like the imaging
plate. This method of capture is sometimes called direct digital radiography.
Images obtained from 30% of radiology examinations for example CT, NM, MRI,
US, DF and DSA are already in digital form when generated making them
inherently suitable for PACS integration
• Digitization of plain films: Since computers can process only digital images, and
70% of the radiology departments still use projection radiology which uses X-ray
films a pre requisite for attaining a digital radiology environment is the conversion
of the radiolographic images from films to digital format. This is achieved using
film/image digitizers like Laser film Scanner and Charge-coupled device (CCD).
Communication networks
PACS communication networks enable the movement of medical data
between modality imaging devices, gateway computers, PACS server,
display workstations, remote locations for diagnosis and consultation
and other Hospital information systems like HIS/RIS.
The most commonly used network technologies in building PACS
networks are:
• The Ethernet based on IEEE standard 802.3, Carrier Sense Multiple
Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) protocol. Suitable for
LANs and can operate at 10Mbits/Sec on half-inch coaxial cable,
twisted pair wire or fiber optic cables.
• FDDI can be used for medium speed communication. Runs on optic
fiber at 100Mbits/sec over a distance of 200kms with upto 1000
stations connected.
• ATM: Can be used to combine LAN and WAN application. ATM is a
Virtual circuit- oriented packet switching network with transmission
speed ranging from 51.84 Mbits/sec – 2.5 Gbits/sec.
PACS Network Topology
Topology refers to the way the network is laid out physically or logically.
Two or more devices connect to a link, then two or more links form a
topology. Five basic topologies are possible: Bus, star, tree, mesh and
ring.The topologies used depend on the medical environment being
Conceptually three main types of networks may be used to transport
radiology images:
• A LAN linking imaging devices, data storage units and display devices
within one departmental area.
• A larger LAN for intra-hospital transport linking departments,
• And a tele-radiology network for transmission of images to other
hospitals in the region or to and from remote sites for diagnosis at a
Data storage and Archive
Image storage and communication can be based on either a centralized or
distributed architecture. In centralized storage system all the
acquired images are forward to a central archive system to which
every modality or workstation is attached on a point-to-point basis.
Whereas a distributed architecture is composed of linked local storage
subsystems or file servers. Each server has its own short-term storage
unit (usually a small RAID), one or more image acquisition modalities,
and several diagnostic/review workstations.
Each of these architectures has it’s own advantages and disadvantages.
However distributed storage architecture has been found suitable for
large-scale PACS and centralized architecture for miniPACS.
To Remote
L Local
PACS Central Archive
System (Controller)
Figure 2.4: Storage subsystems in a distributed large scale PACS.
Storage Media
PACS storage devices should hold gigabytes of data with relatively efficient
access time. Research continues to consistently improve PACS by
providing storage media that can hold many images and have quick access
time. A PACS needs at least two levels of archive (short-term and longterm). Images should be retrievable from the short-term archive in 2
seconds. Images from the long-term archive should take no more than 3
minutes to retrieve.
Examples of storage media that can be used for PACS archiving include:
• Redundant array of inexpensive disks (RAID) for immediate access of
current images.
• magnetic disks for faster retrieval of cached images,
• erasable magneto-Optical disks for temporary long term archive,
• write once read many (WORM) in the optical disk library, which
constitute the permanent archive,
• Recently developed digital versatile discs (DVD-ROM) for low cost
permanent archive
• And the digital linear tapes for backup storage
Display Workstation
This is the hardware component radiologists compare to the manual light box or Alternator,
it therefore plays an important role in the clinical acceptance of PACS.
Most radiologists today view diagnostic films in a reading room using light boxes or
alternators. Light boxes are lighted panels on which about a dozen films may be hung at a time
for inspection and manually rotate about 8 out of 200 films into position for viewing. Using
the alternators, rudimentary image processing functions operations like zooming using a
magnifying glass and annotation of films is performed.
Therefore a display workstation is a replacement of the alternator to provide high quality
digital viewing and appropriate image processing capability. The image processing
capabilities provided by a display workstation depend on the type of workstation. Some
of the basic image processing functions include:
Access: Image storage/retrieval, data compression, interpretation of file formats and
communication (esp. ACR-NEMA, DICOM), study handling, multiple image display,
Manipulation: Image processing operations (e.g. zoom, pan, mirror, contrast/brightness
adjustment, reorientation, negate, arithmetics, window/level contrast adjustment),
Evaluation: Local/global greyvalue statistics and geometric properties (2D/3D distance, angle,
profile, image annotation..)
Documentation: Image annotation, report transcription and hardcopy,
PACS Software Components.
PACS software is composed of various software modules
performing different functions depending on the size of the
PACS Application.
For Example:
• Image Acquisition Software responsible for image
Acquiring, Formatting, preprocessing, sending, deleting
and Archival
• Archive Server software for image receiving, stacking,
routing, study grouping, platter management, retrieving
and prefetching.
• Workstation image processing and analysis software
• PACS database for patients’ data storage and organization.
Industrial standards
• It is important to take into consideration defacto industrial
standards when building PACS infrastructure to enable
portability of the system to other computer platforms. For
example the following industrial standards should be used
in a PACS infrastructure design: UNIX operating system,
Windows NT, TCP/IP and DICOM protocols, SQL
(Structured Query language) as the database query
language, ACR-NEMA and DICOM for image data
format, HL7 for database information exchange between
Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine
• DICOM is a popular standard which has emerged as a
result of the initial efforts by ACR and NEMA joint
committee formed in 1993 to:
• Promote communication of digital image information
regardless of device manufacturer
• Facilitate the development and expansion of PACS that can
also interface with other systems of hospital information
• Allow the the creation of diagnostic information databases
that can be interrogated by a wide variety of devices
distributed geographically.
• Since it’s inception, DICOM 3.0 has gone through a lot of
modifications and additions, the latest version released in
1998, consists of 14 parts identified by numbers PS 3.X –
YYYY where X is part number and YYY is year of release
(see Appendix A).
• For example PS 3.2 (Conformance statement) describes
how a manufacturer’s device or its associated software
components conform to a subset of DICOM standard. A
device or software needs only to conform to a subset of
DICOM to be DICOM compliant. For example a Laser
film digitizer needs to conform only to the minimum
requirements for the digitized images to be in DICOM
format and the digitizer should be a service class user to
send the formatted images to a second device (e.g.
magnetic disk), which is a service class provider.
annotation tool
image tool
Graphics format tool
netw ork
information query and
case tree
other operation
dicom file tool
Menu and Toolbar
Display Forms
scanner tool
dicom display tool
print tool
Database Design
WebXray Database is an object oriented database
model implemented using SQL server 7.0, running
on Windows NT operating system.
The database is broken down into three components.
• Storage system
• Storage Management
• Case Tree
The Schematic diagram summaries the design
architecture of the WebXray database.
User Interface
Case Display
Items Display
Image display
Sql Database
Case Tree
Case Table
Items Table
Image Table
Stoarge system
Storage System
Contains three tables
• Case table containing patient’s demographic and
registration information: Attributes in the table include
Patient’s ID, name, sex, birthday, address and Case_ID as
primary key
• Items table stores patients’ diagnosis information after
examination: Attributes in the table include inspection
cause, date, site, diagnosis result, doctor and date with
Items_ID as the primary key
• Image table stores image data and related information i.e
Image_ID, title, View result, annotation.
Schematic diagram showing Data capture and table
Inf ormation
Case Table
Image Table
Items Table
• Storage management is performed by Stored procedures
implemented in the SQL server script, enable updating,
querying and client server communication with the
database. Stored procedures are used in this case as
opposed to the execution of similar queries activated from
the client to reduce network traffic.
• Case Tree
The case tree, the front-end hierarchical Tree View of the
database embedded in the Graphical User Interface. It
facilities the communication between the user and the
SQL database server during database manipulation and
image display. With the case tree it is possible to switch
between the 3 database forms easily in the Graphical user
interface to enter new data or view existing data
DICOM Compatibility
DICOM File tool.
• WebXray acquires DICOM images through DICOM CDROMs, CD-ROMs specifically designed for medical
application. WebXray uses DICOM single file format. A
single DICOM file contains a file header and the actual
image data. (see appendix B for WebXray DICOM header)
• TDICOMObject is used in WebXray to open and read the
DICOM file stream into memory and to convert the
memory stream from DICOM format to BMP for display
on the workstation. (page 48/49).
DICOM Display tool
Demonstration of the DICOM display Tool Effect on
the same image using different window level
Computer aided diagnosis tools.
• These tools are incorporated into the user interface to aid
image processing and analysis. They include: Graphics
format tool for annotation of images with text and
graphics symbols during image analysis. Annotations help
doctors isolate regions of interest on the image for further
Image Tool
• This tool has most of the image processing tools mention
earlier: Image scanning, zooming, loading, geometric
transformation, smoothening, sharpening and displaying
the edges of the image e.t.c
Graphical User interface Design
• In addition to the case tree, image tool and
graphics tool already mentioned earlier, the
Graphical User Interface has additional
features like: Menu Bar, Toolbar and three
forms used to enter, edit, manipulate and
display the patient’s data stored in the
Figure shows the image form used to display and
manipulate data in the Image table.
WebXray Hardware requirements
• A Server with:
CD-R, at least 64MB of RAM, Windows NT
operating system and MS SQL Server for database
• CD-ROMS for short term and long term archiving
• High resolution Pentium computers with memory
not less than 64MB as Clients.
• Digital film scanner for digitizing X-ray films.
• Laser printers for producing a hard copy diagnosis
report and conference notes
• 10 M/bits Ethernet or better .
WebXray Real-time Teleconsultation Tool.
• Consider the scenario:
A doctor in a hospital ward wants to consult the radiologist about the
results written for one of the patients in the ward, without having to
leave the ward and walk all the way to the radiology department.
This is one of the many scenarios teleconsultation is trying to address.
Teleconsulation is a situation in which two or more physicians located in
different departments of the hospital or geographically dispersed need
to discuss the same patients’ image data without leaving their
Simple solutions have come up like Televideo and application sharing
software for example NetMeeting from Microsoft, Proshare by Intel,
PC Anywhere by Symantec and many others but have found little
applicability to the medical environment due to lack of image
processing tools. This therefore calls for integration of the
teleconsultation component component with medical imaging
component. This can be achieved in several ways each with its distinct
advantages and disadvantages:
1) Conventional application-sharing software could be used in
conjunction with PACS software. This can be realized first but will
have poor performance as already mention above.
2) A CSCW toolkit can be used to add the communication functionality
to existing medical imaging software. This may have draw back
because of lack of total integration of the two of software
3) A PACS medical imaging software can be created from the ground
up with the communication facilities built in. This option is more
complex but provides optimal performance since all the system
components will be fully integrated into the system.
In our system we adopt the third approach to develop the webXray remote
consultation tool (referred to as Nettalk) by adding communication
functionality to the WebXray application using TCP/IP.
The purpose of adding Nettalk in the WebXray PACS
application is to enable physicians’ exchange comments in
real-time during a tele-consultation session.
In addition to the above, the application provides:
 A friendly multi-user graphical interface, containing a
user menu and toolbar to quickly access commonly used
 Shared Text view visible to all conference participants
and a private text editor for posting text to the conference.
 Client/server communication using TCP/IP.
 Print facility to enable printing conference notes
 Basic software functions like save, open , print preview.
Nettalk Communication Design
• Nettalk is based on a replicate model for client-server process
communication. In a replicate model each participating site runs a
copy of the conferencing software with identical functionalities. Any
conferencing data generated by a participating site will be
disseminated to other participating sites and maintained locally. The
replicate model has striking advantages such as better system
performance, that is why it is chosen as the implementation model for
• TCP/IP protocol is used in implementing client-server communication
architecture. In client-server communication architecture,
communication generally takes the form of a request message from the
client to the server asking for a service to be delivered. The server then
processes the service and sends back a reply
Illustration of client-server model using TCP/IP as
the communication protocol.
• To add TCP/IP functionality to nettalk, client/server sockets are
used. Delphi provides two VCL (Visual Component Library) classes,
TClientSocket and TServerSocket, which allow creating TCP/IP socket
connections to communicate with other remote applications.
• TserverSocket.
TServerSocket is used to manage server socket connections for TCP/IP
server. TServerSocket object is added to nettalk design form to turn it
into a TCP/IP server. When the application is running, TServerSocket
listens for requests from TCP/IP connections from remote machines,
and establishes connections when requests are granted.
• TclientSocket.
TClientSocket is used to manage socket connections for TCP/IP client.
TClientSocket object is added to nettalk design form to turn it into a
TCP/IP client. TClientSocket specifies a desired connection to nettalk
TCP/IP server, manages the connection when it is open, and terminates
the connection when the application is through.
SendText and ReceiveText
Some of the main procedures I used in this program to activate socket
connections are sendText and receiveText.
• SendText:
function SendText(const S: string): Integer;
This procedure writes a string S to the socket connection
• ReceiveText:
function ReceiveText: string;
ReceiveText is used to read a string from the socket connection in the
OnClientRead event handler of a socket component
For Example
for j:=0 to i do
serversocket1.Socket.Connections [j].SendText (label1.Caption+': '
Will broadcast to all connected sections the text in sendtext()
Discussions, conclusions and Future Work
Future advances PACS in workstation display resolution, network
speed, data storage capacity, computer speed and electronic
components will help make PACS a powerful alternative to Hard-copy
From this research in chapters 2 through 3 it is realized that building
PACS demands a lot in terms of hardware and software and depends
greatly on the currently available technologies. Therefore in a mid of
limited resources, the computerization process in hospitals should be
stepwise, first hospitals need to set up RIS and HIS which are less
demanding before setting up PACS. Mini PACS with the possibility for
expansion can be a hopeful solution for small radiology departments .
Chapter 5.0 analyzed the implementation of PACS components in a
prototype application (WebXray). WebXray is implemented on the
Windows NT operating system platform because Windows NT is the most
widely used network operating system running on PCs and support TCP/IP
communication and multitasking. It therefore provides a low cost software
development platform for medical imaging applications in a PC
• Chapter 6.0 is an effort we adopted to address the problem
of consultation among medical personnel.
To enable
referring physicians use WebXray for Remote consultation,
Nettalk was developed. With nettalk, unlimited number of
referring physicians can easily exchange comments with
their colleagues scattered in different parts of the hospital
while analyzing the same image, bridging space and time
very critical in health care delivery.
• However, WebXray needs more enhancements to be a full
medical multimedia conferencing system. More program
modules need to be added to support exchange of graphic
annotations, voice and video, which this research was not
able to accomplish in a limited time frame.